Sean Doyle 812e50b00a token_list: Guard Stimulus' data-action from multiple escapes
Prior to this commit, chaining more than one `token_list` calls with a
[data-action][] attribute value would result in one too many HTML
escapes. Additional subsequent calls would compound the problem.

For example, the following calls would result in an invalid descriptor
that's escaped too many times to be parsed.

first   = "click->controller#action1"
second  = "click->controller#action2"
third   = "click->controller#action3"
fourth  = "click->controller#action4"

value = token_list(first, token_list(second, token_list(third)))

CGI.unescape_html value.to_s
 # => "click->controller#action1 click->controller#action2 click->controller#action3 click->controller#action4"

By [CGI.unescape_html][] each `String` value before passing it to
[token_list][] (which re-escapes the value), we can preserve a lossless
concatenation process while also preserving the HTML safety.

After this commit, the previous example works as expected:

first   = "click->controller#action1"
second  = "click->controller#action2"
third   = "click->controller#action3"
fourth  = "click->controller#action4"

value = token_list(first, token_list(second, token_list(third)))

CGI.unescape_html value.to_s
 # => "click->controller#action1 click->controller#action2 click->controller#action3 click->controller#action4"

[unescaping]: https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.5.3/libdoc/cgi/rdoc/CGI/Util.html#method-i-unescape_html
[data-action]: https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/reference/actions
2023-02-08 11:53:02 -05:00

5.8 KiB

  • Guard token_list calls from escaping HTML too often

    Sean Doyle

  • select can now be called with a single hash containing options and some HTML options

    Previously this would not work as expected:

    <%= select :post, :author, authors, required: true %>

    Instead you needed to do this:

    <%= select :post, :author, authors, {}, required: true %>

    Now, either form is accepted, for the following HTML attributes: required, multiple, size.

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Datetime form helpers (time_field, date_field, datetime_field, week_field, month_field) now accept an instance of Time/Date/DateTime as :value option.


    <%= form.datetime_field :written_at, value: Time.current.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T") %>


    <%= form.datetime_field :written_at, value: Time.current %>

    Andrey Samsonov

  • Choices of select can optionally contain html attributes as the last element of the child arrays when using grouped/nested collections

    <%= form.select :foo, [["North America", [["United States","US"],["Canada","CA"]], { disabled: "disabled" }]] %>
    # => <select><optgroup label="North America" disabled="disabled"><option value="US">United States</option><option value="CA">Canada</option></optgroup></select>

    Chris Gunther

  • check_box_tag and radio_button_tag now accept checked as a keyword argument

    This is to make the API more consistent with the FormHelper variants. You can now provide checked as a positional or keyword argument:

    = check_box_tag "admin", "1", false
    = check_box_tag "admin", "1", checked: false
    = radio_button_tag 'favorite_color', 'maroon', false
    = radio_button_tag 'favorite_color', 'maroon', checked: false

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Allow passing a class to dom_id. You no longer need to call new when passing a class to dom_id. This makes dom_id behave like dom_class in this regard. Apart from saving a few keystrokes, it prevents Ruby from needing to instantiate a whole new object just to generate a string.


    dom_id(Post) # => NoMethodError: undefined method `to_key' for Post:Class


    dom_id(Post) # => "new_post"

    Goulven Champenois

  • Report :locals as part of the data returned by ActionView render instrumentation.


    identifier: "/Users/adam/projects/notifications/app/views/posts/index.html.erb",
    layout: "layouts/application"


    identifier: "/Users/adam/projects/notifications/app/views/posts/index.html.erb",
    layout: "layouts/application",
    locals: {foo: "bar"}

    Aaron Gough

  • Strip break_sequence at the end of word_wrap.

    This fixes a bug where word_wrap didn't properly strip off break sequences that had printable characters.

    For example, compare the outputs of this template:

    # <%= word_wrap("11 22\n33 44", line_width: 2, break_sequence: "\n# ") %>


    # 11
    # 22
    # 33
    # 44


    # 11
    # 22
    # 33
    # 44

    Max Chernyak

  • Allow templates to set strict locals.

    By default, templates will accept any locals as keyword arguments. To define what locals a template accepts, add a locals magic comment:

    <%# locals: (message:) -%>
    <%= message %>

    Default values can also be provided:

    <%# locals: (message: "Hello, world!") -%>
    <%= message %>

    Or locals can be disabled entirely:

    <%# locals: () %>

    Joel Hawksley

  • Add include_seconds option for datetime_local_field

    This allows to omit seconds part in the input field, by passing include_seconds: false

    Wojciech Wnętrzak

  • Guard against ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper#field_name calls with nil object_name arguments. For example:

    <%= fields do |f| %>
      <%= f.field_name :body %>
    <% end %>

    Sean Doyle

  • Strings returned from strip_tags are correctly tagged html_safe?

    Because these strings contain no HTML elements and the basic entities are escaped, they are safe to be included as-is as PCDATA in HTML content. Tagging them as html-safe avoids double-escaping entities when being concatenated to a SafeBuffer during rendering.

    Fixes rails/rails-html-sanitizer#124

    Mike Dalessio

  • Move convert_to_model call from form_for into form_with

    Now that form_for is implemented in terms of form_with, remove the convert_to_model call from form_for.

    Sean Doyle

  • Fix and add protections for XSS in ActionView::Helpers and ERB::Util.

    Escape dangerous characters in names of tags and names of attributes in the tag helpers, following the XML specification. Rename the option :escape_attributes to :escape, to simplify by applying the option to the whole tag.

    Álvaro Martín Fraguas

  • Extend audio_tag and video_tag to accept Active Storage attachments.

    Now it's possible to write


    Instead of


    image_tag already supported that, so this follows the same pattern.

    Matheus Richard

  • Ensure models passed to form_for attempt to call to_model.

    Sean Doyle

Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.