forked from phoedos/pmd
Use openjfx dependencies from maven central
* Can use the release flag of maven-compiler-plugin again * Make the openjfx dependencies as provided, so that they don't end up in pmd-bin-*.zip
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,16 +3,4 @@ set TOPDIR=%~dp0..
set OPTS=
set MAIN_CLASS=net.sourceforge.pmd.util.fxdesigner.DesignerStarter
:: sets the jver variable to the java version, eg 901 for 9.0.1+x or 180 for 1.8.0_171-b11
for /f tokens^=2-4^ delims^=.-_+^" %%j in ('java -fullversion 2^>^&1') do set /A jver="%%j%%k%%l"
if "%jver%" GEQ "900" (
:: enable reflection
Set jreopts=--add-opens javafx.controls/
) else (
Set jreopts=
java %jreopts% -classpath "%TOPDIR%\lib\*" %OPTS% %MAIN_CLASS% %*
java -classpath "%TOPDIR%\lib\*" %OPTS% %MAIN_CLASS% %*
@ -74,34 +74,6 @@ check_lib_dir() {
jre_specific_vm_options() {
full_ver=$(java -version 2>&1)
# java_ver is eg "18" for java 1.8, "90" for java 9.0, "100" for java 10.0.x
java_ver=$(echo $full_ver | sed -n '{
# replace early access versions, e.g. 11-ea with 11.0.0
# replace versions such as 10 with 10.0.0
s/version "\([0-9]\{1,\}\)"/version "\1.0.0"/
# extract the major and minor parts of the version
s/^.* version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*".*$/\1\2/p
if [ "$java_ver" -ge 90 ] && [ "${APPNAME}" = "designer" ]
then # open internal module of javafx to reflection (for our TreeViewWrapper)
options="--add-opens javafx.controls/"
# The rest here is for RichtextFX
options+=" --add-opens"
options+=" --add-opens"
options+=" --add-opens"
options+=" --add-opens"
# Warn of remaining illegal accesses
options+=" --illegal-access=warn"
echo $options
readonly APPNAME="${1}"
if [ -z "${APPNAME}" ]; then
@ -156,5 +128,5 @@ cygwin_paths
java ${HEAPSIZE} $(jre_specific_vm_options) -cp "${classpath}" "${CLASSNAME}" "$@"
java ${HEAPSIZE} -cp "${classpath}" "${CLASSNAME}" "$@"
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
<!-- Workaround for -->
@ -29,15 +31,6 @@
<configuration combine.self="override">
<!-- Compiles Less files into CSS files. Currently compatible with Less 1.7.0 -->
<!-- If need be, we can probably update the Less version by using the lessJs
configuration property and having a custom less.js file around. -->
@ -76,13 +69,51 @@
<!-- OpenJFX dependencies are provided. OpenJFX needs to be installed separately. -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user