Folke Lemaitre 0fd7140a6d fix(NEWS): typo
2024-12-13 17:21:37 +01:00

11 KiB

What's new?


Big new release with a lot of changes and improvements! Two new plugins have been added, and a lot of plugins have been replaced. With these changes, default LazyVim is now just 34 plugins.

Added Plugins

  • fzf-lua as a replacement for telescope.nvim
    • to use telescope.nvim instead, enable the editor.telescope extra
  • blink.cmp as a replacement for nvim-cmp
    • to use nvim-cmp instead, enable the coding.nvim-cmp extra

Removed Plugins


To disable all animations, add the following to your options.lua:

vim.g.snacks_animate = false



  • LazyVim now uses Snacks.dashboard as the default dashboard. Check the docs, for more information and examples.

  • A new dashboard-nvim extra is available for those who prefer the old dashboard.

  • Big new release with a lot of changes and improvements!

  • The biggest change is the move of a bunch of core features to snacks.nvim and fully integrating it into LazyVim.

  • I highly suggest having a look at the snacks.nvim documentation to see all the new features and improvements. Most important changes:

    • Snacks.notifier for notifications instead of nvim-notify
    • Snacks.terminal is similar to lazyterm, but has more features and creates bottom splits by default (similar to the edgy integrating)


  • Markdown Extra: headlines.nvim has been removed in favor of markdown.nvim to spice up your markdown files.

  • nvim-spectre has been removed in favor of grug-far.nvim. grug-far.nvim has a great UI and feels more intuitive to use.

  • This news is now also available on the website at

  • prettier extra now works for all prettier supported filetypes and will be enabled for astro/svelte extra if you have a proper config file with the correct prettier plugin

  • New Language Support: SQL, Clojure, Thrift, Elm, Gleam, Angular, NuShell, Svelte, Kotlin, Astro, Toml and PHP

  • New Extras: copilot-chat, git, octo, inc-rename and neogen

  • The typescript extra now uses vtsls instead of tsserver

  • Neovim >= 0.10 now uses the much faster lazydev.nvim instead of neodev.nvim

  • moved neoconf.nvim to extras. Project specific LSP settings can be done with a .lazy.lua file instead.


  • Keymaps:

    • <leader>gB to open the current repo in the browser
    • gco and gcO to add a comment below or above the current line
    • <leader>wm to toggle window maximize
  • lazydev.nvim: faster alternative to neodev.nvim

  • Options: Added linebreak=true to default options.

  • is back as a default plugin! Removing it was a mistake. It's a great plugin that enhances the native text objects.

  • :LazyExtras now has multiple new sections:

    • Enabled: extras that are currently enabled
    • Recommended Languages: language extras recommended for the current buffer / directory
    • Recommended Plugins: extras that are recommended for most users
    • Plugins: other plugin extras
    • Languages: other language extras
  • new option vim.g.deprecation_warnings to disable deprecation warnings Defaults to false. To enable deprecation warnings, set it to true in your options.lua

  • vim-illuminate move to extras Document highlights now use native lsp functionality by default

Since Neovim 0.10 has been released, I've been working on a new version of LazyVim that is fully compatible with all the latest Neovim features.

Additionally, some core plugins have been moved to extras.

  • native snippets are now the default on Neovim 0.10 Older versions of Neovim will use the new luasnip extra.

  • native comments are now the default on Neovim 0.10 Older versions of Neovim will use the new mini-comment extra. nvim-ts-context-commentstring has been integrated in the native comments.

  • inlay hints have been in LazyVim for a while, but are now enabled by default. To disable them:

      opts = {
        inlay_hints = { enabled = false },
  • plugins moved to extras:

    • mini.surround
    • mini.indentscope scopes are now also highlighted with indent-blankline
    • nvim-treesitter-context


  • added new extra for mini.diff This is a plugin similar to gitsigns but with a neat diff overlay that can be toggled with <leader>go.

  • trouble.nvim has been rewritten from scratch and is now in beta. I've added a new extra for it (trouble-v3) for those of you who want to try it out. You can find the updated docs here

  • The lazygit integration now configures:

    • the theme based on the colorscheme
    • nerd font icons (v3)
    • editor preset is set to nvim-remote for better interop with Neovim
  • The option vim.g.lazygit_theme was renamed to vim.g.lazygit_config

  • lazygit now automatically uses the colors of your current colorscheme. This is enabled by default. To disable, add the below to your options.lua:

    vim.g.lazygit_config = false
  • Added support for basedpyright to the python extra. Enable in your options.lua with:

    vim.g.lazyvim_python_lsp = "basedpyright"

    Be aware that basedpyright is still in development and may not work exactly the same as pyright.

  • User extras under lua/plugins/extras can now also be managed with LazyExtras

  • nvim-ts-autotag is now included by default

  • nvim-treesitter-context is now included by default

  • Added extra for symbols-outline.nvim

  • Added extra for aerial.nvim

  • nvim-navic has been removed. If you want to keep using nvim-navic, you can enable the editor.navic extra

  • New :LazyExtras command for managing LazyVim extras

  • Improved formatting:

    • LazyVim can now work with multiple formatters. Types:

      • primary: only one primary formatter can be active at a time. (conform, none-ls, LSP)
      • secondary: multiple secondary formatters can be active (eslint, ...)
    • LazyVim automatically selects the primary formatter based on the current available sources and priorities.

    • New :LazyFormat command for formatting the current selection or buffer

    • New :LazyFormatInfo command for displaying the active formatters for the current buffer

    • Auto-formatting can be disabled with:

      vim.g.autoformat = false -- globally
      vim.b.autoformat = false -- buffer-local
  • none-ls.nvim is no longer installed by default

    • conform.nvim is now the default formatter
    • nvim-lint is now the default linter
    • If you want to keep using none-ls.nvim, you can enable the lsp.none-ls extra
  • dashboard.nvim is the new default dashboard plugin

    • If you want to keep using alpha.nvim, you can enable the ui.alpha extra
  • Improved root detection:

    • New :LazyRoot command that shows info about the root dir detection

    • Configurable with vim.g.root_spec

      -- LazyVim root dir detection
      -- Each entry can be:
      -- * the name of a detector function like `lsp` or `cwd`
      -- * a pattern or array of patterns like `.git` or `lua`.
      -- * a function with signature `function(buf) -> string|string[]`
      vim.g.root_spec = { "lsp", { ".git", "lua" }, "cwd" }
      -- To disable root detection set to just "cwd"
      vim.g.root_spec = { "cwd" }