Santiago Bartesaghi 2895c6b9a2 Fix #41661 attaching multiple times within transaction
Co-authored-by: Abhay Nikam <nikam.abhay1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Vezoli <brunvezoli@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Juan Eduardo Roig <jeroig@gmail.com>
2022-06-06 21:23:33 -07:00

2.5 KiB

  • Fixes multiple attach calls within transaction not uploading files correctly.

    In the following example, the code failed to upload all but the last file to the configured service.

      ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
          content_type: "text/plain",
          filename: "dummy.txt",
          io: ::StringIO.new("dummy"),
          content_type: "text/plain",
          filename: "dummy2.txt",
          io: ::StringIO.new("dummy2"),
      assert_equal 2, user.attachments.count
      assert user.attachments.first.service.exist?(user.attachments.first.key)  # Fails

    This was addressed by keeping track of the subchanges pending upload, and uploading them once the transaction is committed.

    Fixes #41661

    Santiago Bartesaghi, Bruno Vezoli, Juan Roig, Abhay Nikam

  • Raise an exception if config.active_storage.service is not set.

    If Active Storage is configured and config.active_storage.service is not set in the respective environment's configuration file, then an exception is raised with a meaningful message when attempting to use Active Storage.

    Ghouse Mohamed

  • Fixes proxy downloads of files over 5mb

    Previously, trying to view and/or download files larger than 5mb stored in services like S3 via proxy mode could return corrupted files at around 5.2mb or cause random halts in the download. Now, ActiveStorage::Blobs::ProxyController correctly handles streaming these larger files from the service to the client without any issues.

    Fixes #44679

    Felipe Raul

  • Saving attachment(s) to a record returns the blob/blobs object

    Previously, saving attachments did not return the blob/blobs that were attached. Now, saving attachments to a record with #attach method returns the blob or array of blobs that were attached to the record. If it fails to save the attachment(s), then it returns false.

    Ghouse Mohamed

  • Don't stream responses in redirect mode

    Previously, both redirect mode and proxy mode streamed their responses which caused a new thread to be created, and could end up leaking connections in the connection pool. But since redirect mode doesn't actually send any data, it doesn't need to be streamed.

    Luke Lau

Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.