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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
2019-03-17 09:57:47 +00:00
from bpy.types import (
2019-03-17 09:57:47 +00:00
from bpy.props import (
2019-03-17 09:57:47 +00:00
from import (
pgettext_rpt as rpt_,
pgettext_data as data_,
from bl_ui.utils import PresetPanel
# For preset popover menu
WindowManager.preset_name = StringProperty(
name="Preset Name",
description="Name for new preset",
default=data_("New Preset"),
2012-03-24 07:36:32 +00:00
def _call_preset_cb(fn, context, filepath):
# Allow "None" so the caller doesn't have to assign a variable and check it.
if fn is None:
# Support a `filepath` argument, optional for backwards compatibility.
fn_arg_count = getattr(getattr(fn, "__code__", None), "co_argcount", None)
if fn_arg_count == 2:
args = (context, filepath)
print("Deprecated since Blender 4.2, a filepath argument should be included in:", fn)
args = (context, )
except BaseException as ex:
print("Internal error running", fn, str(ex))
class AddPresetBase:
"""Base preset class, only for subclassing
subclasses must define
- preset_values
- preset_subdir """
# bl_idname = "script.preset_base_add"
# bl_label = "Add a Python Preset"
2013-06-27 03:05:19 +00:00
# only because invoke_props_popup requires. Also do not add to search menu.
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'}
name: StringProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
description="Name of the preset, used to make the path name",
remove_name: BoolProperty(
2018-06-26 20:56:39 +00:00
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
remove_active: BoolProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
def as_filename(name): # could reuse for other presets
# lazy init maketrans
def maketrans_init():
cls = AddPresetBase
attr = "_as_filename_trans"
trans = getattr(cls, attr, None)
if trans is None:
trans = str.maketrans({char: "_" for char in " !@#$%^&*(){}:\";'[]<>,.\\/?"})
setattr(cls, attr, trans)
return trans
name = name.strip()
name = bpy.path.display_name_to_filepath(name)
trans = maketrans_init()
# Strip surrounding "_" as they are displayed as spaces.
return name.translate(trans).strip("_")
def execute(self, context):
import os
from bpy.utils import is_path_builtin
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "pre_cb"):
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.preset_menu)
is_xml = getattr(preset_menu_class, "preset_type", None) == 'XML'
is_preset_add = not (self.remove_name or self.remove_active)
if is_xml:
ext = ".xml"
ext = ".py"
name = if is_preset_add else
if is_preset_add:
if not name:
return {'FINISHED'}
# Reset preset name
wm =[0]
if name == wm.preset_name:
wm.preset_name = data_("New Preset")
filename = self.as_filename(name)
target_path = os.path.join("presets", self.preset_subdir)
PyAPI: use keyword only arguments Use keyword only arguments for the following functions. - addon_utils.module_bl_info 2nd arg `info_basis`. - addon_utils.modules 1st `module_cache`, 2nd arg `refresh`. - addon_utils.modules_refresh 1st arg `module_cache`. - bl_app_template_utils.activate 1nd arg `template_id`. - bl_app_template_utils.import_from_id 2nd arg `ignore_not_found`. - bl_app_template_utils.import_from_path 2nd arg `ignore_not_found`. - bl_keymap_utils.keymap_from_toolbar.generate 2nd & 3rd args `use_fallback_keys` & `use_reset`. - bl_keymap_utils.platform_helpers.keyconfig_data_oskey_from_ctrl 2nd arg `filter_fn`. - bl_ui_utils.bug_report_url.url_prefill_from_blender 1st arg `addon_info`. - bmesh.types.BMFace.copy 1st & 2nd args `verts`, `edges`. - bmesh.types.BMesh.calc_volume 1st arg `signed`. - bmesh.types.BMesh.from_mesh 2nd..4th args `face_normals`, `use_shape_key`, `shape_key_index`. - bmesh.types.BMesh.from_object 3rd & 4th args `cage`, `face_normals`. - bmesh.types.BMesh.transform 2nd arg `filter`. - bmesh.types.BMesh.update_edit_mesh 2nd & 3rd args `loop_triangles`, `destructive`. - bmesh.types.{BMVertSeq,BMEdgeSeq,BMFaceSeq}.sort 1st & 2nd arg `key`, `reverse`. - bmesh.utils.face_split 4th..6th args `coords`, `use_exist`, `example`. - 2nd..4th args `link`, `relative`, `assets_only`. - 1st..3rd args `subset`, `key_types, `value_types`. - bpy.msgbus.subscribe_rna 5th arg `options`. - bpy.path.abspath 2nd & 3rd args `start` & `library`. - bpy.path.clean_name 2nd arg `replace`. - bpy.path.ensure_ext 3rd arg `case_sensitive`. - bpy.path.module_names 2nd arg `recursive`. - bpy.path.relpath 2nd arg `start`. - bpy.types.EditBone.transform 2nd & 3rd arg `scale`, `roll`. - bpy.types.Operator.as_keywords 1st arg `ignore`. - bpy.types.Struct.{keyframe_insert,keyframe_delete} 2nd..5th args `index`, `frame`, `group`, `options`. - bpy.types.WindowManager.popup_menu 2nd & 3rd arg `title`, `icon`. - bpy.types.WindowManager.popup_menu_pie 3rd & 4th arg `title`, `icon`. - bpy.utils.app_template_paths 1st arg `subdir`. - bpy.utils.app_template_paths 1st arg `subdir`. - bpy.utils.blend_paths 1st..3rd args `absolute`, `packed`, `local`. - bpy.utils.execfile 2nd arg `mod`. - bpy.utils.keyconfig_set 2nd arg `report`. - bpy.utils.load_scripts 1st & 2nd `reload_scripts` & `refresh_scripts`. - bpy.utils.preset_find 3rd & 4th args `display_name`, `ext`. - bpy.utils.resource_path 2nd & 3rd arg `major`, `minor`. - bpy.utils.script_paths 1st..4th args `subdir`, `user_pref`, `check_all`, `use_user`. - bpy.utils.smpte_from_frame 2nd & 3rd args `fps`, `fps_base`. - bpy.utils.smpte_from_seconds 2nd & 3rd args `fps`, `fps_base`. - bpy.utils.system_resource 2nd arg `subdir`. - bpy.utils.time_from_frame 2nd & 3rd args `fps`, `fps_base`. - bpy.utils.time_to_frame 2nd & 3rd args `fps`, `fps_base`. - bpy.utils.units.to_string 4th..6th `precision`, `split_unit`, `compatible_unit`. - bpy.utils.units.to_value 4th arg `str_ref_unit`. - bpy.utils.user_resource 2nd & 3rd args `subdir`, `create` - bpy_extras.view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d 4th arg `default`. - bpy_extras.view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d 4th arg `clamp`. - gpu.offscreen.unbind 1st arg `restore`. - gpu_extras.batch.batch_for_shader 4th arg `indices`. - gpu_extras.batch.presets.draw_circle_2d 4th arg `segments`. - gpu_extras.presets.draw_circle_2d 4th arg `segments`. - imbuf.types.ImBuf.resize 2nd arg `resize`. - imbuf.write 2nd arg `filepath`. - mathutils.kdtree.KDTree.find 2nd arg `filter`. - nodeitems_utils.NodeCategory 3rd & 4th arg `descriptions`, `items`. - nodeitems_utils.NodeItem 2nd..4th args `label`, `settings`, `poll`. - nodeitems_utils.NodeItemCustom 1st & 2nd arg `poll`, `draw`. - rna_prop_ui.draw 5th arg `use_edit`. - rna_prop_ui.rna_idprop_ui_get 2nd arg `create`. - rna_prop_ui.rna_idprop_ui_prop_clear 3rd arg `remove`. - rna_prop_ui.rna_idprop_ui_prop_get 3rd arg `create`. - rna_xml.xml2rna 2nd arg `root_rna`. - rna_xml.xml_file_write 4th arg `skip_typemap`.
2021-06-08 08:03:14 +00:00
target_path = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path=target_path, create=True)
if not target_path:{'WARNING'}, "Failed to create presets path")
return {'CANCELLED'}
filepath = os.path.join(target_path, filename) + ext
2011-01-01 07:20:34 +00:00
if hasattr(self, "add"):
self.add(context, filepath)
print("Writing Preset: {!r}".format(filepath))
if is_xml:
import rna_xml
rna_xml.xml_file_write(context, filepath, preset_menu_class.preset_xml_map)
def rna_recursive_attr_expand(value, rna_path_step, level):
if isinstance(value, bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
for sub_value_attr in
if sub_value_attr == "rna_type":
sub_value = getattr(value, sub_value_attr)
"{:s}.{:s}".format(rna_path_step, sub_value_attr),
elif type(value).__name__ == "bpy_prop_collection_idprop": # could use nicer method
for sub_value in value:
file_preset.write("item_sub_{:d} = {:s}.add()\n".format(level, rna_path_step))
rna_recursive_attr_expand(sub_value, "item_sub_{:d}".format(level), level + 1)
# convert thin wrapped sequences
# to simple lists to repr()
value = value[:]
except BaseException:
file_preset.write("{:s} = {!r}\n".format(rna_path_step, value))
file_preset = open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8")
file_preset.write("import bpy\n")
if hasattr(self, "preset_defines"):
for rna_path in self.preset_defines:
for rna_path in self.preset_values:
value = eval(rna_path)
rna_recursive_attr_expand(value, rna_path, 1)
preset_menu_class.bl_label = bpy.path.display_name(filename)
if self.remove_active:
name = preset_menu_class.bl_label
# fairly sloppy but convenient.
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, self.preset_subdir, ext=ext)
if not filepath:
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, self.preset_subdir, display_name=True, ext=ext)
if not filepath:
return {'CANCELLED'}
# Do not remove bundled presets
if is_path_builtin(filepath):{'WARNING'}, "Unable to remove default presets")
return {'CANCELLED'}
if hasattr(self, "remove"):
self.remove(context, filepath)
except BaseException as ex:{'ERROR'}, rpt_("Unable to remove preset: {!r}").format(ex))
import traceback
return {'CANCELLED'}
# XXX, stupid!
preset_menu_class.bl_label = "Presets"
if hasattr(self, "post_cb"):
return {'FINISHED'}
def check(self, _context): = self.as_filename(
def invoke(self, context, _event):
if not (self.remove_active or self.remove_name):
wm = context.window_manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
return self.execute(context)
class ExecutePreset(Operator):
"""Load a preset"""
* Interaction Presets This adds a new presets menu in the splash screen and the Input section of User Preferences to choose a preset interaction style, consisting of key configurations and also other user preferences such as select mouse button, view rotation style, etc. Currently, just 'Blender' and 'Maya' presets are included, hopefully we can have more presets contributed (and maintained!) by the community. It's best to keep these presets minimal to avoid too many key conflicts. In the Maya one I changed the view manipulation key/mouse combos and also the transform manipulator keys, not much more than that. To save an interaction preset, open the user preferences Input section, and press the [ + ] button next to the presets menu. It will save out a .py file containing any edited key maps and navigation preferences to the presets/interaction folder in your scripts folder. --- Part of this commit changes the way that key maps are exported/displayed in preferences - now partial key configs are allowed. Previously it would export/import the entire key configuration, regardless of whether individual key maps were edited or not (which would make them more susceptible to conflicts in unexpected areas). (note, in blender terminology, a key map is a category of key items, such as 'Object Mode' or 'View 2d'.) Now, the export and the UI display work in a similar way to how key maps are processed internally - Locally edited key maps (after pressing the 'Edit' button) are processed first, falling back to other key maps in the current key config, and then falling back to the default key config. So it's possible for a key config to only include a few key maps, and the rest just gets pulled from the default key config. The preferences UI display works like this too behind the scenes in deciding what to show users, however using it is just like it was before, the complexity is hidden.
2010-04-14 06:27:50 +00:00
bl_idname = "script.execute_preset"
bl_label = "Execute a Python Preset"
filepath: StringProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
menu_idname: StringProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
name="Menu ID Name",
description="ID name of the menu this was called from",
* Interaction Presets This adds a new presets menu in the splash screen and the Input section of User Preferences to choose a preset interaction style, consisting of key configurations and also other user preferences such as select mouse button, view rotation style, etc. Currently, just 'Blender' and 'Maya' presets are included, hopefully we can have more presets contributed (and maintained!) by the community. It's best to keep these presets minimal to avoid too many key conflicts. In the Maya one I changed the view manipulation key/mouse combos and also the transform manipulator keys, not much more than that. To save an interaction preset, open the user preferences Input section, and press the [ + ] button next to the presets menu. It will save out a .py file containing any edited key maps and navigation preferences to the presets/interaction folder in your scripts folder. --- Part of this commit changes the way that key maps are exported/displayed in preferences - now partial key configs are allowed. Previously it would export/import the entire key configuration, regardless of whether individual key maps were edited or not (which would make them more susceptible to conflicts in unexpected areas). (note, in blender terminology, a key map is a category of key items, such as 'Object Mode' or 'View 2d'.) Now, the export and the UI display work in a similar way to how key maps are processed internally - Locally edited key maps (after pressing the 'Edit' button) are processed first, falling back to other key maps in the current key config, and then falling back to the default key config. So it's possible for a key config to only include a few key maps, and the rest just gets pulled from the default key config. The preferences UI display works like this too behind the scenes in deciding what to show users, however using it is just like it was before, the complexity is hidden.
2010-04-14 06:27:50 +00:00
def execute(self, context):
from os.path import basename, splitext
filepath = self.filepath
* Interaction Presets This adds a new presets menu in the splash screen and the Input section of User Preferences to choose a preset interaction style, consisting of key configurations and also other user preferences such as select mouse button, view rotation style, etc. Currently, just 'Blender' and 'Maya' presets are included, hopefully we can have more presets contributed (and maintained!) by the community. It's best to keep these presets minimal to avoid too many key conflicts. In the Maya one I changed the view manipulation key/mouse combos and also the transform manipulator keys, not much more than that. To save an interaction preset, open the user preferences Input section, and press the [ + ] button next to the presets menu. It will save out a .py file containing any edited key maps and navigation preferences to the presets/interaction folder in your scripts folder. --- Part of this commit changes the way that key maps are exported/displayed in preferences - now partial key configs are allowed. Previously it would export/import the entire key configuration, regardless of whether individual key maps were edited or not (which would make them more susceptible to conflicts in unexpected areas). (note, in blender terminology, a key map is a category of key items, such as 'Object Mode' or 'View 2d'.) Now, the export and the UI display work in a similar way to how key maps are processed internally - Locally edited key maps (after pressing the 'Edit' button) are processed first, falling back to other key maps in the current key config, and then falling back to the default key config. So it's possible for a key config to only include a few key maps, and the rest just gets pulled from the default key config. The preferences UI display works like this too behind the scenes in deciding what to show users, however using it is just like it was before, the complexity is hidden.
2010-04-14 06:27:50 +00:00
# change the menu title to the most recently chosen option
preset_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.menu_idname)
preset_class.bl_label = bpy.path.display_name(basename(filepath), title_case=False)
ext = splitext(filepath)[1].lower()
if ext not in {".py", ".xml"}:{'ERROR'}, rpt_("Unknown file type: {!r}").format(ext))
return {'CANCELLED'}
_call_preset_cb(getattr(preset_class, "reset_cb", None), context, filepath)
if ext == ".py":
except BaseException as ex:
2018-11-15 07:50:18 +00:00{'ERROR'}, "Failed to execute the preset: " + repr(ex))
elif ext == ".xml":
import rna_xml
preset_xml_map = preset_class.preset_xml_map
preset_xml_secure_types = getattr(preset_class, "preset_xml_secure_types", None)
rna_xml.xml_file_run(context, filepath, preset_xml_map, secure_types=preset_xml_secure_types)
_call_preset_cb(getattr(preset_class, "post_cb", None), context, filepath)
* Interaction Presets This adds a new presets menu in the splash screen and the Input section of User Preferences to choose a preset interaction style, consisting of key configurations and also other user preferences such as select mouse button, view rotation style, etc. Currently, just 'Blender' and 'Maya' presets are included, hopefully we can have more presets contributed (and maintained!) by the community. It's best to keep these presets minimal to avoid too many key conflicts. In the Maya one I changed the view manipulation key/mouse combos and also the transform manipulator keys, not much more than that. To save an interaction preset, open the user preferences Input section, and press the [ + ] button next to the presets menu. It will save out a .py file containing any edited key maps and navigation preferences to the presets/interaction folder in your scripts folder. --- Part of this commit changes the way that key maps are exported/displayed in preferences - now partial key configs are allowed. Previously it would export/import the entire key configuration, regardless of whether individual key maps were edited or not (which would make them more susceptible to conflicts in unexpected areas). (note, in blender terminology, a key map is a category of key items, such as 'Object Mode' or 'View 2d'.) Now, the export and the UI display work in a similar way to how key maps are processed internally - Locally edited key maps (after pressing the 'Edit' button) are processed first, falling back to other key maps in the current key config, and then falling back to the default key config. So it's possible for a key config to only include a few key maps, and the rest just gets pulled from the default key config. The preferences UI display works like this too behind the scenes in deciding what to show users, however using it is just like it was before, the complexity is hidden.
2010-04-14 06:27:50 +00:00
return {'FINISHED'}
class AddPresetRender(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Render Preset"""
bl_idname = "render.preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Render Preset"
preset_menu = "RENDER_PT_format_presets"
preset_defines = [
"scene = bpy.context.scene"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "render"
class AddPresetCamera(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Camera Preset"""
bl_idname = "camera.preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Camera Preset"
preset_menu = "CAMERA_PT_presets"
preset_defines = [
"cam ="
preset_subdir = "camera"
use_focal_length: BoolProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
name="Include Focal Length",
description="Include focal length into the preset",
def preset_values(self):
preset_values = [
if self.use_focal_length:
return preset_values
class AddPresetCameraSafeAreas(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Safe Areas Preset"""
bl_idname = "camera.safe_areas_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Safe Area Preset"
preset_menu = "CAMERA_PT_safe_areas_presets"
preset_defines = [
"safe_areas = bpy.context.scene.safe_areas"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "safe_areas"
class AddPresetCloth(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Cloth Preset"""
bl_idname = "cloth.preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Cloth Preset"
preset_menu = "CLOTH_PT_presets"
preset_defines = [
"cloth = bpy.context.cloth"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "cloth"
class AddPresetFluid(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Fluid Preset"""
bl_idname = "fluid.preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Fluid Preset"
preset_menu = "FLUID_PT_presets"
preset_defines = [
2013-01-15 23:15:32 +00:00
"fluid = bpy.context.fluid"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "fluid"
class AddPresetHairDynamics(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Hair Dynamics Preset"""
bl_idname = "particle.hair_dynamics_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Hair Dynamics Preset"
preset_menu = "PARTICLE_PT_hair_dynamics_presets"
preset_defines = [
"psys = bpy.context.particle_system",
"cloth = bpy.context.particle_system.cloth",
"settings = bpy.context.particle_system.cloth.settings",
"collision = bpy.context.particle_system.cloth.collision_settings",
preset_subdir = "hair_dynamics"
preset_values = [
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
class AddPresetTextEditor(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Text Editor Preset"""
bl_idname = "text_editor.preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Text Editor Preset"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_PT_text_editor_presets"
preset_defines = [
"filepaths = bpy.context.preferences.filepaths"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "text_editor"
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
class AddPresetTrackingCamera(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Tracking Camera Intrinsics Preset"""
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
bl_idname = "clip.camera_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Camera Preset"
preset_menu = "CLIP_PT_camera_presets"
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
preset_defines = [
"camera ="
preset_subdir = "tracking_camera"
use_focal_length: BoolProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
name="Include Focal Length",
description="Include focal length into the preset",
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
def preset_values(self):
preset_values = [
if self.use_focal_length:
return preset_values
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
class AddPresetTrackingTrackColor(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Clip Track Color Preset"""
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
bl_idname = "clip.track_color_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Track Color Preset"
preset_menu = "CLIP_PT_track_color_presets"
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
preset_defines = [
2011-11-15 20:26:44 +00:00
"track ="
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
preset_values = [
Camera tracking integration =========================== Commiting camera tracking integration gsoc project into trunk. This commit includes: - Bundled version of libmv library (with some changes against official repo, re-sync with libmv repo a bit later) - New datatype ID called MovieClip which is optimized to work with movie clips (both of movie files and image sequences) and doing camera/motion tracking operations. - New editor called Clip Editor which is currently used for motion/tracking stuff only, but which can be easily extended to work with masks too. This editor supports: * Loading movie files/image sequences * Build proxies with different size for loaded movie clip, also supports building undistorted proxies to increase speed of playback in undistorted mode. * Manual lens distortion mode calibration using grid and grease pencil * Supervised 2D tracking using two different algorithms KLT and SAD. * Basic algorithm for feature detection * Camera motion solving. scene orientation - New constraints to "link" scene objects with solved motions from clip: * Follow Track (make object follow 2D motion of track with given name or parent object to reconstructed 3D position of track) * Camera Solver to make camera moving in the same way as reconstructed camera This commit NOT includes changes from tomato branch: - New nodes (they'll be commited as separated patch) - Automatic image offset guessing for image input node and image editor (need to do more tests and gather more feedback) - Code cleanup in libmv-capi. It's not so critical cleanup, just increasing readability and understanadability of code. Better to make this chaneg when Keir will finish his current patch. More details about this project can be found on this page: Further development of small features would be done in trunk, bigger/experimental features would first be implemented in tomato branch.
2011-11-07 12:55:18 +00:00
preset_subdir = "tracking_track_color"
class AddPresetTrackingSettings(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a motion tracking settings preset"""
bl_idname = "clip.tracking_settings_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Tracking Settings Preset"
preset_menu = "CLIP_PT_tracking_settings_presets"
preset_defines = [
"settings = bpy.context.edit_movieclip.tracking.settings"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "tracking_settings"
class AddPresetEEVEERaytracing(AddPresetBase, Operator):
2024-01-08 00:24:37 +00:00
"""Add or remove an EEVEE ray-tracing preset"""
bl_idname = "render.eevee_raytracing_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Raytracing Preset"
preset_menu = "RENDER_PT_eevee_next_raytracing_presets"
preset_defines = [
"eevee = bpy.context.scene.eevee",
"options = eevee.ray_tracing_options",
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "eevee/raytracing"
Color management: Support white balance as part of the display transform This implements a von-Kries-style chromatic adaption using the Bradford matrix. The adaption is performed in scene linear space in the OCIO GLSL shader, with the matrix being computed on the host. The parameters specify the white point of the input, which is to be mapped to the white point of the scene linear space. The main parameter is temperature, specified in Kelvin, which defines the blackbody spectrum that is used as the input white point. Additionally, a tint parameter can be used to shift the white point away from pure blackbody spectra (e.g. to match a D illuminant). The defaults are set to match D65 so there is no immediate color shift when enabling the option. Tint = 10 is needed since the D-series illuminants aren't perfect blackbody emitters. As an alternative to manually specifying the values, there's also a color picker. When a color is selected, temperature and tint are set such that this color ends up being balanced to white. This only works if the color is close enough to a blackbody emitter - specifically, for tint values within +-150. Beyond this, there can be ambiguity in the representation. Currently, in this case, the input is just ignored and temperature/tint aren't changed. Ideally, we'd eventually give UI feedback for this. Presets are supported, and all the CIE standard illuminants are included. One part that I'm not quite happy with is that the tint parameter starts to give weird results at moderate values when the temperature is low. The reason for this can be seen here: Tint is moving along the isotherm lines (with the plot corresponding to +-150), but below 4000K some of that range is outside of the gamut. Not much can be done there, other than possibly clipping those values... Adding support for this to the compositor should be quite easy and is planned as a next step. Pull Request:
2024-06-27 21:27:58 +00:00
class AddPresetColorManagementWhiteBalance(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a white balance preset"""
bl_idname = "render.color_management_white_balance_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add White Balance Preset"
preset_menu = "RENDER_PT_color_management_white_balance_presets"
preset_defines = [
"view_settings = bpy.context.scene.view_settings",
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "color_management/white_balance"
class AddPresetNodeColor(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove a Node Color Preset"""
bl_idname = "node.node_color_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Node Color Preset"
preset_menu = "NODE_PT_node_color_presets"
preset_defines = [
"node = bpy.context.active_node"
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "node_color"
class AddPresetInterfaceTheme(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add a custom theme to the preset list"""
bl_idname = "wm.interface_theme_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Theme"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets"
preset_subdir = "interface_theme"
class RemovePresetInterfaceTheme(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Remove a custom theme from the preset list"""
bl_idname = "wm.interface_theme_preset_remove"
bl_label = "Remove Theme"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets"
preset_subdir = "interface_theme"
remove_active: BoolProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
def poll(cls, context):
from bpy.utils import is_path_builtin
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, cls.preset_menu)
name = preset_menu_class.bl_label
name = bpy.path.clean_name(name)
2024-03-14 21:25:36 +00:00
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, cls.preset_subdir, ext=".xml")
if not bool(filepath) or is_path_builtin(filepath):
cls.poll_message_set("Built-in themes cannot be removed")
return False
return True
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event, title="Remove Custom Theme", confirm_text="Delete")
def post_cb(self, context):
# Without this, the name & colors are kept after removing the theme.
# Even though the theme is removed from the list, it's seems like a bug to keep it displayed after removal.
class SavePresetInterfaceTheme(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Save a custom theme in the preset list"""
bl_idname = "wm.interface_theme_preset_save"
bl_label = "Save Theme"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_interface_theme_presets"
preset_subdir = "interface_theme"
remove_active: BoolProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
def poll(cls, context):
from bpy.utils import is_path_builtin
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, cls.preset_menu)
name = preset_menu_class.bl_label
name = bpy.path.clean_name(name)
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, cls.preset_subdir, ext=".xml")
if (not filepath) or is_path_builtin(filepath):
cls.poll_message_set("Built-in themes cannot be overwritten")
return False
return True
def execute(self, context):
from bpy.utils import is_path_builtin
import rna_xml
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.preset_menu)
name = preset_menu_class.bl_label
name = bpy.path.clean_name(name)
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, self.preset_subdir, ext=".xml")
if not bool(filepath) or is_path_builtin(filepath):{'ERROR'}, "Built-in themes cannot be overwritten")
return {'CANCELLED'}
rna_xml.xml_file_write(context, filepath, preset_menu_class.preset_xml_map)
except BaseException as ex:{'ERROR'}, "Unable to overwrite preset: {:s}".format(str(ex)))
import traceback
return {'CANCELLED'}
context.preferences.themes[0].filepath = filepath
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(self, event, title="Overwrite Custom Theme?", confirm_text="Save")
class AddPresetKeyconfig(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add a custom keymap configuration to the preset list"""
bl_idname = "wm.keyconfig_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Custom Keymap Configuration"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs"
preset_subdir = "keyconfig"
def add(self, _context, filepath):
class RemovePresetKeyconfig(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Remove a custom keymap configuration from the preset list"""
bl_idname = "wm.keyconfig_preset_remove"
bl_label = "Remove Keymap Configuration"
preset_menu = "USERPREF_MT_keyconfigs"
preset_subdir = "keyconfig"
remove_active: BoolProperty(
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
def poll(cls, context):
from bpy.utils import is_path_builtin
keyconfigs = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, cls.preset_menu)
name =
2024-03-14 22:57:36 +00:00
filepath = bpy.utils.preset_find(name, cls.preset_subdir, ext=".py")
if not bool(filepath) or is_path_builtin(filepath):
cls.poll_message_set("Built-in keymap configurations cannot be removed")
return False
return True
def pre_cb(self, context):
keyconfigs = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs
preset_menu_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.preset_menu)
preset_menu_class.bl_label =
def post_cb(self, context):
keyconfigs = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs
def invoke(self, context, event):
2024-03-14 22:57:36 +00:00
return context.window_manager.invoke_confirm(
self, event, title="Remove Keymap Configuration", confirm_text="Delete")
class AddPresetOperator(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove an Operator Preset"""
bl_idname = "wm.operator_preset_add"
bl_label = "Operator Preset"
preset_menu = "WM_MT_operator_presets"
operator: StringProperty(
2018-06-26 17:41:37 +00:00
options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'},
preset_defines = [
"op = bpy.context.active_operator",
def preset_subdir(self):
return AddPresetOperator.operator_path(self.operator)
def preset_values(self):
properties_blacklist =
prefix, suffix = self.operator.split("_OT_", 1)
op = getattr(getattr(bpy.ops, prefix.lower()), suffix)
operator_rna = op.get_rna_type()
del op
ret = []
for prop_id, prop in
if not prop.is_skip_preset:
if prop_id not in properties_blacklist:
return ret
def operator_path(operator):
import os
prefix, suffix = operator.split("_OT_", 1)
return os.path.join("operator", "{:s}.{:s}".format(prefix.lower(), suffix))
class WM_MT_operator_presets(Menu):
bl_label = "Operator Presets"
def draw(self, context):
self.operator = context.active_operator.bl_idname
# dummy 'default' menu item
layout = self.layout
2012-11-18 03:01:31 +00:00
Menu.draw_preset(self, context)
def preset_subdir(self):
return AddPresetOperator.operator_path(self.operator)
preset_operator = "script.execute_preset"
class WM_PT_operator_presets(PresetPanel, Panel):
bl_label = "Operator Presets"
preset_add_operator = "wm.operator_preset_add"
preset_operator = "script.execute_preset"
def preset_subdir(self):
return AddPresetOperator.operator_path(self.operator)
def preset_add_operator_properties(self):
return {"operator": self.operator}
def draw(self, context):
self.operator = context.active_operator.bl_idname
PresetPanel.draw(self, context)
class WM_OT_operator_presets_cleanup(Operator):
"""Remove outdated operator properties from presets that may cause problems"""
bl_idname = "wm.operator_presets_cleanup"
bl_label = "Clean Up Operator Presets"
operator: StringProperty(name="operator")
properties: CollectionProperty(name="properties", type=OperatorFileListElement)
def _cleanup_preset(self, filepath, properties_exclude):
import os
import re
if not (os.path.isfile(filepath) and os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() == ".py"):
with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
lines =
if not lines:
regex_exclude = re.compile("(" + "|".join([re.escape("op." + prop) for prop in properties_exclude]) + ")\\b")
lines = [line for line in lines if not regex_exclude.match(line)]
with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
def _cleanup_operators_presets(self, operators, properties_exclude):
import os
base_preset_directory = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path="presets", create=False)
if not base_preset_directory:
for operator in operators:
operator_path = AddPresetOperator.operator_path(operator)
directory = os.path.join(base_preset_directory, operator_path)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
self._cleanup_preset(os.path.join(directory, filename), properties_exclude)
def execute(self, context):
properties_exclude = []
operators = []
if self.operator:
for prop in
# Cleanup by default I/O Operators Presets
operators = [
properties_exclude = [
self._cleanup_operators_presets(operators, properties_exclude)
return {'FINISHED'}
class AddPresetGpencilBrush(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove grease pencil brush preset"""
bl_idname = "scene.gpencil_brush_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Grease Pencil Brush Preset"
preset_menu = "VIEW3D_PT_gpencil_brush_presets"
preset_defines = [
"brush = bpy.context.tool_settings.gpencil_paint.brush",
"settings = brush.gpencil_settings",
preset_values = [
preset_subdir = "gpencil_brush"
class AddPresetGpencilMaterial(AddPresetBase, Operator):
"""Add or remove grease pencil material preset"""
bl_idname = "scene.gpencil_material_preset_add"
bl_label = "Add Grease Pencil Material Preset"
preset_menu = "MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_material_presets"
preset_defines = [
"material = bpy.context.object.active_material",
"gpcolor = material.grease_pencil",
preset_values = [
2018-11-09 19:04:37 +00:00
preset_subdir = "gpencil_material"
classes = (
Color management: Support white balance as part of the display transform This implements a von-Kries-style chromatic adaption using the Bradford matrix. The adaption is performed in scene linear space in the OCIO GLSL shader, with the matrix being computed on the host. The parameters specify the white point of the input, which is to be mapped to the white point of the scene linear space. The main parameter is temperature, specified in Kelvin, which defines the blackbody spectrum that is used as the input white point. Additionally, a tint parameter can be used to shift the white point away from pure blackbody spectra (e.g. to match a D illuminant). The defaults are set to match D65 so there is no immediate color shift when enabling the option. Tint = 10 is needed since the D-series illuminants aren't perfect blackbody emitters. As an alternative to manually specifying the values, there's also a color picker. When a color is selected, temperature and tint are set such that this color ends up being balanced to white. This only works if the color is close enough to a blackbody emitter - specifically, for tint values within +-150. Beyond this, there can be ambiguity in the representation. Currently, in this case, the input is just ignored and temperature/tint aren't changed. Ideally, we'd eventually give UI feedback for this. Presets are supported, and all the CIE standard illuminants are included. One part that I'm not quite happy with is that the tint parameter starts to give weird results at moderate values when the temperature is low. The reason for this can be seen here: Tint is moving along the isotherm lines (with the plot corresponding to +-150), but below 4000K some of that range is outside of the gamut. Not much can be done there, other than possibly clipping those values... Adding support for this to the compositor should be quite easy and is planned as a next step. Pull Request:
2024-06-27 21:27:58 +00:00