Revert "Update documentation"

This reverts commit 3548fd14c06717460473cf417d3e1b397f0a6165.
This commit is contained in:
Juan Martín Sotuyo Dodero
2018-01-21 16:24:40 -03:00
parent 3548fd14c0
commit 10d8b194bb
4 changed files with 74 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ entries:
url: /tocpage
output: pdf
type: frontmatter
- title: About
output: web, pdf
@ -28,198 +30,76 @@ entries:
- title: Getting help
url: /pmd_about_help.html
output: web, pdf
- title: User Documentation
output: web, pdf
- title: Getting started
url: /pmd_userdocs_getting_started.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Understanding rulesets
url: /pmd_userdocs_understanding_rulesets.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Making rulesets
url: /pmd_userdocs_making_rulesets.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Using rule properties
url: /pmd_userdocs_using_properties.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Best practices
url: /pmd_userdocs_best_practices.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Suppressing warnings
url: /pmd_userdocs_suppressing_warnings.html
output: web, pdf
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Apex Rules
- title: Extending PMD
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
- title: Writing a rule
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_writing_pmd_rules.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex.html
- title: Best Practices
- title: Writing XPath rules
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_writing_xpath_rules.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_bestpractices.html
- title: Code Style
- title: Defining rule properties
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_defining_properties.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_codestyle.html
- title: Design
- title: Using and defining code metrics
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_metrics_howto.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_design.html
- title: Error Prone
- title: Rule guidelines
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_rule_guidelines.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_errorprone.html
- title: Performance
- title: Testing your rules
url: /pmd_userdocs_extending_testing.html
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_performance.html
- title: Security
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_apex_security.html
- title: Copy-paste detection
url: /pmd_userdocs_cpd.html
output: web, pdf
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Ecmascript Rules
- title: Tools / Integrations
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
- title: Maven PMD plugin
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
- title: Best Practices
url: /pmd_userdocs_tools_maven.html
- title: Ant
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html
- title: Code Style
url: /pmd_userdocs_tools_ant.html
- title: CI integrations
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html
- title: Error Prone
url: /pmd_userdocs_tools_ci.html
- title: Other Tools / Integrations
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_ecmascript_errorprone.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Java Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java.html
- title: Best Practices
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_bestpractices.html
- title: Code Style
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_codestyle.html
- title: Design
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_design.html
- title: Documentation
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_documentation.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html
- title: Multithreading
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_multithreading.html
- title: Performance
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_java_performance.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Java Server Pages Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp.html
- title: Best Practices
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp_bestpractices.html
- title: Code Style
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp_codestyle.html
- title: Design
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp_design.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp_errorprone.html
- title: Security
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_jsp_security.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Maven POM Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_pom.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_pom_errorprone.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: PLSQL Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_plsql.html
- title: Best Practices
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_plsql_bestpractices.html
- title: Code Style
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_plsql_codestyle.html
- title: Design
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_plsql_design.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_plsql_errorprone.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: Salesforce VisualForce Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vf.html
- title: Security
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vf_security.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: VM Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vm.html
- title: Best Practices
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vm_bestpractices.html
- title: Design
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vm_design.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_vm_errorprone.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: XML Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xml.html
- title: Error Prone
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xml_errorprone.html
- title: null
output: web, pdf
- title: XSL Rules
output: web, pdf
- title: Index
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xsl.html
- title: Code Style
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xsl_codestyle.html
- title: Performance
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xsl_performance.html
url: /pmd_userdocs_tools.html
- title: Rule Reference
output: web, pdf
@ -412,6 +292,8 @@ entries:
- title: Performance
output: web, pdf
url: /pmd_rules_xsl_performance.html
- title: Language Specific Documentation
output: web, pdf
@ -424,6 +306,8 @@ entries:
- title: Apex code metrics
url: /pmd_apex_metrics_index.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Developer Documentation
output: web, pdf
@ -451,15 +335,17 @@ entries:
- title: Major contributions
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding a new language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_language.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding a new CPD language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_cpd_language.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding metrics support to a language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_metrics_framework.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding a new language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_language.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding a new CPD language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_cpd_language.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Adding metrics support to a language
url: /pmd_devdocs_major_adding_new_metrics_framework.html
output: web, pdf
- title: Project documentation
output: web, pdf
@ -506,3 +392,4 @@ entries:
url: /pmd_projectdocs_committers_merging_pull_requests.html
output: web, pdf

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ folder: pmd/rules
* [DontImportSun](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#dontimportsun): Avoid importing anything from the 'sun.' packages. These packages are not portable and are likel...
* [DontUseFloatTypeForLoopIndices](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#dontusefloattypeforloopindices): Don't use floating point for loop indices. If you must use floating point, use doubleunless you'r...
* [EmptyCatchBlock](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptycatchblock): Empty Catch Block finds instances where an exception is caught, but nothing is done. In most cir...
* [EmptyFinalizer](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptyfinalizer): Empty finalize methods serve no purpose and should be removed. Note that Oracle has declared Obje...
* [EmptyFinalizer](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptyfinalizer): Empty finalize methods serve no purpose and should be removed.
* [EmptyFinallyBlock](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptyfinallyblock): Empty finally blocks serve no purpose and should be removed.
* [EmptyIfStmt](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptyifstmt): Empty If Statement finds instances where a condition is checked but nothing is done about it.
* [EmptyInitializer](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptyinitializer): Empty initializers serve no purpose and should be removed.
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ folder: pmd/rules
* [EmptyTryBlock](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptytryblock): Avoid empty try blocks - what's the point?
* [EmptyWhileStmt](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#emptywhilestmt): Empty While Statement finds all instances where a while statement does nothing. If it is a timin...
* [EqualsNull](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#equalsnull): Tests for null should not use the equals() method. The '==' operator should be used instead.
* [FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizedoesnotcallsuperfinalize): If the finalize() is implemented, its last action should be to call super.finalize. Note that Ora...
* [FinalizeOnlyCallsSuperFinalize](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizeonlycallssuperfinalize): If the finalize() is implemented, it should do something besides just calling super.finalize(). N...
* [FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizedoesnotcallsuperfinalize): If the finalize() is implemented, its last action should be to call super.finalize.
* [FinalizeOnlyCallsSuperFinalize](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizeonlycallssuperfinalize): If the finalize() is implemented, it should do something besides just calling super.finalize().
* [FinalizeOverloaded](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizeoverloaded): Methods named finalize() should not have parameters. It is confusing and most likely an attempt ...
* [FinalizeShouldBeProtected](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#finalizeshouldbeprotected): When overriding the finalize(), the new method should be set as protected. If made public, other...
* [IdempotentOperations](pmd_rules_java_errorprone.html#idempotentoperations): Avoid idempotent operations - they have no effect.
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ folder: pmd/rules
* [AddEmptyString](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#addemptystring): The conversion of literals to strings by concatenating them with empty strings is inefficient.It ...
* [AppendCharacterWithChar](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#appendcharacterwithchar): Avoid concatenating characters as strings in StringBuffer/StringBuilder.append methods.
* [AvoidArrayLoops](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#avoidarrayloops): Instead of manually copying data between two arrays, use the efficient Arrays.copyOf or
* [AvoidArrayLoops](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#avoidarrayloops): Instead of manually copying data between two arrays, use the efficient System.arraycopy method in...
* [AvoidFileStream](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#avoidfilestream): The FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes contains a finalizer method which will cause gar...
* [AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#avoidinstantiatingobjectsinloops): New objects created within loops should be checked to see if they can created outside them and re...
* [AvoidUsingShortType](pmd_rules_java_performance.html#avoidusingshorttype): Java uses the 'short' type to reduce memory usage, not to optimize calculation. In fact, the JVM ...

View File

@ -218,8 +218,6 @@ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
The method Object.finalize() is called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines
that there are no more references to the object. It should not be invoked by application logic.
Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
**This rule is defined by the following Java class:** [](
@ -1506,7 +1504,7 @@ public void doSomething() {
**Priority:** Medium (3)
Empty finalize methods serve no purpose and should be removed. Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
Empty finalize methods serve no purpose and should be removed.
@ -1853,7 +1851,7 @@ if (x == null) { // preferred
**Priority:** Medium (3)
If the finalize() is implemented, its last action should be to call super.finalize. Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
If the finalize() is implemented, its last action should be to call super.finalize.
@ -1892,7 +1890,7 @@ protected void finalize() {
**Priority:** Medium (3)
If the finalize() is implemented, it should do something besides just calling super.finalize(). Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
If the finalize() is implemented, it should do something besides just calling super.finalize().
@ -1925,8 +1923,6 @@ protected void finalize() {
Methods named finalize() should not have parameters. It is confusing and most likely an attempt to
overload Object.finalize(). It will not be called by the VM.
Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
@ -1956,8 +1952,6 @@ public class Foo {
When overriding the finalize(), the new method should be set as protected. If made public,
other classes may invoke it at inappropriate times.
Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ sb.append('a'); // use this instead
**Priority:** Medium (3)
Instead of manually copying data between two arrays, use the efficient Arrays.copyOf or System.arraycopy method instead.
Instead of manually copying data between two arrays, use the efficient System.arraycopy method instead.
//Statement[(ForStatement or WhileStatement) and
@ -255,7 +255,6 @@ bi4 = new BigInteger(0); // reference BigInteger.ZERO instead
**Priority:** Medium High (2)
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; you can reference Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, or call Boolean.valueOf() instead.
Note that new Boolean() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
**This rule is defined by the following Java class:** [](
@ -279,7 +278,6 @@ Boolean buz = Boolean.valueOf(false); // ...., just reference Boolean.FALSE;
Calling new Byte() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Byte.valueOf().
It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
Note that new Byte() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
@ -454,7 +452,6 @@ good.append("This is a long string, which is pre-sized");
Calling new Integer() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Integer.valueOf().
It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
Note that new Integer() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
@ -485,7 +482,6 @@ public class Foo {
Calling new Long() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Long.valueOf().
It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
Note that new Long() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
@ -604,7 +600,6 @@ public class C {
Calling new Short() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Short.valueOf().
It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
Note that new Short() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
@ -830,17 +825,9 @@ public class SimpleTest extends TestCase {
**Priority:** Medium (3)
The java.util.Arrays class has a "asList" method that should be used when you want to create a new List from
an array of objects. It is faster than executing a loop to copy all the elements of the array one by one.
Note that the result of Arrays.asList() is backed by the specified array,
changes in the returned list will result in the array to be modified.
For that reason, it is not possible to add new elements to the returned list of Arrays.asList() (UnsupportedOperationException).
You must use new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(...)) if that is inconvenient for you (e.g. because of concurrent access).
(ForStatement) and (ForStatement//VariableInitializer//Literal[@IntLiteral='true' and @Image='0']) and (count(.//IfStatement)=0)
@ -879,7 +866,7 @@ You must use new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(...)) if that is inconvenient for you
public class Test {
public void foo(Integer[] ints) {
// could just use Arrays.asList(ints)
List<Integer> l= new ArrayList<>(100);
List l= new ArrayList(10);
for (int i=0; i< 100; i++) {