Campbell Barton 323cc790fa added a with 1 function- getDerivedObjects, gets all dupliObjects and can optionaly get a mesh generated from the objects particles.
export obj can now export duplis and particles as well as faster face exporting and other small cleanups/speedups.
2006-10-01 14:02:51 +00:00

88 lines
2.1 KiB

import Blender
def getDerivedObjects(ob, PARTICLES= True):
Takes an objects and returnes a list of (ob, maxrix4x4) pairs
that are derived from this object -
This will include the object its self if it would be rendered.
all dupli's for eg are not rendered themselves.
currently supports
* dupligroups
* dupliverts
* dupliframes
* static particles as a mesh
it is possible this function will return an empty list.
ob_mtx_pairs = ob.DupObjects
effects= ob.effects
# Ignore self if were a dupli* or our parent is a duplivert.
if ob.enableDupFrames or ob.enableDupGroup or ob.enableDupVerts:
parent= ob.parent
if parent and parent.enableDupVerts:
if effects and (not effects[0].flag & Blender.Effect.Flags.EMESH):
# Particles mesh wont render
ob_mtx_pairs.append((ob, ob.matrixWorld))
type_vec= type(Blender.Mathutils.Vector())
type_tp= type((0,0))
type_ls= type([])
# TODO, particles per child object.
# TODO Support materials
me= Blender.Mesh.New()
for eff in effects:
par= eff.getParticlesLoc()
if par:
type_par= type(par[0])
if type_par == type_vec:
# point particles
elif type_par == type_tp:
# edge pairs
start_index= len(me.verts)
me.verts.extend([v for p in par for v in p])
me.edges.extend( [(i, i+1) for i in xrange(start_index, start_index + len(par) - 1 )] )
elif type_par == type_ls:
# lines of edges
start_index= len(me.verts)
me.verts.extend([v for line in par for v in line])
edges= []
for line in par:
edges.extend( [(i,i+1) for i in xrange(start_index, start_index+len(line)-1) ] )
start_index+= len(line)
if me.verts:
# If we have verts, then add the mesh
ob_par = Blender.Object.New('Mesh') me )
LOOSE= Blender.Mesh.EdgeFlags.LOOSE
for ed in me.edges:
ed.flag |= LOOSE
# Particle's are in worldspace so an identity matrix is fine.
ob_mtx_pairs.append( (ob_par, Blender.Mathutils.Matrix()) )
return ob_mtx_pairs