Adding the generation of pmd-test.jar to the target 'jar'.

It's a quick fix.

Also note that i removed the following line from the jar 
this lead to exclude the testframework itself, which lead
to a pretty useless jar.

I didn't remove the pmd-test jar creation from the 
retroweaver task neither remove this exclusion. Retro
Weaver part of the build is still not working on my 
laptop, so i didn't want to alter without the capability
to test my modifications.

I modify the 4.2.3 first because of this. This way, if we have to
release a 4.2.3 before 5.0, the pmd-test.jar should be
in it.

git-svn-id: 51baf565-9d33-0410-a72c-fc3788e3496d
This commit is contained in:
Romain Pelisse
2008-05-22 15:46:43 +00:00
parent 0043392460
commit f84db1bffc

View File

@ -78,6 +78,10 @@
<attribute name="Class-Path" value="jaxen-${jaxen.version}.jar asm-${asm.version}.jar" />
<jar jarfile="${dir.lib}/pmd-test-${version}.jar"
basedir="${}" />
<taskdef name="retroweaver" classname="net.sourceforge.retroweaver.ant.RetroWeaverTask">