## Description
Being able to select from the yank history is useful if you want to
paste over something else by first selecting the stuff you want to
remove in visual mode.
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
Because I use the Colemak-DH keyboard layout, I have mapped 'i' to 'h'.
Therefore, the current mini.ai which_key prompts are inconsistent with
my keymap.
## Description
The names and prefixes used in mini.ai_whichkey() are hardcoded and
should follow the user's mappings.
## Related Issue(s)
## Screenshots
## Checklist
- [ x ] I've read the
Co-authored-by: Folke Lemaitre <folke.lemaitre@gmail.com>
## Description
this makes the extra luasnip lazy load at the same time as nvim cmp.
just putting `lazy = true` works because `nvim-cmp` when being loaded
with `InsertEnter` also load `cmp-luasnip`, which itself load `LUASNIP`.
you can see the problem in the following discussion
https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/discussions/3966 where luasnip was
not lazy loaded when starting lazyvim. This was also loading nvim-cmp
and all its dep when starting lazyvim, which negatively impacted
## Related Issue(s)
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
Debugging c# with the Omnisharp plugin doesn't work, as described by
myself in #4004. Turns out this is a known issue with how nvim-dap calls
the mason netcoredbg cmd script. [The
solution](https://github.com/jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim/issues/132) is
to pass `detach = false` as an option to the debug adapter. I've tested
and it works on my windows machine.
## Related Issue(s)
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
Changes telescope's `find_files` options to match `fzf-lua` that matches
what `git_files` does including untracked files.
## Related Issue(s)
## Screenshots
<!-- Add screenshots of the changes if applicable. -->
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
Use which-key v3 format for java mappings.
`<leader>c` is removed as it is reported as a duplicate mapping in
health check.
## Related Issue(s)
## Screenshots
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
In `outline.nvim` we have `symbols.filter = LazyVim.config.kind_filter`.
`outline.nvim` adds an entry `exclude = false` by default when it's a
table. This entry propagates to `LazyVim.config.kind_filter` and when
using `LazyVim.config.get_kind_filter()` in Telescope `<leader>ss` that
entry is there as well and causes the error in
bfcc7d5c6f/lua/telescope/utils.lua (L143).
Use `vim.deepcopy` to create a new object for `symbols.filter` in
`outline.nvim`, so that the additional entries don't propagate to
default `LazyVim.config.kind_filter`.
<!-- Describe the big picture of your changes to communicate to the
why we should accept this pull request. -->
## Related Issue(s)
If this PR fixes any issues, please link to the issue here.
- Fixes #<issue_number>
## Screenshots
<!-- Add screenshots of the changes if applicable. -->
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
`conform.nvim` was not using the correct formatter name for
`php-cs-fixer` (which is the name of the binary).
Also move `conform.nvim` spec outside of `nvim-lint` spec.
<!-- Describe the big picture of your changes to communicate to the
why we should accept this pull request. -->
## Related Issue(s)
If this PR fixes any issues, please link to the issue here.
- Fixes #<issue_number>
## Screenshots
<!-- Add screenshots of the changes if applicable. -->
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
## Description
Autocommand group lazyvim_wrap_spell was not triggering for all of the
specified file types.
The autocommand will now trigger for types "text", "plaintex", "typst",
"gitcommit", "markdown" as intended.
## Related Issue(s)
- Fixes#3973
## Checklist
- [X] I've read the
## Description
In the default configuration `opts.test` is a boolean and the code tries
to access `opts.test.config_overrides` which results in an error.
Use control flow to return nil in the case of `opts.test` being boolean.
<!-- Describe the big picture of your changes to communicate to the
why we should accept this pull request. -->
## Related Issue(s)
- Fixes#3965.
## Checklist
- [ x] I've read the
## Description
Improves git browse command by handling different types of remotes, and
allows user to extend to other git hosts.
## Related Issue(s)
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
Co-authored-by: Folke Lemaitre <folke.lemaitre@gmail.com>
## What is this PR for?
<!-- Describe the big picture of your changes to communicate to the
why we should accept this pull request. -->
Provide language specific file icons. The intent is to lay the
foundation of this type of extension / configuration. I've added icons
for file types that I interact with but this is definitely not holistic.
I also went back and forth on whether the configuration should be within
the core UI config or in the extras (I landed on the later). Definitely
open to feedback on these changes.
## Does this PR fix an existing issue?
If this PR fixes any issues, please link to the issue here.
- Fixes #<issue_number>
## Checklist
- [x] I've read the
Co-authored-by: Folke Lemaitre <folke.lemaitre@gmail.com>