Joé Dupuis 32e7028aa1 Add health check on standalone Action Cable
Action Cable can be mounted standalone, but it loses the health check
route provided by the railties.
This change adds configuration for a health check rack app and a
health check route to "mount" the rack app.

Fixes #48185
2023-05-27 16:59:34 -07:00

2.7 KiB

  • Added health_check_path and health_check_application config to mount a given health check rack app on a given path. Useful when mounting Action Cable standalone.

    Joé Dupuis

  • assert_broadcasts now returns the messages that were broadcast.

    This makes it easier to do further analysis on those messages:

    message = assert_broadcasts("test", 1) do
      ActionCable.server.broadcast "test", "message"
    assert_equal "message", message
    messages = assert_broadcasts("test", 2) do
      ActionCable.server.broadcast "test", { message: "one" }
      ActionCable.server.broadcast "test", { message: "two" }
    assert_equal 2, messages.length
    assert_equal({ "message" => "one" }, messages.first)
    assert_equal({ "message" => "two" }, messages.last)

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • Display broadcasted messages on error message when using assert_broadcast_on

    Stéphane Robino

  • The Action Cable client now supports subprotocols to allow passing arbitrary data to the server.

    const consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer()

    See also:

    Guillaume Hain

  • Redis pub/sub adapter now automatically reconnects when Redis connection is lost.

    Vladimir Dementyev

  • The connected() callback can now take a {reconnected} parameter to differentiate connections from reconnections.

    import consumer from "./consumer"
    consumer.subscriptions.create("ExampleChannel", {
      connected({reconnected}) {
        if (reconnected) {
        } else {

    Mansa Keïta

  • The Redis adapter is now compatible with redis-rb 5.0

    Compatibility with redis-rb 3.x was dropped.

    Jean Boussier

  • The Action Cable server is now mounted with anchor: true.

    This means that routes that also start with /cable will no longer clash with Action Cable.

    Alex Ghiculescu

  • ActionCable.server.remote_connections.where(...).disconnect now sends disconnect message before closing the connection with the reconnection strategy specified (defaults to true).

    Vladimir Dementyev

  • Added command callbacks to ActionCable::Connection::Base.

    Now you can define before_command, after_command, and around_command to be invoked before, after or around any command received by a client respectively.

    Vladimir Dementyev

Please check 7-0-stable for previous changes.