Mitchell Stokes fe05f97841 BGE: Multi-threading animation updates and skinning.
This required BL_ArmatureObject to have tighter control over armatures and poses.
Also, (Blender) armature objects are now copied instead of shared between
BL_ArmatureObjects to avoid race conditions. Also, due to the armature copy,
shape key drivers need a bit of extra fiddling to get the correct armature copy.

Initially OpenMP was used for threading, but then BLI_task was used due to being
less compiler dependent.

This commit also places time spent on skinning updates in the Animation
profiler category (was previously under the Rasterizer category).
2014-04-06 16:30:59 -07:00

146 lines
4.5 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
/** \file BL_ArmatureObject.h
* \ingroup bgeconv
#include "KX_GameObject.h"
#include "BL_ArmatureConstraint.h"
#include "BL_ArmatureChannel.h"
#include "SG_IObject.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
struct bArmature;
struct Bone;
struct bConstraint;
class BL_ActionActuator;
class BL_ArmatureActuator;
class MT_Matrix4x4;
struct Object;
class KX_BlenderSceneConverter;
class BL_ArmatureObject : public KX_GameObject
double GetLastFrame ();
virtual void ProcessReplica();
virtual void ReParentLogic();
virtual void Relink(CTR_Map<CTR_HashedPtr, void*> *obj_map);
virtual bool UnlinkObject(SCA_IObject* clientobj);
void* sgReplicationInfo,
SG_Callbacks callbacks,
Object *armature,
Scene *scene,
int vert_deform_type
virtual ~BL_ArmatureObject();
virtual CValue* GetReplica();
void GetPose(struct bPose **pose);
void SetPose (struct bPose *pose);
struct bPose *GetOrigPose() {return m_pose;} // never edit this, only for accessing names
void ApplyPose();
void SetPoseByAction(struct bAction* action, float localtime);
void BlendInPose(struct bPose *blend_pose, float weight, short mode);
void RestorePose();
bool UpdateTimestep(double curtime);
struct bArmature *GetArmature() { return (bArmature*)m_objArma->data; }
const struct bArmature * GetArmature() const { return (bArmature*)m_objArma->data; }
const struct Scene * GetScene() const { return m_scene; }
Object* GetArmatureObject() {return m_objArma;}
Object* GetOrigArmatureObject() {return m_origObjArma;}
int GetVertDeformType() {return m_vert_deform_type;}
// for constraint python API
void LoadConstraints(KX_BlenderSceneConverter* converter);
size_t GetConstraintNumber() const { return m_constraintNumber; }
BL_ArmatureConstraint* GetConstraint(const char* posechannel, const char* constraint);
BL_ArmatureConstraint* GetConstraint(const char* posechannelconstraint);
BL_ArmatureConstraint* GetConstraint(int index);
// for pose channel python API
void LoadChannels();
size_t GetChannelNumber() const { return m_channelNumber; }
BL_ArmatureChannel* GetChannel(bPoseChannel* channel);
BL_ArmatureChannel* GetChannel(const char* channel);
BL_ArmatureChannel* GetChannel(int index);
/// Retrieve the pose matrix for the specified bone.
/// Returns true on success.
bool GetBoneMatrix(Bone* bone, MT_Matrix4x4& matrix);
/// Returns the bone length. The end of the bone is in the local y direction.
float GetBoneLength(Bone* bone) const;
virtual int GetGameObjectType() { return OBJ_ARMATURE; }
static PyObject *pyattr_get_constraints(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef);
static PyObject *pyattr_get_channels(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(BL_ArmatureObject, update);
#endif /* WITH_PYTHON */
/* list element: BL_ArmatureConstraint. Use SG_DListHead to have automatic list replication */
SG_DListHead<BL_ArmatureConstraint> m_controlledConstraints;
/* list element: BL_ArmatureChannel. Use SG_DList to avoid list replication */
SG_DList m_poseChannels;
Object *m_objArma;
Object *m_origObjArma;
struct bPose *m_pose;
struct bPose *m_armpose;
struct Scene *m_scene; // need for BKE_pose_where_is
double m_lastframe;
double m_timestep; // delta since last pose evaluation.
int m_vert_deform_type;
size_t m_constraintNumber;
size_t m_channelNumber;
// store the original armature object matrix
float m_obmat[4][4];
double m_lastapplyframe;
#endif /* __BL_ARMATUREOBJECT_H__ */