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Flamenco Change Log

This file contains the history of changes to Flamenco. Only changes that might be interesting for users are listed here, such as new features and fixes for bugs in actually-released versions.

3.2 - released 2023-02-21

  • When rendering EXR files, use Blender's preview JPEG files to generate the preview video (43bc22f10fae).
  • Fix issue where workers would switch immediately on a state change request, even if it was of the "after task is finished" kind.
  • Add-on: Do a "pre-submission check" before sending files to the farm. This should provide submission errors earlier in the process, without waiting for files to be collected.
  • Worker: better handling of long lines from Blender/FFmpeg, splitting them up at character boundaries.
  • Manager: change SQLite parameters to have write-through-log journalling and less filesystem synchronisation. This reduces I/O load on the Manager.
  • Add-on: Set Blender's experimental flag use_all_linked_data_direct to True on submitted files, to work around a shortcoming in BAT. See Blender commit b8c7e93a6504 for the introduction of that flag.
  • Bump the bundled Blender Asset Tracer (BAT) to version 1.15.
  • Increase preview image file size from 10 MB to 25 MB. Even though the Worker can down-scale render output before sending to the Manager as preview, they could still be larger than the limit of 10 MB.
  • Fix a crash of the Manager when using an invalid frame range (1 10 for example, instead of 1-10 or 1,10)
  • Make it possible to delete jobs. The job and its tasks are removed from Flamenco, including last-rendered images and logs. The input files (i.e. the to-be-rendered blend files and their dependencies) will only be removed if the Shaman system was used AND if the job was submitted with Flamenco 3.2 or newer.
  • Security updates of some dependencies:

3.1 - released 2022-10-18

  • Web interface: make the worker IP address clickable; it will be copied to the clipboard when clicked (50ec5f4f360c).
  • Allow changing the priority of an existing job (API: 07f0b38e8a9f, 85d53de1f99f, Web: 4389b60197a0, 080a63df6a5b).
  • Fix FFmpeg packaging issue, which caused the Worker to not find the bundled FFmpeg executable (1abeb71f570f).
  • Less dramatic logging when Blender cannot be found by the Worker on startup (161a7f7cb381, 759a94e49b21). This just means that the Manager has to tell the Worker which Blender to use, which is perfectly fine.
  • Fix error in sleep scheduler when shutting down the Manager (59655ea770f6).
  • Workers can now decode TIFF files to generate previews (a95e8781cf94).
  • Fix error submitting to Shaman storage from a Windows machine (0bc0a7ac9b68).

3.0 - released 2022-09-12

  • Faster & more accurate progress reporting of file submission.
  • Add-on: report which files were missing after submitting a job. This is reported in the terminal (aka System Console).

3.0-beta3 - released 2022-08-31

  • Clean up how version numbers are reported, so that there are no repeats of the version (beta2 was reported as 3.0-beta2-v3.0-beta2).
  • Fix an issue running FFmpeg.
  • The "Simple Blender Render" job type no longer accepts files that render to video (so FFmpeg or one of the built-in AVI options). This was originally intended to work, but had various problems. Now the script actively refuses to handle such files, and limits itself to images only. It will still create a preview video out of these images.
  • The "Simple Blender Render" job type no longer renders to an intermediate directory. It simply always renders to the configured path. Not only does this simplify the script, but it also makes it possible to allow selective rerendering in the future.

3.0-beta2 - released 2022-08-31

WARNING: this version is backward incompatible. Any job created with Flamenco 3.0-beta1 will not run with Flamenco 3.0-beta2. Only upgrade after currently-active jobs have finished, or cancel them.

It is recommended to remove flamenco-manager.yaml, restart Flamenco Manager, and reconfigure via the setup assistant.

  • Manager & Add-on: avoid error that could occur when submitting jobs with UDIM files (44ccc6c3ca70).
  • Manager: don't stop when the Flamenco Setup Assistant cannot start a webbrowser (7d3d3d1d6078).
  • Change path inside the Linux and macOS tarballs, so that they contain an embedded flamenco-3.x.y-xxxx/ directory with all the files (instead of putting all the files in the root of the tarball).
  • Two-way variable replacement now also changes the path separators to the target platform.
  • Allow setting priority when submitting a job (db9aca4a37e1).
  • Separate "blender location" and "blender arguments" into two variables (e5a20425c474).
    • The variable blender now should only point at the Blender executable, for example D:\Blender_3.2_stable\blender.exe.
    • The variable blenderArgs can be used to set the default Blender arguments, for example -b -y.
  • Job storage location can now be made multi-platform by using two-way variables (31cf0a4ecc75).

3.0-beta1 - released 2022-08-03

This was the first version of Flamenco to be released to the public, and thus it serves as the starting point for this change log.