
512 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
# Populate a template file (POT format currently) from Blender RNA/py/C data.
# Note: This script is meant to be used from inside Blender!
import os
import bpy
from mathutils import (
def ids_nolib(bids):
return (bid for bid in bids if not bid.library)
def rna_backup_gen(data, include_props=None, exclude_props=None, root=()):
# only writable properties...
for p in
pid = p.identifier
if pid == "rna_type" or pid == "original":
path = root + (pid,)
if include_props is not None and path not in include_props:
if exclude_props is not None and path in exclude_props:
val = getattr(data, pid)
if val is not None and p.type == 'POINTER':
# recurse!
yield from rna_backup_gen(val, include_props, exclude_props, root=path)
elif data.is_property_readonly(pid):
yield path, val
def rna_backup_restore(data, backup):
for path, val in backup:
dt = data
for pid in path[:-1]:
dt = getattr(dt, pid)
setattr(dt, path[-1], val)
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
def do_previews(do_objects, do_collections, do_scenes, do_data_intern):
2016-08-01 01:54:02 +00:00
import collections
# Helpers.
RenderContext = collections.namedtuple("RenderContext", (
"scene", "world", "camera", "light", "camera_data", "light_data", "image", # All those are names!
"backup_scene", "backup_world", "backup_camera", "backup_light", "backup_camera_data", "backup_light_data",
def render_context_create(engine, objects_ignored):
if engine == '__SCENE':
backup_scene, backup_world, backup_camera, backup_light, backup_camera_data, backup_light_data = [()] * 6
scene = bpy.context.window.scene
exclude_props = {('world',), ('camera',), ('tool_settings',), ('preview',)}
backup_scene = tuple(rna_backup_gen(scene, exclude_props=exclude_props))
world =
camera =
if camera:
camera_data =
backup_camera, backup_camera_data = [None] * 2
camera_data ="TEMP_preview_render_camera")
camera ="TEMP_preview_render_camera", camera_data)
camera.rotation_euler = Euler((1.1635528802871704, 0.0, 0.7853981852531433), 'XYZ') # (66.67, 0.0, 45.0) = camera
# TODO: add light if none found in scene?
light = None
light_data = None
backup_scene, backup_world, backup_camera, backup_light, backup_camera_data, backup_light_data = [None] * 6
scene ="TEMP_preview_render_scene")
world ="TEMP_preview_render_world")
camera_data ="TEMP_preview_render_camera")
camera ="TEMP_preview_render_camera", camera_data)
light_data ="TEMP_preview_render_light", 'SPOT')
light ="TEMP_preview_render_light", light_data)
objects_ignored.add((, = world
camera.rotation_euler = Euler((1.1635528802871704, 0.0, 0.7853981852531433), 'XYZ') # (66.67, 0.0, 45.0) = camera
light.rotation_euler = Euler((0.7853981852531433, 0.0, 1.7453292608261108), 'XYZ') # (45.0, 0.0, 100.0)
light_data.falloff_type = 'CONSTANT'
light_data.spot_size = 1.0471975803375244 # 60
scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
scene.render.film_transparent = True
# TODO: define Cycles world?
scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG'
scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = '8'
scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = 'RGBA'
scene.render.image_settings.compression = 25
scene.render.resolution_x = RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE
scene.render.resolution_y = RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE
scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100
scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(, 'TEMP_preview_render.png')
scene.render.use_overwrite = True
scene.render.use_stamp = False
image ="TEMP_render_image", RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE, RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE, alpha=True)
image.source = 'FILE'
image.filepath = scene.render.filepath
return RenderContext(, if world else None,, if light else None,, if light_data else None,,
backup_scene, backup_world, backup_camera, backup_light, backup_camera_data, backup_light_data,
def render_context_delete(render_context):
# We use try/except blocks here to avoid crash, too much things can go wrong, and we want to leave the current
# .blend as clean as possible!
success = True
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
if render_context.backup_scene is None: = None = None
scene.collection.objects.unlink([, None])
if render_context.light:
scene.collection.objects.unlink([render_context.light, None]), do_unlink=True)
scene = None
rna_backup_restore(scene, render_context.backup_scene)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
success = False
if is not None:
world =[, None]
if render_context.backup_world is None:
if scene is not None: = None
rna_backup_restore(world, render_context.backup_world)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
success = False
camera =[, None]
if render_context.backup_camera is None:
if scene is not None: = None
camera.user_clear()[render_context.camera_data, None])
rna_backup_restore(camera, render_context.backup_camera)
rna_backup_restore([render_context.camera_data, None],
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
success = False
if render_context.light:
light =[render_context.light, None]
if render_context.backup_light is None:
if scene is not None:
light.user_clear()[render_context.light_data, None])
rna_backup_restore(light, render_context.backup_light)
rna_backup_restore([render_context.light_data, None], render_context.backup_light_data)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
success = False
image =[render_context.image, None]
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
success = False
return success
def object_bbox_merge(bbox, ob, ob_space, offset_matrix):
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
# Take collections instances into account (including linked one in this case).
if ob.type == 'EMPTY' and ob.instance_type == 'COLLECTION':
grp_objects = tuple((, ob.library.filepath if ob.library else None) for ob in ob.instance_collection.all_objects)
if (len(grp_objects) == 0):
ob_bbox = ob.bound_box
coords = objects_bbox_calc(ob_space, grp_objects,
ob_bbox = ((coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]), (coords[21], coords[22], coords[23]))
elif ob.bound_box:
ob_bbox = ob.bound_box
ob_bbox = ((-ob.scale.x, -ob.scale.y, -ob.scale.z), (ob.scale.x, ob.scale.y, ob.scale.z))
for v in ob_bbox:
v = offset_matrix @ Vector(v) if offset_matrix is not None else Vector(v)
v = ob_space.matrix_world.inverted() @ ob.matrix_world @ v
if bbox[0].x > v.x:
bbox[0].x = v.x
if bbox[0].y > v.y:
bbox[0].y = v.y
if bbox[0].z > v.z:
bbox[0].z = v.z
if bbox[1].x < v.x:
bbox[1].x = v.x
if bbox[1].y < v.y:
bbox[1].y = v.y
if bbox[1].z < v.z:
bbox[1].z = v.z
def objects_bbox_calc(camera, objects, offset_matrix):
bbox = (Vector((1e24, 1e24, 1e24)), Vector((-1e24, -1e24, -1e24)))
for obname, libpath in objects:
ob =[obname, libpath]
object_bbox_merge(bbox, ob, camera, offset_matrix)
# Our bbox has been generated in camera local space, bring it back in world one
bbox[0][:] = camera.matrix_world @ bbox[0]
bbox[1][:] = camera.matrix_world @ bbox[1]
cos = (
bbox[0].x, bbox[0].y, bbox[0].z,
bbox[0].x, bbox[0].y, bbox[1].z,
bbox[0].x, bbox[1].y, bbox[0].z,
bbox[0].x, bbox[1].y, bbox[1].z,
bbox[1].x, bbox[0].y, bbox[0].z,
bbox[1].x, bbox[0].y, bbox[1].z,
bbox[1].x, bbox[1].y, bbox[0].z,
bbox[1].x, bbox[1].y, bbox[1].z,
return cos
def preview_render_do(render_context, item_container, item_name, objects, offset_matrix=None):
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
if objects is not None:
camera =[, None]
light =[render_context.light, None] if render_context.light is not None else None
cos = objects_bbox_calc(camera, objects, offset_matrix)
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
loc, _ortho_scale = camera.camera_fit_coords(depsgraph, cos)
camera.location = loc
# Set camera clipping accordingly to computed bbox.
min_dist = 1e24
max_dist = -1e24
for co in zip(*(iter(cos),) * 3):
dist = (Vector(co) - loc).length
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
if dist > max_dist:
max_dist = dist = min_dist / 2 = max_dist * 2
if light:
loc, _ortho_scale = light.camera_fit_coords(depsgraph, cos)
light.location = loc
image =[render_context.image, None]
item = getattr(, item_container)[item_name, None]
item.preview.image_size = (RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE, RENDER_PREVIEW_SIZE)
item.preview.image_pixels_float[:] = image.pixels
# And now, main code!
do_save = True
if do_data_intern:
render_contexts = {}
objects_ignored = set()
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
collections_ignored = set()
prev_scenename =
if do_objects:
prev_shown = { ob.hide_render for ob in ids_nolib(}
for ob in ids_nolib(
if ob in objects_ignored:
ob.hide_render = True
for root in ids_nolib(
if in objects_ignored:
if root.type not in OBJECT_TYPES_RENDER:
objects = ((, None),)
render_context = render_contexts.get('CYCLES', None)
if render_context is None:
render_context = render_context_create('CYCLES', objects_ignored)
render_contexts['CYCLES'] = render_context
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
bpy.context.window.scene = scene
for obname, libpath in objects:
ob =[obname, libpath]
if obname not in scene.objects:
ob.hide_render = False
preview_render_do(render_context, 'objects',, objects)
# XXX Hyper Super Uber Suspicious Hack!
# Without this, on windows build, script excepts with following message:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
# File "<string>", line 451, in <module>
# File "<string>", line 443, in main
# File "<string>", line 327, in do_previews
# OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
# ... :(
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
for obname, libpath in objects:
ob =[obname, libpath]
ob.hide_render = True
for ob in ids_nolib(
is_rendered = prev_shown.get(, ...)
if is_rendered is not ...:
ob.hide_render = is_rendered
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
if do_collections:
for grp in ids_nolib(
if in collections_ignored:
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
# Here too, we do want to keep linked objects members of local collection...
objects = tuple((, ob.library.filepath if ob.library else None) for ob in grp.objects)
render_context = render_contexts.get('CYCLES', None)
if render_context is None:
render_context = render_context_create('CYCLES', objects_ignored)
render_contexts['CYCLES'] = render_context
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
bpy.context.window.scene = scene
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
grp_ob = next((ob for ob in scene.objects if ob.instance_collection and ==
grp_obname =
offset_matrix = Matrix.Translation(grp.instance_offset).inverted()
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
preview_render_do(render_context, 'collections',, objects, offset_matrix)
scene =[render_context.scene, None]
scene.collection.objects.unlink([grp_obname, None])
bpy.context.window.scene =[prev_scenename, None]
for render_context in render_contexts.values():
if not render_context_delete(render_context):
do_save = False # Do not save file if something went wrong here, we could 'pollute' it with temp data...
if do_scenes:
for scene in ids_nolib(
has_camera = is not None
bpy.context.window.scene = scene
render_context = render_context_create('__SCENE', objects_ignored)
objects = None
if not has_camera:
# We had to add a temp camera, now we need to place it to see interesting objects!
objects = tuple((, ob.library.filepath if ob.library else None) for ob in scene.objects
2018-07-03 04:27:53 +00:00
if (not ob.hide_render) and (ob.type in OBJECT_TYPES_RENDER))
preview_render_do(render_context, 'scenes',, objects)
if not render_context_delete(render_context):
do_save = False
bpy.context.window.scene =[prev_scenename, None]
if do_save:
print("Saving %s..." %
except Exception as e:
# Might fail in some odd cases, like e.g. in regression files we have glsl/ram_glsl.blend which
# references an inexistent texture... Better not break in this case, just spit error to console.
print("ERROR:", e)
print("*NOT* Saving %s, because some error(s) happened while deleting temp render data..." %
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
def do_clear_previews(do_objects, do_collections, do_scenes, do_data_intern):
if do_data_intern:
if do_objects:
for ob in ids_nolib(
ob.preview.image_size = (0, 0)
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
if do_collections:
for grp in ids_nolib(
grp.preview.image_size = (0, 0)
if do_scenes:
for scene in ids_nolib(
scene.preview.image_size = (0, 0)
print("Saving %s..." %
def main():
import bpy
except ImportError:
print("This script must run from inside blender")
import sys
import argparse
# Get rid of Blender args!
argv = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--") + 1:] if "--" in sys.argv else []
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Use Blender to generate previews for currently open Blender file's items.")
parser.add_argument('--clear', default=False, action="store_true",
help="Clear previews instead of generating them.")
parser.add_argument('--no_backups', default=False, action="store_true",
help="Do not generate a backup .blend1 file when saving processed ones.")
parser.add_argument('--no_scenes', default=True, action="store_false",
help="Do not generate/clear previews for scene IDs.")
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--no_collections', default=True, action="store_false",
help="Do not generate/clear previews for collection IDs.")
parser.add_argument('--no_objects', default=True, action="store_false",
help="Do not generate/clear previews for object IDs.")
parser.add_argument('--no_data_intern', default=True, action="store_false",
help="Do not generate/clear previews for mat/tex/image/etc. IDs (those handled by core Blender code).")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
orig_save_version = bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.save_version
if args.no_backups:
bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.save_version = 0
elif orig_save_version < 1:
bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.save_version = 1
if args.clear:
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
do_clear_previews(do_objects=args.no_objects, do_collections=args.no_collections, do_scenes=args.no_scenes,
Collections and groups unification OVERVIEW * In 2.7 terminology, all layers and groups are now collection datablocks. * These collections are nestable, linkable, instanceable, overrideable, .. which opens up new ways to set up scenes and link + override data. * Viewport/render visibility and selectability are now a part of the collection and shared across all view layers and linkable. * View layers define which subset of the scene collection hierarchy is excluded for each. For many workflows one view layer can be used, these are more of an advanced feature now. OUTLINER * The outliner now has a "View Layer" display mode instead of "Collections", which can display the collections and/or objects in the view layer. * In this display mode, collections can be excluded with the right click menu. These will then be greyed out and their objects will be excluded. * To view collections not linked to any scene, the "Blender File" display mode can be used, with the new filtering option to just see Colleciton datablocks. * The outliner right click menus for collections and objects were reorganized. * Drag and drop still needs to be improved. Like before, dragging the icon or text gives different results, we'll unify this later. LINKING AND OVERRIDES * Collections can now be linked into the scene without creating an instance, with the link/append operator or from the collections view in the outliner. * Collections can get static overrides with the right click menu in the outliner, but this is rather unreliable and not clearly communicated at the moment. * We still need to improve the make override operator to turn collection instances into collections with overrides directly in the scene. PERFORMANCE * We tried to make performance not worse than before and improve it in some cases. The main thing that's still a bit slower is multiple scenes, we have to change the layer syncing to only updated affected scenes. * Collections keep a list of their parent collections for faster incremental updates in syncing and caching. * View layer bases are now in a object -> base hash to avoid quadratic time lookups internally and in API functions like visible_get(). VERSIONING * Compatibility with 2.7 files should be improved due to the new visibility controls. Of course users may not want to set up their scenes differently now to avoid having separate layers and groups. * Compatibility with 2.8 is mostly there, and was tested on Eevee demo and Hero files. There's a few things which are know to be not quite compatible, like nested layer collections inside groups. * The versioning code for 2.8 files is quite complicated, and isolated behind #ifdef so it can be removed at the end of the release cycle. KNOWN ISSUES * The G-key group operators in the 3D viewport were left mostly as is, they need to be modified still to fit better. * Same for the groups panel in the object properties. This needs to be updated still, or perhaps replaced by something better. * Collections must all have a unique name. Less restrictive namespacing is to be done later, we'll have to see how important this is as all objects within the collections must also have a unique name anyway. * Full scene copy and delete scene are exactly doing the right thing yet. Differential Revision:
2018-04-30 13:57:22 +00:00
do_previews(do_objects=args.no_objects, do_collections=args.no_collections, do_scenes=args.no_scenes,
# Not really necessary, but better be consistent.
bpy.context.preferences.filepaths.save_version = orig_save_version
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("\n\n *** Running {} *** \n".format(__file__))
print(" *** Blend file {} *** \n".format(