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Static Web Files

Files in the static directory will get embedded into the Flamenco Manager executable, and served as static files via its web server.

  • make webapp-static clears it out and builds the webapp there. It also ZIPs the Blender add-on, and places it in there as well.
  • make clean-webapp-static just does the clearing of the files.

static/emptyfile exists just to make sure that go:embed inside web_app.go has something to work with, even before any static files have been built.

Running static flamenco.io site locally

Flamenco.io runs off of Hugo.

Hugo is automatically installed when running make with-deps, but you can also manually install Hugo.

To locally run the site, from the web/flamenco-io-site directory, start the server with:

hugo server -D

Then visit https://localhost:1313/ in a webbrowser.