Jonathan Hefner 19df946585 Deprecate params via :args for assert_enqueued_email_with
In #45752, a `:params` kwarg was added to `assert_enqueued_email_with`
so that mailer params and args could be specified simultaneously.
However, for backward compatibility, the old behavior of treating an
`:args` Hash as params was preserved.  The result is that if both
`:params` and `:args` are specified and `:args` is a Hash, `:params` is

This commit deprecates specifying params via `:args` (i.e. passing a
Hash to `:args`).

After the deprecated behavior is removed, it will be possible to pass
a Hash to `:args`, and the Hash will be treated as named args instead.
2023-05-11 14:11:17 -05:00

3.3 KiB

  • Deprecate passing params to assert_enqueued_email_with via the :args kwarg. assert_enqueued_email_with now supports a :params kwarg, so use that to pass params:

    # BEFORE
    assert_enqueued_email_with MyMailer, :my_method, args: { my_param: "value" }
    # AFTER
    assert_enqueued_email_with MyMailer, :my_method, params: { my_param: "value" }

    To specify named mailer args as a Hash, wrap the Hash in an array:

    assert_enqueued_email_with MyMailer, :my_method, args: [{ my_arg: "value" }]
    # OR
    assert_enqueued_email_with MyMailer, :my_method, args: [my_arg: "value"]

    Jonathan Hefner

  • Accept procs for args and params in assert_enqueued_email_with

    assert_enqueued_email_with DeliveryJob, params: -> p { p[:token] =~ /\w+/ } do
      UserMailer.with(token: user.generate_token).email_verification.deliver_later

    Max Chernyak

  • Added *_deliver callbacks to ActionMailer::Base that wrap mail message delivery.


    class EventsMailer < ApplicationMailer
      after_deliver do
        User.find_by(email: message.to.first).update(email_provider_id: message.message_id, emailed_at: Time.current)

    Ben Sheldon

  • Added deliver_enqueued_emails to ActionMailer::TestHelper. This method delivers all enqueued email jobs.


    def test_deliver_enqueued_emails
      deliver_enqueued_emails do
      assert_emails 1

    Andrew Novoselac

  • The deliver_later_queue_name used by the default mailer job can now be configured on a per-mailer basis. Previously this was only configurable for all mailers via ActionMailer::Base.


    class EventsMailer < ApplicationMailer
      self.deliver_later_queue_name = :throttled_mailer

    Jeffrey Hardy

  • Email previews now include an expandable section to show all headers.

    Headers like Message-ID for threading or email service provider specific features like analytics tags or account metadata can now be viewed directly in the mailer preview.

    Matt Swanson

  • Default ActionMailer::Parameterized#params to an empty Hash

    Sean Doyle

  • assert_emails now returns the emails that were sent.

    This makes it easier to do further analysis on those emails:

    def test_emails_more_thoroughly
      email = assert_emails 1 do
      assert_email "Hi there", email.subject
      emails = assert_emails 2 do
      assert_email "Hi there", emails.first.subject

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Added ability to download .eml file for the email preview.

    Igor Kasyanchuk

  • Support multiple preview paths for mailers.

    Option config.action_mailer.preview_path is deprecated in favor of config.action_mailer.preview_paths. Appending paths to this configuration option will cause those paths to be used in the search for mailer previews.


Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.