2024-05-04 15:24:46 +10:00

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/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup GHOST
* \brief GHOST C-API function and type declarations.
#pragma once
#include "GHOST_Types.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Definition of a callback routine that receives events.
* \param event: The event received.
* \param user_data: The callback's user data, supplied to #GHOST_CreateSystem.
typedef bool (*GHOST_EventCallbackProcPtr)(GHOST_EventHandle event, GHOST_TUserDataPtr user_data);
* Creates the one and only system.
* \return a handle to the system.
extern GHOST_SystemHandle GHOST_CreateSystem(void);
extern GHOST_SystemHandle GHOST_CreateSystemBackground(void);
* Specifies whether debug messages are to be enabled for the specific system handle.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param debug: Flag for systems to debug.
extern void GHOST_SystemInitDebug(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, GHOST_Debug debug);
#if !(defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__))
extern const char *GHOST_SystemBackend(void);
* Disposes the one and only system.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \return An indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeSystem(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Show a system message box to the user
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param title: Title of the message box.
* \param message: Message of the message box.
* \param help_label: Text to show on the help button that opens a link.
* \param continue_label: Text to show on the ok button that continues.
* \param link: Optional (hyper)link to a web-page to show when pressing help.
* \param dialog_options: Options to configure the message box.
extern void GHOST_ShowMessageBox(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
const char *title,
const char *message,
const char *help_label,
const char *continue_label,
const char *link,
GHOST_DialogOptions dialog_options);
* Creates an event consumer object
* \param eventCallback: The event callback routine.
* \param user_data: Pointer to user data returned to the callback routine.
extern GHOST_EventConsumerHandle GHOST_CreateEventConsumer(
GHOST_EventCallbackProcPtr eventCallback, GHOST_TUserDataPtr user_data);
* Disposes an event consumer object
* \param consumerhandle: Handle to the event consumer.
* \return An indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeEventConsumer(GHOST_EventConsumerHandle consumerhandle);
* Returns the system time.
* Returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the system.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \return The number of milliseconds.
extern uint64_t GHOST_GetMilliSeconds(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Installs a timer.
* Note that, on most operating systems, messages need to be processed in order
* for the timer callbacks to be invoked.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param delay: The time to wait for the first call to the timerProc (in milliseconds).
* \param interval: The interval between calls to the timerProc (in milliseconds).
* \param timerProc: The callback invoked when the interval expires.
* \param userData: Placeholder for user data.
* \return A timer task (0 if timer task installation failed).
extern GHOST_TimerTaskHandle GHOST_InstallTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
uint64_t delay,
uint64_t interval,
GHOST_TimerProcPtr timerProc,
GHOST_TUserDataPtr user_data);
* Removes a timer.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param timertaskhandle: Timer task to be removed.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_RemoveTimer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_TimerTaskHandle timertaskhandle);
* Display/window management functionality
* Returns the number of displays on this system.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \return The number of displays.
extern uint8_t GHOST_GetNumDisplays(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Returns the dimensions of the main display on this system.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param r_width: A pointer the width gets put in.
* \param r_height: A pointer the height gets put in.
* \return success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetMainDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
uint32_t *r_width,
uint32_t *r_height);
* Returns the dimensions of all displays combine
* (the current workspace).
* No need to worry about overlapping monitors.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param r_width: A pointer the width gets put in.
* \param r_height: A pointer the height gets put in.
* \return success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetAllDisplayDimensions(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
uint32_t *r_width,
uint32_t *r_height);
* Create a new window.
* The new window is added to the list of windows managed.
* Never explicitly delete the window, use disposeWindow() instead.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param parent_windowhandle: Handle of parent (or owner) window, or nullptr
* \param title: The name of the window.
* (displayed in the title bar of the window if the OS supports it).
* \param left: The coordinate of the left edge of the window.
* \param top: The coordinate of the top edge of the window.
* \param width: The width the window.
* \param height: The height the window.
* \param state: The state of the window when opened.
* \param is_dialog: Stay on top of parent window, no icon in taskbar, can't be minimized.
* \param gpuSettings: Misc GPU options.
* \return A handle to the new window ( == nullptr if creation failed).
extern GHOST_WindowHandle GHOST_CreateWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_WindowHandle parent_windowhandle,
const char *title,
int32_t left,
int32_t top,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
GHOST_TWindowState state,
bool is_dialog,
GHOST_GPUSettings gpuSettings);
* Create a new off-screen context.
* Never explicitly delete the context, use #disposeContext() instead.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param gpuSettings: Misc GPU options.
* \return A handle to the new context ( == nullptr if creation failed).
extern GHOST_ContextHandle GHOST_CreateGPUContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_GPUSettings gpuSettings);
* Dispose of a context.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param contexthandle: Handle to the context to be disposed.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeGPUContext(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_ContextHandle contexthandle);
* Returns the window user data.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The window user data.
extern GHOST_TUserDataPtr GHOST_GetWindowUserData(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Changes the window user data.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param user_data: The window user data.
extern void GHOST_SetWindowUserData(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, GHOST_TUserDataPtr user_data);
extern bool GHOST_IsDialogWindow(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Dispose a window.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param windowhandle: Handle to the window to be disposed.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_DisposeWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Returns whether a window is valid.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param windowhandle: Handle to the window to be checked.
* \return Indication of validity.
extern bool GHOST_ValidWindow(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Begins full screen mode.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param setting: The new setting of the display.
* \param stereoVisual: Option for stereo display.
* \return A handle to the window displayed in full screen.
* This window is invalid after full screen has been ended.
extern GHOST_WindowHandle GHOST_BeginFullScreen(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
const GHOST_DisplaySetting *setting,
const bool stereoVisual);
* Ends full screen mode.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_EndFullScreen(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Returns current full screen mode status.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \return The current status.
extern bool GHOST_GetFullScreen(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Get the Window under the cursor. Although coordinates of the mouse are supplied, platform-
* specific implementations are free to ignore these and query the mouse location themselves, due
* to them possibly being incorrect under certain conditions, for example when using multiple
* monitors that vary in scale and/or DPI.
* \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor.
* \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor.
* \return The window under the cursor or nullptr in none.
extern GHOST_WindowHandle GHOST_GetWindowUnderCursor(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
int32_t x,
int32_t y);
* Event management functionality
* Retrieves events from the system and stores them in the queue.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param waitForEvent: Boolean to indicate that #ProcessEvents should.
* wait (block) until the next event before returning.
* \return Indication of the presence of events.
extern bool GHOST_ProcessEvents(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, bool waitForEvent);
* Retrieves events from the queue and send them to the event consumers.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
extern void GHOST_DispatchEvents(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle);
* Adds the given event consumer to our list.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param consumerhandle: The event consumer to add.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_AddEventConsumer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_EventConsumerHandle consumerhandle);
* Remove the given event consumer to our list.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param consumerhandle: The event consumer to remove.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_RemoveEventConsumer(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_EventConsumerHandle consumerhandle);
* Progress bar functionality
* Sets the progress bar value displayed in the window/application icon
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param progress: The progress percentage (0.0 to 1.0).
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetProgressBar(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, float progress);
* Hides the progress bar in the icon
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_EndProgressBar(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Cursor management functionality
* Returns the current cursor shape.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The current cursor shape.
extern GHOST_TStandardCursor GHOST_GetCursorShape(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Set the shape of the cursor. If the shape is not supported by the platform,
* it will use the default cursor instead.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param cursorshape: The new cursor shape type id.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetCursorShape(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TStandardCursor cursorshape);
* Test if the standard cursor shape is supported by current platform.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_HasCursorShape(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TStandardCursor cursorshape);
* Set the shape of the cursor to a custom cursor of specified size.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param bitmap: The bitmap data for the cursor.
* \param mask: The mask data for the cursor.
* \param sizex: The width of the cursor.
* \param sizey: The height of the cursor.
* \param hotX: The X coordinate of the cursor hot-spot.
* \param hotY: The Y coordinate of the cursor hot-spot.
* \param canInvertColor: Let macOS invert cursor color to match platform convention.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetCustomCursorShape(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
uint8_t *bitmap,
uint8_t *mask,
int sizex,
int sizey,
int hotX,
int hotY,
bool canInvertColor);
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetCursorBitmap(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_CursorBitmapRef *bitmap);
* Returns the visibility state of the cursor.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The visibility state of the cursor.
extern bool GHOST_GetCursorVisibility(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Shows or hides the cursor.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param visible: The new visibility state of the cursor.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetCursorVisibility(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, bool visible);
* Returns the current location of the cursor (location in client relative coordinates)
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor.
* \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor.
* \return Indication of success.
GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetCursorPosition(const GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
const GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
int32_t *x,
int32_t *y);
* Updates the location of the cursor (location in client relative coordinates).
* Not all operating systems allow the cursor to be moved (without the input device being moved).
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param x: The x-coordinate of the cursor.
* \param y: The y-coordinate of the cursor.
* \return Indication of success.
GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetCursorPosition(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
int32_t x,
int32_t y);
void GHOST_GetCursorGrabState(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TGrabCursorMode *r_mode,
GHOST_TAxisFlag *r_axis_flag,
int r_bounds[4],
bool *r_use_software_cursor);
* Grabs the cursor for a modal operation, to keep receiving
* events when the mouse is outside the window. X11 only, others
* do this automatically.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param mode: The new grab state of the cursor.
* \param bounds: The grab region (optional) - left,top,right,bottom.
* \param mouse_ungrab_xy: XY for new mouse location (optional).
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetCursorGrab(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TGrabCursorMode mode,
GHOST_TAxisFlag wrap_axis,
const int bounds[4],
const int mouse_ungrab_xy[2]);
* Access to mouse button and keyboard states.
* Returns the state of a modifier key (outside the message queue).
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param mask: The modifier key state to retrieve.
* \param isDown: Pointer to return modifier state in.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetModifierKeyState(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_TModifierKey mask,
bool *r_is_down);
* Returns the state of a mouse button (outside the message queue).
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param mask: The button state to retrieve.
* \param isDown: Pointer to return button state in.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetButtonState(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle,
GHOST_TButton mask,
bool *r_is_down);
* Access to 3D mouse.
* Sets 3D mouse dead-zone.
* \param deadzone: Dead-zone of the 3D mouse (both for rotation and pan) relative to full range.
extern void GHOST_setNDOFDeadZone(float deadzone);
* Drag & drop operations
* Tells if the ongoing drag & drop object can be accepted upon mouse drop.
extern void GHOST_setAcceptDragOperation(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, bool can_accept);
* Returns the event type.
* \param eventhandle: The handle to the event.
* \return The event type.
extern GHOST_TEventType GHOST_GetEventType(GHOST_EventHandle eventhandle);
* Returns the time this event was generated.
* \param eventhandle: The handle to the event.
* \return The event generation time.
extern uint64_t GHOST_GetEventTime(GHOST_EventHandle eventhandle);
* Returns the window this event was generated on,
* or nullptr if it is a 'system' event.
* \param eventhandle: The handle to the event.
* \return The generating window.
extern GHOST_WindowHandle GHOST_GetEventWindow(GHOST_EventHandle eventhandle);
* Returns the event data.
* \param eventhandle: The handle to the event.
* \return The event data.
extern GHOST_TEventDataPtr GHOST_GetEventData(GHOST_EventHandle eventhandle);
* Returns the timer callback.
* \param timertaskhandle: The handle to the timer-task.
* \return The timer callback.
extern GHOST_TimerProcPtr GHOST_GetTimerProc(GHOST_TimerTaskHandle timertaskhandle);
* Changes the timer callback.
* \param timertaskhandle: The handle to the timer-task.
* \param timerProc: The timer callback.
extern void GHOST_SetTimerProc(GHOST_TimerTaskHandle timertaskhandle,
GHOST_TimerProcPtr timerProc);
* Returns the timer user data.
* \param timertaskhandle: The handle to the timer-task.
* \return The timer user data.
extern GHOST_TUserDataPtr GHOST_GetTimerTaskUserData(GHOST_TimerTaskHandle timertaskhandle);
* Changes the time user data.
* \param timertaskhandle: The handle to the timer-task.
* \param user_data: The timer user data.
extern void GHOST_SetTimerTaskUserData(GHOST_TimerTaskHandle timertaskhandle,
GHOST_TUserDataPtr user_data);
* Returns indication as to whether the window is valid.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The validity of the window.
extern bool GHOST_GetValid(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Returns the type of drawing context used in this window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The current type of drawing context.
extern GHOST_TDrawingContextType GHOST_GetDrawingContextType(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Tries to install a rendering context in this window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param type: The type of rendering context installed.
* \return Indication as to whether installation has succeeded.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetDrawingContextType(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TDrawingContextType type);
* Returns the drawing context used in the this window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The window drawing context.
extern GHOST_ContextHandle GHOST_GetDrawingContext(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Sets the title displayed in the title bar.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param title: The title to display in the title bar.
extern void GHOST_SetTitle(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, const char *title);
* Returns the title displayed in the title bar.
* The title must be freed with free().
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The title, free with free().
extern char *GHOST_GetTitle(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Sets the file name represented by this window.
* \param filepath: The file directory.
* \return Indication if the backend implements file associated with window.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetPath(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, const char *filepath);
* Returns the window rectangle dimensions.
* These are screen coordinates.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return A handle to the bounding rectangle of the window.
extern GHOST_RectangleHandle GHOST_GetWindowBounds(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Returns the client rectangle dimensions.
* The left and top members of the rectangle are always zero.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return A handle to the bounding rectangle of the window.
extern GHOST_RectangleHandle GHOST_GetClientBounds(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Disposes a rectangle object.
* \param rectanglehandle: Handle to the rectangle.
void GHOST_DisposeRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle);
* Resizes client rectangle width.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param width: The new width of the client area of the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetClientWidth(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, uint32_t width);
* Resizes client rectangle height.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param height: The new height of the client area of the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetClientHeight(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, uint32_t height);
* Resizes client rectangle.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param width: The new width of the client area of the window.
* \param height: The new height of the client area of the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetClientSize(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
* Converts a point in screen coordinates to client rectangle coordinates
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param inX: The x-coordinate on the screen.
* \param inY: The y-coordinate on the screen.
* \param outX: The x-coordinate in the client rectangle.
* \param outY: The y-coordinate in the client rectangle.
extern void GHOST_ScreenToClient(
GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, int32_t inX, int32_t inY, int32_t *outX, int32_t *outY);
* Converts a point in client rectangle coordinates to screen coordinates.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param inX: The x-coordinate in the client rectangle.
* \param inY: The y-coordinate in the client rectangle.
* \param outX: The x-coordinate on the screen.
* \param outY: The y-coordinate on the screen.
extern void GHOST_ClientToScreen(
GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, int32_t inX, int32_t inY, int32_t *outX, int32_t *outY);
* Returns the state of the window (normal, minimized, maximized).
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return The state of the window.
extern GHOST_TWindowState GHOST_GetWindowState(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Sets the state of the window (normal, minimized, maximized).
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param state: The state of the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetWindowState(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TWindowState state);
* Sets the window "modified" status, indicating unsaved changes.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param isUnsavedChanges: Unsaved changes or not.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetWindowModifiedState(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
bool isUnsavedChanges);
* Sets the order of the window (bottom, top).
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \param order: The order of the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetWindowOrder(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_TWindowOrder order);
* Swaps front and back buffers of a window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return A success indicator.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SwapWindowBuffers(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Sets the swap interval for #swapBuffers.
* \param interval: The swap interval to use.
* \return A boolean success indicator.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_SetSwapInterval(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, int interval);
* Gets the current swap interval for #swapBuffers.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window
* \param r_interval: pointer to location to return swap interval
* (left untouched if there is an error)
* \return A boolean success indicator of if swap interval was successfully read.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetSwapInterval(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, int *r_interval);
* Activates the drawing context of this window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return A success indicator.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_ActivateWindowDrawingContext(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Invalidates the contents of this window.
* \param windowhandle: The handle to the window.
* \return Indication of success.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_InvalidateWindow(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Activates the drawing context of this context.
* \param contexthandle: The handle to the context.
* \return A success indicator.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_ActivateGPUContext(GHOST_ContextHandle contexthandle);
* Release the drawing context bound to this thread.
* \param contexthandle: The handle to the context.
* \return A success indicator.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_ReleaseGPUContext(GHOST_ContextHandle contexthandle);
* Get the GPU frame-buffer handle that serves as a default frame-buffer.
extern unsigned int GHOST_GetContextDefaultGPUFramebuffer(GHOST_ContextHandle contexthandle);
* Get the GPU frame-buffer handle that serves as a default frame-buffer.
extern unsigned int GHOST_GetDefaultGPUFramebuffer(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Use multi-touch gestures if supported.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param use: Enable or disable.
extern void GHOST_SetMultitouchGestures(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, const bool use);
* Set which tablet API to use. Only affects Windows, other platforms have a single API.
* \param systemhandle: The handle to the system.
* \param api: Enum indicating which API to use.
extern void GHOST_SetTabletAPI(GHOST_SystemHandle systemhandle, GHOST_TTabletAPI api);
* Get the color of the pixel at the current mouse cursor location
* \param r_color: returned sRGB float colors
* \return Success value (true == successful and supported by platform)
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_GetPixelAtCursor(float r_color[3]);
* Access to rectangle width.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \return width of the rectangle
extern int32_t GHOST_GetWidthRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle);
* Access to rectangle height.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \return height of the rectangle
extern int32_t GHOST_GetHeightRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle);
* Gets all members of the rectangle.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param l: Pointer to return left coordinate in.
* \param t: Pointer to return top coordinate in.
* \param r: Pointer to return right coordinate in.
* \param b: Pointer to return bottom coordinate in.
extern void GHOST_GetRectangle(
GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, int32_t *l, int32_t *t, int32_t *r, int32_t *b);
* Sets all members of the rectangle.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param l: requested left coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param t: requested top coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param r: requested right coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param b: requested bottom coordinate of the rectangle.
extern void GHOST_SetRectangle(
GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, int32_t l, int32_t t, int32_t r, int32_t b);
* Returns whether this rectangle is empty.
* Empty rectangles are rectangles that have width==0 and/or height==0.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \return Success value (true == empty rectangle)
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_IsEmptyRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle);
* Returns whether this rectangle is valid.
* Valid rectangles are rectangles that have m_l <= m_r and m_t <= m_b.
* Thus, empty rectangles are valid.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \return Success value (true == valid rectangle)
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_IsValidRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle);
* Grows (or shrinks the rectangle).
* The method avoids negative insets making the rectangle invalid
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param i: The amount of offset given to each extreme (negative values shrink the rectangle).
extern void GHOST_InsetRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, int32_t i);
* Does a union of the rectangle given and this rectangle.
* The result is stored in this rectangle.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param anotherrectanglehandle: The rectangle that is input for the union operation.
extern void GHOST_UnionRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle,
GHOST_RectangleHandle anotherrectanglehandle);
* Grows the rectangle to included a point.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param x: The x-coordinate of the point.
* \param y: The y-coordinate of the point.
extern void GHOST_UnionPointRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, int32_t x, int32_t y);
* Returns whether the point is inside this rectangle.
* Point on the boundary is considered inside.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param x: x-coordinate of point to test.
* \param y: y-coordinate of point to test.
* \return Success value (true if point is inside).
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_IsInsideRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle,
int32_t x,
int32_t y);
* Returns whether the rectangle is inside this rectangle.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param anotherrectanglehandle: The rectangle to test.
* \return visibility (not, partially or fully visible).
extern GHOST_TVisibility GHOST_GetRectangleVisibility(
GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, GHOST_RectangleHandle anotherrectanglehandle);
* Sets rectangle members.
* Sets rectangle members such that it is centered at the given location.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param cx: Requested center x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param cy: Requested center y-coordinate of the rectangle.
extern void GHOST_SetCenterRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle,
int32_t cx,
int32_t cy);
* Sets rectangle members.
* Sets rectangle members such that it is centered at the given location,
* with the width requested.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param cx: requested center x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param cy: requested center y-coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param w: requested width of the rectangle.
* \param h: requested height of the rectangle.
extern void GHOST_SetRectangleCenter(
GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle, int32_t cx, int32_t cy, int32_t w, int32_t h);
* Clips a rectangle.
* Updates the rectangle given such that it will fit within this one.
* This can result in an empty rectangle.
* \param rectanglehandle: The handle to the rectangle.
* \param anotherrectanglehandle: The rectangle to clip.
* \return Whether clipping has occurred
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_ClipRectangle(GHOST_RectangleHandle rectanglehandle,
GHOST_RectangleHandle anotherrectanglehandle);
* Return the data from the clipboard
* \param selection: Boolean to return the selection instead, X11 only feature.
* \return clipboard data
extern char *GHOST_getClipboard(bool selection);
* Put data to the Clipboard
* \param buffer: the string buffer to set.
* \param selection: Set the selection instead, X11 only feature.
extern void GHOST_putClipboard(const char *buffer, bool selection);
* Returns GHOST_kSuccess if the clipboard contains an image.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_hasClipboardImage(void);
* Get image data from the Clipboard
* \param r_width: the returned image width in pixels.
* \param r_height: the returned image height in pixels.
* \return pointer uint array in RGBA byte order. Caller must free.
extern uint *GHOST_getClipboardImage(int *r_width, int *r_height);
* Put image data to the Clipboard
* \param rgba: uint array in RGBA byte order.
* \param width: the image width in pixels.
* \param height: the image height in pixels.
extern GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_putClipboardImage(uint *rgba, int width, int height);
* Set the Console State
* \param action: console state
* \return current status (1 -visible, 0 - hidden)
extern bool GHOST_setConsoleWindowState(GHOST_TConsoleWindowState action);
* Use native pixel size (MacBook pro 'retina'), if supported.
extern bool GHOST_UseNativePixels(void);
* Return features which are supported by the GHOST back-end.
extern GHOST_TCapabilityFlag GHOST_GetCapabilities(void);
* Assign the callback which generates a back-trace (may be nullptr).
extern void GHOST_SetBacktraceHandler(GHOST_TBacktraceFn backtrace_fn);
* Focus window after opening, or put them in the background.
extern void GHOST_UseWindowFocus(bool use_focus);
* Focus and raise windows on mouse hover.
extern void GHOST_SetAutoFocus(bool auto_focus);
* If window was opened using native pixel size, it returns scaling factor.
extern float GHOST_GetNativePixelSize(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Returns the suggested DPI for this window.
extern uint16_t GHOST_GetDPIHint(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
* Enable IME attached to the given window, i.e. allows user-input
* events to be dispatched to the IME.
* \param windowhandle: Window handle of the caller.
* \param x: Requested x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param y: Requested y-coordinate of the rectangle.
* \param w: Requested width of the rectangle.
* \param h: Requested height of the rectangle.
* \param complete: Whether or not to complete the ongoing composition.
* - true: Start a new composition.
* - false: Move the IME windows to the given position without finishing it.
extern void GHOST_BeginIME(
GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, bool complete);
* Disable the IME attached to the given window, i.e. prohibits any user-input
* events from being dispatched to the IME.
* \param windowhandle: The window handle of the caller.
extern void GHOST_EndIME(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle);
/* XR-context */
* Set a custom callback to be executed whenever an error occurs. Should be set before calling
* #GHOST_XrContextCreate() to get error handling during context creation too.
* \param customdata: Handle to some data that will get passed to \a handler_fn should an error be
* thrown.
void GHOST_XrErrorHandler(GHOST_XrErrorHandlerFn handler_fn, void *customdata);
* \brief Initialize the Ghost XR-context.
* Includes setting up the OpenXR runtime link, querying available extensions and API layers,
* enabling extensions and API layers.
* \param create_info: Options for creating the XR-context, e.g. debug-flags and ordered array of
* graphics bindings to try enabling.
GHOST_XrContextHandle GHOST_XrContextCreate(const GHOST_XrContextCreateInfo *create_info);
* Free a XR-context involving OpenXR runtime link destruction and freeing of all internal data.
void GHOST_XrContextDestroy(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
* Set callbacks for binding and unbinding a graphics context for a session. The binding callback
* may create a new graphics context thereby. In fact that's the sole reason for this callback
* approach to binding. Just make sure to have an unbind function set that properly destructs.
* \param bind_fn: Function to retrieve (possibly create) a graphics context.
* \param unbind_fn: Function to release (possibly free) a graphics context.
void GHOST_XrGraphicsContextBindFuncs(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
GHOST_XrGraphicsContextBindFn bind_fn,
GHOST_XrGraphicsContextUnbindFn unbind_fn);
* Set the drawing callback for views. A view would typically be either the left or the right eye,
* although other configurations are possible. When #GHOST_XrSessionDrawViews() is called to draw
* an XR frame, \a draw_view_fn is executed for each view.
* \param draw_view_fn: The callback to draw a single view for an XR frame.
void GHOST_XrDrawViewFunc(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, GHOST_XrDrawViewFn draw_view_fn);
/* sessions */
* Create internal session data for \a xr_context and ask the OpenXR runtime to invoke a session.
* \param begin_info: Options for the session creation.
void GHOST_XrSessionStart(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const GHOST_XrSessionBeginInfo *begin_info);
* Destruct internal session data for \a xr_context and ask the OpenXR runtime to stop a session.
void GHOST_XrSessionEnd(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
* Draw a single frame by calling the view drawing callback defined by #GHOST_XrDrawViewFunc() for
* each view and submit it to the OpenXR runtime.
* \param customdata: Handle to some data that will get passed to the view drawing callback.
void GHOST_XrSessionDrawViews(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, void *customdata);
* Check if a \a xr_context has a session that, according to the OpenXR definition would be
* considered to be 'running'
* (
int GHOST_XrSessionIsRunning(const GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
* Check if \a xr_context has a session that requires an upside-down frame-buffer (compared to
* GPU). If true, the render result should be flipped vertically for correct output.
* \note Only to be called after session start, may otherwise result in a false negative.
int GHOST_XrSessionNeedsUpsideDownDrawing(const GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
/* events */
* Invoke handling of all OpenXR events for \a xr_context. Should be called on every main-loop
* iteration and will early-exit if \a xr_context is nullptr (so caller doesn't have to check).
* \returns GHOST_kSuccess if any event was handled, otherwise GHOST_kFailure.
GHOST_TSuccess GHOST_XrEventsHandle(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
/* actions */
* Create an OpenXR action set for input/output.
int GHOST_XrCreateActionSet(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const GHOST_XrActionSetInfo *info);
* Destroy a previously created OpenXR action set.
void GHOST_XrDestroyActionSet(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const char *action_set_name);
* Create OpenXR input/output actions.
int GHOST_XrCreateActions(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
uint32_t count,
const GHOST_XrActionInfo *infos);
* Destroy previously created OpenXR actions.
void GHOST_XrDestroyActions(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
uint32_t count,
const char *const *action_names);
* Create input/output path bindings for OpenXR actions.
int GHOST_XrCreateActionBindings(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
uint32_t count,
const GHOST_XrActionProfileInfo *infos);
* Destroy previously created bindings for OpenXR actions.
void GHOST_XrDestroyActionBindings(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
uint32_t count,
const char *const *action_names,
const char *const *profile_paths);
* Attach all created action sets to the current OpenXR session.
int GHOST_XrAttachActionSets(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context);
* Update button/tracking states for OpenXR actions.
* \param action_set_name: The name of the action set to sync. If nullptr, all action sets
* attached to the session will be synced.
int GHOST_XrSyncActions(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const char *action_set_name);
* Apply an OpenXR haptic output action.
int GHOST_XrApplyHapticAction(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context_handle,
const char *action_set_name,
const char *action_name,
const char *subaction_path,
const int64_t *duration,
const float *frequency,
const float *amplitude);
* Stop a previously applied OpenXR haptic output action.
void GHOST_XrStopHapticAction(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context_handle,
const char *action_set_name,
const char *action_name,
const char *subaction_path);
* Get action set custom data (owned by Blender, not GHOST).
void *GHOST_XrGetActionSetCustomdata(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name);
* Get action custom data (owned by Blender, not GHOST).
void *GHOST_XrGetActionCustomdata(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
const char *action_name);
* Get the number of actions in an action set.
unsigned int GHOST_XrGetActionCount(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const char *action_set_name);
* Get custom data for all actions in an action set.
void GHOST_XrGetActionCustomdataArray(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *action_set_name,
void **r_customdata_array);
/* controller model */
* Load the OpenXR controller model.
int GHOST_XrLoadControllerModel(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const char *subaction_path);
* Unload the OpenXR controller model.
void GHOST_XrUnloadControllerModel(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context, const char *subaction_path);
* Update component transforms for the OpenXR controller model.
int GHOST_XrUpdateControllerModelComponents(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *subaction_path);
* Get vertex data for the OpenXR controller model.
int GHOST_XrGetControllerModelData(GHOST_XrContextHandle xr_context,
const char *subaction_path,
GHOST_XrControllerModelData *r_data);
#endif /* WITH_XR_OPENXR */
* Get Vulkan handles for the given context.
* These handles are the same for a given context.
* Should only be called when using a Vulkan context.
* Other contexts will not return any handles and leave the
* handles where the parameters are referring to unmodified.
* \param context: GHOST context handle of a vulkan context to
* get the Vulkan handles from.
* \param r_instance: After calling this function the VkInstance
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKInstance handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_physical_device: After calling this function the VkPhysicalDevice
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKPhysicalDevice handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_device: After calling this function the VkDevice
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKDevice handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_graphic_queue_family: After calling this function the uint32_t
* referenced by this parameter will contain the graphic queue family id
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_queue: After calling this function the VkQueue
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKQueue handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
void GHOST_GetVulkanHandles(GHOST_ContextHandle context,
void *r_instance,
void *r_physical_device,
void *r_device,
uint32_t *r_graphic_queue_family,
void *r_queue);
* Set the pre and post callbacks for vulkan swap chain in the given context.
* \param context: GHOST context handle of a vulkan context to
* get the Vulkan handles from.
* \param swap_buffers_pre_callback: Function pointer to be called at the beginning of swapBuffers.
* Inside this callback the next swap chain image needs to be acquired and filled.
* \param swap_buffers_post_callback: Function to be called at th end of swapBuffers. swapBuffers
* can recreate the swap chain. When this is done the application should be informed by those
* changes.
void GHOST_SetVulkanSwapBuffersCallbacks(
GHOST_ContextHandle context,
void (*swap_buffers_pre_callback)(const GHOST_VulkanSwapChainData *),
void (*swap_buffers_post_callback)(void));
* Acquire the current swap chain format.
* \param windowhandle: GHOST window handle to a window to get the resource from.
* \param r_surface_format: After calling this function the VkSurfaceFormatKHR
* referenced by this parameter will contain the surface format of the
* surface. The format is the same as the image returned in the r_image
* parameter.
* \param r_extent: After calling this function the VkExtent2D
* referenced by this parameter will contain the size of the
* frame buffer and image in pixels.
void GHOST_GetVulkanSwapChainFormat(GHOST_WindowHandle windowhandle,
GHOST_VulkanSwapChainData *r_swap_chain_data);
#ifdef __cplusplus