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  • Consistently raise an ArgumentError when passing an invalid argument to a nested attributes association writer.

    Previously, this would only raise on collection associations and produce a generic error on singular associations.

    Now, it will raise on both collection and singular associations.

    Joshua Young

  • Fix single quote escapes on default generated MySQL columns

    MySQL 5.7.5+ supports generated columns, which can be used to create a column that is computed from an expression.

    Previously, the schema dump would output a string with double escapes for generated columns with single quotes in the default expression.

    This would result in issues when importing the schema on a fresh instance of a MySQL database.

    Now, the string will not be escaped and will be valid Ruby upon importing of the schema.

    Yash Kapadia

  • Fix Migrations with versions older than 7.1 validating options given to add_reference and t.references.

    Hartley McGuire

  • Add <role>_types class method to ActiveRecord::DelegatedType so that the delegated types can be instrospected

    JP Rosevear

  • Make schema_dump, query_cache, replica and database_tasks configurable via DATABASE_URL

    This wouldn't always work previously because boolean values would be interpreted as strings.

    e.g. DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/foo?schema_dump=false now properly disable dumping the schema cache.

    Mike Coutermarsh, Jean Boussier

  • Introduce ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods#set_callback

    It is identical to ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods#set_callback but with support for after_commit and after_rollback callback options.

    Joshua Young

  • Make ActiveRecord::Encryption::Encryptor agnostic of the serialization format used for encrypted data.

    Previously, the encryptor instance only allowed an encrypted value serialized as a String to be passed to the message serializer.

    Now, the encryptor lets the configured message_serializer decide which types of serialized encrypted values are supported. A custom serialiser is therefore allowed to serialize ActiveRecord::Encryption::Message objects using a type other than String.

    The default ActiveRecord::Encryption::MessageSerializer already ensures that only String objects are passed for deserialization.

    Maxime Réty

  • Fix encrypted_attribute? to take into account context properties passed to encrypts.

    Maxime Réty

  • The object returned by explain now responds to pluck, first, last, average, count, maximum, minimum, and sum. Those new methods run EXPLAIN on the corresponding queries:

    # ...
    # EXPLAIN SELECT MAX(`users`.`id`) FROM `users`
    # ...

    Petrik de Heus

  • Fixes an issue where validates_associated :on option wasn't respected when validating associated records.

    Austen Madden, Alex Ghiculescu, Rafał Brize

  • Allow overriding SQLite defaults from database.yml.

    Any PRAGMA configuration set under the pragmas key in the configuration file takes precedence over Rails' defaults, and additional PRAGMAs can be set as well.

    database: storage/development.sqlite3
    timeout: 5000
      journal_mode: off
      temp_store: memory

    Stephen Margheim

  • Remove warning message when running SQLite in production, but leave it unconfigured.

    There are valid use cases for running SQLite in production. However, it must be done with care, so instead of a warning most users won't see anyway, it's preferable to leave the configuration commented out to force them to think about having the database on a persistent volume etc.

    Jacopo Beschi, Jean Boussier

  • Add support for generated columns to the SQLite3 adapter.

    Generated columns (both stored and dynamic) are supported since version 3.31.0 of SQLite. This adds support for those to the SQLite3 adapter.

    create_table :users do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.virtual :name_upper, type: :string, as: 'UPPER(name)'
      t.virtual :name_lower, type: :string, as: 'LOWER(name)', stored: true

    Stephen Margheim

  • TrilogyAdapter: ignore host if socket parameter is set.

    This allows to configure a connection on a UNIX socket via DATABASE_URL:


    Jean Boussier

  • Make assert_queries_count, assert_no_queries, assert_queries_match, and assert_no_queries_match assertions public.

    To assert the expected number of queries are made, Rails internally uses assert_queries_count and assert_no_queries. To assert that specific SQL queries are made, assert_queries_match and assert_no_queries_match are used. These assertions can now be used in applications as well.

    class ArticleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
      test "queries are made" do
        assert_queries_count(1) { Article.first }
      test "creates a foreign key" do
        assert_queries_match(/ADD FOREIGN KEY/i, include_schema: true) do
          @connection.add_foreign_key(:comments, :posts)

    Petrik de Heus, fatkodima

  • Fix has_secure_token calls the setter method on initialize.

    Abeid Ahmed

  • When using a DATABASE_URL, allow for a configuration to map the protocol in the URL to a specific database adapter. This allows decoupling the adapter the application chooses to use from the database connection details set in the deployment environment.

    # ENV['DATABASE_URL'] = "mysql://localhost/example_database"
    config.active_record.protocol_adapters.mysql = "trilogy"
    # will connect to MySQL using the trilogy adapter

    Jean Boussier, Kevin McPhillips

  • In cases where MySQL returns warning_count greater than zero, but returns no warnings when the SHOW WARNINGS query is executed, ActiveRecord.db_warnings_action proc will still be called with a generic warning message rather than silently ignoring the warning(s).

    Kevin McPhillips

  • DatabaseConfigurations#configs_for accepts a symbol in the name parameter.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Fix where(field: values) queries when field is a serialized attribute (for example, when field uses ActiveRecord::Base.serialize or is a JSON column).

    João Alves

  • Make the output of ActiveRecord::Core#inspect configurable.

    By default, calling inspect on a record will yield a formatted string including just the id.

    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1>"

    The attributes to be included in the output of inspect can be configured with ActiveRecord::Core#attributes_for_inspect.

    Post.attributes_for_inspect = [:id, :title]
    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1, title: "Hello, World!">"

    With attributes_for_inspect set to :all, inspect will list all the record's attributes.

    Post.attributes_for_inspect = :all
    Post.first.inspect #=> "#<Post id: 1, title: "Hello, World!", published_at: "2023-10-23 14:28:11 +0000">"

    In development and test mode, attributes_for_inspect will be set to :all by default.

    You can also call full_inspect to get an inspection with all the attributes.

    The attributes in attribute_for_inspect will also be used for pretty_print.

    Andrew Novoselac

  • Don't mark attributes as changed when reassigned to Float::INFINITY or -Float::INFINITY.

    Maicol Bentancor

  • Support the RETURNING clause for MariaDB.

    fatkodima, Nikolay Kondratyev

  • The SQLite3 adapter now implements the supports_deferrable_constraints? contract.

    Allows foreign keys to be deferred by adding the :deferrable key to the foreign_key options.

    add_reference :person, :alias, foreign_key: { deferrable: :deferred }
    add_reference :alias, :person, foreign_key: { deferrable: :deferred }

    Stephen Margheim

  • Add the set_constraints helper to PostgreSQL connections.

    Post.create!(user_id: -1) # => ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey
    Post.transaction do
      p = Post.create!(user_id: -1)
      u = User.create!
      p.user = u

    Cody Cutrer

  • Include ActiveModel::API in ActiveRecord::Base.

    Sean Doyle

  • Ensure #signed_id outputs url_safe strings.

    Jason Meller

  • Add nulls_last and working desc.nulls_first for MySQL.

    Tristan Fellows

Please check 7-1-stable for previous changes.