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PMD Release Notes | pmd_release_notes.html | changelog, release notes |
????? - 6.7.0-SNAPSHOT
The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.7.0.
This is a minor release.
Table Of Contents
New and noteworthy
New Rules
The new Java rule
) detects cases, when a method name indicates it returns a boolean (such asisSmall()
) but it doesn't. Besides method names, the rule also checks field and variable names. It also checks, that getters return something but setters won't. The rule has several properties with which it can be customized. -
The new PL/SQL rule
) enforces a naming convention for "for loops". Both "cursor for loops" and "index for loops" are covered. The rule can be customized via patterns. By default, short variable names are reported.
Fixed Issues
- core
- java-bestpractices
- #1267: [java] MissingOverrideRule: Avoid NoClassDefFoundError with incomplete classpath
- java-codestyle
- java-errorprone
- #1078: [java] MissingSerialVersionUID rule does not seem to catch inherited classes
- jsp
- plsql
- #681: [plsql] Parse error with Cursor For Loop
API Changes
External Contributions
- #109: [java] Add two linguistics rules under naming - Arda Aslan
- #1254: [ci] [GSoC] Integrating the danger and pmdtester to travis CI - BBG
- #1258: [java] Use typeof in MissingSerialVersionUID - krichter722
- #1264: [cpp] Fix NullPointerException in CPPTokenizer:99 - Rafael Cortês
- #1277: [jsp] #1276 add support for jspf and tag extensions - Jordi Llach
- #1275: [jsp] Issue #1274 - Support EL in tag attributes - Jordi Llach
- #1278: [ci] [GSoC] Use pmdtester 1.0.0.pre.beta3 - BBG
- #1289: [java] UselessParentheses: Fix false positive with assignments - cobratbq
- #1290: [docs] [GSoC] Create the documentation about pmdtester - BBG