2018-02-25 10:00:22 +01:00

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25-February-2018 - 6.1.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.1.0.

This is a minor release.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Designer UI

The Designer now supports configuring properties for XPath based rule development. The Designer is still under development and any feedback is welcome.

You can start the designer via designer or designer.bat.

Fixed Issues

  • all
    • #569: [core] XPath support requires specific toString implementations
    • #795: [cpd] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    • #848: [doc] Test failures when building pmd-doc under Windows
    • #872: [core] NullPointerException at FileDataSource.glomName()
    • #854: [ci] Use Java9 for building PMD
  • doc
    • #791: [doc] Documentation site reorganisation
    • #891: [doc] Apex @SuppressWarnings should use single quotes instead of double quotes
    • #909: [doc] Please add new PMD Eclipse Plugin to tool integration section
  • java
    • #825: [java] Excessive*Length ignores too much
    • #888: [java] ParseException occurs with valid '<>' in Java 1.8 mode
    • #920: [java] Update valid identifiers in grammar
  • java-bestpractices
    • #784: [java] ForLoopCanBeForeach false-positive
    • #925: [java] UnusedImports false positive for static import
  • java-design
    • #855: [java] ImmutableField false-positive with lambdas
  • java-documentation
    • #877: [java] CommentRequired valid rule configuration causes PMD error
  • java-errorprone
    • #885: [java] CompareObjectsWithEqualsRule trigger by enum1 != enum2
  • java-performance
    • #541: [java] ConsecutiveLiteralAppends with types other than string
  • scala
    • #853: [scala] Upgrade scala version to support Java 9
  • xml
    • #739: [xml] IllegalAccessException when accessing attribute using Saxon on JRE 9

API Changes

Changes to the Node interface

The method getXPathNodeName is added to the Node interface, which removes the use of the toString of a node to get its XPath element name (see #569). A default implementation is provided in AbstractNode, to stay compatible with existing implementors.

The toString method of a Node is not changed for the time being, and still produces the name of the XPath node. That behaviour may however change in future major releases, e.g. to produce a more useful message for debugging.

Changes to CPD renderers

The interface net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.Renderer has been deprecated. A new interface net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.renderer.CPDRenderer has been introduced to replace it. The main difference is that the new interface is meant to render directly to a rather than to a String. This allows to greatly reduce the memory footprint of CPD, as on large projects, with many duplications, it was causing OutOfMemoryErrors (see #795).

net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.FileReporter has also been deprecated as part of this change, as it's no longer needed.

External Contributions

21-January-2018 - 6.0.1

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.0.1.

This is a bug fixing release.

Table Of Contents

Additional information about the new introduced rule categories

With the release of PMD 6.0.0, all rules have been sorted into one of the following eight categories:

  1. Best Practices: These are rules which enforce generally accepted best practices.
  2. Code Style: These rules enforce a specific coding style.
  3. Design: Rules that help you discover design issues.
  4. Documentation: These rules are related to code documentation.
  5. Error Prone: Rules to detect constructs that are either broken, extremely confusing or prone to runtime errors.
  6. Multithreading: These are rules that flag issues when dealing with multiple threads of execution.
  7. Performance: Rules that flag suboptimal code.
  8. Security: Rules that flag potential security flaws.

Please note, that not every category in every language may have a rule. There might be categories with no rules at all, such as category/java/security.xml, which has currently no rules. There are even languages, which only have rules of one category (e.g. category/xml/errorprone.xml).

You can find the information about available rules in the generated rule documentation, available at

In order to help migrate to the new category scheme, the new name for the old, deprecated rule names will be logged as a warning. See PR #865. Please note, that the deprecated rule names will keep working throughout PMD 6. You can upgrade to PMD 6 without the immediate need to migrate your current ruleset. That backwards compatibility will be maintained until PMD 7.0.0 is released.

Fixed Issues

  • all
    • #842: [core] Use correct java bootclasspath for compiling
  • apex-errorprone
    • #792: [apex] AvoidDirectAccessTriggerMap incorrectly detects array access in classes
  • apex-security
    • #788: [apex] Method chaining breaks ApexCRUDViolation
  • doc
    • #782: [doc] Wrong information in the Release Notes about the Security ruleset
    • #794: [doc] Broken documentation links for 6.0.0
  • java
    • #793: [java] Parser error with private method in nested classes in interfaces
    • #814: [java] UnsupportedClassVersionError is failure instead of a warning
    • #831: [java] StackOverflow in JavaTypeDefinitionSimple.toString
  • java-bestpractices
    • #783: [java] GuardLogStatement regression
    • #800: [java] ForLoopCanBeForeach NPE when looping on this object
  • java-codestyle
    • #817: [java] UnnecessaryModifierRule crashes on valid code
  • java-design
    • #785: [java] NPE in DataClass rule
    • #812: [java] Exception applying rule DataClass
    • #827: [java] GodClass crashes with java.lang.NullPointerException
  • java-performance
    • #841: [java] InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration NumberFormatException
  • java-typeresolution
    • #866: [java] rulesets/java/typeresolution.xml lists non-existent rules

API Changes

  • The constant net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD.VERSION has been deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. Please use net.sourceforge.pmd.PMDVersion.VERSION instead.

External Contributions

15-December-2017 - 6.0.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 6.0.0.

This is a major release.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

New Rule Designer

Thanks to Clément Fournier, we now have a new rule designer GUI, which is based on JavaFX. It replaces the old designer and can be started via

  • bin/ designer (on Unix-like platform such as Linux and Mac OS X)
  • bin\designer.bat (on Windows)

Note: At least Java8 is required for the designer. The old designer is still available as designerold but will be removed with the next major release.

Java 9 support

The Java grammar has been updated to support analyzing Java 9 projects:

  • private methods in interfaces are possible
  • The underscore "_" is considered an invalid identifier
  • Diamond operator for anonymous classes
  • The module declarations in can be parsed
  • Concise try-with-resources statements are supported

Java 9 support is enabled by default. You can switch back to an older java version via the command line, e.g. -language java -version 1.8.

Revamped Apex CPD

We are now using the Apex Jorje Lexer to tokenize Apex code for CPD. This change means:

  • All comments are now ignored for CPD. This is consistent with how other languages such as Java and Groovy work.
  • Tokenization honors the language specification, which improves accuracy.

CPD will therefore have less false positives and false negatives.

Java Type Resolution

As part of Google Summer of Code 2017, Bendegúz Nagy worked on type resolution for Java. For this release he has extended support for method calls for both instance and static methods.

Method shadowing and overloading are supported, as are varargs. However, the selection of the target method upon the presence of generics and type inference is still work in progress. Expect it in forecoming releases.

As for fields, the basic support was in place for release 5.8.0, but has now been expanded to support static fields.

Metrics Framework

As part of Google Summer of Code 2017, Clément Fournier is worked on the new metrics framework for object-oriented metrics.

There are already a couple of metrics (e.g. ATFD, WMC, Cyclo, LoC) implemented. More metrics are planned. Based on those metrics, rules like "GodClass" detection could be implemented more easily. The following rules benefit from the metrics framework: NcssCount (java), NPathComplexity (java), CyclomaticComplexity (both java and apex).

The Metrics framework has been abstracted and is available in pmd-core for other languages. With this PMD release, the metrics framework is supported for both Java and Apex.

Error Reporting

A number of improvements on error reporting have taken place, meaning changes to some of the report formats.

Also of note, the xml report now provides a XML Schema definition, allowing easier parsing and validation.

Processing Errors

Processing errors can now provide not only the message previously included on some reports, but also a full stacktrace. This will allow better error reports when providing feedback to the PMD team and help in debugging issues.

The report formats providing full stacktrace of errors are:

  • html
  • summaryhtml
  • textcolor
  • vbhtml
  • xml
Configuration Errors

For a long time reports have been notified of configuration errors on rules, but they have remained hidden. On a push to make these more evident to users, and help them get the best results out of PMD, we have started to include them on the reports.

So far, only reports that include processing errors are showing configuration errors. In other words, the report formats providing configuration error reporting are:

  • csv
  • html
  • summaryhtml
  • text
  • textcolor
  • vbhtml
  • xml

As we move forward we will be able to detect and report more configuration errors (ie: incomplete auxclasspath) and include them to such reports.

Apex Rule Suppression

Apex violations can now be suppressed very similarly to how it's done in Java, by making use of a @SuppressWarnings annotation.

Supported syntax includes:

@SupressWarnings('PMD') // to supress all Apex rules
@SupressWarnings('all') // to supress all Apex rules
@SupressWarnings('PMD.ARuleName') // to supress only the rule named ARuleName
@SupressWarnings('PMD.ARuleName, PMD.AnotherRuleName') // to supress only the rule named ARuleName or AnotherRuleName

Notice this last scenario is slightly different to the Java syntax. This is due to differences in the Apex grammar for annotations.

Rule Categories

All built-in rules have been sorted into one of eight categories:

  1. Best Practices: These are rules which enforce generally accepted best practices.
  2. Code Style: These rules enforce a specific coding style.
  3. Design: Rules that help you discover design issues.
  4. Documentation: These rules are related to code documentation.
  5. Error Prone: Rules to detect constructs that are either broken, extremely confusing or prone to runtime errors.
  6. Multithreading: These are rules that flag issues when dealing with multiple threads of execution.
  7. Performance: Rules that flag suboptimal code.
  8. Security: Rules that flag potential security flaws.

These categories help you to find rules and figure out the relevance and impact for your project.

All rules have been moved accordingly, e.g. the rule "JumbledIncrementer", which was previously defined in the ruleset "java-basic" has now been moved to the "Error Prone" category. The new rule reference to be used is <rule ref="category/java/errorprone.xml/JumbledIncrementer"/>.

The old rulesets like "java-basic" are still kept for backwards-compatibility but will be removed eventually. The rule reference documentation has been updated to reflect these changes.

New Rules

  • The new Java rule NcssCount (category design) replaces the three rules "NcssConstructorCount", "NcssMethodCount", and "NcssTypeCount". The new rule uses the metrics framework to achieve the same. It has two properties, to define the report level for method and class sizes separately. Constructors and methods are considered the same.

  • The new Java rule DoNotExtendJavaLangThrowable (category errorprone) is a companion for the java-strictexception.xml/DoNotExtendJavaLangError, detecting direct extensions of java.lang.Throwable.

  • The new Java rule ForLoopCanBeForeach (category errorprone) helps to identify those for-loops that can be safely refactored into for-each-loops available since java 1.5.

  • The new Java rule AvoidFileStream (category performance) helps to identify code relying on FileInputStream / FileOutputStream which, by using a finalizer, produces extra / unnecessary overhead to garbage collection, and should be replaced with Files.newInputStream / Files.newOutputStream available since java 1.7.

  • The new Java rule DataClass (category design) detects simple data-holders without behaviour. This might indicate that the behaviour is scattered elsewhere and the data class exposes the internal data structure, which breaks encapsulation.

  • The new Apex rule AvoidDirectAccessTriggerMap (category errorprone) helps to identify direct array access to triggers, which can produce bugs by either accessing non-existing indexes, or leaving them out. You should use for-each-loops instead.

  • The new Apex rule AvoidHardcodingId (category errorprone) detects hardcoded strings that look like identifiers and flags them. Record IDs change between environments, meaning hardcoded ids are bound to fail under a different setup.

  • The new Apex rule CyclomaticComplexity (category design) detects overly complex classes and methods. The report threshold can be configured separately for classes and methods.

  • A whole bunch of new rules has been added to Apex. They all fit into the category errorprone. The 5 rules are migrated for Apex from the equivalent Java rules and include:

    • EmptyCatchBlock to detect catch blocks completely ignoring exceptions.
    • EmptyIfStmt for if blocks with no content, that can be safely removed.
    • EmptyTryOrFinallyBlock for empty try / finally blocks that can be safely removed.
    • EmptyWhileStmt for empty while loops that can be safely removed.
    • EmptyStatementBlock for empty code blocks that can be safely removed.
  • The new Apex rule AvoidSoslInLoops (category performance) is the companion of the old AvoidSoqlInLoops rule, flagging SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language) queries when within loops, to avoid governor issues, and hitting the database too often.

Modified Rules

  • The Java rule UnnecessaryFinalModifier (category codestyle, former ruleset java-unnecessarycode) has been merged into the rule UnnecessaryModifier. As part of this, the rule has been revamped to detect more cases. It will now flag anonymous class' methods marked as final (can't be overridden, so it's pointless), along with final methods overridden / defined within enum instances. It will also flag final modifiers on try-with-resources.

  • The Java rule UnnecessaryParentheses (category codestyle, former ruleset java-controversial) has been merged into UselessParentheses (category codestyle, former ruleset java-unnecessary). The rule covers all scenarios previously covered by either rule.

  • The Java rule UncommentedEmptyConstructor (category documentation, former ruleset java-design) will now ignore empty constructors annotated with javax.inject.Inject.

  • The Java rule AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod (category bestpractices, former ruleset java-design) will now ignore classes annotated with

  • The Java rule GodClass (category design', former ruleset java-design`) has been revamped to use the new metrics framework.

  • The Java rule LooseCoupling (category bestpractices, former ruleset java-coupling) has been replaced by the typeresolution-based implementation.

  • The Java rule CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable (category errorprone, former ruleset java-clone) has been replaced by the typeresolution-based implementation and is now able to detect cases if a class implements or extends a Cloneable class/interface.

  • The Java rule UnusedImports (category bestpractices, former ruleset java-imports) has been replaced by the typeresolution-based implementation and is now able to detect unused on-demand imports.

  • The Java rule SignatureDeclareThrowsException (category design, former ruleset 'java-strictexception') has been replaced by the typeresolution-based implementation. It has a new property IgnoreJUnitCompletely, which allows all methods in a JUnit testcase to throw exceptions.

  • The Java rule NPathComplexity (category design, former ruleset java-codesize) has been revamped to use the new metrics framework. Its report threshold can be configured via the property reportLevel, which replaces the now deprecated property minimum.

  • The Java rule CyclomaticComplexity (category design, former ruleset java-codesize) has been revamped to use the new metrics framework. Its report threshold can be configured via the properties classReportLevel and methodReportLevel separately. The old property reportLevel, which configured the level for both total class and method complexity, is deprecated.

  • The Java rule CommentRequired (category documentation, former ruleset java-comments) has been revamped to include 2 new properties:

    • accessorCommentRequirement to specify documentation requirements for getters and setters (default to ignored)
    • methodWithOverrideCommentRequirement to specify documentation requirements for methods annotated with @Override (default to ignored)
  • The Java rule EmptyCatchBlock (category errorprone, former ruleset java-empty) has been changed to ignore exceptions named ignore or expected by default. You can still override this behaviour by setting the allowExceptionNameRegex property.

  • The Java rule OptimizableToArrayCall (category performance, former ruleset design) has been modified to fit for the current JVM implementations: It basically detects now the opposite and suggests to use Collection.toArray(new E[0]) with a zero-sized array. See Arrays of Wisdom of the Ancients.

Deprecated Rules

  • The Java rules NcssConstructorCount, NcssMethodCount, and NcssTypeCount (ruleset java-codesize) have been deprecated. They will be replaced by the new rule NcssCount in the category design.

  • The Java rule LooseCoupling in ruleset java-typeresolution is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category bestpractices instead.

  • The Java rule CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable in ruleset java-typeresolution is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category errorprone instead.

  • The Java rule UnusedImports in ruleset java-typeresolution is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category bestpractices instead.

  • The Java rule SignatureDeclareThrowsException in ruleset java-typeresolution is deprecated. Use the rule with the same name from category design instead.

  • The Java rule EmptyStaticInitializer in ruleset java-empty is deprecated. Use the rule EmptyInitializer from the category errorprone, which covers both static and non-static empty initializers.`

  • The Java rules GuardDebugLogging (ruleset java-logging-jakarta-commons) and GuardLogStatementJavaUtil (ruleset java-logging-java) have been deprecated. Use the rule GuardLogStatement from the category bestpractices, which covers all cases regardless of the logging framework.

Removed Rules

  • The deprecated Java rule UseSingleton has been removed from the ruleset java-design. The rule has been renamed long time ago to UseUtilityClass (category design).

Java Symbol Table

A bug in symbol table prevented the symbol table analysis to properly match primitive arrays types. The issue affected the java-unsedcode/UnusedPrivateMethod rule, but other rules may now produce improved results as consequence of this fix.

Apex Parser Update

The Apex parser version was bumped, from 1.0-sfdc-187 to 210-SNAPSHOT. This update let us take full advantage of the latest improvements from Salesforce, but introduces some breaking changes:

  • BlockStatements are now created for all control structures, even if no brace is used. We have therefore added a hasCurlyBrace method to differentiate between both scenarios.
  • New AST node types are available. In particular CastExpression, ConstructorPreamble, IllegalStoreExpression, MethodBlockStatement, Modifier, MultiStatement, NestedExpression, NestedStoreExpression, NewKeyValueObjectExpression and StatementExecuted
  • Some nodes have been removed. Such is the case of TestNode, DottedExpression and NewNameValueObjectExpression (replaced by NewKeyValueObjectExpression)

All existing rules have been updated to reflect these changes. If you have custom rules, be sure to update them.

For more info about the included Apex parser, see the new pmd module "pmd-apex-jorje", which packages and provides the parser as a binary.

Incremental Analysis

The incremental analysis feature first introduced in PMD 5.6.0 has been enhanced. A few minor issues have been fixed, and several improvements have been performed to make it more accurate.

The cache will now detect changes to the JARs referenced in the auxclasspath instead of simply looking at their paths and order. This means that if you are referencing a JAR you are overwriting in some way, the incremental analysis can now detect it and invalidate it's cache to avoid false reports.

Similarly, any changes to the execution classpath of PMD will invalidate the cache. This means that if you have custom rules packaged in a jar, any changes to it will invalidate the cache automatically.

We have also improved logging on the analysis code, allowing better insight into how the cache is performing, under debug / verbose builds you can even see individual hits / misses to the cache (and the reason for any miss!)

Finally, as this feature keeps maturing, we are gently pushing this forward. If not using incremental analysis, a warning will now be produced suggesting users to adopt it for better performance.

Rule and Report Properties

The implementation around the properties support for rule properties and report properties has been revamped to be fully typesafe. Along with that change, the support classes have been moved into an own package While there is no change necessary in the ruleset XML files, when using/setting values for rules, there are adjustments necessary when declaring properties in Java-implemented rules.

Rule properties can be declared both for Java based rules and XPath rules. This is now very well documented in Working with properties.

With PMD 6.0.0, multivalued properties are now also possible with XPath rules.

Fixed Issues

  • all
    • #394: [core] PMD exclude rules are failing with IllegalArgumentException with non-default minimumPriority
    • #532: [core] security concerns on URL-based rulesets
    • #538: [core] Provide an XML Schema for XML reports
    • #600: [core] Nullpointer while creating cache File
    • #604: [core] Incremental analysis should detect changes to jars in classpath
    • #608: [core] Add DEBUG log when applying incremental analysis
    • #618: [core] Incremental Analysis doesn't close file correctly on Windows upon a cache hit
    • #643: [core] PMD Properties (dev-properties) breaks markup on CodeClimateRenderer
    • #680: [core] Isolate classloaders for runtime and auxclasspath
    • #762: [core] Remove method and file property from available property descriptors for XPath rules
    • #763: [core] Turn property descriptor util into an enum and enrich its interface
  • apex
    • #265: [apex] Make Rule suppression work
    • #488: [apex] Use Apex lexer for CPD
    • #489: [apex] Update Apex compiler
    • #500: [apex] Running through CLI shows jorje optimization messages
    • #605: [apex] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in the latest build
    • #637: [apex] Avoid SOSL in loops
    • #760: [apex] EmptyStatementBlock complains about missing rather than empty block
    • #766: [apex] Replace old Jorje parser with new one
    • #768: [apex] java.lang.NullPointerException from PMD
  • cpp
    • #448: [cpp] Write custom CharStream to handle continuation characters
  • java
    • #1454: [java] OptimizableToArrayCall is outdated and invalid in current JVMs
    • #1513: [java] Remove deprecated rule UseSingleton
    • #328: [java] java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/servlet/jsp/PageContext
    • #487: [java] Fix typeresolution for anonymous extending object
    • #496: [java] processing error on generics inherited from enclosing class
    • #510: [java] Typeresolution fails on a simple primary when the source is loaded from a class literal
    • #527: [java] Lombok getter annotation on enum is not recognized correctly
    • #534: [java] NPE in MethodTypeResolution for static methods
    • #603: [core] incremental analysis should invalidate upon Java rule plugin changes
    • #650: [java] ProcesingError analyzing code under 5.8.1
    • #732: [java] LinkageError with aux classpath
  • java-basic
    • #565: [java] False negative on DontCallThreadRun when extending Thread
  • java-comments
    • #396: [java] CommentRequired: add properties to ignore @Override method and getters / setters
    • #536: [java] CommentDefaultAccessModifierRule ignores constructors
  • java-controversial
    • #388: [java] controversial.AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition 0.0 false positive
    • #408: [java] DFA not analyzing asserts
    • #537: [java] UnnecessaryParentheses fails to detect obvious scenario
  • java-design
    • #357: [java] UncommentedEmptyConstructor consider annotations on Constructor
    • #438: [java] Relax AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod when class is annotated by @AutoValue
    • #590: [java] False positive on MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass
  • java-logging * #457: [java] Merge all log guarding rules * #721: [java] NPE in PMD 5.8.1 InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat
  • java-sunsecure
    • #468: [java] ArrayIsStoredDirectly false positive
  • java-unusedcode
    • #521: [java] UnusedPrivateMethod returns false positives with primitive data type in map argument
  • java-unnecessarycode
    • #412: [java] java-unnecessarycode/UnnecessaryFinalModifier missing cases
    • #676: [java] java-unnecessarycode/UnnecessaryFinalModifier on try-with-resources

API Changes

  • The class net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.NodeType has been converted to an enum. All node types are enum members now instead of int constants. The names for node types are retained.

  • The Properties API (rule and report properties) has been revamped to be fully typesafe. This is everything around

    Note: All classes related to properties have been moved into the package

  • The rule classes net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.rule.apexunit.ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts and net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.apex.rule.apexunit.ApexUnitTestShouldNotUseSeeAllDataTrue have been renamed to ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAssertsRule and ApexUnitTestShouldNotUseSeeAllDataTrueRule, respectively. This is to comply with the naming convention, that each rule class should be suffixed with "Rule".

    This change has no impact on custom rulesets, since the rule names themselves didn't change.

  • The never implemented method PMD.processFiles(PMDConfiguration, RuleSetFactory, Collection<File>, RuleContext, ProgressMonitor) along with the interface ProgressMonitor has been removed.

  • The method PMD.setupReport(RuleSets, RuleContext, String) is gone. It was used to report dysfunctional rules. But PMD does this now automatically before processing the files, so there is no need for this method anymore.

  • All APIs deprecated in older versions are now removed. This includes:

    • Renderer.getPropertyDefinitions
    • AbstractRenderer.defineProperty(String, String)
    • AbstractRenderer.propertyDefinitions
    • ReportListener
    • Report.addListener(ReportListener)
    • SynchronizedReportListener
    • CPDConfiguration.CPDConfiguration(int, Language, String)
    • CPDConfiguration.getRendererFromString(String)
    • StreamUtil
    • StringUtil.appendXmlEscaped(StringBuilder, String)
    • StringUtil.htmlEncode(String)
  • Several methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.CollectionUtil have been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. In particular:

    • CollectionUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(T[], T)
    • CollectionUtil.addWithoutDuplicates(T[], T[])
    • CollectionUtil.areSemanticEquals(T[], T[])
    • CollectionUtil.areEqual(Object, Object)
    • CollectionUtil.arraysAreEqual(Object, Object)
    • CollectionUtil.valuesAreTransitivelyEqual(Object[], Object[])
  • Several methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.util.StringUtil have been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. In particular:

    • StringUtil.startsWithAny(String, String[])
    • StringUtil.isNotEmpty(String)
    • StringUtil.isEmpty(String)
    • StringUtil.isMissing(String)
    • StringUtil.areSemanticEquals(String, String)
    • StringUtil.replaceString(String, String, String)
    • StringUtil.replaceString(String, char, String)
    • StringUtil.substringsOf(String, char)
    • StringUtil.substringsOf(String, String)
    • StringUtil.asStringOn(StringBuffer, Iterator, String)
    • StringUtil.asStringOn(StringBuilder, Object[], String)
    • StringUtil.lpad(String, int)
  • The class is now abstract, and has been enhanced to provide several new methods.

  • The constructor of net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory, which took a ClassLoader is deprecated. Please use the alternative constructor with the net.sourceforge.pmd.util.ResourceLoader instead.

  • The following GUI related classes have been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. The tool "bgastviewer", that could be started via the script bgastviewer.bat or bgastviewer is deprecated, too, and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. Both the "old designer" and "bgastviewer" are replaced by the New Rule Designer.

    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer.CodeEditorTextPane
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer.CreateXMLRulePanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer.Designer
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer.DFAPanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.designer.LineGetter
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.Viewer
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.ActionCommands
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.ASTPanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.EvaluationResultsPanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.MainFrame
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.ParseExceptionHandler
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.SourceCodePanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui.XPathPanel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ASTModel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.AttributeToolkit
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.SimpleNodeTreeNodeAdapter
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModel
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModelEvent
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModelListener
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.util.NLS
  • The following methods in net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule have been deprecated and will be removed in PMD 7.0.0. All methods are replaced by their bean-like counterparts

    • void setUsesDFA(). Use void setDfa(boolean) instead.
    • boolean usesDFA(). Use boolean isDfa() instead.
    • void setUsesTypeResolution(). Use void setTypeResolution(boolean) instead.
    • boolean usesTypeResolution(). Use boolean isTypeResolution() instead.
    • void setUsesMultifile(). Use void setMultifile(boolean) instead.
    • boolean usesMultifile(). Use boolean isMultifile() instead.
    • boolean usesRuleChain(). Use boolean isRuleChain() instead.

External Contributions

01-July-2017 - 5.8.1

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.8.1.

This is a bug fixing release.

Fixed Issues

  • java
    • #471: [java] Error while processing class when EnumMap is used in PMD 5.8.0
    • #477: [core] NoClassDefFoundError under 5.8
    • #478: [core] Processing issues dealing with anonymous classes

API Changes

  • The getGenericArgs() method introduced to TypeNode in 5.8.0 was removed. You can access to generics' info through the JavaTypeDefinition object.
  • The JavaTypeDefinitionBuilder class introduced in 5.8.0 is not more. You can use factory methods available on JavaTypeDefinition

External Contributions

  • #472: [java] fix error with raw types, bug #471

24-June-2017 - 5.8.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.8.0.

This is a minor release.

New and noteworthy

Java Type Resolution

As part of Google Summer of Code 2017, Bendegúz Nagy has been working on completing type resolution for Java. His progress so far has allowed to properly resolve, in addition to previously supported statements:

  • References to this and super, even when qualified
  • References to fields, even when chained (ie: this.myObject.aField), and properly handling inheritance / shadowing

Lambda parameter types where these are infered rather than explicit are still not supported. Expect future releases to do so.

Metrics Framework

As part of Google Summer of Code 2017, Clément Fournier has been working on a new metrics framework for object-oriented metrics.

The basic groundwork has been done already and with this release, including a first rule based on the metrics framework as a proof-of-concept: The rule CyclomaticComplexity, currently in the temporary ruleset java-metrics, uses the Cyclomatic Complexity metric to find overly complex code. This rule will eventually replace the existing three CyclomaticComplexity rules that are currently defined in the java-codesize ruleset (see also issue #445).

Since this work is still in progress, the metrics API (package is not finalized yet and is expected to change.

Modified Rules

  • The Java rule UnnecessaryFinalModifier (ruleset java-unnecessary) now also reports on private methods marked as final. Being private, such methods can't be overriden, and therefore, the final keyword is redundant.

  • The Java rule PreserveStackTrace (ruleset java-design) has been relaxed to support the builder pattern on thrown exception. This change may introduce some false positives if using the exception in non-orthodox ways for things other than setting the root cause of the exception. Contact us if you find any such scenarios.

  • The ruleset java-junit now properly detects JUnit5, and rules are being adapted to the changes on it's API. This support is, however, still incomplete. Let us know of any uses we are still missing on the issue tracker

  • The Java rule EmptyTryBlock (ruleset java-empty) now allows empty blocks when using try-with-resources.

  • The Java rule EmptyCatchBlock (ruleset java-empty) now exposes a new property called allowExceptionNameRegex. This allow to setup a regular expression for names of exceptions you wish to ignore for this rule. For instance, setting it to ^(ignored|expected)$ would ignore all empty catch blocks where the catched exception is named either ignored or expected. The default ignores no exceptions, being backwards compatible.

Deprecated Rules

  • The three complexity rules CyclomaticComplexity, StdCyclomaticComplexity, ModifiedCyclomaticComplexity (ruleset java-codesize) have been deprecated. They will be eventually replaced by a new CyclomaticComplexity rule based on the metrics framework. See also issue #445.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #380: [core] NPE in RuleSet.hashCode
    • #407: [web] Release date is not properly formatted
    • #429: [core] Error when running PMD from folder with space
  • apex
    • #427: [apex] CPD error when parsing apex code from release 5.5.3
  • cpp
    • #431: [cpp] CPD gives wrong duplication blocks for CPP code
  • java
    • #414: [java] Java 8 parsing problem with annotations for wildcards
    • #415: [java] Parsing Error when having an Annotated Inner class
    • #417: [java] Parsing Problem with Annotation for Array Member Types
  • java-design
    • #397: [java] ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule: false positive for method called from lambda expression
    • #410: [java] ImmutableField: False positive with lombok
    • #422: [java] PreserveStackTraceRule: false positive when using builder pattern
  • java-empty
    • #413: [java] EmptyCatchBlock don't fail when exception is named ignore / expected
    • #432: [java] EmptyTryBlock: false positive for empty try-with-resource
  • java-imports:
    • #348: [java] imports/UnusedImport rule not considering static inner classes of imports
  • java-junit
    • #428: [java] PMD requires public modifier on JUnit 5 test
    • #465: [java] NullPointerException in JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule
  • java-logging:
    • #365: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat does not handle inline incrementation of arguments
  • java-strictexceptions
    • #350: [java] Throwing Exception in method signature is fine if the method is overriding or implementing something
  • java-typeresolution
    • #350: [java] Throwing Exception in method signature is fine if the method is overriding or implementing something
  • java-unnecessary
    • #421: [java] UnnecessaryFinalModifier final in private method
  • jsp
    • #311: [jsp] Parse error on HTML boolean attribute

External Contributions

  • #406: [java] False positive with lambda in java-design/ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod
  • #409: [java] Groundwork for the upcoming metrics framework
  • #416: [java] FIXED: Java 8 parsing problem with annotations for wildcards
  • #418: [java] Type resolution: super and this keywords
  • #423: [java] Add field access type resolution in non-generic cases
  • #425: [java] False positive with builder pattern in java-design/PreserveStackTrace
  • #426: [java] UnnecessaryFinalModifier final in private method
  • #436: [java] Metrics framework tests and various improvements
  • #440: [core] Created ruleset schema 3.0.0 (to use metrics)
  • #443: [java] Optimize typeresolution, by skipping package and import declarations in visit(ASTName)
  • #444: [java] [typeresolution]: add support for generic fields
  • #451: [java] Metrics framework: first metrics + first rule

20-Mai-2017 - 5.7.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.7.0.

This is a minor release.

New and noteworthy

Modified Rules

  • The rule "FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass" of the java-design ruleset has a new property ignoreInterfaceDeclarations. Setting this property to true ignores interface declarations, that precede fields. Example usage:


  • Added the 'empty' renderer which will write nothing. Does not affect other behaviors, for example the command line PMD exit status will still indicate whether violations were found.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #377: [core] Use maven wrapper and upgrade to maven 3.5.0
    • #376: [core] Improve build time on travis
  • java
    • #378: [java] Parser Error for empty statements
  • java-coupling
    • #1427: [java] Law of Demeter violations for the Builder pattern
  • java-design
    • #345: [java] FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass: Add ability to ignore interfaces
    • #389: [java] RuleSetCompatibility - not taking rename of UnusedModifier into account
  • java-junit
    • #358: [java] Mockito verify method is not taken into account in JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert rule
  • java-strings
    • #334: [java] [doc] Add suggestion to use StringUtils#isBlank for InefficientEmptyStringCheck
  • jsp-basic
    • #369: [jsp] Wrong issue "JSP file should use UTF-8 encoding"

API Changes

  • The method net.sourceforge.pmd.util.StringUtil#htmlEncode(String) is deprecated. org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils#escapeHtml4(String) should be used instead.

External Contributions

  • #368: [vf] Adding proper AST support for negation expressions
  • #372: [core] Fix XSS in HTML renderer
  • #374: [java] Add property to ignore interfaces in FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClassRule
  • #381: [core] Fix broken link in the site's doc
  • #382: [java] Added documentation details on InefficientEmptyStringCheck
  • #383: [jsp] Fixed JspEncoding false positive
  • #390: [java] Remove trailing whitespaces in design.xml
  • #391: [apex] Fix documentation typo
  • #392: [java] False positive for Law Of Demeter (Builder pattern)
  • #395: [java] Mockito verify method is not taken into account in JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert rule

29-April-2017 - 5.6.1

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.6.1.

This is a bug fixing release.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #363: [core] Rule documentation pages are missing
    • #364: [core] Stream closed exception when running through maven
    • #373: [core] RuleSetFactory - add more helper methods

22-April-2017 - 5.6.0

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.6.0.

The most significant changes are on analysis performance, support for Salesforce's Visualforce language a whole new Apex Security Rule Set and the new Braces Rule Set for Apex.

We have added initial support for incremental analysis. The experimental feature allows PMD to cache analysis results between executions to speed up the analysis for all languages. New CLI flags and Ant options are available to configure it. Currently the feature is disabled by default, but this may change as it matures.

Multithread performance has been enhanced by reducing thread-contention on a bunch of areas. This is still an area of work, as the speedup of running multithreaded analysis is still relatively small (4 threads produce less than a 50% speedup). Future releases will keep improving on this area.

Once again, Symbol Table has been an area of great performance improvements. This time we were able to further improve it's performance by roughly 10% on all supported languages. In Java in particular, several more improvements were possible, improving Symbol Table performance by a whooping 80%, that's over 15X faster than PMD 5.5.1, when we first started working on it.

Java developers will also appreciate the revamp of CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable, making it over 500X faster, and PreserveStackTrace which is now 7X faster.

New and noteworthy

Incremental Analysis

PMD now supports incremental analysis. Analysis results can be cached and reused between runs. This allows PMD to skip files without violations that have remained unchanged. In future releases, we plan to extend this behavior to unchanged files with violations too.

The cache is automatically invalidated if:

  • the used PMD version changes
  • the auxclasspath changed and any rules require type resolution
  • the configured rule set has changed

This feature is incubating and is disabled by default. It's only enabled if you specifically configure a cache file.

To configure the cache file from CLI, a new -cache <path/to/file> flag has been added.

For Ant, a new cacheLocation attribute has been added. For instance:

    <target name="pmd">
        <taskdef name="pmd" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask"/>
        <pmd cacheLocation="build/pmd/pmd.cache">
            <formatter type="xml" toFile="c:\pmd_report.xml"/>
            <fileset dir="/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_01/src/">
                <include name="java/lang/*.java"/>

Visualforce Support

Salesforce developers rejoice. To out growing Apex support we have added full Visualforce support. Both CPD and PD are available. So far only a security ruleset is available (vf-security).

Visualforce Security Rule Set

The rule looks for Expression Language occurances printing unescaped values from the backend. These could lead to XSS attacks.


The rule looks for <apex:page> tags performing an action on page load, definish such action through Expression Language, as doing so is vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

Apex Security Rule Set

A new ruleset focused on security has been added, consisting of a wide range of rules to detect most common security problems.


The rule makes sure you are using randomly generated IVs and keys for Crypto calls. Hard-wiring these values greatly compromises the security of encrypted data.

For instance, it would report violations on code such as:

public class without sharing Foo {
    Blob hardCodedIV = Blob.valueOf('Hardcoded IV 123');
    Blob hardCodedKey = Blob.valueOf('0000000000000000');
    Blob data = Blob.valueOf('Data to be encrypted');
    Blob encrypted = Crypto.encrypt('AES128', hardCodedKey, hardCodedIV, data);


The rule validates you are checking for access permissions before a SOQL/SOSL/DML operation. Since Apex runs in system mode not having proper permissions checks results in escalation of privilege and may produce runtime errors. This check forces you to handle such scenarios.

For example, the following code is considered valid:

public class Foo {
    public Contact foo(String status, String ID) {
        Contact c = [SELECT Status__c FROM Contact WHERE Id=:ID];

        // Make sure we can update the database before even trying
        if (!Schema.sObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.isUpdateable()) {
            return null;

        c.Status__c = status;
        update c;
        return c;

Check to avoid making DML operations in Apex class constructor/init method. This prevents modification of the database just by accessing a page.

For instance, the following code would be invalid:

public class Foo {
    public init() {
        insert data;

    public Foo() {
        insert data;

Checks against calling dangerous methods.

For the time being, it reports:

  • Against FinancialForce's Configuration.disableTriggerCRUDSecurity(). Disabling CRUD security opens the door to several attacks and requires manual validation, which is unreliable.
  • Calling System.debug passing sensitive data as parameter, which could lead to exposure of private data.

Checks against accessing endpoints under plain http. You should always use https for security.


Checks against redirects to user-controlled locations. This prevents attackers from redirecting users to phishing sites.

For instance, the following code would be reported:

public class without sharing Foo {
    String unsafeLocation = ApexPage.getCurrentPage().getParameters.get('url_param');
    PageReference page() {
       return new PageReference(unsafeLocation);

Detect classes declared without explicit sharing mode if DML methods are used. This forces the developer to take access restrictions into account before modifying objects.


Detects the usage of untrusted / unescaped variables in DML queries.

For instance, it would report on:

public class Foo {
    public void test1(String t1) {
        Database.query('SELECT Id FROM Account' + t1);

Detects hardcoded credentials used in requests to an endpoint.

You should refrain from hardcoding credentials:

  • They are hard to mantain by being mixed in application code
  • Particularly hard to update them when used from different classes
  • Granting a developer access to the codebase means granting knowledge of credentials, keeping a two-level access is not possible.
  • Using different credentials for different environments is troublesome and error-prone.

Instead, you should use Named Credentials and a callout endpoint.

For more information, you can check this


Reports on calls to addError with disabled escaping. The message passed to addError will be displayed directly to the user in the UI, making it prime ground for XSS attacks if unescaped.


Makes sure that all values obtained from URL parameters are properly escaped / sanitized to avoid XSS attacks.

Apex Braces Rule Set

The Braces Rule Set has been added and serves the same purpose as the Braces Rule Set from Java: It checks the use and placement of braces around if-statements, for-loops and so on.


Avoid using if statements without using braces to surround the code block. If the code formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled from the rest.

For instance, the following code shows the different. PMD would report on the not recommended approach:

if (foo)    // not recommended

if (foo) {  // preferred approach

Avoid using 'while' statements without using braces to surround the code block. If the code formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled from the rest.

For instance, the following code shows the different. PMD would report on the not recommended approach:

while (true)    // not recommended

while (true) {  // preferred approach

Avoid using if..else statements without using surrounding braces. If the code formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled from the rest.

For instance, the following code shows the different. PMD would report on the not recommended approach:

// this is not recommended
if (foo)
       x = x+1;
       x = x-1;

// preferred approach
if (foo) {
   x = x+1;
} else {
   x = x-1;

Avoid using 'for' statements without using surrounding braces. If the code formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled from the rest.

For instance, the following code shows the different. PMD would report on the not recommended approach:

for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) // not recommended

for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) { // preferred approach

New Rules

AccessorMethodGeneration (java-design)

When accessing a private field / method from another class, the Java compiler will generate an accessor method with package-private visibility. This adds overhead, and to the dex method count on Android. This situation can be avoided by changing the visibility of the field / method from private to package-private.

For instance, it would report violations on code such as:

public class OuterClass {
    private int counter;
    /* package */ int id;

    public class InnerClass {
        InnerClass() {
            OuterClass.this.counter++; // wrong, accessor method will be generated

        public int getOuterClassId() {
            return; // id is package-private, no accessor method needed

This new rule is part of the java-design ruleset.

Modified Rules

  • The Java rule UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn (ruleset java-design) now has a new property statementOrderMatters. It is enabled by default to stay backwards compatible. But if this property is set to false, this rule no longer requires the variable declaration and return statement to be on consecutive lines. Any variable that is used solely in a return statement will be reported.

  • The Java rule UseLocaleWithCaseConversions (ruleset java-design) has been modified, to detect calls to toLowerCase and to toUpperCase also within method call chains. This leads to more detected cases and potentially new false positives. See also bugfix #1556.

  • The Java rule AvoidConstantsInterface (ruleset java-design) has been removed. It is completely replaced by the rule ConstantsInInterface.

  • The Java rule UnusedModifier (ruleset java-unusedcode) has been moved to the ruleset java-unnecessary and has been renamed to UnnecessaryModifier. Additionally, it has been expanded to consider more redundant modifiers:

    • Annotations marked as abstract.
    • Nested annotations marked as static.
    • Nested annotations within another interface or annotation marked as public.
    • Classes, interfaces or annotations nested within an annotation marked as public or static.
    • Nested enums marked as static.
  • The Java rule JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert (ruleset java-junit) now accepts usage of @Rule ExpectedException to set expectations on exceptions, and are considered as valid assertions.

CPD Suppression

It is now possible to allow CPD suppression through comments in Java. You tell CPD to ignore the following code with a comment containin CPD-OFF and with CPD-ON you tell CPD to resume analysis. The old approach via @SuppressWarnings annotation is still supported, but is considered deprecated, since it is limited to locations where the SuppressWarnings annotation is allowed. See PR #250.

For example:

    public Object someMethod(int x) throws Exception {
        // some unignored code

        // tell cpd to start ignoring code - CPD-OFF

        // mission critical code, manually loop unroll
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);

        // resume CPD analysis - CPD-ON

        // further code will *not* be ignored

CPD filelist command line option

CPD now supports the command line option --filelist. With that, you can specify a file, which contains the names and paths of the files, that should be analyzed. This is similar to PMD's filelist option. You need to use this, if you have a large project with many files, and you hit the command line length limit.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #1511: [core] Inconsistent behavior of Rule.start/Rule.end
    • #234: [core] Zip file stream closes spuriously when loading rulesets
    • #256: [core] shortnames option is broken with relative paths
    • #305: [core] PMD not executing under git bash
    • #324: [core] Automated release - github release notes missing
    • #337: [core] Version 5.5.4 seems to hold file lock on rules JAR (affects Windows only)
  • apex-apexunit
    • #1543: [apex] ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts assumes APEX is case sensitive
  • apex-complexity
    • #183: [apex] NCSS Method length is incorrect when using method chaining
    • #251: [apex] NCSS Type length is incorrect when using method chaining
  • apex-security
    • #264: [apex] ApexXSSFromURLParamRule shouldn't enforce ESAPI usage. String.escapeHtml4 is sufficient.
    • #315: [apex] Documentation flaw on Apex Sharing Violations
  • java
    • #185: [java] CPD runs into NPE when analyzing Lucene
    • #206: [java] Parse error on annotation fields with generics
    • #207: [java] Parse error on method reference with generics
    • #208: [java] Parse error with local class with 2 or more annotations
    • #213: [java] CPD: OutOfMemory when analyzing Lucene
    • #309: [java] Parse error on method reference
    • #1542: [java] CPD throws an NPE when parsing enums with -ignore-identifiers
    • #1545: [java] Symbol Table fails to resolve inner classes
  • java-basic
    • #232: [java] SimplifiedTernary: Incorrect ternary operation can be simplified.
  • java-coupling
    • #270: [java] LoD false positive
  • java-design
    • #933: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn false positive for SuppressWarnings annotation
    • #1448: [java] ImmutableField: Private field in inner class gives false positive with lambdas
    • #1495: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn with assert
    • #1496: [java] New Rule: AccesorMethodGeneration - complements accessor class rule
    • #1512: [java] Combine rules AvoidConstantsInInterface and ConstantsInInterface
    • #1552: [java] MissingBreakInSwitch - False positive for continue
    • #1556: [java] UseLocaleWithCaseConversions does not works with ResultSet (false negative)
    • #177: [java] SingularField with lambdas as final fields
    • #216: [java] [doc] NonThreadSafeSingleton: Be more explicit as to why double checked locking is not recommended
    • #219: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn: ClassCastException in switch case with local variable returned
    • #240: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn: Enhance by checking usages
    • #274: [java] AccessorMethodGeneration: Method inside static inner class incorrectly reported
    • #275: [java] FinalFieldCouldBeStatic: Constant in @interface incorrectly reported as "could be made static"
    • #282: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn false positive when cloning Maps
    • #291: [java] Improve quality of AccessorClassGeneration
    • #310: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn enhancement is overly restrictive -- method order matters
    • #352: [java] AccessorClassGeneration throws ClassCastException when seeing array construction
  • java-imports
    • #338: [java] False positive on DontImportJavaLang when importing java.lang.ProcessBuilder
    • #339: [java] False positive on DontImportJavaLang when importing Java 7's java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
    • #1546: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule doesn't take into consideration conflict resolution
    • #1547: [java] UnusedImportRule - False Positive for only usage in Javadoc - {@link ClassName#CONSTANT}
    • #1555: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName: Really necessary fully qualified name
  • java-junit
    • #285: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule should support @Rule as well as @Test(expected = ...)
    • #330: [java] NPE applying rule JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert
  • java-logging-java
    • #1541: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: False positive with placeholder and exception
    • #1551: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: fails with NPE
  • java-optimizations
    • #215: [java] RedundantFieldInitializer report for annotation field not explicitly marked as final
    • #222: [java] UseStringBufferForStringAppends: False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-strings
    • #202: [java] [doc] ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse is not really an optimization
    • #290: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheck misses String.trim().isEmpty()
  • java-unnecessary
    • #199: [java] UselessParentheses: Parentheses in return statement are incorrectly reported as useless
  • java-unusedcode
    • #246: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations
    • #247: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations inner classes
    • #248: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check static keyword on nested enum declaration
    • #257: [java] UnusedLocalVariable false positive
  • XML
    • #1518: [xml] Error while processing xml file with ".webapp" in the file or directory name
  • psql
    • #1549: [plsql] Parse error for IS [NOT] NULL construct
  • javascript
    • #201: [javascript] template strings are not correctly parsed

API Changes

  • net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory is now immutable and its behavior cannot be changed anymore. It provides constructors to create new adjusted instances. This allows to avoid synchronization in RuleSetFactory. See PR #131.
  • net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSet is now immutable, too, and can only be created via RuleSetFactory. See PR #145.
  • net.sourceforge.pmd.cli.XPathCLI has been removed. It's functionality is fully covered by the Designer.
  • net.sourceforge.pmd.Report now works with ThreadSafeReportListeners. Both ReportListener and SynchronizedReportListener are deprecated in favor of net.sourceforge.pmd.ThreadSafeReportListener. Therefore, the methods getSynchronizedListeners() and addSynchronizedListeners(...) have been replaced by getListeners() and addListeners(...). See PR #193.

External Contributions

  • #123: [apex] Changing method names to lowercase so casing doesn't matter
  • #129: [plsql] Added correct parse of IS [NOT] NULL and multiline DML
  • #137: [apex] Adjusted remediation points
  • #146: [apex] Detection of missing Apex CRUD checks for SOQL/DML operations
  • #147: [apex] Adding XSS detection to return statements
  • #148: [apex] Improving detection of SOQL injection
  • #149: [apex] Whitelisting String.isEmpty and casting
  • #152: [java] fixes #1552 continue does not require break
  • #154: [java] Fix #1547: UnusedImports: Adjust regex to support underscores
  • #158: [apex] Reducing FPs in SOQL with VF getter methods
  • #160: [apex] Flagging of dangerous method call
  • #163: [apex] Flagging of System.debug
  • #165: [apex] Improving open redirect rule to avoid test classes/methods
  • #167: [apex] GC and thread safety changes
  • #169: [apex] Improving detection for DML with inline new object
  • #170: [core] Ant Task Formatter encoding issue with XMLRenderer
  • #172: [apex] Bug fix, detects both Apex fields and class members
  • #175: [apex] ApexXSSFromURLParam: Adding missing casting methods
  • #176: [apex] Bug fix for FP: open redirect for strings prefixed with / is safe
  • #179: [apex] Legacy test class declaration support
  • #181: [apex] Control flow based CRUD rule checking
  • #184: [apex] Improving open redirect detection for static fields & assignment operations
  • #189: [apex] Bug fix of SOQL concatenated vars detection
  • #191: [apex] Detection of sharing violation when Database. methods are used
  • #192: [apex] Dead code removal
  • #200: [javascript] Templatestring grammar fix
  • #204: [apex] Sharing violation SOQL detection bug fix
  • #214: [apex] Sharing violation improving reporting of the correct node, de-duping
  • #217: [core] Make it build on Windows
  • #227: [apex] Improving detection of getters
  • #228: [apex] Excluding count from CRUD/FLS checks
  • #229: [apex] Dynamic SOQL is safe against Integer, Boolean, Double
  • #231: [apex] CRUD/FLS rule - add support for fields
  • #266: [java] corrected invalid reporting of LoD violation
  • #268: [apex] Support safe escaping via String method
  • #273: [apex] Shade jackson on apex
  • #279: [vf] New Salesforce VisualForce language support
  • #280: [apex] Support for Aggregate Result in CRUD rules
  • #281: [apex] Add Braces Rule Set
  • #283: [vf] CSRF in VF controller pages
  • #284: [vf] Adding support for parsing EL in script tags
  • #288: [vf] Setting the tab size to 4 for VF
  • #289: [apex] Complex SOQL Crud check bug fixes
  • #296: [apex] Adding String.IsNotBlank to the whitelist to prevent False positives
  • #297: [core] CPD: Adding the --filelist option from pmd to cpd
  • #303: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule now reports String.trim().isEmpty()
  • #307: [java] Fix false positive with UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule
  • #308: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule supports @Rule annotated ExpectedExceptions
  • #313: [vf] Apex:iFrame not being detected - bug fix
  • #314: [vf] Bug fixes for incorrect Id detection and escaping
  • #316: [apex] Ignoring certain rules in Batch classes, Queueable, and install scripts
  • #317: [apex] Add support for safe ID assignment from URL param
  • #326: [vf] Quote detection improvement and method argument detection
  • #327: [apex] Fixed SOQL injection detection for escaped vars
  • #331: [java] JunitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule now handles AllocationExpression correctly
  • #332: [java] Future-proof DontImportJavaLangRule
  • #340: [vf] Multiple parser bug fixes
  • #341: [vf] JSON.parse(..) and NOT(..) are safely evaluated
  • #343: [apex] int,id,boolean,ternary operator condition are not injection in Soql
  • #344: [apex] ApexCRUDViolationRule: Bug fix for ClassCastException
  • #351: [vf] Fixing regression introduced by #341

29-April-2017 - 5.5.7

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.5.7.

This is a bug fixing release.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #364: [core] Stream closed exception when running through maven

19-April-2017 - 5.5.6

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.5.6.

This is a bug fixing release.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #324: [core] Automated release - github release notes missing
    • #337: [core] Version 5.5.4 seems to hold file lock on rules JAR (affects Windows only)

27-March-2017 - 5.5.5

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.5.5.

Fixed Issues

  • general:
    • #305: [core] PMD not executing under git bash
  • java:
    • #309: [java] Parse error on method reference
  • java-design
    • #274: [java] AccessorMethodGeneration: Method inside static inner class incorrectly reported
    • #275: [java] FinalFieldCouldBeStatic: Constant in @interface incorrectly reported as "could be made static"
    • #282: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn false positive when cloning Maps
    • #291: [java] Improve quality of AccessorClassGeneration
  • java-junit:
    • #285: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule should support @Rule as well as @Test(expected = ...)
  • java-optimizations:
    • #222: [java] UseStringBufferForStringAppends: False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-strings:
    • #290: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheck misses String.trim().isEmpty()

External Contributions

  • #280: [apex] Support for Aggregate Result in CRUD rules
  • #289: [apex] Complex SOQL Crud check bug fixes
  • #296: [apex] Adding String.IsNotBlank to the whitelist to prevent False positives
  • #303: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule now reports String.trim().isEmpty()
  • #307: [java] Fix false positive with UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule
  • #308: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule supports @Rule annotated ExpectedExceptions

25-Februar-2017 - 5.5.4

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.5.4

New and noteworthy

New Rules

AccessorMethodGeneration (java-design)

When accessing a private field / method from another class, the Java compiler will generate a accessor methods with package-private visibility. This adds overhead, and to the dex method count on Android. This situation can be avoided by changing the visibility of the field / method from private to package-private.

For instance, it would report violations on code such as:

public class OuterClass {
    private int counter;
    /* package */ int id;

    public class InnerClass {
        InnerClass() {
            OuterClass.this.counter++; // wrong, accessor method will be generated

        public int getOuterClassId() {
            return; // id is package-private, no accessor method needed

This new rule is part of the java-design ruleset.

Modified Rules

  • The Java rule UnusedModifier (ruleset java-unusedcode) has been expanded to consider more redundant modifiers.

    • Annotations marked as abstract.
    • Nested annotations marked as static.
    • Nested annotations within another interface or annotation marked as public.
    • Classes, interfaces or annotations nested within an annotation marked as public or static.
    • Nested enums marked as static.
  • The Java rule UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn (ruleset java-design) no longer requires the variable declaration and return statement to be on consecutive lines. Any variable that is used solely in a return statement will be reported.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #234: [core] Zip file stream closes spuriously when loading rulesets
    • #256: [core] shortnames option is broken with relative paths
  • apex-complexity
    • #251: [apex] NCSS Type length is incorrect when using method chaining
  • apex-security
    • #264: [apex] ApexXSSFromURLParamRule shouldn't enforce ESAPI usage. String.escapeHtml4 is sufficient.
  • java-basic
    • #232: [java] SimplifiedTernary: Incorrect ternary operation can be simplified.
  • java-coupling
    • #270: [java] LoD false positive
  • java-design
    • #933: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn false positive for SuppressWarnings annotation
    • #1496: [java] New Rule: AccesorMethodGeneration - complements accessor class rule
    • #216: [java] [doc] NonThreadSafeSingleton: Be more explicit as to why double checked locking is not recommended
    • #219: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn: ClassCastException in switch case with local variable returned
    • #240: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn: Enhance by checking usages
  • java-optimizations
    • #215: [java] RedundantFieldInitializer report for annotation field not explicitly marked as final
  • java-unusedcode
    • #246: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations
    • #247: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations inner classes
    • #248: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check static keyword on nested enum declaration
    • #257: [java] UnusedLocalVariable false positive

External Contributions

  • #227: [apex] Improving detection of getters
  • #228: [apex] Excluding count from CRUD/FLS checks
  • #229: [apex] Dynamic SOQL is safe against Integer, Boolean, Double
  • #231: [apex] CRUD/FLS rule - add support for fields
  • #266: [java] corrected invalid reporting of LoD violation
  • #268: [apex] Support safe escaping via String method
  • #273: [apex] Shade jackson on apex

28-January-2017 - 5.5.3

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.5.3

The most significant changes are on analysis performance and a whole new Apex Security Rule Set.

Multithread performance has been enhanced by reducing thread-contention on a bunch of areas. This is still an area of work, as the speedup of running multithreaded analysis is still relatively small (4 threads produce less than a 50% speedup). Future releases will keep improving on this area.

Once again, Symbol Table has been an area of great performance improvements. This time we were able to further improve it's performance by roughly 10% on all supported languages. In Java in particular, several more improvements were possible, improving Symbol Table performance by a whooping 30%, that's over 5X faster than PMD 5.5.1, when we first started working on it.

Java developers will also appreciate the revamp of CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable, making it over 500X faster, and PreserveStackTrace which is now 7X faster.

New and noteworthy

Apex Security Rule Set

A new ruleset focused on security has been added, consisting of a wide range of rules to detect most common security problems.


The rule makes sure you are using randomly generated IVs and keys for Crypto calls. Hard-wiring these values greatly compromises the security of encrypted data.

For instance, it would report violations on code such as:

public class without sharing Foo {
    Blob hardCodedIV = Blob.valueOf('Hardcoded IV 123');
    Blob hardCodedKey = Blob.valueOf('0000000000000000');
    Blob data = Blob.valueOf('Data to be encrypted');
    Blob encrypted = Crypto.encrypt('AES128', hardCodedKey, hardCodedIV, data);


The rule validates you are checking for access permissions before a SOQL/SOSL/DML operation. Since Apex runs in system mode not having proper permissions checks results in escalation of privilege and may produce runtime errors. This check forces you to handle such scenarios.

For example, the following code is considered valid:

public class Foo {
    public Contact foo(String status, String ID) {
        Contact c = [SELECT Status__c FROM Contact WHERE Id=:ID];

        // Make sure we can update the database before even trying
        if (!Schema.sObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.isUpdateable()) {
            return null;

        c.Status__c = status;
        update c;
        return c;

Check to avoid making DML operations in Apex class constructor/init method. This prevents modification of the database just by accessing a page.

For instance, the following code would be invalid:

public class Foo {
    public init() {
        insert data;

    public Foo() {
        insert data;

Checks against calling dangerous methods.

For the time being, it reports:

  • Against FinancialForce's Configuration.disableTriggerCRUDSecurity(). Disabling CRUD security opens the door to several attacks and requires manual validation, which is unreliable.
  • Calling System.debug passing sensitive data as parameter, which could lead to exposure of private data.

Checks against accessing endpoints under plain http. You should always use https for security.


Checks against redirects to user-controlled locations. This prevents attackers from redirecting users to phishing sites.

For instance, the following code would be reported:

public class without sharing Foo {
    String unsafeLocation = ApexPage.getCurrentPage().getParameters.get('url_param');
    PageReference page() {
       return new PageReference(unsafeLocation);

Detect classes declared without explicit sharing mode if DML methods are used. This forces the developer to take access restrictions into account before modifying objects.


Detects the usage of untrusted / unescaped variables in DML queries.

For instance, it would report on:

public class Foo {
    public void test1(String t1) {
        Database.query('SELECT Id FROM Account' + t1);

Detects hardcoded credentials used in requests to an endpoint.

You should refrain from hardcoding credentials:

  • They are hard to mantain by being mixed in application code
  • Particularly hard to update them when used from different classes
  • Granting a developer access to the codebase means granting knowledge of credentials, keeping a two-level access is not possible.
  • Using different credentials for different environments is troublesome and error-prone.

Instead, you should use Named Credentials and a callout endpoint.

For more information, you can check this


Reports on calls to addError with disabled escaping. The message passed to addError will be displayed directly to the user in the UI, making it prime ground for XSS attacks if unescaped.


Makes sure that all values obtained from URL parameters are properly escaped / sanitized to avoid XSS attacks.

Modified Rules

The Java rule "UseLocaleWithCaseConversions" (ruleset java-design) has been modified, to detect calls to toLowerCase and to toUpperCase also within method call chains. This leads to more detected cases and potentially new false positives. See also bugfix #1556.

Fixed Issues

  • General
    • #1511: [core] Inconsistent behavior of Rule.start/Rule.end
  • apex-apexunit
    • #1543: [apex] ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts assumes APEX is case sensitive
  • apex-complexity
    • #183: [apex] NCSS Method length is incorrect when using method chaining
  • java
    • #185: [java] CPD runs into NPE when analyzing Lucene
    • #206: [java] Parse error on annotation fields with generics
    • #207: [java] Parse error on method reference with generics
    • #208: [java] Parse error with local class with 2 or more annotations
    • #213: [java] CPD: OutOfMemory when analyzing Lucene
    • #1542: [java] CPD throws an NPE when parsing enums with -ignore-identifiers
    • #1545: [java] Symbol Table fails to resolve inner classes
  • java-design
    • #1448: [java] ImmutableField: Private field in inner class gives false positive with lambdas
    • #1495: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn with assert
    • #1552: [java] MissingBreakInSwitch - False positive for continue
    • #1556: [java] UseLocaleWithCaseConversions does not works with ResultSet (false negative)
    • #177: [java] SingularField with lambdas as final fields
  • java-imports
    • #1546: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule doesn't take into consideration conflict resolution
    • #1547: [java] UnusedImportRule - False Positive for only usage in Javadoc - {@link ClassName#CONSTANT}
    • #1555: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName: Really necessary fully qualified name
  • java-logging-java
    • #1541: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: False positive with placeholder and exception
    • #1551: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: fails with NPE
  • java-unnecessary
    • #199: [java] UselessParentheses: Parentheses in return statement are incorrectly reported as useless
  • java-strings
    • #202: [java] [doc] ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse is not really an optimization
  • XML
    • #1518: [xml] Error while processing xml file with ".webapp" in the file or directory name
  • psql
    • #1549: [plsql] Parse error for IS [NOT] NULL construct
  • javascript
    • #201: [javascript] template strings are not correctly parsed

API Changes

  • net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory is now immutable and its behavior cannot be changed anymore. It provides constructors to create new adjusted instances. This allows to avoid synchronization in RuleSetFactory. See PR #131.

External Contributions

  • #123: [apex] Changing method names to lowercase so casing doesn't matter
  • #129: [plsql] Added correct parse of IS [NOT] NULL and multiline DML
  • #137: [apex] Adjusted remediation points
  • #146: [apex] Detection of missing Apex CRUD checks for SOQL/DML operations
  • #147: [apex] Adding XSS detection to return statements
  • #148: [apex] Improving detection of SOQL injection
  • #149: [apex] Whitelisting String.isEmpty and casting
  • #152: [java] fixes #1552 continue does not require break
  • #154: [java] Fix #1547: UnusedImports: Adjust regex to support underscores
  • #158: [apex] Reducing FPs in SOQL with VF getter methods
  • #160: [apex] Flagging of dangerous method call
  • #163: [apex] Flagging of System.debug
  • #165: [apex] Improving open redirect rule to avoid test classes/methods
  • #167: [apex] GC and thread safety changes
  • #169: [apex] Improving detection for DML with inline new object
  • #170: [core] Ant Task Formatter encoding issue with XMLRenderer
  • #172: [apex] Bug fix, detects both Apex fields and class members
  • #175: [apex] ApexXSSFromURLParam: Adding missing casting methods
  • #176: [apex] Bug fix for FP: open redirect for strings prefixed with / is safe
  • #179: [apex] Legacy test class declaration support
  • #181: [apex] Control flow based CRUD rule checking
  • #184: [apex] Improving open redirect detection for static fields & assignment operations
  • #189: [apex] Bug fix of SOQL concatenated vars detection
  • #191: [apex] Detection of sharing violation when Database. methods are used
  • #192: [apex] Dead code removal
  • #200: [javascript] Templatestring grammar fix
  • #204: [apex] Sharing violation SOQL detection bug fix
  • #214: [apex] Sharing violation improving reporting of the correct node, de-duping

05-November-2016 - 5.5.2


  • 1 new language for CPD: Groovy
  • 1 new rule: plsql-strictsyntax/MisplacedPragma
  • 12 pull requests
  • 17 bug fixes

New Supported Languages:

  • CPD now supports Groovy. See PR#107.

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • plsql
    • #1539: [plsql] Create new rule for strict syntax checking: MisplacedPragma

New Rules:

  • New Rules for plsql
    • plsql-strictsyntax: MisplacedPragma

Pull Requests:

  • #106: [java] CPD: Keep constructor names under ignoreIdentifiers
  • #107: [groovy] Initial support for CPD Groovy
  • #110: [java] Fix parser error (issue 1530)
  • #111: [java] Fix BooleanInstantiationRule for Java 8
  • #112: [java] Fix ClassCastException on CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
  • #113: [java] Fix ClassCastException on SignatureDeclareThrowsException
  • #114: [core] Remove multihreading workaround for JRE5, as no PMD version supports running on JRE5 anymore
  • #115: [java] Simplify lambda parsing
  • #116: [core] [java] Improve collection usage
  • #117: [java] Improve symboltable performance
  • #118: [java] Simplify VariableDeclaratorId parsing
  • #119: [plsql] Fix PMD issue 1531- endless loop followed by OOM while parsing (PL)SQL


  • apex-apexunit
    • #1521: [apex] ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts: Parsing error on APEX class: expected one element but was: <BlockStatement, BlockStatement>
  • Java
    • #1530: [java] Parser exception on Java code
    • #1490: [java] PMD Error while processing - NullPointerException
  • java-basic/BooleanInstantiation
    • #1533: [java] BooleanInstantiation: ClassCastException with Annotation
  • java-comments
    • #1522: [java] CommentRequired: false positive
  • java-design/SingularField
    • #1494: [java] SingularField: lombok.Data false positive
  • java-imports/UnusedImports
    • #1529: [java] UnusedImports: The created rule violation has no class name
  • java-logging-java
    • #1500 [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: doesn't ignore exception param
    • #1509 [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: NPE
  • java-typeresolution/CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
    • #1532: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: Implemented Interface extends Cloneable
    • #1534: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: ClassCastException with Annotation (java8)
  • java-typeresolution/SignatureDeclareThrowsException
    • #1535: [java] SignatureDeclareThrowsException: ClassCastException with Annotation
    • #1520: [plsql] Missing PL/SQL language constructs in parser: Is Of Type, Using
    • #1527: [plsql] PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION gives processing errors
    • #1531: [plsql] OOM/Endless loop while parsing (PL)SQL
  • General
    • #1506: [core] When runing any RuleTst, start/end methods not called
    • #1517: [java] CPD reports on Java constructors when using ignoreIdentifiers

27-July-2016 - 5.5.1

New Rules:

  • New rules for Apex:
    • apex-apexunit: ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts, ApexUnitTestShouldNotUseSeeAllDataTrue

Pull Requests:

  • #101: [java] Improve multithreading performance: do not lock on classloader
  • #102: [apex] Restrict AvoidLogicInTrigger rule to max. 1 violation per file
  • #103: [java] [apex] Fix for 1501: CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • #104: [core] [java] Close opened file handles
  • apex #43: [apex] Basic apex unit test rules


  • Apex
    • #1501: [java] [apex] CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • Java
    • #1501: [java] [apex] CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • General
    • #1499: [core] CPD test break PMD 5.5.1 build on Windows
    • #1508: [core] [java] PMD is leaking file handles

25-June-2016 - 5.5.0

System requirements:

PMD and CPD need at least a java7 runtime environment. For analyzing Apex source code, you'll need a java8 runtime environment.

New Supported Languages:

  • Apex is now supported by PMD and CPD. See PR#86.
  • CPD now supports Perl. See PR#82.
  • CPD now supports Swift. See PR#33.

New and modified Rules:

  • New rules in Java:

    • java-logging-java/InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: Check for invalid message format in slf4j loggers. See PR#73.
    • java-design/ConstantsInInterface: Avoid constants in interfaces. Interfaces should define types, constants are implementation details better placed in classes or enums. See Effective Java, item 19. See PR#93.
  • Modified rules in Java:

    • java-comments/CommentRequired: New property serialVersionUIDCommentRequired which controls the comment requirements for serialVersionUID fields. By default, no comment is required for this field.
    • java-design/UseVargs: public static void main method is ignored now and so are methods, that are annotated with Override. See PR#79.
  • New rules for Apex:

    • apex-complexity: AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts, ExcessiveParameterList, ExcessiveClassLength, NcssMethodCount, NcssTypeCount, NcssConstructorCount, StdCyclomaticComplexity, TooManyFields, ExcessivePublicCount
    • apex-performance: AvoidDmlStatementsInLoops, AvoidSoqlInLoops
    • apex-style: VariableNamingConventions, MethodNamingConventions, ClassNamingConventions, MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass, AvoidLogicInTrigger, AvoidGlobalModifier
  • Javascript

    • New Rule: ecmascript-unnecessary/NoElseReturn: The else block in a if-else-construct is unnecessary if the if block contains a return. Then the content of the else block can be put outside. See #1486.

Improvements and CLI changes:

  • A JSON-renderer for PMD which is compatible with CodeClimate. See PR#83.
  • #1360: [core] [java] Provide backwards compatibility for PMD configuration file
  • CPD: If a complete filename is specified, the language dependent filename filter is not applied. This allows to scan files, that are not using the standard file extension. If a directory is specified, the filename filter is still applied and only those files with the correct file extension of the language are scanned.
  • CPD: If no problems found, an empty report will be output instead of nothing. See also #1481
  • CPD: New command line parameter --ignore-usings: Ignore using directives in C# when comparing text.
  • PMD: New command line parameter: -norulesetcompatibility - this disables the ruleset factory compatibility filter and fails, if e.g. an old rule name is used in the ruleset. See also #1360. This option is also available for the ant task: <noRuleSetCompatibility>true</noRuleSetCompatibility>.
  • PMD: New command line parameter: -filelist- this provides an alternative way to define, which files should be process by PMD. With this option, you can provide the path to a single file containing a comma delimited list of files to analyze. If this is given, then you don't need to provide -dir. See PR#98.

Pull Requests:

  • #25: [cs] Added option to exclude C# using directives from CPD analysis
  • #27: [cpp] Added support for Raw String Literals (C++11).
  • [#29)( [jsp] Added support for files with UTF-8 BOM to JSP tokenizer.
  • #30: [core] CPD: Removed file filter for files that are explicitly specified on the CPD command line using the '--files' command line option.
  • #31: [core] CPD: Added file encoding detection to CPD.
  • #32: [objectivec] Extended Objective-C grammar to accept UTF-8 escapes (\uXXXX) in string literals.
  • #33: [swift] Added support for Swift to CPD.
  • #34: multiple code improvements: squid:S1192, squid:S1118, squid:S1066, squid:S1854, squid:S2864
  • #35: [javascript] Javascript tokenizer now ignores comment tokens.
  • #72: [java] [jsp] Added capability in Java and JSP parser for tracking tokens.
  • #73: [java] InvalidSlf4jMessageFormat: Add rule to look for invalid message format in slf4j loggers
  • #74: [java] CommentDefaultAccessModifier: Fix rendering CommentDefaultAccessModifier description as code
  • #75: [core] RuleSetFactory Performance Enhancement
  • #76: [java] DoNotCallGarbageCollectionExplicitly: fix formatting typos in an example
  • #77: [java] [plsql] Fix various typos
  • #78: [java] MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass: Add Builder pattern check
  • #79: [java] UseVarargs: do not flag public static void main(String[]), ignore @Override
  • #80: [site] Update
  • #82: [perl] Add Perl support to CPD.
  • #83: [core] CodeClimateRenderer: Adds new Code Climate-compliant JSON renderer
  • #84: [java] EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract: Change rule's description.
  • #85: [java] UseStringBufferForStringAppends: False Positive with Ternary Operator (#1340)
  • #86: [apex] Added language module for Apex incl. rules ported from Java and new ones.
  • #87: [core] [apex] Customize Code Climate Json "categories" + "remediation_points" as PMD rule properties
  • #88: [core] [apex] Fixed typo in ruleset.xml and problems with the CodeClimate renderer
  • #89: [core] Some code enhancements
  • #90: [core] Refactored two test to stop using the deprecated ant class BuildFileTest
  • #91: [core] [java] [jsp] [plsql] [test] [vm] Small code enhancements, basically reordering variable declarations, constructors and variable modifiers
  • #92: [core] [apex] Improved Code Climate Renderer Output and a Bugfix for Apex StdCyclomaticComplexityRule on triggers
  • #93: [java] ConstantsInInterface: Add ConstantsInInterface rule. Effective Java, 19
  • #94: [core] [apex] Added property, fixed code climate renderer output and deleted unused rulessets
  • #95: [apex] AvoidDmlStatementsInLoops: New apex rule AvoidDmlStatementsInLoops
  • #96: [core] CodeClimateRenderer: Clean up Code Climate renderer
  • #97: [java] BooleanGetMethodName: Don't report bad method names on @Override
  • #98: [core] PMD: Input filelist parameter
  • #99: [apex] Fixed Trigger name is reported incorrectly
  • #100: [core] CSVRenderer: escape filenames with commas in csvrenderer


  • java-basic
    • #1471: [java] DoubleCheckedLocking: False positives
    • #1424: [java] SimplifiedTernary: False positive with ternary operator
  • java-codesize
    • #1457: [java] TooManyMethods: counts inner class methods
  • java-comments
    • #1430: [java] CommentDefaultAccessModifier: triggers on field annotated with @VisibleForTesting
    • #1434: [java] CommentRequired: raises violation on serialVersionUID field
  • java-controversial
    • #1449: [java] AvoidUsingShortType: false positive when casting a variable to short
  • java-design
    • #1452: [java] AccessorClassGenerationRule: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with Annotations
    • #1479: [java] CloseResource: false positive on Statement
    • #1438: [java] UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify: false positive
    • #1467: [java] UseUtilityClass: can't correctly check functions with multiple annotations
  • java-finalizers
    • #1440: [java] AvoidCallingFinalize: NPE
  • java-imports
    • #1436: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName: false positive on clashing static imports with enums
    • #1465: [java] UnusedImports: False Positve with javadoc @link
  • java-junit
    • #1373: [java] JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage: is no longer compatible with TestNG
    • #1453: [java] TestClassWithoutTestCases: false positive
  • java-migrating
    • #1446: [java] JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation: False positive when TestNG is used
  • java-naming
    • #1431: [java] SuspiciousEqualsMethodName: false positive
  • java-optimizations
    • #1443: [java] RedundantFieldInitializer: False positive for small floats
    • #1340: [java] UseStringBufferForStringAppends: False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-sunsecure
    • #1476: [java] ArrayIsStoredDirectly: False positive
    • #1475: [java] MethodReturnsInternalArray: False positive
  • java-unnecessary
    • #1464: [java] UnnecessaryFinalModifier: false positive on a @SafeVarargs method
    • #1422: [java] UselessQualifiedThis: False positive with Java 8 Function
  • java-unusedcode
    • #1456: [java] UnusedFormalParameter: should ignore overriding methods
    • #1484: [java] UnusedLocalVariable: false positive - parenthesis
    • #1480: [java] UnusedModifier: false positive on public modifier used with inner interface in enum
    • #1428: [java] UnusedPrivateField: False positive when local variable hides member variable hides member variable
  • General
    • #1425: [core] XMLRenderer: Invalid XML Characters in Output
    • #1429: [java] Parser Error: Cast in return expression
    • #1441: [site] PMD: Update documentation how to compile after modularization
    • #1442: [java] PDMASMClassLoader: Java 9 Jigsaw readiness
    • #1455: [java] Parser: PMD doesn't handle Java 8 explicit receiver parameters
    • #1458: [xml] Performance degradation scanning large XML files with XPath custom rules
    • #1461: [core] RuleSetFactory: Possible threading issue due to PR#75
    • #1470: [java] Parser: Error with type-bound lambda
    • #1478: [core] PMD CLI: Use first language as default if Java is not available
    • #1481: [core] CPD: no problems found results in blank file instead of empty xml
    • #1485: [apex] Analysis of some apex classes cause a stackoverflow error
    • #1488: [apex] Windows line endings falsify the location of issues
    • #1491: [core] CodeClimateRenderer: corrupt JSON output with real line breaks
    • #1492: [core] PMD CLI: IncompatibleClassChangeError when running PMD

27-March-2017 - 5.4.6

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.4.6.

This is a bug fixing release.

Table Of Contents

Fixed Issues

  • general:
    • #305: [core] PMD not executing under git bash
  • java:
    • #309: [java] Parse error on method reference
  • java-design:
    • #275: [java] FinalFieldCouldBeStatic: Constant in @interface incorrectly reported as "could be made static"
  • java-junit:
    • #285: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule should support @Rule as well as @Test(expected = ...)
  • java-optimizations:
    • #222: [java] UseStringBufferForStringAppends: False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-strings:
    • #290: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheck misses String.trim().isEmpty()

External Contributions

  • #303: [java] InefficientEmptyStringCheckRule now reports String.trim().isEmpty()
  • #307: [java] Fix false positive with UseStringBufferForStringAppendsRule
  • #308: [java] JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssertRule supports @Rule annotated ExpectedExceptions

25-Februar-2017 - 5.4.5

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.4.5

This is a bug fixing release.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Modified Rules

  • The Java rule UnusedModifier (ruleset java-unusedcode) has been expanded to consider more redundant modifiers.
    • Annotations marked as abstract.
    • Nested annotations marked as static.
    • Nested annotations within another interface or annotation marked as public.
    • Classes, interfaces or annotations nested within an annotation marked as public or static.
    • Nested enums marked as static.

Fixed Issues

  • general
    • #234: [core] Zip file stream closes spuriously when loading rulesets
    • #256: [core] shortnames option is broken with relative paths
  • java-basic
    • #232: [java] SimplifiedTernary: Incorrect ternary operation can be simplified.
  • java-coupling
    • #270: [java] LoD false positive
  • java-design
    • #216: [java] [doc] NonThreadSafeSingleton: Be more explicit as to why double checked locking is not recommended
    • #219: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn: ClassCastException in switch case with local variable returned
  • java-optimizations
    • #215: [java] RedundantFieldInitializer report for annotation field not explicitly marked as final
  • java-unusedcode
    • #246: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations
    • #247: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check annotations inner classes
    • #248: [java] UnusedModifier doesn't check static keyword on nested enum declaration
    • #257: [java] UnusedLocalVariable false positive

External Contributions

  • #266: [java] corrected invalid reporting of LoD violation

28-January-2017 - 5.4.4

The PMD team is pleased to announce PMD 5.4.4

This is a bug fixing release. The most significant changes are on analysis performance.

Multithread performance has been enhanced by reducing thread-contention on a bunch of areas. This is still an area of work, as the speedup of running multithreaded analysis is still relatively small (4 threads produce less than a 50% speedup). Future releases will keep improving on this area.

Once again, Symbol Table has been an area of great performance improvements. This time we were able to further improve it's performance by roughly 10% on all supported languages. In Java in particular, several more improvements were possible, improving Symbol Table performance by a whooping 30%, that's over 5X faster than PMD 5.4.2, when we first started working on it.

Java developers will also appreciate the revamp of CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable, making it over 500X faster, and PreserveStackTrace which is now 7X faster.

New and noteworthy

This is a bug fixing release, no major changes were introduced.

Modified Rules

The Java rule "UseLocaleWithCaseConversions" (ruleset java-design) has been modified, to detect calls to toLowerCase and to toUpperCase also within method call chains. This leads to more detected cases and potentially new false positives. See also bugfix #1556.

Fixed Issues

  • java
    • #206: [java] Parse error on annotation fields with generics
    • #207: [java] Parse error on method reference with generics
    • #208: [java] Parse error with local class with 2 or more annotations
    • #213: [java] CPD: OutOfMemory when analyzing Lucene
  • java-design
    • #1448: [java] ImmutableField: Private field in inner class gives false positive with lambdas
    • #1495: [java] UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn with assert
    • #1552: [java] MissingBreakInSwitch - False positive for continue
    • #1556: [java] UseLocaleWithCaseConversions does not works with ResultSet (false negative)
    • #177: [java] SingularField with lambdas as final fields
  • java-imports
    • #1546: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameRule doesn't take into consideration conflict resolution
    • #1547: [java] UnusedImportRule - False Positive for only usage in Javadoc - {@link ClassName#CONSTANT}
    • #1555: [java] UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName: Really necessary fully qualified name
  • java-unnecessary
    • #199: [java] UselessParentheses: Parentheses in return statement are incorrectly reported as useless
  • java-strings
    • #202: [java] [doc] ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse is not really an optimization
  • XML
    • #1518: [xml] Error while processing xml file with ".webapp" in the file or directory name
  • psql
    • #1549: [plsql] Parse error for IS [NOT] NULL construct
  • javascript
    • #201: [javascript] template strings are not correctly parsed
  • General
    • #1511: [core] Inconsistent behavior of Rule.start/Rule.end

External Contributions

  • #129: [plsql] Added correct parse of IS [NOT] NULL and multiline DML
  • #152: [java] fixes #1552 continue does not require break
  • #154: [java] Fix #1547: UnusedImports: Adjust regex to support underscores
  • #170: [core] Ant Task Formatter encoding issue with XMLRenderer
  • #200: [javascript] Templatestring grammar fix

04-November-2016 - 5.4.3


  • 7 pull requests
  • 16 bug fixes

Pull Requests:

  • #35: [javascript] Javascript tokenizer now ignores comment tokens.
  • #103: [java] Fix for 1501: CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • #110: [java] Fix parser error (issue 1530)
  • #111: [java] Fix BooleanInstantiationRule for Java 8
  • #112: [java] Fix ClassCastException on CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
  • #113: [java] Fix ClassCastException on SignatureDeclareThrowsException
  • #119: [plsql] Fix PMD issue 1531- endless loop followed by OOM while parsing (PL)SQL


  • Java
    • #1501: [java] CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
    • #1530: [java] Parser exception on Java code
    • #1490: [java] PMD Error while processing - NullPointerException
  • java-basic/BooleanInstantiation
    • #1533: [java] BooleanInstantiation: ClassCastException with Annotation
  • java-comments
    • #1522: [java] CommentRequired: false positive
  • java-design/SingularField
    • #1494: [java] SingularField: lombok.Data false positive
  • java-imports/UnusedImports
    • #1529: [java] UnusedImports: The created rule violation has no class name
  • java-typeresolution/CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
    • #1532: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: Implemented Interface extends Cloneable
    • #1534: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: ClassCastException with Annotation (java8)
  • java-typeresolution/SignatureDeclareThrowsException
    • #1535: [java] SignatureDeclareThrowsException: ClassCastException with Annotation
    • #1520: [plsql] Missing PL/SQL language constructs in parser: Is Of Type, Using
    • #1527: [plsql] PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION gives processing errors
    • #1531: [plsql] OOM/Endless loop while parsing (PL)SQL
  • General
    • #1499: [core] CPD test break PMD 5.5.1 build on Windows
    • #1506: [core] When runing any RuleTst, start/end methods not called
    • #1508: [core] [java] PMD is leaking file handles

29-May-2016 - 5.4.2

New Supported Languages:

  • CPD supports now Swift (see PR#33).

Feature Request and Improvements:

  • A JSON-renderer for PMD which is compatible with CodeClimate. See PR#83.
  • #1360: Provide backwards compatibility for PMD configuration file

Modified Rules:

  • java-design/UseVargs: public static void main method is ignored now and so are methods, that are annotated with Override. See PR#79.

Pull Requests:

  • #27: Added support for Raw String Literals (C++11).
  • #29: Added support for files with UTF-8 BOM to JSP tokenizer.
  • #30: Removed file filter for files that are explicitly specified on the CPD command line using the '--files' command line option.
  • #31: Added file encoding detection to CPD.
  • #32: Extended Objective-C grammar to accept UTF-8 escapes (\uXXXX) in string literals.
  • #33: Added support for Swift to CPD.
  • #79: do not flag public static void main(String[]) as UseVarargs; ignore @Override for UseVarargs
  • #80: Update
  • #83: Adds new Code Climate-compliant JSON renderer
  • #85: #1340 UseStringBufferForStringAppends False Positive with Ternary Operator


  • java-basic/DoubleCheckedLocking:
    • #1471: False positives for DoubleCheckedLocking
  • java-basic/SimplifiedTernary:
    • #1424: False positive with ternary operator
  • java-codesize/TooManyMethods:
    • #1457: TooManyMethods counts inner class methods
  • java-controversial/AvoidUsingShortType:
    • #1449: false positive when casting a variable to short
  • java-design/AccessorClassGeneration:
    • #1452: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with Annotations for AccessorClassGenerationRule
  • java-design/CloseResource
    • #1479: CloseResource false positive on Statement
  • java-design/UseUtilityClass:
    • #1467: UseUtilityClass can't correctly check functions with multiple annotations
  • java-imports/UnusedImports:
    • #1465: False Positve UnusedImports with javadoc @link
  • java-junit/TestClassWithoutTestCases:
    • #1453: Test Class Without Test Cases gives false positive
  • java-optimizations/UseStringBufferForStringAppends:
    • #1340: UseStringBufferForStringAppends False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-sunsecure/ArrayIsStoredDirectly:
    • #1475: False positive of MethodReturnsInternalArray
    • #1476: False positive of ArrayIsStoredDirectly
  • java-unnecessary/UnnecessaryFinalModifier:
    • #1464: UnnecessaryFinalModifier false positive on a @SafeVarargs method
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedFormalParameter:
    • #1456: UnusedFormalParameter should ignore overriding methods
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedLocalVariable
    • #1484: UnusedLocalVariable - false positive - parenthesis
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedModifier
    • #1480: false positive on public modifier used with inner interface in enum
  • General
    • #1455: PMD doesn't handle Java 8 explicit receiver parameters
    • #1458: Performance degradation scanning large XML files with XPath custom rules
    • #1461: Possible threading issue due to PR#75
    • #1470: Error with type-bound lambda
    • #1481: no problems found results in blank file instead of empty xml

CLI Changes:

  • CPD: If a complete filename is specified, the language dependent filename filter is not applied. This allows to scan files, that are not using the standard file extension. If a directory is specified, the filename filter is still applied and only those files with the correct file extension of the language are scanned.
  • CPD: If no problems found, an empty report will be output instead of nothing. See also #1481
  • New command line parameter for PMD: -norulesetcompatibility - this disables the ruleset factory compatibility filter and fails, if e.g. an old rule name is used in the ruleset. See also #1360. This option is also available for the ant task: <noRuleSetCompatibility>true</noRuleSetCompatibility>.

04-December-2015 - 5.4.1

Feature Request and Improvements:

  • CPD: New command line parameter --ignore-usings: Ignore using directives in C# when comparing text.

Modified Rules:

  • java-comments/CommentRequired: New property serialVersionUIDCommentRequired which controls the comment requirements for serialVersionUID fields. By default, no comment is required for this field.

Pull Requests:

  • #25: Added option to exclude C# using directives from CPD analysis
  • #72: Added capability in Java and JSP parser for tracking tokens.
  • #74: Fix rendering CommentDefaultAccessModifier description as code
  • #75: RuleSetFactory Performance Enhancement


  • java-comments/CommentDefaultAccessModifier
    • #1430: CommentDefaultAccessModifier triggers on field annotated with @VisibleForTesting
  • java-comments/CommentRequired
    • #1434: CommentRequired raises violation on serialVersionUID field
  • java-design/UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify
    • #1438: UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify gives false positive
  • java-finalizers/AvoidCallingFinalize
    • #1440: NPE in AvoidCallingFinalize
  • java-imports/UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
    • #1436: UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName false positive on clashing static imports with enums
  • java-junit/JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage
    • #1373: JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage is no longer compatible with TestNG
  • java-migrating/JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation
    • #1446: False positive with JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation when TestNG is used
  • java-naming/SuspiciousEqualsMethodName
    • #1431: SuspiciousEqualsMethodName false positive
  • java-optimizations/RedundantFieldInitializer
    • #1443: RedundantFieldInitializer: False positive for small floats
  • java-unnecessary/UselessQualifiedThis
    • #1422: UselessQualifiedThis: False positive with Java 8 Function
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedPrivateField
    • #1428: False positive in UnusedPrivateField when local variable hides member variable
  • General
    • #1425: Invalid XML Characters in Output
    • #1429: Java - Parse Error: Cast in return expression
    • #1441: PMD: Update documentation how to compile after modularization

04-October-2015 - 5.4.0

Note: PMD 5.4.0 requires JDK 1.7 or above.


  • 9 new rules
  • 4 features requests
  • 18 pull requests

Feature Request and Improvements:

  • #1344: AbstractNaming should check reverse
  • #1361: ShortVariable and ShortMethodName configuration
  • #1414: Command line parameter to disable "failOnViolation" behavior PMD and CPD Command Line Interfaces have a new optional parameter: failOnViolation. Executing PMD with the option -failOnViolation false will perform the PMD checks but won't fail the build and still exit with status 0. This is useful if you only want to generate the report with violations but don't want to fail your build.
  • #1420: UnusedPrivateField: Ignore fields if using lombok

New Rules:

  • Java:

    • Basic: SimplifiedTernary (rulesets/java/basic.xml/SimplifiedTernary)
      Ternary operator with a boolean literal can be simplified with a boolean expression.

    • Clone: CloneMethodMustBePublic (rulesets/java/clone.xml/CloneMethodMustBePublic)
      The java manual says "By convention, classes that implement the Cloneable interface should override Object.clone (which is protected) with a public method."

    • Clone: CloneMethodReturnTypeMustMatchClassName (rulesets/java/clone.xml/CloneMethodReturnTypeMustMatchClassName)
      If a class implements Cloneable the return type of the method clone() must be the class name.

    • Comments: CommentDefaultAccessModifier (rulesets/java/comments.xml/CommentDefaultAccessModifier)
      In order to avoid mistakes with forgotten access modifiers for methods, this rule ensures, that you explicitly mark the usage of the default access modifier by placing a comment.

    • Design: SingletonClassReturningNewInstance (rulesets/java/design.xml/SingletonClassReturningNewInstance)
      Verifies that the method called getInstance returns a cached instance and not always a fresh, new instance.

    • Design: SingleMethodRule (rulesets/java/design.xml/SingleMethodSingletonRule)
      Verifies that there is only one method called getInstance. If there are more methods that return the singleton, then it can easily happen, that these are not the same instances - and thus no singleton.

    • Unnecessary: UselessQualifiedThis (rulesets/java/unnecessary.xml/UselessQualifiedThis)
      Flags unnecessary qualified usages of this, when this alone would be unique. E.g. use just this instead of Foo.this.

  • Maven POM: (The rules can be found in the pmd-xml module)

    • Basic: ProjectVersionAsDependencyVersion (rulesets/pom/basic.xml/ProjectVersionAsDependencyVersion)
      Checks the usage of ${project.version} in Maven POM files.

    • Basic: InvalidDependencyTypes (rulesets/pom/basic.xml/InvalidDependencyTypes)
      Verifies that only the default types (jar, war, ...) for dependencies are used.

Ruleset snippet to activate the new rules:

<rule ref="rulesets/java/basic.xml/SimplifiedTernary"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/clone.xml/CloneMethodReturnTypeMustMatchClassName"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/clone.xml/CloneMethodMustBePublic"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/comments.xml/CommentDefaultAccessModifier"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/design.xml/SingleMethodSingleton"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/design.xml/SingletonClassReturningNewInstance"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/java/unnecessary.xml/UselessQualifiedThis"/>

<rule ref="rulesets/pom/basic.xml/ProjectVersionAsDependencyVersion"/>
<rule ref="rulesets/pom/basic.xml/InvalidDependencyTypes"/>

Modified Rules:

  • Java

    • Basic: CheckResultSet (rulesets/java/basic.xml/CheckResultSet)
      Do not require to check the result of a navigation method, if it is returned.

    • JUnit: UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals (rulesets/java/junit.xml/UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals)
      This rule also flags assertEquals, that use Boolean.TRUE/FALSE constants.

    • Naming: AbstractNaming (rulesets/java/naming.xml/AbstractNaming)
      By default, this rule flags now classes, that are named "Abstract" but are not abstract. This behavior can be disabled by setting the new property strict to false.

    • Naming: ShortMethodName (rulesets/java/naming.xml/ShortMethodName)
      Additional property minimum to configure the minimum required length of a method name.

    • Naming: ShortVariable (rulesets/java/naming.xml/ShortVariable)
      Additional property minimum to configure the minimum required length of a variable name.

    • UnusedCode: UnusedPrivateField (rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml/UnusedPrivateField)
      This rule won't trigger anymore if Lombok is in use. See #1420.

Renamed Rules:

  • Java
    • Design: UseSingleton - UseUtilityClass (rulesets/java/design.xml/UseUtilityClass)
      The rule "UseSingleton" has been renamed to "UseUtilityClass". See also bugs #1059 and #1339.

Removed Rules:

  • Java
    • Basic: The following rules of ruleset "Basic" were marked as deprecated and are removed with this release now:

      EmptyCatchBlock, EmptyIfStatement, EmptyWhileStmt, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock, EmptySwitchStatements, EmptySynchronizedBlock, EmptyStatementNotInLoop, EmptyInitializer, EmptyStatementBlock, EmptyStaticInitializer

      UnnecessaryConversionTemporary, UnnecessaryReturn, UnnecessaryFinalModifier, UselessOverridingMethod, UselessOperationOnImmutable, UnusedNullCheckInEquals, UselessParentheses

      These rules are still available in the rulesets "Empty" (rulesets/java/empty.xml) and "Unnecessary" (rulesets/java/unnecessary.xml) respectively.

    • Design: The rule "UncommentedEmptyMethod" has been renamed last release to "UncommentedEmptyMethodBody". The old rule name reference has been removed with this release now.

    • Controversial: The rule "BooleanInversion" has been deprecated last release and has been removed with this release completely.

Pull Requests:

  • #21: Added PMD Rules for Singleton pattern violations.
  • #23: Extended Objective-C grammar to accept Unicode characters in identifiers
  • #54: Add a new rulesets for Maven's POM rules
  • #55: Fix for paths with spaces
  • #56: Adding support for WSDL rules
  • #57: Add default access modifier as comment rule
  • #58: Add rule for unnecessary literal boolean in ternary operators
  • #59: Add check to Boxed booleans in UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals rule
  • #60: Add UselessQualifiedThisRule
  • #61: Add CloneMethodReturnTypeMustMatchClassName rule
  • #62: Add CloneMethodMustBePublic rule
  • #63: Change CheckResultSet to allow for the result of the navigation methods to be returned
  • #65: Fix ClassCastException in UselessOverridingMethodRule.
  • #66: #1370 ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #67: Use Path instead of string to check file exclusions to fix windows-only bug
  • #68: #1370 ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #69: #1371 InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #70: Fix code example


  • java-unusedcode/UnusedPrivateMethod:
    • #1412: UnusedPrivateMethod false positive: Issue #1403 not completely solved

API Changes:

  • pmd requires now JDK 1.7 or above.

  • pmd-core: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.Scope:

    The method addNameOccurrence returns now a Set of NameDeclarations to which the given occurrence has been added. This is useful in case there are ambiguous declarations of methods.

  • pmd-core: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.AbstractScope:

    The method findVariableHere returns now a Set of NameDeclarations which match the given occurrence. This is useful in case there are ambiguous declarations of methods.

04-November-2016 - 5.3.8


  • 1 feature requests
  • 6 pull requests
  • 17 bug fixes

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • #1360: [core] [java] Provide backwards compatibility for PMD configuration file

Pull Requests:

  • #35: [javascript] Javascript tokenizer now ignores comment tokens.
  • #103: [java] Fix for 1501: CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • #111: [java] Fix BooleanInstantiationRule for Java 8
  • #112: [java] Fix ClassCastException on CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
  • #113: [java] Fix ClassCastException on SignatureDeclareThrowsException
  • #119: [plsql] Fix PMD issue 1531- endless loop followed by OOM while parsing (PL)SQL


  • java
    • #1501: [java] [apex] CyclomaticComplexity rule causes OOM when class reporting is disabled
  • java-basic/BooleanInstantiation
    • #1533: [java] BooleanInstantiation: ClassCastException with Annotation
  • java-comments
    • #1522: [java] CommentRequired: false positive
  • java-design/CloseResource
    • #1479: [java] CloseResource: false positive on Statement
  • java-imports/UnusedImports
    • #1529: [java] UnusedImports: The created rule violation has no class name
  • java-typeresolution/CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
    • #1532: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: Implemented Interface extends Cloneable
    • #1534: [java] CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable: ClassCastException with Annotation (java8)
  • java-typeresolution/SignatureDeclareThrowsException
    • #1535: [java] SignatureDeclareThrowsException: ClassCastException with Annotation
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedLocalVariable
    • #1484: [java] UnusedLocalVariable: false positive - parenthesis
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedModifier
    • #1480: [java] UnusedModifier: false positive on public modifier used with inner interface in enum
  • plsql
    • #1520: [plsql] Missing PL/SQL language constructs in parser: Is Of Type, Using
    • #1527: [plsql] PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION gives processing errors
    • #1531: [plsql] OOM/Endless loop while parsing (PL)SQL
  • General
    • #1481: [core] CPD: no problems found results in blank file instead of empty xml
    • #1499: [core] CPD test break PMD 5.5.1 build on Windows
    • #1506: [core] When runing any RuleTst, start/end methods not called
    • #1508: [core] [java] PMD is leaking file handles

API Changes:

  • New command line parameter for PMD: -norulesetcompatibility - this disables the ruleset factory compatibility filter and fails, if e.g. an old rule name is used in the ruleset. See also #1360. This option is also available for the ant task: <noRuleSetCompatibility>true</noRuleSetCompatibility>.
  • CPD: If no problems found, an empty report will be output instead of nothing. See also #1481

30-April-2016 - 5.3.7

New Supported Languages:

  • CPD supports now Swift (see PR#33).

Feature Request and Improvements:

  • A JSON-renderer for PMD which is compatible with CodeClimate. See PR#83.

Modified Rules:

  • java-design/UseVargs: public static void main method is ignored now and so are methods, that are annotated with Override. See PR#79.

Pull Requests:

  • #27: Added support for Raw String Literals (C++11).
  • #29: Added support for files with UTF-8 BOM to JSP tokenizer.
  • #30: Removed file filter for files that are explicitly specified on the CPD command line using the '--files' command line option.
  • #31: Added file encoding detection to CPD.
  • #32: Extended Objective-C grammar to accept UTF-8 escapes (\uXXXX) in string literals.
  • #33: Added support for Swift to CPD.
  • #79: do not flag public static void main(String[]) as UseVarargs; ignore @Override for UseVarargs
  • #80: Update
  • #83: Adds new Code Climate-compliant JSON renderer
  • #85: #1340 UseStringBufferForStringAppends False Positive with Ternary Operator


  • java-basic/DoubleCheckedLocking:
    • #1471: False positives for DoubleCheckedLocking
  • java-codesize/TooManyMethods:
    • #1457: TooManyMethods counts inner class methods
  • java-controversial/AvoidUsingShortType:
    • #1449: false positive when casting a variable to short
  • java-design/AccessorClassGeneration:
    • #1452: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with Annotations for AccessorClassGenerationRule
  • java-design/UseUtilityClass:
    • #1467: UseUtilityClass can't correctly check functions with multiple annotations
  • java-imports/UnusedImports:
    • #1465: False Positve UnusedImports with javadoc @link
  • java-junit/TestClassWithoutTestCases:
    • #1453: Test Class Without Test Cases gives false positive
  • java-optimizations/UseStringBufferForStringAppends:
    • #1340: UseStringBufferForStringAppends False Positive with ternary operator
  • java-sunsecure/ArrayIsStoredDirectly:
    • #1475: False positive of MethodReturnsInternalArray
    • #1476: False positive of ArrayIsStoredDirectly
  • java-unnecessary/UnnecessaryFinalModifier:
    • #1464: UnnecessaryFinalModifier false positive on a @SafeVarargs method
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedFormalParameter:
    • #1456: UnusedFormalParameter should ignore overriding methods
  • General
    • #1455: PMD doesn't handle Java 8 explicit receiver parameters
    • #1458: Performance degradation scanning large XML files with XPath custom rules
    • #1461: Possible threading issue due to PR#75
    • #1470: Error with type-bound lambda

CLI Changes:

  • CPD: If a complete filename is specified, the language dependent filename filter is not applied. This allows to scan files, that are not using the standard file extension. If a directory is specified, the filename filter is still applied and only those files with the correct file extension of the language are scanned.

04-December-2015 - 5.3.6

Feature Request and Improvements:

  • CPD: New command line parameter --ignore-usings: Ignore using directives in C# when comparing text.

Modified Rules:

  • java-comments/CommentRequired: New property serialVersionUIDCommentRequired which controls the comment requirements for serialVersionUID fields. By default, no comment is required for this field.

Pull Requests:

  • #25: Added option to exclude C# using directives from CPD analysis
    • Note: This also contains the fix from #23
  • #72: Added capability in Java and JSP parser for tracking tokens.
  • #75: RuleSetFactory Performance Enhancement


  • java-comments/CommentRequired
    • #1434: CommentRequired raises violation on serialVersionUID field
  • java-design/UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify
    • #1438: UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify gives false positive
  • java-finalizers/AvoidCallingFinalize
    • #1440: NPE in AvoidCallingFinalize
  • java-imports/UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
    • #1436: UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName false positive on clashing static imports with enums
  • java-junit/JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage
    • #1373: JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage is no longer compatible with TestNG
  • java-migrating/JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation
    • #1446: False positive with JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation when TestNG is used
  • java-naming/SuspiciousEqualsMethodName
    • #1431: SuspiciousEqualsMethodName false positive
  • java-optimizations/RedundantFieldInitializer
    • #1443: RedundantFieldInitializer: False positive for small floats
  • java-unusedcode/UnusedPrivateField
    • #1428: False positive in UnusedPrivateField when local variable hides member variable
  • General
    • #1429: Java - Parse Error: Cast in return expression
    • #1425: Invalid XML Characters in Output
    • #1441: PMD: Update documentation how to compile after modularization

04-October-2015 - 5.3.5

Modified Rules:

  • java-design/CloseResource: New Property closeAsDefaultTarget which is true by default to stay backwards compatible. If this property is true, the rule will make sure, that close itself is always considered as a closeTarget - no matter whether it is configured with the closeTargets property or not.

Pull Requests:

  • #71: #1410 Improve description of DefaultPackage rule


  • java-controversial/DefaultPackage:
    • #1410: DefaultPackage triggers on field annotated with @VisibleForTesting
  • java-design/CloseResource:
    • #1387: CloseResource has false positive for ResultSet
  • java-optimizations/RedundantFieldInitializer
    • #1418: RedundantFieldInitializer false positive with large long value
  • java-strings/InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration:
    • #1409: NullPointerException in InsufficientStringBufferRule
    • #1413: False positive StringBuffer constructor with ?: int value
  • java-unnecessary/UselessParentheses:
    • #1407: UselessParentheses "&" and "+" operator precedence

18-September-2015 - 5.3.4


  • #1370: ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #1371: InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #1380: InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration false positive when literal string passed to a lookup service
  • #1384: NullPointerException in ConsecutiveLiteralAppendsRule
  • #1388: ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule doesn't work with params?
  • #1392: SimplifyStartsWith false-negative
  • #1393: PMD hanging during DataflowAnomalyAnalysis
  • #1394: dogfood.xml - Unable to exclude rules [UncommentedEmptyMethod]
  • #1395: UnusedPrivateMethod false positive for array element method call
  • #1396: PrematureDeclaration lambda false positive
  • #1397: StringToString should ignore method references
  • #1398: False positive for GuardLogStatementJavaUtil with Log4j
  • #1399: False positive for VariableNamingConventions with annotation @interface
  • #1400: False positive with JUnit4TestShouldUseBeforeAnnotation
  • #1401: False positive for StringBuilder.append called with constructor
  • #1402: Windows-Only: File exclusions are not case insensitive
  • #1403: False positive UnusedPrivateMethod with JAVA8
  • #1404: Java8 'Unnecessary use of fully qualified name' in Streams Collector
  • #1405: UnusedPrivateMethod false positive?

25-July-2015 - 5.3.3

Pull Requests:

  • #55: Fix for paths with spaces


  • #1364: FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass false positive using multiple annotations
  • #1365: Aggregated javadoc report is missing
  • #1366: UselessParentheses false positive on multiple equality operators
  • #1369: ConsecutiveLiteralAppends not detected properly on StringBuffer
  • #1372: False Negative for CloseResource rule.
  • #1375: CloseResource not detected properly
  • #1376: CompareObjectsWithEquals fails for type annotated method parameter
  • #1379: PMD CLI: Cannot specify multiple properties
  • #1381: CPD Cannot use CSV/VS Renderers because they don't support encoding property

22-May-2015 - 5.3.2


  • #1330: AvoidReassigningParameters does not work with varargs
  • #1335: GuardLogStatementJavaUtil should not apply to SLF4J Logger
  • #1342: UseConcurrentHashMap false positive (with documentation example)
  • #1343: MethodNamingConventions for overrided methods
  • #1345: UseCollectionIsEmpty throws NullPointerException
  • #1353: False positive "Only One Return" with lambda
  • #1354: Complex FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass false positive with Spring annotations
  • #1355: NullPointerException in a java file having a single comment line

20-April-2015 - 5.3.1

New/Modified/Deprecated Rules:

  • Language Java, ruleset design.xml: The rule "UseSingleton" has been renamed to "UseUtilityClass". See also bugs #1059 and #1339.

Pull Requests:

  • #53: Fix some NullPointerExceptions


  • #1332: False Positive: UnusedPrivateMethod
  • #1333: Error while processing Java file with Lambda expressions
  • #1337: False positive "Avoid throwing raw exception types" when exception is not thrown
  • #1338: The pmd-java8 POM bears the wrong parent module version

April 1, 2015 - 5.3.0

New Supported Languages:

  • Matlab (CPD)
  • Objective-C (CPD)
  • Python (CPD)
  • Scala (CPD)

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • XML: Line numbers for XML documents are more accurate. This is a further improvement of #1054.
  • CPD: New output format 'csv_with_linecount_per_file'
  • #1320: Enhance SimplifyBooleanReturns checks
  • PMD exits with status 4 if any violations have been found. This behavior has been introduced to ease PMD integration into scripts or hooks, such as SVN hooks.

New/Modified/Deprecated Rules:

The following rules have been enhanced :

  • Language Java, ruleset design.xml: The rule "SimplifyBooleanReturns" now also marks methods where the else case is omitted and just a return. See also feature #1320.

The following rules are marked as deprecated and will be removed with the next release of PMD.

  • Language Java, ruleset basic.xml: The following rules have been moved into the empty.xml ruleset. You'll need to enable the "empty" ruleset explicitly from now on, if you want to have these rules executed:

    EmptyCatchBlock, EmptyIfStatement, EmptyWhileStmt, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock, EmptySwitchStatements, EmptySynchronizedBlock, EmptyStatementNotInLoop, EmptyInitializer, EmptyStatementBlock, EmptyStaticInitializer.

  • Language Java, ruleset basic.xml: The following rules have been moved into the unnecessary.xml ruleset. You'll need to enable the "unnecessary" ruleset explicitly from now on, if you want to have these rules executed:

    UnnecessaryConversionTemporary, UnnecessaryReturn, UnnecessaryFinalModifier, UselessOverridingMethod, UselessOperationOnImmutable, UnusedNullCheckInEquals, UselessParentheses.

  • Language Java, ruleset design.xml: The rule "UncommentedEmptyMethod" has been renamed to "UncommentedEmptyMethodBody". See also bug #1283.

  • Language Java, ruleset controversial.xml: The rule "BooleanInversion" is deprecated and will be removed with the next release. See #1277 for more details.

Pull Requests:

  • #11: Added support for Python to CPD.
  • #12: Added support for Matlab to CPD.
  • #13: Added support for Objective-C to CPD.
  • #14: Added support for Scala to CPD.
  • #15: (pmd-cs) Fixed incorrect line numbers after mutiline comments and verbatim strings.
  • #16: Fixed several C++ lexical / tokenize errors.
  • #17: Fixed '--files' command line option of CPD, so it also works for files and not only for directories.
  • #18: Created extra CSV output format csv_with_linecount_per_file which outputs the correct line count per file.
  • #19: Fixed exit status of PMD when error occurs
  • #48: Handle NoClassDefFoundError along ClassNotFoundException
  • #49: Fix some false positives in UnusedPrivateField
  • #50: Add missing assertions in JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage test
  • #51: [JUnit] Check assertion message present in assertEquals with delta
  • #52: Improves JDK8 support for default methods and static methods in interfaces


  • #914: False +ve from UnusedImports with wildcard static imports
  • #1197: JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation for private method
  • #1277: Delete BooleanInversion as it makes no sense
  • #1283: Rename UncommentedEmptyMethod to UncommentedEmptyMethodBody
  • #1296: PMD UnusedPrivateMethod invalid detection of 'private void method(int,boolean,Integer...)'
  • #1298: Member variable int type with value 0xff000000 causes processing error
  • #1299: MethodReturnsInternalArray false positive
  • #1302: False Positive: UnusedPrivateField when accessed by inner class
  • #1303: OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule does not work on class implements resolvable interfaces
  • #1304: UseCollectionIsEmpty false positive comparing to 1
  • #1305: variable declaration inside switch causes ClassCastException
  • #1306: False positive on duplicate when using static imports
  • #1307: False positive: SingularField and lambda-expression
  • #1308: PMD runs endlessly on some generated files
  • #1312: Rule reference must not override rule name of referenced rule
  • #1313: Missing assertion message in assertEquals with delta not detected
  • #1316: Multi Rule Properties with delimiter not possible
  • #1317: RuntimeException when parsing class with multiple lambdas
  • #1319: PMD stops with NoClassDefFoundError (typeresolution)
  • #1321: CPD format XML fails with NullPointer
  • #1322: MethodReturnsInternalArray on private methods
  • #1323: False positive case of UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals
  • #1324: MethodReturnsInternalArray false positive with clone()
  • #1325: Inner class declared within a method fails to parse (ClassCastException)
  • #1326: PMD 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT doesn't compile under Windows

API Changes:

  • net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.Match.iterator() now returns an iterator of the new type net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.Mark instead of TokenEntry. A Mark contains all the informations about each single duplication, including the TokenEntry via Mark.getToken(). This Mark is useful for reporting the correct line count for each duplication. Previously only one line count was available. As for some languages CPD can be instructed to ignore comments, the line count could be different in the different files for the same duplication.

  • pmd-test: The utility class StreamUtil is deprecated. Just use Apache Commons IO Utils instead.

December 21, 2014 - 5.2.3:

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • #1288: MethodNamingConventions for native should be deactivated
  • #1293: Disable VariableNamingConventions for native methods

Modified Rules:

Pull requests:

  • #45: #1290 RuleSetReferenceId does not process HTTP(S) correctly.
  • #46: Allow byte[] as no-vargars last argument
  • #47: Allow byte[] data and byte data[] as no-varargs last argument


  • #1252: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TokenMgrError: Lexical error in file xxx.cpp
  • #1289: CommentRequired not ignored if javadoc {@inheritDoc} anon inner classes
  • #1290: RuleSetReferenceId does not process HTTP(S) correctly.
  • #1294: False positive UnusedPrivateMethod with public inner enum from another class

December 3, 2014 - 5.2.2:

New Parameters for CPD:

For the language cpp, the following new parameters are supported:

  • --no-skip-blocks: Disables skipping of code blocks like a pre-processor. This is by default enabled.
  • --skip-blocks-pattern: Pattern to find the blocks to skip. Start and End pattern separated by "|". Default value is "#if 0|#endif".


  • #1090: cpp parser exception with inline asm
  • #1128: CompareObjectsWithEquals False Positive comparing boolean (primitive) values
  • #1254: CPD run that worked in 5.1.2 fails in 5.1.3 with OOM
  • #1276: False positive in UnusedPrivateMethod with inner enum
  • #1280: False Positive in UnusedImports when import used in javadoc
  • #1281: UnusedPrivateMethod incorrectly flagged for methods nested private classes
  • #1282: False Positive with implicit String.valuesOf() (Java)
  • #1285: Prevent to modify the System environment
  • #1286: UnusedPrivateMethod returns false positives for varags and enums

November 3, 2014 - 5.2.1:


  • #550: False +: MissingBreakInSwitch
  • #1252: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TokenMgrError: Lexical error in file xxx.cpp
  • #1253: Document default behaviour when CPD command line arguments "encoding" and "ignoreAnnotations" are not specified
  • #1255: UseUtilityClass false positive with Exceptions
  • #1256: PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons false positive with Characters
  • #1258: Java 8 Lambda parse error on direct field access
  • #1259: CloseResource rule ignores conditionnals within finally blocks
  • #1261: False positive "Avoid unused private methods" with Generics
  • #1262: False positive for MissingBreakInSwitch
  • #1263: PMD reports CheckResultSet violation in completely unrelated source files.
  • #1272: varargs in methods are causing IndexOutOfBoundException when trying to process files
  • #1273: CheckResultSet false positive in try-with-resources nested in if
  • #1274: ant integration broken with pmd-5.2.0
  • #1275: False positive: UnusedModifier rule for static inner class in enum

October 17, 2014 - 5.2.0:

Modularization of the source code:

The source code of pmd was undergoing a major restructuring. Each language is separated out into its own module. This reduces the size of the artifacts significantly, if only one language is needed. It also makes it easier, to add new languages as extensions.

Therefore, the maven coordinates needed to change. In order to just use pmd with java support, you'll need the following two dependencies:


The binary package still contains all languages and can be used as usual. Have a look at the central repository for available modules.

New Languages

  • CPD supports now Go.

Pull requests:

  • #9: New rule: NoUnsanitizedJSPExpressionRule
  • #44: Add GoLang support to CPD

New/Modified Rules:

  • JSP - Basic ruleset:
    • NoUnsanitizedJSPExpression: Using unsanitized JSP expression can lead to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks

August 31, 2014 - 5.1.3:


  • #1156: False failure with "Avoid unused private methods"
  • #1187: double variable with AvoidDecimalLiteralsInBigDecimalConstructor
  • #1228: UnusedPrivateMethod returns false positives
  • #1230: UseCollectionIsEmpty gets false positives
  • #1231: No Error Message on Missing Rule
  • #1233: UnusedPrivateMethod: False positive : method called on returned object.
  • #1234: Unused private methods still giving false positives in 5.1.3 snapshot
  • #1235: scope dependencies in POM file
  • #1239: StackOverflowError in AbstractTokenizer.parseString running CPD on >1MB JS file
  • #1241: False+ AvoidProtectedMethodInFinalClassNotExtending
  • #1243: Useless Parentheses False Positive
  • #1245: False Positive for Law of Demeter
  • #1246: False positive from MissingBreakInSwitch
  • #1247: Not able to recognize JDK 8 Static Method References
  • #1249: Regression: UnusedPrivateMethod from 5.0.5 to 5.1.2
  • #1250: Method attribute missing for some violations
  • #1251: UnusedPrivateMethod false positives for boxing & unboxing arguments

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • #1232: Make ShortClassName configurable
  • #1244: FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass and anonymous classes

New/Modified Rules:

  • FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass (ruleset java-design) has a new property called ignoreAnonymousClassDeclarations: Ignore Field Declarations, that are initialized with anonymous class declarations. This property is enabled by default. See feature #1244.
  • ShortClassName (ruleset java-naming) has a new property called minimum: Number of characters that are required as a minimum for a class name. By default, 5 characters are required - if the class name is shorter, a violation will be reported. See feature #1232.

July 20, 2014 - 5.1.2:


  • Fixed bug #1181: unused import false positive if used as parameter in javadoc only.
  • Fixed bug #1192: Ecmascript fails to parse this operator " ^= "
  • Fixed bug #1198: ConfusingTernary does not ignore else if blocks even when property is set
  • Fixed bug #1200: setRuleSets method javadoc mistype commands instead commas
  • Fixed bug #1201: Error "Can't find resource null" when ruleset contains spaces after comma
  • Fixed bug #1202: StackOverflowError in RuleSetReferenceId
  • Fixed bug #1205: Parse error on lambda with if
  • Fixed bug #1206: SummaryHTMLRenderer always shows suppressed warnings/violations
  • Fixed bug #1208: yahtml's outputDir property does not work
  • Fixed bug #1209: XPath 2.0 following-sibling incorrectly includes context node
  • Fixed bug #1211: PMD is failing with NPE for rule UseIndexOfChar while analyzing Jdk 8 Lambda expression
  • Fixed bug #1214: UseCollectionIsEmpty misses some usage
  • Fixed bug #1215: AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops matches the right side of a list iteration loop
  • Fixed bug #1216: AtLeastOneConstructor ignores classes with any methods
  • Fixed bug #1218: TooFewBranchesForASwitchStatement misprioritized
  • Fixed bug #1219: PrimarySuffix/@Image does not work in some cases in xpath 2.0
  • Fixed bug #1223: UnusedPrivateMethod: Java 8 method reference causing false positives
  • Fixed bug #1224: GuardDebugLogging broken in 5.1.1 - missing additive statement check in log statement
  • Fixed bug #1226: False Positive: UnusedPrivateMethod overloading with varargs
  • Fixed bug #1227: GuardLogStatementJavaUtil doesn't catch log(Level.FINE, "msg" + " msg") calls

Feature Requests and Improvements:

  • #1203: Make GuardLogStatementJavaUtil configurable
  • #1213: AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition -- switch for integer comparison with 0
  • #1217: SystemPrintln always says "System.out.print is used"
  • #1221: OneDeclarationPerLine really checks for one declaration each statement

Pull requests:

  • #41: Update to use asm 5.0.2
  • #42: Add SLF4j Logger type to MoreThanOneLogger rule
  • #43: Standard and modified cyclomatic complexity

New Rules:

  • Java - codesize ruleset:
    • StdCyclomaticComplexity: Like CyclomaticComplexityRule, but not including boolean operators
    • ModifiedCyclomaticComplexity: Like StdCyclomaticComplexity, but switch statement plus all cases count as 1
    • Thanks to Alan Hohn

April 27, 2014 - 5.1.1:


  • Fixed bug 1165: SimplifyConditional false positive
  • Fixed bug 1166: PLSQL XPath Rules Fail for XPath 1.0
  • Fixed bug 1167: Error while processing PLSQL file with BOM
  • Fixed bug 1168: Designer errors when trying to copy xml to clipboard
  • Fixed bug 1170: false positive with switch in loop
  • Fixed bug 1171: Specifying minimum priority from command line gives NPE
  • Fixed bug 1173: Java 8 support: method references
  • Fixed bug 1175: false positive for StringBuilder.append called 2 consecutive times
  • Fixed bug 1176: ShortVariable false positive with for-each loops
  • Fixed bug 1177: Incorrect StringBuffer warning when that class is not used
  • Fixed bug 1178: LexicalError while parsing Java code aborts CPD run
  • Fixed bug 1180: False Positive for ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse on different variable names
  • Fixed bug 1185: UnusedModifier throws NPE when parsing enum with a nested static interface
  • Fixed bug 1188: False positive in UnusedPrivateField
  • Fixed bug 1191: Ecmascript fails to parse "void(0)"
  • Document that PMD requires Java 1.6, see discussion.
  • Pull request 38: Some fixes for AbstractCommentRule
  • Pull request 39: Fixed NPE in ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuseRule.getVariableAppended()
  • Pull request 40: Added support for enums in CommentRequiredRule

CPD Changes:

  • Command Line
    • Added option "--skip-lexical-errors" to skip files, which can't be tokenized due to invalid characters instead of aborting CPD. See also bug 1178.
  • Ant
    • New optional parameter "skipDuplicateFiles": Ignore multiple copies of files of the same name and length in comparison; defaults to "false". This was already a command line option, but now also available in in CPD's ant task.
    • New optional parameter "skipLexicalErros": Skip files which can't be tokenized due to invalid characters instead of aborting CPD; defaults to "false".

February 11, 2014 - 5.1.0:

New/Updated Languages:

New/Updated Rulesets and Rules:

  • EcmaScript
    • Controversial ruleset, featuring AvoidWithStatement
    • UseBaseWithParseInt
  • Java
    • GuardLogStatement
      • replace xpath implementation of GuardDebugLogging by GuardLogStatement (better perf)
    • CommentRequired
      • basic rule to check for existence for formal (javadoc) comments.
    • AvoidProtectedMethodInFinalClassNotExtending
      • rule to avoid protected methods in final classes that don't extend anything other than Object.
    • ConsecutiveAppendsShouldReuse
      • rule to encourage to reuse StringBuilder.append returned object for consecutive calls.
    • PositionLiteralsFirstInCaseInsensitiveComparisons
      • rule similar to PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons, but for case insensitive comparisons (equalsIgnoreCase). Thanks to Larry Diamond
    • ConfusingTernary
      • new property "ignoreElseIf" to suppress this rule in case of if-else-if-else usage. See feature 1161: Confusing Ternary should skip else if statements (or have a property to do so)
    • FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass
      • new property "ignoreEnumDeclarations" which is enabled by default. This relaxes the rule, so that enums can be declared before fields and the rule is not triggered.


  • Fixed bug 881: private final without setter is flagged
  • Fixed bug 1059: Change rule name "Use Singleton" should be "Use Utility class"
  • Fixed bug 1106: PMD 5.0.4 fails with NPE on parsing java enum with inner class instance creation
  • Fixed bug 1045: //NOPMD not working (or not implemented) with ECMAscript
  • Fixed bug 1054: XML Rules ever report a line -1 and not the line/column where the error occurs
  • Fixed bug 1115: commentRequiredRule in pmd 5.1 is not working properly
  • Fixed bug 1120: equalsnull false positive
  • Fixed bug 1121: NullPointerException when invoking XPathCLI
  • Fixed bug 1123: failure in help examples
  • Fixed bug 1124: multithreading issue
  • Fixed bug 1125: Missing Static Method In Non Instantiatable Class
  • Fixed bug 1126: False positive with FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass for static enums
  • Fixed bug 1130: CloseResource doesn't recognize custom close method
  • Fixed bug 1131: CloseResource should complain if code between declaration of resource and try
  • Fixed bug 1134: UseStringBufferLength: false positives
  • Fixed bug 1135: CheckResultSet ignores results set declared outside of try/catch
  • Fixed bug 1136: ECMAScript: NullPointerException in getLeft() and getRight()
  • Fixed bug 1140: public EcmascriptNode getBody(int index)
  • Fixed bug 1141: ECMAScript: getFinallyBlock() is buggy.
  • Fixed bug 1142: ECMAScript: getCatchClause() is buggy.
  • Fixed bug 1144: CPD encoding argument has no effect
  • Fixed bug 1146: UseArrayListInsteadOfVector false positive when using own Vector class
  • Fixed bug 1147: EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract false positives
  • Fixed bug 1150: "EmptyExpression" for valid statements!
  • Fixed bug 1154: Call super onPause when there is no super
  • Fixed bug 1155: maven pmd plugin does not like empty rule sets
  • Fixed bug 1159: false positive UnusedFormalParameter readObject(ObjectInputStream) if not used
  • Fixed bug 1164: Violations are not suppressed with @java.lang.SuppressWarnings("all")

CPD Changes:

  • Command Line
    • Added non-recursive option "--non-recursive" to not scan sub-directories
    • Added option "--exclude" to exclude specific files from being scanned (thanks to Delmas for patch #272)
  • CPD is now thread-safe, so that multiple instances of CPD can run concurrently without stepping on each other (eg: multi-module Maven projects.). Thanks to David Golpira.


  • Upgrade to javacc 5.0 (see patch #1109 Patch to build with Javacc 5.0)
  • DBURI as DataSource possible - directly scan plsql code stored within the database

API Changes

  • Deprecated APIs:
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ecmascript.ast.ASTFunctionNode: getBody(int index) deprecated, use getBody() instead
    • net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ecmascript.ast.ASTTryStatement: isCatch() and isFinally() deprecated, use hasCatch() and hasBody() instead
  • Generalize Symbol Table treatement
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.ScopedNode
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.Scope
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.NameDeclaration
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.NameOccurrence
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.AbstractScope
    • Added net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.symboltable.AbstractNameDeclaration

August 11, 2013 - 5.0.5:

Fixed bug  991: AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel for static methods
Fixed bug 1084: NPE at
Fixed bug 1091: file extension for fortran seems to be wrong in cpdgui tools
Fixed bug 1092: Wrong Attribute "excludemarker" in Ant Task Documentation
Fixed bug 1095: AvoidFinalLocalVariable false positive
Fixed bug 1099: UseArraysAsList false positives
Fixed bug 1102: False positive: shift operator parenthesis
Fixed bug 1104: IdempotentOperation false positive
Fixed bug 1107: PMD 5.0.4 couldn't parse call of parent outer java class method from inner class
Fixed bug 1069: Eclipse plugin does not accept project-local config
Fixed bug 1111: False positive: Useless parentheses
Fixed bug 1114: CPD - Tokenizer not initialized with requested properties
Fixed bug 1118: ClassCastException in pmd.lang.ecmascript.ast.ASTElementGet

May 1, 2013 - 5.0.4:

Fixed bug  254: False+ : UnusedImport with Javadoc @throws
Fixed bug  794: False positive on PreserveStackTrace with anonymous inner
Fixed bug 1063: False+: ArrayIsStoredDirectly
Fixed bug 1080: net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.CPDTest test failing
Fixed bug 1081: Regression: CPD skipping all files when using relative paths
Fixed bug 1082: CPD performance issue on larger projects
Fixed bug 1085: NullPointerException by at
Fixed bug 1086: Unsupported Element and Attribute in Ant Task Example
Fixed bug 1087: PreserveStackTrace (still) ignores initCause()
Fixed bug 1089: When changing priority in a custom ruleset, violations reported twice

April 5, 2013 - 5.0.3:

Fixed bug  938: False positive on LooseCoupling for overriding methods
Fixed bug  940: False positive on UnsynchronizedStaticDateFormatter
Fixed bug  942: CheckResultSet False Positive and Negative
Fixed bug  943: PreserveStackTrace false positive if a StringBuffer exists
Fixed bug  945: PMD generates RuleSets it cannot read.
Fixed bug  958: Intermittent NullPointerException while loading XPath node attributes
Fixed bug  968: Issues with JUnit4 @Test annotation with expected exception (Thanks to Yiannis Paschalidis)
Fixed bug  975: false positive in ClassCastExceptionWithToArray
Fixed bug  976: UselessStringValueOf wrong when appending character arrays
Fixed bug  977: MisplacedNullCheck makes false positives
Fixed bug  984: Cyclomatic complexity should treat constructors like methods
Fixed bug  985: Suppressed methods shouldn't affect avg CyclomaticComplexity
Fixed bug  992: Class java.beans.Statement triggered in CloseResource rule
Fixed bug  997: Rule NonThreadSafeSingleton gives analysis problem
Fixed bug  999: Law of Demeter: False positives and negatives
Fixed bug 1002: False +: FinalFieldCouldBeStatic on inner class
Fixed bug 1005: False + for ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod - overloaded methods
Fixed bug 1027: PMD Ant: java.lang.ClassCastException
Fixed bug 1032: ImmutableField Rule: Private field in inner class gives false positive
Fixed bug 1064: Exception running PrematureDeclaration
Fixed bug 1068: CPD fails on broken symbolic links
Fixed bug 1073: Hard coded violation messages CommentSize
Fixed bug 1074: rule priority doesn't work on group definitions
Fixed bug 1076: Report.treeIterator() does not return all violations
Fixed bug 1077: Missing JavaDocs for Xref-Test Files
Fixed bug 1078: Package statement introduces false positive UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName violation
Merged pull request #14: fix Nullpointer Exception when using -l jsp

February 3, 2013 - 5.0.2:

Fixed bug  878: False positive: UnusedFormalParameter for abstract methods
Fixed bug  913: SignatureDeclareThrowsException is raised twice
Fixed bug  947: CloseResource rule fails if field is marked with annotation
Fixed bug 1004: targetjdk isn't attribute of PMD task
Fixed bug 1007: Parse Exception with annotation
Fixed bug 1011: CloseResource Rule ignores Constructors
Fixed bug 1012: False positive: Useless parentheses.
Fixed bug 1020: Parsing Error
Fixed bug 1026: PMD doesn't handle 'value =' in SuppressWarnings annotation
Fixed bug 1028: False-positive: Compare objects with equals for Enums
Fixed bug 1030: CPD Java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index:
Fixed bug 1037: Facing a showstopper issue in PMD Report Class (report listeners)
Fixed bug 1039: pmd-nicerhtml.xsl is packaged in wrong location
Fixed bug 1043: node.getEndLine() always returns 0 (ECMAscript)
Fixed bug 1044: Unknown option: -excludemarker
Fixed bug 1046: ant task CPDTask doesn't accept ecmascript
Fixed bug 1047: False Positive in 'for' loops for LocalVariableCouldBeFinal in 5.0.1
Fixed bug 1048: CommentContent Rule, String Index out of range Exception
Fixed bug 1049: Errors in "How to write a rule"
Fixed bug 1055: Please add a colon in the ant output after line,column for Oracle JDeveloper IDE usage
Fixed bug 1056: "Error while processing" while running on xml file with DOCTYPE reference
Fixed bug 1060: GodClassRule >>> wrong method

November 28, 2012 - 5.0.1:

Fixed bug  820: False+ AvoidReassigningParameters
Fixed bug 1008: pmd-5.0.0: ImmutableField false positive on self-inc/dec
Fixed bug 1009: pmd-5.0.0: False + UselessParentheses
Fixed bug 1003: newline characters stripped from CPD data in PMD 5.0.0
Fixed bug 1001: InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration fails to parse hex
Fixed bug  522: InefficientStringBuffering bug false +
Fixed bug  953: String.InefficientStringBuffering false +
Fixed bug  981: Unable to parse
Fixed bug 1010: pmd: parsing of generic method call with super fails
Fixed bug  996: pmd-4.2.6: MissingBreakInSwitch fails to report violation
Fixed bug  993: Invalid NPath calculation in return statement. Thanks to Prabhjot Singh for the patch.
Fixed bug 1023: c/c++ \ as a continuation character not supported
Fixed bug 1033: False+ : SingularField
Fixed bug 1025: Regression of Crash in PMDTask due to multithreading (Eclipse and Java 1.5)
Fixed bug 1017: Type resolution very slow for big project. Thanks to Roman for the patch.
Fixed bug 1036: Documentation: default threshold values removed from v5.0
Fixed bug 1035: UseObjectForClearerAPI has misspelled message
Fixed bug 1031: false DontImportJavaLang
Fixed bug 1034: UseConcurrentHashMap flags calls to methods that return Map
Fixed bug 1006: Problem with implementation of getPackageNameImage method
Fixed bug 1014: AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition must NOT consider null
Fixed bug 1013: jnlp link for CPD is wrong

PMD Command Line Changes:
  Improved command line interface (CLI) parsing using JCommander.
  Note: this breaks compatibility, but should be easy to fix.
  With "-d" you specify nowtThe source files / source directory to be scanned.
  With "-f" you select the report format (like text, html, ...)
  With "-R" you select the rulesets to be used.
  Example: pmd -d c:\data\pmd\pmd\test-data\ -f xml -R rulesets/java/unusedcode.xml

Improved JSP parser to be less strict with not valid XML documents (like HTML). Thanks to Victor Bucutea.
Fixed bgastviewer not working. Thanks to Victor Bucutea.
Improved CPD: Support in CPD for IgnoreAnnotations and SuppressWarnings("CPD-START"). Thanks to Matthew Short.
Fixed C# support for CPD - thanks to TIOBE Software.

New Ecmascript rules:

    Basic ruleset: AvoidTrailingComma

May, 1, 2012 - 5.0.0:

Fixed bug 3515487: Inconsistent reference to ruleset file in documentation
Fixed bug 3470274: Using Label for lines in XMLRenderer
Fixed bug 3175710: NPE in InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration

- Exit with status code 4 when CPD detects code duplication (Patch ID: 3497021)

January 31, 2012 - 5.0-alpha:

This version of PMD breaks API compatibility with prior versions of PMD, as well
as RuleSet XML compatibility. Also the maven coordinates (groupId) have been changed.
The decision to break compatibility, allows PMD
internals and code organization to be improved to better handle additional
languages.  This opportunity was used to remove depreciated APIs, and beat up
any code which has thumbed its nose at the developers over the years. ;)

The following is relatively complete list of the major changes (this may not be
100% accurate, see actual source code when in doubt):

Fixed bug (no number) - Fixed UseStringBufferLengthRule only worked once per class
All StringBuffer-related rules now also catch StringBuilder-related issues in the same way

    API Change - Unification of treatment of languages within PMD core:
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.Language (now an 'enum')
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersion
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersionDiscoverer
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersionHandler
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.XPathHandler
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.AbstractASTXPathHandler
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.xpath.Initializer
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractTokenManager
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.CharStream
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.JavaCharStream
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.SimpleCharStream
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TokenMgrError
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.stat.StatisticalRule
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.stat.StatisticalRuleHelper
       Added -
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRuleViolationFactory
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.RuleViolationFactory
       Added -
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.rule.JspRuleViolationFactory
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRule
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractJavaRule to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractRuleChainVisitor to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRuleChainVisitor
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleChainVisitor to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.RuleChainVisitor
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.SourceFileSelector to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.LanguageFilenameFilter
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.rule.XPathRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.XPathRule
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.rule.AbstractJspRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.rule.AbstractJspRule
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.CompilationUnit to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.RootNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaRuleChainVisitor to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.JspRuleChainVisitor to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.rule.JspRuleChainVisitor
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.parser.Parser to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.Parser
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.parser.TokenManager to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.TokenManager
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.parser.* into net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.{Language}
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.sourcetypehandlers.SourceTypeHandler to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersionHandler
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.sourcetypehandlers.VisitorStarter to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.VisitorStarter
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.sourcetypehandlers.* into net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.{Language}
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.stat.StatisticalRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.StatisticalRuleHelper
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.TypeOfFunction to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.MatchesFunction to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.xpath.MatchesFunction
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.Attribute to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.Attribute
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.AttributeAxisIterator to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.AttributeAxisIterator
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.DocumentNavigator to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.DocumentNavigator
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jaxen.NodeIterator to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.xpath.NodeIterator
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.* into*
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.* into* and updated to follow conventions
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.* into net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.ast.*
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.rules.* into net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.ast.rule.* and updated to follow conventions
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.cppast.* into net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.cpp.ast.*
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.CommonAbstractRule
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.SourceFileConstants
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.SourceType
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.SourceTypeDiscoverer
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.SourceTypeToRuleLanguageMapper
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDK1_3
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDK1_4
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDK1_5
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDK1_6
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDK1_7
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.TargetJDKVersion
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.SourceFileOrDirectoryFilter
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.sourcetypehandlers.SourceTypeHandlerBroker
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.JavaCharStream
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.CharStream
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.TokenMgrError
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.JspCharStream
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.TokenMgrError

    API Change - Generalize RuleViolation treatment
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.IRuleViolation to net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleViolation
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleViolation to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractRuleViolation
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleViolationComparator
       Added -
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.jsp.rule.JspRuleViolation

    API Change - Generalize DFA treatment
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.IDataFlowNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.DataFlowNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.DataFlowNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.AbstractDataFlowNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.Linker to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.Linker
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.LinkerException to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.LinkerException
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.NodeType to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.NodeType
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.StackObject to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.StackObject
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.SequenceChecker to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.SequenceChecker
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.SequenceException to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.SequenceException
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.StartOrEndDataFlowNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.StartOrEndDataFlowNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.Structure to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.Structure
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.variableaccess.VariableAccess to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.VariableAccess
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.variableaccess.VariableAccessException to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.VariableAccessException
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.pathfinder.* to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.dfa.pathfinder.*
       Renamed -* to*
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.DaaRuleViolation to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.DataFlowFacade to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.StatementAndBraceFinder to
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.dfa.variableaccess.VariableAccessVisitor to
       Added -
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.DataFlowHandler

   API Change - Generalize Symbol Table treatement
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.symboltable.JspSymbolFacade
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.symboltable.JspScopeAndDeclarationFinder
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.symboltable.* to*

   API Change - Generalize Type Resolution treatment
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.typeresolution.* to*

    API Change - Generalize Property Descriptor treatment
       Renamed -* to*
       Renamed - to
       Changed - to use Generics, and other changes
       Added -* new types and other API changes

    API Change - Generalize AST treatment
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node (interface extracted from old Node/SimpleNode)
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.AbstractNode
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.DummyJavaNode
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.AbstractJspNode
       Added - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.JspNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.SimpleJavaNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.AbstractJavaNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.SimpleJavaTypeNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.AbstractJavaTypeNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.SimpleJavaAccessNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.AbstractJavaAccessNode
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.SimpleJavaAccessTypeNode to net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.AbstractJavaAccessTypeNode
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.Node
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.SimpleNode
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.AccessNodeInterface
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.Node
       Deleted - net.sourceforge.pmd.jsp.ast.SimpleNode

    API Change - General code reorganization/cleanup
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractDelegateRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.AbstractDelegateRule
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.MockRule to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.MockRule
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleReference to net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.RuleReference
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.ScopedLogHandlersManager to net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.ScopedLogHandlersManager
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.util.AntLogHandler to net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.AntLogHandler
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.util.ConsoleLogHandler to net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.ConsoleLogHandler
       Renamed - net.sourceforge.pmd.util.PmdLogFormatter to net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.PmdLogFormatter

   API Change - Changes to Rule/RuleSet/RuleSets
      Removed - boolean Rule.include()
      Removed - void Rule.setInclude(boolean)
      Removed - String Rule.getRulePriorityName()
      Removed - String Rule.getExample()
      Removed - Rule.LOWEST_PRIORITY
      Removed - Rule.PRIORITIES
       Removed - Properties Rule.getProperties()
       Removed - Rule.addProperties(Properties)
       Removed - boolean Rule.hasProperty(String)
       Removed - RuleSet.applies(Language,Language)
       Removed - RuleSet.getLanguage()
       Removed - RuleSet.setLanguage(Language)
       Removed - RuleSets.applies(Language,Language)
      Changed - void Rule.setPriority(int) to void Rule.setPriority(RulePriority)
      Changed - int Rule.getPriority() to void RulePriority Rule.getPriority()
       Changed - XXX Rule.getXXXProperty(String) to <T> Rule.getProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T>)
       Changed - XXX Rule.getXXXProperty(PropertyDescriptor) to <T> Rule.getProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T>)
       Changed - Rule.addProperty(String, String) to Rule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T>, T)
       Changed - Rule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor, Object) to Rule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T>, T)
       Changed - Rule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor, Object[]) to Rule.setProperty(PropertyDescriptor<T>, T)
       Changed - Rule.propertyValuesByDescriptor() to Rule.getPropertiesByPropertyDescriptor()
       Changed - PropertyDescriptor Rule.propertyDescriptorFor(String) to PropertyDescriptor Rule.getPropertyDescriptor(String)
       Changed - boolean RuleSet.usesDFA() to boolean RuleSet.usesDFA(Language)
       Changed - boolean RuleSet.usesTypeResolution() to boolean RuleSet.usesTypeResolution(Language)
      Added - Rule.setLanguage(Language)
      Added - Language Rule.getLanguage()
      Added - Rule.setMinimumLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion)
      Added - LanguageVersion Rule.getMinimumLanguageVersion()
      Added - Rule.setMaximumLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion)
      Added - LanguageVersion Rule.getMaximumLanguageVersion()
      Added - Rule.setDeprecated(boolean)
      Added - boolean Rule.isDeprecated()
      Added - String Rule.dysfunctionReason();
       Added - Rule.definePropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor)
       Added - List<PropertyDescriptor> Rule.getPropertyDescriptors()
       Added - RuleSet.applies(Rule,LanguageVersion)

   API Change - Changes to PMD class
      Removed - PMD.processFile(InputStream, RuleSet, RuleContext)
      Removed - PMD.processFile(InputStream, String, RuleSet, RuleContext)
      Removed - PMD.processFile(Reader, RuleSet, RuleContext)
      Removed - PMD.processFile(Reader, RuleSets, RuleContext, LanguageVersion)
      Moved - PMD.getExcludeMarker() to Configuration.getSuppressMarker()
      Moved - PMD.setExcludeMarker(String) to Configuration.getSuppressMarker(String)
      Moved - PMD.getClassLoader() to Configuration.getClassLoader()
      Moved - PMD.setClassLoader(ClassLoader) to Configuration.getClassLoader(ClassLoader)
      Moved - PMD.setDefaultLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion) to Configuration.setDefaultLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion)
      Moved - PMD.setDefaultLanguageVersions(List<LanguageVersion>) to Configuration.setDefaultLanguageVersions(List<LanguageVersion>)
      Moved - PMD.createClasspathClassLoader(String) to Configuration.createClasspathClassLoader(String)

   API Change - Changes to Node interface
      Renamed - Node.findChildrenOfType(Class) as Node.findDescendantsOfType(Class)
      Renamed - Node.getFirstChildOfType(Class) as Node.getFirstDescendantOfType(Class)
      Renamed - Node.containsChildOfType(Class) as Node.hasDescendantOfType(Class)
      Renamed - Node.getAsXml() as Node.getAsDocument()
      Added - Node.findChildrenOfType(Class), non recursive version
      Added - Node.getFirstChildOfType(Class), non recursive version

   API Change - Remove deprecated APIs
      Removed - AccessNode.setXXX() methods, use AccessNode.setXXX(boolean) instead.
      Removed - PMDException.getReason()
      Removed - RuleSetFactory.createRuleSet(String,ClassLoader), use RuleSetFactory.setClassLoader(ClassLoader) and RuleSetFactory.createRuleSets(String) instead.
      Removed - net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd.FileFinder use net.sourceforge.pmd.util.FileFinder instead.

   API Change - RuleSetFactory
        Added - RuleSetFactory.setClassLoader(ClassLoader)
        Added - RuleSetFactory.createRuleSets(List<RuleSetReferenceId>)
        Added - RuleSetFactory.createRuleSet(RuleSetReferenceId)
        Added - RuleSetFactory.setClassLoader(ClassLoader)
        Added - RuleSetReferenceId class to handle parsing of RuleSet strings, see RuleSetReferenceId.parse(String)
      Renamed - RuleSetFactory.createSingleRuleSet(String) to RuleSetFactory.createRuleSet(String);
      Removed - RuleSetFactory.createRuleSets(String, ClassLoader), use RuleSetFactory.createRuleSets(String) instead.
      Removed - RuleSetFactory.createSingleRuleSet(String, ClassLoader), use RuleSetFactory.createSingleRuleSet(String) instead.
      Removed - RuleSetFactory.createRuleSet(InputStream, ClassLoader), use RuleSetFactory.createRuleSet(RuleSetReferenceId) instead.
      Removed - ExternalRuleID, use RuleSetReferenceId instead
      Removed - SimpleRuleSetNameMapper, use RuleSetReferenceId instead

   API Change - Changes to Renderer class, and Renderer implementations
        Added - Renderer.getName()
        Added - Renderer.setName(String)
        Added - Renderer.getDescription()
        Added - Renderer.setDescription(String)
        Added - Renderer.getPropertyDefinitions()
        Added - Renderer.isShowSuppressedViolations()
        Added - AbstractAccumulatingRenderer
      Removed - Renderer.render(Report)
      Removed - Renderer.render(Report, Writer)
      Renamed - Renderer.showSuppressedViolations(boolean) to Renderer.setShowSuppressedViolations(boolean)
      Renamed - PapariTextRenderer to TextColorRenderer
      Renamed - OntheFlyRenderer to AbstractIncrementingRenderer

PMD command line changes:

   Removed -lineprefix use -property linePrefix {value} instead
   Removed -linkprefix use -property linkPrefix {value} instead
   Removed -xslt use -property xsltFilename {value} instead
   Removed -nojsp now obsolete
   Removed -targetjdk use -version {name} {version} instead
   Added -version {name} {version} to set language version to use for a given language
   Added -property {name} {value} as generic way to pass properties to Renderers
   Added -showsuppressed as a means to show suppressed rule violations (consistent with Ant task behavior)
   Renamed 'nicehtml' report to 'xslt'
   Renamed 'papari' report to 'textcolor'
   Renamed -excludemarker option to -suppressmarker
   Renamed -cpus option to -threads

Ant changes:

   Removed - <formatter> 'linkPrefix' attribute, use <param name="linkPrefix"> instead
   Removed - <formatter> 'linePrefix' attribute, use <param name="linePrefix"> instead
   Changed - <formatter> is optional - if not specified, falls back to "text" and console output.
   Removed - <pmd> 'targetJDK' attribute to <version>lang version</version> instead
     Added - <param name="name" value="value"/> as generic way to pass properties to Renderers on <formatter>
   Renamed - <pmd> 'excludeMarker' attribute to 'suppressMarker'
   Renamed - <pmd> 'cpus' attribute to 'threads'

Maven changes:
   The new maven coordinates are: net.sourceforge.pmd:pmd, e.g.

New features:

New Language 'ecmascript' added, for writing XPathRule and Java Rules against ECMAScript/JavaScript documents (must be standalone, not embedded in HTML).  Many thanks to Rhino!
New Language 'xml' added, for writing XPathRules against XML documents
New Language 'xsl' added, as a derivative from XML.
Rules can now define a 'violationSuppressRegex' property to universally suppress violations with messages matching the given regular expression
Rules can now define a 'violationSuppressXPath' property to universally suppress violations on nodes which match the given relative XPath expression
Rules are now directly associated with a corresponding Language, and a can also be associated with a specific Language Version range if desired.
Rules can now be flagged with deprecated='true' in the RuleSet XML to allow the PMD Project to indicate a Rule (1) is scheduled for removal, (2) has been removed, or (3) has been renamed/moved.
XPathRules can now query using XPath 2.0 with 'version=2.0"', or XPath 2.0 in XPath 1.0 compatibility mode using 'version="1.0 compatibility"'.  Many thanks to Saxon!
Rules can now use property values in messages, for example ${propertyName} will expand to the value of the 'propertyName' property on the Rule.
Rules can now use violation specific values in messages, specifically ${variableName}, ${methodName}, ${className}, ${packageName}.
New XPath function 'getCommentOn' can be used to search for strings in comments - Thanks to Andy Throgmorton

Add .hxx and .hpp as valid file extension for CPD - Thanks to Ryan Pavlik
Add options to to the CPD command line task - Thanks to Cd-Man
Add C# support for CPD - thanks to Florian Bauer
Fix small bug in Rule Designer UI
Performance enhacement when parsing Javadoc (Patch ID: 3217201), thanks to Cd-Man
Rework the XMLRenderer to use proper XML API and strictly uses the system value for encoding (Fix bug: 1435751)

Other changes:
Rule property API upgrades:
  All numeric property descriptors can specify upper & lower limits
  Newly functional Method & Type descriptors allow rule developers to incorporate/watch for individual methods or types
  Better initialization error detection
  Deprecated old string-keyed property API, will leave some methods behind for XPath rules however
'41' and '42' shortcuts for rulesets added
The default Java version processed by PMD is now uniformly Java 1.5.
RuleViolations in Reports now uses List internally, and RuleViolationComparator is no longer broken
TokenManager errors now include a file name whenever possible for every AST in PMD
Added file encoding option to CPD GUI, which already existed for the command line and Ant
AssignmentInOperand enhanced to catch assignment in 'for' condition, as well as use of increment/decrement operators.  Customization properties added to allow assignment in if/while/for, or use of increment/decrement.
Fix false positive on CastExpressions for UselessParentheses
Fix false positive where StringBuffer.setLength(0) was using default constructor size of 16, instead of actual constructor size.
Fix false negative for non-primitive types for VariableNamingConventions, also expanded scope to local and method/constructors, and enhanced customization options to choose between members/locals/parameters (all checked by default)
Fix false negative for UseArraysAsList when the array was passed as method parameter - thanks to Andy Throgmorton
Improve TooManyMethods rule - thanks to a patch from Riku Nykanen
Improve DoNotCallSystemExit - thanks to a patch from Steven Christou
Correct -benchmark reporting of Rule visits via the RuleChain
Creating an Empty Code Ruleset and moved the following rules from Basic ruleset:
        * Empty Code Rules
        * EmptyCatchBlock
        * EmptyIfStmt
        * EmptyWhileStmt
        * EmptyTryBlock
        * EmptyFinallyBlock
        * EmptySwitchStatements
        * EmptySynchronizedBlock
        * EmptyStatementNotInLoop
        * EmptyInitializer
        * EmptyStatementBlock
        * EmptyStaticInitializer
    Basic rulesets still includes a reference to those rules.
Creating a unnecessary Code Ruleset and moved the following rules from Basic ruleset:
        * UnnecessaryConversionTemporary
        * UnnecessaryReturn
        * UnnecessaryFinalModifier
        * UselessOverridingMethod
        * UselessOperationOnImmutable
        * UnusedNullCheckInEquals
        * UselessParentheses
    Basic rulesets still includes a reference to those rules.

Fixed bug 2920057 - Fixed False + on CloseResource
Fixed bug 1808110 - Fixed performance issues on PreserveStackTrace
Fixed bug 2832322 - cpd.xml file tag path attribute should be entity-encoded
Fixed bug 2826119 - False +: DoubleCheckedLocking warning with volatile field
Fixed bug 2835074 - False -: DoubleCheckedLocking with reversed null check
Fixed bug 1932242 - EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract false +
Fixed bug 1928009 - Error using migration ruleset in PMD 4.2
Fixed bug 1808110 - PreserveStackTrace
Fixed bug 1988829 - Violation reported without source file name (actually a fix to ConsecutiveLiteralAppends)
Fixed bug 1989814 - false +: ConsecutiveLiteralAppends
Fixed bug 1977230 - false positive: UselessOverridingMethod
Fixed bug 1998185 - BeanMembersShouldSerialize vs @SuppressWarnings("serial")
Fixed bug 2002722 - false + in UseStringBufferForStringAppends
Fixed bug 2056318 - False positive for AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops
Fixed bug 1977438 - False positive for UselessStringValueOf
Fixed bug 2050064 - False + SuspiciousOctalEscape with backslash literal
Fixed bug 1556594 - Wonky detection of NullAssignment
Fixed bug 1481051 - false + UnusedNullCheckInEquals (and other false positives too)
Fixed bug 1943204 - Ant task: <ruleset> path should be relative to Ant basedir
Fixed patch 2075906 - Add toString() to the rule UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation
Fixed bug 2315623 - @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UseSingleton") has no effect
Fixed bug 2230809 - False +: ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal
Fixed bug 2338341 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CPD (on Ruby)
Fixed bug 2315599 - False +: UseSingleton with class containing constructor
Fixed bug 1955852 - false positives for UnusedPrivateMethod & UnusedLocalVariable
Fixed bug 2404700 - UseSingleton should not act on enums
Fixed bug - JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert now detects Junit 4 Assert.assert...  constructs
Fixed bug 1609038 - Xslt report generators break if path contains "java"
Fixed bug 2142986 - UselessOverridingMethod doesn't consider annotations
Fixed bug 2027626 - False + : AvoidFinalLocalVariable
Fixed bug 2606609 - False "UnusedImports" positive in
Fixed bug 2645268 - ClassCastException in UselessOperationOnImmutable.getDeclaration
Fixed bug 2724653 - AvoidThreadGroup reports false positives
Fixed bug 2904832 - Type resolution not working for ASTType when using an inner class
Fixed bug 1435751 - XML format does not support UTF-8
Fixed bug 3303811 - Deadlink on "Similar projects" page
Fixed bug 3017616 - Updated documentation regarding Netbeans plugin - thanks to Jesse Glick
Fixed bug 3427563 - Deprecated class (android.util.config) - thanks to Lukas Reschke for the patch

ruleset.dtd and ruleset_xml_schema.xsd added to jar file in rulesets directory
bin and java14/bin scripts:
    retroweaver version was not correct in java14/bin scripts
    support for extra languages in
    standard unix scripts can be used with cygwin
Upgrading UselessOperationOnImmutable to detect more use cases, especially on String and fix false positives
AvoidDuplicateLiteralRule now has 'skipAnnotations' boolean property
Fixed false positive in UnusedImports: javadoc comments are parsed to check @see and other tags
Fixed parsing bug: constant fields in annotation classes
Bug fix: NPE in MoreThanOneLogger
UnnecessaryParentheses now checks all expressions, not just return statements
UnusedFormalParameter now reports violations on the parameter node, not the method/constructor node
Updates to RuleChain to honor RuleSet exclude-pattern
Optimizations and false positive fixes in PreserveStackTrace
@SuppressWarnings("all") disables all warnings
SingularField now checks for multiple fields in the same declaration
Java grammar enhanced to include AnnotationMethodDeclaration as parent node of method related children of AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
JavaCC generated artifacts updated to JavaCC 4.1.
Dependencies updates: asm updated to 3.2
Ant requirement is now 1.7.0 or higher for compilation
    JUnit testing jar is packaged on 1.7.0+ only in ant binary distributions
    Note that the ant task still works with 1.6.0 and higher
All comment types are now stored in ASTCompilationUnit, not just formal ones
Fixed false negative in UselessOverridingMethod
Fixed handling of escape characters in UseIndexOfChar and AppendCharacterWithChar
Fixed ClassCastException on generic method in BeanMembersShouldSerialize
Fixed ClassCastException in symbol table code
Support for Java 1.4 runtime dropped, PMD now requires Java 5 or higher.  PMD can still process Java 1.4 source files.
Support for Java 1.7
Text renderer is now silent if there's no violation instead of displaying "No problems found!"
RuleSet short names now require a language prefix, 'basic' is now 'java-basic', and 'rulesets/basic.xml' is now 'rulesets/java/basic.xml'
The JSP RuleSets are now in the 'jsp' language, and are 'jsp-basic', 'jsp-basic-jsf', 'rulesets/jsp/basic.xml' and 'rulesets/jsp/basic-jsp.xml'
Enhanced logging in the ClassTypeResolver to provide more detailed messaging.
AvoidUsingHardCodedIP modified to not use InetAddress.getByName(String), instead does better pattern analysis.
The JSP/JSF parser can now parse Unicode input.
The JSP/JSP parser can now handle <script>...</script> tags.  The AST HtmlScript node contains the content.
Added Ecmascript as a supported language for CPD.
The RuleSet XML Schema namespace is now:
The RuleSet XML Schema is located in the source at: etc/ruleset_2_0_0.xsd
The RuleSet DTD is located in the source at: etc/ruleset_2_0_0.dtd
Improved include/exclude pattern matching performance for ends-with type patterns.
Modify (and hopefully fixed) CPD algorithm thanks to a patch from Juan Jesús García de Soria.
Fixed character reference in xml report - thanks to Seko
Enhanced SuspiciousEqualsMethodName rule - thanks to Andy Throgmorton
Add a script to launch CPDGUI on Unix system - thanks to Tom Wheeler

New Java rules:

    Basic ruleset: ExtendsObject,CheckSkipResult,AvoidBranchingStatementAsLastInLoop,DontCallThreadRun,DontUseFloatTypeForLoopIndices
    Controversial ruleset: AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition, AvoidPrefixingMethodParameters, OneDeclarationPerLine, UseConcurrentHashMap
    Coupling ruleset: LoosePackageCoupling,LawofDemeter
    Design ruleset: LogicInversion,UseVarargs,FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStartOfClass,GodClass
    Empty ruleset: EmptyInitializer,EmptyStatementBlock
    Import ruleset: UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
    Optimization ruleset: RedundantFieldInitializer
    Naming ruleset: ShortClassName, GenericsNaming
    StrictException ruleset: AvoidThrowingNewInstanceOfSameException, AvoidCatchingGenericException, AvoidLosingExceptionInformation
    Unnecessary ruleset: UselessParentheses
    JUnit ruleset: JUnitTestContainsTooManyAsserts, UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals
    Logging with Jakarta Commons ruleset: GuardDebugLogging

New Java ruleset:
    android.xml: new rules specific to the Android platform

New JSP rules:
    Basic ruleset: NoInlineScript

New ECMAScript rules:
    Basic ruleset: AssignmentInOperand,ConsistentReturn,InnaccurateNumericLiteral,ScopeForInVariable,UnreachableCode,EqualComparison,GlobalVariable
    Braces ruleset: ForLoopsMustUseBraces,IfStmtsMustUseBraces,IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces,WhileLoopsMustUseBraces
    Unnecessary ruleset: UnnecessaryParentheses,UnnecessaryBlock

New XML rules:
    Basic ruleset: MistypedCDATASection

November 4, 2011 - 4.3:

Add support for Java 7 grammer - thanks to Dinesh Bolkensteyn and SonarSource
Add options --ignore-literals and --ignore-identifiers to the CPD command line task, thanks to Cd-Man
Fixed character reference in xml report - thanks to Seko
Add C# support for CPD - thanks to Florian Bauer
Fix small bug in Rule Designer UI
Improve TooManyMethods rule - thanks to a patch from Riku Nykanen
Improve DoNotCallSystemExit - thanks to a patch from Steven Christou
Fix false negative for UseArraysAsList when the array was passed as method parameter - thanks to Andy Throgmorton
Enhanced SuspiciousEqualsMethodName rule - thanks to Andy Throgmorton
Add a script to launch CPDGUI on Unix system - thanks to Tom Wheeler

New Rule:
    Basic ruleset: DontCallThreadRun - thanks to Andy Throgmorton
    Logging with Jakarta Commons ruleset: GuardDebugLogging

September 14, 2011 - 4.2.6:

Fixed bug 2920057 - False + : CloseRessource whith an external getter
Fixed bug 1808110 - Fixed performance issue on PreserveStackTrace
Fixed bug 2832322 -  cpd.xml file tag path attribute should be entity-encoded
Fixed bug 2590258 - NPE with nicerhtml output
Fixed bug 2317099 - False + in SimplifyCondition
Fixed bug 2606609 - False "UnusedImports" positive in
Fixed bug 2645268 - ClassCastException in UselessOperationOnImmutable.getDeclaration
Fixed bug 2724653 - AvoidThreadGroup reports false positives
Fixed bug 2835074 - False -: DoubleCheckedLocking with reversed null check
Fixed bug 2826119 - False +: DoubleCheckedLocking warning with volatile field
Fixed bug 2904832 - Type resolution not working for ASTType when using an inner class

Modify (and hopefully fixed) CPD algorithm thanks to a patch from Juan Jesús García de Soria.
Correct -benchmark reporting of Rule visits via the RuleChain
Fix issue with Type Resolution incorrectly handling of Classes with same name as a java.lang Class.
The JSP/JSF parser can now parse Unicode input.
The JSP/JSP parser can now handle <script>...</script> tags.  The AST HtmlScript node contains the content.
Added Ecmascript as a supported language for CPD.
Improved include/exclude pattern matching performance for ends-with type patterns.

Dependencies updates: asm updated to 3.2

Android ruleset: CallSuperLast rule now also checks for finish() redefinitions

New rule:
    Android: DoNotHardCodeSDCard
    Controversial : AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition (patch 2591627), UseConcurrentHashMap
    StrictExceptions : AvoidCatchingGenericException, AvoidLosingExceptionInformation
    Naming : GenericsNaming
    JSP: NoInlineScript

February 08, 2009 - 4.2.5:

Enhanced logging in the ClassTypeResolver to provide more detailed messaging.
Fixed bug 2315623 - @SuppressWarnings("PMD.UseSingleton") has no effect
Fixed bug 2230809 - False +: ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal
Fixed bug 2338341 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CPD (on Ruby)
Fixed bug 2315599 - False +: UseSingleton with class containing constructor
Fixed bug 1955852 - false positives for UnusedPrivateMethod & UnusedLocalVariable
Fixed bug 2404700 - UseSingleton should not act on enums
Fixed bug 2225474 - VariableNamingConventions does not work with nonprimitives
Fixed bug 1609038 - Xslt report generators break if path contains "java"
Fixed bug - JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert now detects Junit 4 Assert.assert...  constructs
Fixed bug 2142986 - UselessOverridingMethod doesn't consider annotations
Fixed bug 2027626 - False + : AvoidFinalLocalVariable

New rule:
    StrictExceptions : AvoidThrowingNewInstanceOfSameException
New ruleset:
    android.xml: new rules specific to the Android platform

October 12, 2008 - 4.2.4:

Fixed bug 1481051 - false + UnusedNullCheckInEquals (and other false positives too)
Fixed bug 1943204 - Ant task: <ruleset> path should be relative to Ant basedir
Fixed bug 2139720 - Exception in PMD Rule Designer for inline comments in source
Fixed patch 2075906 - Add toString() to the rule UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation
Fixed ClassCastException on generic method in BeanMembersShouldSerialize
Fixed ClassCastException in symbol table code

August 31, 2008 - 4.2.3:

JavaCC generated artifacts updated to JavaCC 4.1d1.
Java grammar enhanced to include AnnotationMethodDeclaration as parent node of method related children of AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration
Fixes for exclude-pattern
Updates to RuleChain to honor RuleSet exclude-pattern
Upgrading UselessOperationOnImmutable to detect more use cases, especially on String and fix false positives
Fixed bug 1988829 - Violation reported without source file name (actually a fix to ConsecutiveLiteralAppends)
Fixed bug 1989814 - false +: ConsecutiveLiteralAppends
Fixed bug 1977230 - false positive: UselessOverridingMethod
Fixed bug 1998185 - BeanMembersShouldSerialize vs @SuppressWarnings("serial")
Fixed bug 2002722 - false + in UseStringBufferForStringAppends
Fixed bug 2056318 - False positive for AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops
Fixed bug 1977438 - False positive for UselessStringValueOf
Fixed bug 2050064 - False + SuspiciousOctalEscape with backslash literal
Fixed bug 1556594 - Wonky detection of NullAssignment
Optimizations and false positive fixes in PreserveStackTrace
@SuppressWarnings("all") disables all warnings
All comment types are now stored in ASTCompilationUnit, not just formal ones
Fixed false negative in UselessOverridingMethod
Fixed handling of escape characters in UseIndexOfChar and AppendCharacterWithChar

New rule:
    Basic ruleset:  EmptyInitializer

May 20, 2008 - 4.2.2:

Fixed false positive in UnusedImports: javadoc comments are parsed to check @see and other tags
Fixed parsing bug: constant fields in annotation classes
Bug fix: NPE in MoreThanOneLogger
UnnecessaryParentheses now checks all expressions, not just return statements

April 11, 2008 - 4.2.1:

'41' and '42' shortcuts for rulesets added
Fixed bug 1928009 - Error using migration ruleset in PMD 4.2
Fixed bug 1932242 - EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract false +
Fixed bug 1808110 - PreserveStackTrace

AvoidDuplicateLiteralRule now has 'skipAnnotations' boolean property
ruleset.dtd and ruleset_xml_schema.xsd added to jar file in rulesets directory
Update RuleSetWriter to handle non-Apache TRAX implementations, add an option to not use XML Namespaces
Added file encoding option to CPD GUI, which already existed for the command line and Ant
bin and java14/bin scripts:
    retroweaver version was not correct in java14/bin scripts
    support for extra languages in
    standard unix scripts can be used with cygwin

March 25, 2008 - 4.2:

Fixed bug 1920155 - CheckResultSet: Does not pass for loop conditionals

March 21, 2008 - 4.2rc2:

Fixed bug 1912831 - False + UnusedPrivateMethod with varargs
Fixed bug 1913536 - Rule Designer does not recognize JSP(XML)
Add -auxclasspath option for specifying Type Resolution classpath from command line and auxclasspath nested element for ant task.
Fixed formatting problems in loggers.

Ant task upgrade:
    Added a new attribute 'maxRuleCount' to indicate whether or not to fail the build if PMD finds that much violations.

March 07, 2008 - 4.2rc1:

Fixed bug 1866198 - PMD should not register global Logger
Fixed bug 1843273 - False - on SimplifyBooleanReturns
Fixed bug 1848888 - Fixed false positive in UseEqualsToCompareStrings
Fixed bug 1874313 - Documentation bugs
Fixed bug 1855409 - False + in EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract
Fixed bug 1888967 - Updated xpath query to detect more "empty" methods.
Fixed bug 1891399 - Check for JUnit4 test method fails
Fixed bug 1894821 - False - for Test Class without Test Cases
Fixed bug 1882457 - PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons rule not working OK
Fixed bug 1842505 - XML output incorrect for inner classes
Fixed bug 1808158 - Constructor args could also be final
Fixed bug 1902351 - AvoidReassigningParameters not identify parent field
Fixed other false positives in EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract
Fixed other issues in SimplifyBooleanReturns
Modified AvoidReassigningParameter to also check constructor arguments for reassignement

New rules:
    Basic ruleset: AvoidMultipleUnaryOperators
    Controversial ruleset: DoNotCallGarbageCollectionExplicitly,UseObjectForClearerAPI
    Design ruleset : ReturnEmptyArrayRatherThanNull,TooFewBranchesForASwitchStatement,AbstractClassWithoutAnyMethod
    Codesize : TooManyMethods
    StrictExceptions : DoNotThrowExceptionInFinally
    Strings : AvoidStringBufferField

Rule upgrade:
    CyclomaticComplexity now can be configured to display only class average complexity or method complexity, or both.

Designer upgrade:
    A new panel for symbols and a tooltips on AST node that displays line, column and access node attributes (private,
    static, abstract,...)

1.7 added as a valid option for targetjdk.
New elements under <ruleset>: <exclude-pattern> to match files exclude from processing, with <include-pattern> to override.
Rules can now be written which produce violations based upon aggregate file processing (i.e. cross/multiple file violations).
PMD Rule Designer can now shows Symbol Table contents for the selected AST node.
PMD Rule Designer shows position info in tooltip for AST nodes and highlights matching code for selected AST node in code window.
CPD Ant task will report to System.out when 'outputFile' not given.
RuleSetWriter class can be used to Serialize a RuleSet to XML in a standard fashion.  Recommend PMD IDE plugins standardize their behavior.
retroweaver updated to version 2.0.5.

November 17, 2007 - 4.1:

Fixed annotation bug: ClassCastException when a formal parameter had multiple annotations
Added a Visual Studio renderer for CPD; just use "--format vs".
Dependencies updates: asm to 3.1, retroweaver to 2.0.2, junit to 4.4
new ant target ("regress") to test regression bugs only

November 01, 2007 - 4.1rc1:

New rules:
    Basic ruleset: AvoidUsingHardCodedIP,CheckResultSet
    Controversial ruleset: AvoidFinalLocalVariable,AvoidUsingShortType,AvoidUsingVolatile,AvoidUsingNativeCode,AvoidAccessibilityAlteration
    Design ruleset: ClassWithOnlyPrivateConstructorsShouldBeFinal,EmptyMethodInAbstractClassShouldBeAbstract
    Imports ruleset: TooManyStaticImports
    J2ee ruleset: DoNotCallSystemExit, StaticEJBFieldShouldBeFinal,DoNotUseThreads
    Strings ruleset: UseEqualsToCompareStrings

Fixed bug 674394  - fixed false positive in DuplicateImports for disambiguation import
Fixed bug 631681  - fixed false positive in UnusedPrivateField when field is accessed by outer class
Fixed bug 985989  - fixed false negative in ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod for inner static classes
Fixed bug 1409944 - fixed false positive in SingularField for lock objects
Fixed bug 1472195 - fixed false positives in PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons when the string is used as a parameter
Fixed bug 1522517 - fixed false positive in UselessOverridingMethod for clone method
Fixed bug 1744065 - fixed false positive in BooleanInstantiation when a custom Boolean is used
Fixed bug 1765613 - fixed NullPointerException in CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable when checking enum
Fixed bug 1740480 - fixed false positive in ImmutableField when the assignment is inside an 'if'
Fixed bug 1702782 - fixed false positive in UselessOperationOnImmutable when an Immutable on which an operation is performed is compareTo'd
Fixed bugs 1764288/1744069/1744071 - When using Type Resolution all junit test cases will notice if you're using an extended TestCase
Fixed bug 1793215 - pmd-nicerhtml.xsl does not display line numbers
Fixes bug 1796928 - fixed false positive in AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes, when a Type name is the same as a RawException.
Fixed bug 1811506 - False - : UnusedFormalParameter (property "checkall" needs to be set)
Fixed false negative in UnnecessaryCaseChange

The Java 1.5 source code parser is now the default for testcode used in PMD's unit tests.
Added TypeResolution to the XPath rule. Use typeof function to determine if a node is of a particular type
Adding a GenericLiteralChecker, a generic rule that require a regex as property. It will log a violation if a Literal is matched by the regex. See the new rule AvoidUsingHardCodedIP for an example.
Adding support for multiple line span String in CPD's AbstractTokenizer, this may change, for the better, CPD's Ruby parsing.
This release adds 'nicehtml', with the plan for the next major release to make nicehtml->html, and html->oldhtml. This feature uses an XSLT transformation, default stylesheet maybe override with '-xslt filename'.
New CPD command line feature : Using more than one directory for sources. You can now have several '--files' on the command line.
SingularField greatly improved to generate very few false positives (none?). Moved from controversial to design. Two options added to restore old behaviour (mostly).
Jaxen updated to 1.1.1, now Literal[@Image='""'] works in XPath expressions.

July 20, 2007 - 4.0

Fixed bug 1697397 - fixed false positives in ClassCastExceptionWithToArray
Fixed bug 1728789 - removed redundant rule AvoidNonConstructorMethodsWithClassName; MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass is faster and does the same thing.

July 12, 2007 - 4.0rc2:

New rules:
    Typeresolution ruleset: SignatureDeclareThrowsException - re-implementation using the new Type Resolution facility (old rule is still available)
Fixed bug 1698550 - CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable now accepts a clone method that throws CloneNotSupportedException in a final class
Fixed bug 1680568 - The new typeresolution SignatureDeclareThrowsException rule now ignores setUp and tearDown in JUnit 4 tests and tests that do not directly extend TestCase
The new typeresolution SignatureDeclareThrowsException rule can now ignore JUnit classes completely by setting the IgnoreJUnitCompletely property
Fixed false positive in UselessOperationOnImmutable
PMD now defaults to using a Java 1.5 source code parser.

June 22, 2007 - 4.0rc1:

New rules:
    Strict exception ruleset: DoNotExtendJavaLangError
    Basic JSP ruleset: JspEncoding
    J2EE ruleset: MDBAndSessionBeanNamingConvention, RemoteSessionInterfaceNamingConvention, LocalInterfaceSessionNamingConvention, LocalHomeNamingConvention, RemoteInterfaceNamingConvention
    Optimizations ruleset: AddEmptyString
    Naming: BooleanGetMethodName
New rulesets:
    Migrating To JUnit4: Rules that help move from JUnit 3 to JUnit 4
Fixed bug 1670717 - 'Copy xml to clipboard' menu command now works again in the Designer
Fixed bug 1618858 - PMD no longer raises an exception on XPath like '//ConditionalExpression//ConditionalExpression'
Fixed bug 1626232 - Commons logging rules (ProperLogger and UseCorrectExceptionLogging) now catch more cases
Fixed bugs 1626201 & 1633683 - BrokenNullCheck now catches more cases
Fixed bug 1626715 - UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue now correctly checks classes which contain the null constant
Fixed bug 1531216 - ImmutableField. NameOccurrence.isSelfAssignment now recognizes this.x++ as a self assignment
Fixed bug 1634078 - StringToString now recognizes toString on a String Array, rather than an element.
Fixed bug 1631646 - UselessOperationOnImmutable doesn't throw on variable.method().variable.
Fixed bug 1627830 - UseLocaleWithCaseConversions now works with compound string operations
Fixed bug 1613807 - DontImportJavaLang rule allows import to Thread inner classes
Fixed bug 1637573 - The PMD Ant task no longer closes System.out if toConsole is set
Fixed bug 1451251 - A new UnusedImports rule, using typeresolution, finds unused import on demand rules
Fixed bug 1613793 - MissingSerialVersionUID rule now doesn't fire on abstract classes
Fixed bug 1666646 - ImmutableField rule doesn't report against volatile variables
Fixed bug 1693924 - Type resolution now works for implicit imports
Fixed bug 1705716 - Annotation declarations now trigger a new scope level in the symbol table.
Fixed bug 1743938 - False +: InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration with multiply
Fixed bug 1657957 - UseStringBufferForStringAppends now catches self-assignments
Applied patch 1612455 - RFE 1411022 CompareObjectsWithEquals now catches the case where comparison is against new Object
Implemented RFE 1562230 - Added migration rule to check for instantiation of Short/Byte/Long
Implemented RFE 1627581 - SuppressWarnings("unused") now suppresses all warnings in unusedcode.xml
XPath rules are now chained together for an extra speedup in processing
PMD now requires JDK 1.5 to be compiled. Java 1.4 support is provided using Retroweaver
- PMD will still analyze code from earlier JDKs
- to run pmd with 1.4, use the files from the java14 directory (weaved pmd jar and support files)
TypeResolution now looks at some ASTName nodes.
Memory footprint reduced: most renderers now use less memory by generating reports on the fly.
Ant task now takes advantage of multithreading code and on the fly renderers
Ant task now logs more debug info when using -verbose
PMD command line now has -benchmark: output a benchmark report upon completion; default to System.err

December 19, 2006 - 3.9:

New rules:
    Basic ruleset: BigIntegerInstantiation, AvoidUsingOctalValues
    Codesize ruleset: NPathComplexity, NcssTypeCount, NcssMethodCount, NcssConstructorCount
    Design ruleset: UseCollectionIsEmpty
    Strings ruleset: StringBufferInstantiationWithChar
    Typeresolution ruleset: Loose Coupling - This is a re-implementation using the new Type Resolution facility
Fixed bug 1610730 - MisplacedNullCheck now catches more cases
Fixed bug 1570915 - AvoidRethrowingException no longer reports a false positive for certain nested exceptions.
Fixed bug 1571324 - UselessStringValueOf no longer reports a false positive for additive expressions.
Fixed bug 1573795 - PreserveStackTrace doesn't throw CastClassException on exception with 0 args
Fixed bug 1573591 - NonThreadSafeSingleton doesn't throw NPE when using this keyword
Fixed bug 1371753 - UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn is now less aggressive in its reporting.
Fixed bug 1566547 - Annotations with an empty MemberValueArrayInitializer are now parsed properly.
Fixed bugs 1060761 / 1433119 & RFE 1196954 - CloseResource now takes an optional parameter to identify closure methods
Fixed bug 1579615 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode no longer throws an Exception on equals methods that don't have Object as a parameter type.
Fixed bug 1580859 - AvoidDecimalLiteralsInBigDecimalConstructor now catches more cases.
Fixed bug 1581123 - False +: UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation.
Fixed bug 1592710 - VariableNamingConventions no longer reports false positives on certain enum declarations.
Fixed bug 1593292 - The CPD GUI now works with the 'by extension' option selected.
Fixed bug 1560944 - CPD now skips symlinks.
Fixed bug 1570824 - HTML reports generated on Windows no longer contain double backslashes.  This caused problems when viewing those reports with Apache.
Fixed bug 1031966 - Re-Implemented CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable as a typeresolution rule. This rule can now detect super classes/interfaces which are cloneable
Fixed bug 1571309 - Optional command line options may be used either before or after the mandatory arguments
Applied patch 1551189 - SingularField false + for initialization blocks
Applied patch 1573981 - false + in CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable
Applied patch 1574988 - false + in OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode
Applied patch 1583167 - Better test code management. Internal JUnits can now be written in XML's
Applied patch 1613674 - Support classpaths with spaces in pmd.bat
Applied patch 1615519 - controversial/DefaultPackage XPath rule is wrong
Applied patch 1615546 - Added option to command line to write directly to a file
Implemented RFE 1566313 - Command Line now takes minimumpriority attribute to filter out rulesets
PMD now requires JDK 1.4 to run
- PMD will still analyze code from earlier JDKs
- PMD now uses the built-in JDK 1.4 regex utils vs Jakarta ORO
- PMD now uses the JDK javax.xml APIs rather than being hardcoded to use Xerces and Xalan
SummaryHTML Report changes from Brent Fisher - now contains linePrefix to support source output from javadoc using "linksource"
Fixed CSVRenderer - had flipped line and priority columns
Fixed bug in Ant task - CSV reports were being output as text.
Fixed false negatives in UseArraysAsList.
Fixed several JDK 1.5 parsing bugs.
Fixed several rules (exceptions on jdk 1.5 and jdk 1.6 source code).
Fixed array handling in AvoidReassigningParameters and UnusedFormalParameter.
Fixed bug in UselessOverridingMethod: false + when adding synchronization.
Fixed false positives in LocalVariableCouldBeFinal.
Fixed false positives in MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal.
Modified annotation suppression to use @SuppressWarning("PMD") to suppress all warnings and @SuppressWarning("PMD.UnusedLocalVariable") to suppress a particular rule's warnings.
Rules can now call RuleContext.getSourceType() if they need to make different checks on JDK 1.4 and 1.5 code.
CloseResource rule now checks code without java.sql import.
ArrayIsStoredDirectly rule now checks Constructors
undo/redo added to text areas in Designer.
Better 'create rule XML' panel in Designer.
use of entrySet to iterate over Maps.
1.6 added as a valid option for targetjdk.
PMD now allows rules to use Type Resolution. This was referenced in patch 1257259.
Renderers use less memory when generating reports.
New DynamicXPathRule class to speed up XPath based rules by providing a base type for the XPath expression.
Multithreaded processing on multi core or multi cpu systems.
Performance Refactoring, XPath rules re-written as Java:

October 4, 2006 - 3.8:

New rules:
    Basic ruleset: BrokenNullCheck
    Strict exceptions ruleset: AvoidRethrowingException
    Optimizations ruleset: UnnecessaryWrapperObjectCreation
    Strings ruleset: UselessStringValueOf
Fixed bug 1498910 - AssignmentInOperand no longer has a typo in the message.
Fixed bug 1498960 - DontImportJavaLang no longer reports static imports of java.lang members.
Fixed bug 1417106 - MissingBreakInSwitch no longer flags stmts where every case has either a return or a throw.
Fixed bug 1412529 - UncommentedEmptyConstructor no longer flags private constructors.
Fixed bug 1462189 - InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration now resets when it reaches setLength the same way it does at a Constructor
Fixed bug 1497815 - InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration rule now takes the length of the constructor into account, and adds the length of the initial string to its initial length
Fixed bug 1504842 - ExceptionSignatureDeclaration no longer flags methods starting with 'test'.
Fixed bug 1516728 - UselessOverridingMethod no longer raises an NPE on methods that use generics.
Fixed bug 1522054 - BooleanInstantiation now detects instantiations inside method calls.
Fixed bug 1522056 - UseStringBufferForStringAppends now flags appends which occur in static initializers and constructors
Fixed bug 1526530 - SingularField now finds fields which are hidden at the method or static level
Fixed bug 1529805 - UnusedModifier no longer throws NPEs on JDK 1.5 enums.
Fixed bug 1531593 - UnnecessaryConversionTemporary no longer reports false positives when toString() is invoked inside the call to 'new Long/Integer/etc()'.
Fixed bug 1512871 - Improved C++ tokenizer error messages - now they include the filename.
Fixed bug 1531152 - CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException now reports the proper line number.
Fixed bug 1531236 - IdempotentOperations reports fewer false positives.
Fixed bug 1544564 - LooseCoupling rule now checks for ArrayLists
Fixed bug 1544565 - NonThreadSafeSingleton now finds if's with compound statements
Fixed bug 1561784 - AbstractOptimizationRule no longer throws ClassCastExceptions on certain postfix expressions.
Fixed a bug in AvoidProtectedFieldInFinalClass - it no longer reports false positives for protected fields in inner classes.
Fixed a bug in the C++ grammar - the tokenizer now properly recognizes macro definitions which are followed by a multiline comment.
Modified C++ tokenizer to use the JavaCC STATIC option; this results in about a 30% speedup in tokenizing.
Implemented RFE 1501850 - UnusedFormalParameter now catches cases where a parameter is assigned to but not used.
Applied patch 1481024 (implementing RFE 1490181)- NOPMD messages can now be reported with a user specified msg, e.g., //NOPMD - this is expected
Added JSP support to the copy/paste detector.
Placed JSF/JSP ruleset names in rulesets/
Added the image to the ASTEnumConstant nodes.
Added new XSLT stylesheet for CPD XML->HTML from Max Tardiveau.
Refactored UseIndexOfChar to extract common functionality into AbstractPoorMethodCall.
Improved CPD GUI and Designer look/functionality; thanks to Brian Remedios for the changes!
Rewrote the NOPMD mechanism to collect NOPMD markers as the source file is tokenized.  This eliminates an entire scan of each source file.
Applied patch from Jason Bennett to enhance CyclomaticComplexity rule to account for conditional or/and nodes, do stmts, and catch blocks.
Applied patch from Xavier Le Vourch to reduce false postives from CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable.
Updated Jaxen library to beta 10.
Performance Refactoring, XPath rules re-written as Java:

June 1, 2006 - 3.7:

New rules:
    Basic-JSP ruleset: DuplicateJspImport
    Design ruleset: PreserveStackTrace
    J2EE ruleset: UseProperClassLoader
Implemented RFE 1462019 - Add JSPs to Ant Task
Implemented RFE 1462020 - Add JSPs to Designer
Fixed bug 1461426 InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration does not consider paths
Fixed bug 1462184 False +: InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration - wrong size
Fixed bug 1465574 - UnusedPrivateMethod no longer reports false positives when a private method is called from a method with a parameter of the same name.
Fixed bug 1114003 - UnusedPrivateMethod no longer reports false positives when two methods have the same name and number of arguments but different types.  The fix causes PMD to miss a few valid cases, but, c'est la vie.
Fixed bug 1472843 - UnusedPrivateMethod no longer reports false positives when a private method is only called from a method that contains a variable with the same name as that method.
Fixed bug 1461442 - UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue now ignores comparisons to null; UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertTrue will report those.
Fixed bug 1474778 - UnnecessaryCaseChange no longer flags usages of toUpperCase(Locale).
Fixed bug 1423429 - ImmutableField no longer reports false positives on variables which can be set via an anonymous inner class that is created in the constructor.
Fixed major bug in CPD; it was not picking up files other than .java or .jsp.
Fixed a bug in CallSuperInConstructor; it now checks inner classes/enums more carefully.
Fixed a bug in VariableNamingConventions; it was not setting the warning message properly.
Fixed bug in C/C++ parser; a '$' is now allowed in an identifier.  This is useful in VMS.
Fixed a symbol table bug; PMD no longer crashes on enumeration declarations in the same scope containing the same field name
Fixed a bug in ASTVariableDeclaratorId that triggered a ClassCastException if a annotation was used on a parameter.
Added RuleViolation.getBeginColumn()/getEndColumn()
Added an optional 'showSuppressed' item to the Ant task; this is false by default and toggles whether or not suppressed items are shown in the report.
Added an IRuleViolation interface and modified various code classes (include Renderer implementations and Report) to use it.
Modified JJTree grammar to use conditional node descriptors for various expression nodes and to use node suppression for ASTModifier nodes; this replaces a bunch of DiscardableNodeCleaner hackery.  It also fixed bug 1445026.
Modified C/CPP grammar to only build the lexical analyzer; we're not using the parser for CPD, just the token manager.  This reduces the PMD jar file size by about 50 KB.

March 29, 2006 - 3.6:

New rules:
    Basic ruleset: AvoidThreadGroup
    Design ruleset: UnsynchronizedStaticDateFormatter
    Strings ruleset: InefficientEmptyStringCheck, InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration
    JUnit ruleset: SimplifyBooleanAssertion
    Basic-JSF ruleset: DontNestJsfInJstlIteration
    Basic-JSP ruleset: NoLongScripts, NoScriptlets, NoInlineStyleInformation, NoClassAttribute, NoJspForward, IframeMissingSrcAttribute, NoHtmlComments
Fixed bug 1414985 - ConsecutiveLiteralAppends now checks for intervening references between appends.
Fixed bug 1418424 - ConsecutiveLiteralAppends no longer flags appends in separate methods.
Fixed bug 1416167 - AppendCharacterWithChar now catches cases involving escaped characters.
Fixed bug 1421409 - Ant task now has setter to allow minimumPriority attribute to be used.
Fixed bug 1416164 - InefficientStringBuffering no longer reports false positives on the three argument version of StringBuffer.append().
Fixed bug 1415326 - JUnitTestsShouldContainAsserts no longer errors out on JDK 1.5 generics.
Fixed bug 1415333 - CyclomaticComplexity no longer errors out on JDK 1.5 enums.
Fixed bug 1415663 - PMD no longer fails to parse abstract classes declared in a method.
Fixed bug 1433439 - UseIndexOfChar no longer reports false positives on case like indexOf('a' + getFoo()).
Fixed bug 1435218 - LoggerIsNotStaticFinal no longer reports false positives for local variables.
Fixed bug 1413745 - ArrayIsStoredDirectly no longer reports false positives for array deferences.
Fixed bug 1435751 - Added encoding type of UTF-8 to the CPD XML file.
Fixed bug 1441539 - ConsecutiveLiteralAppends no longer flags appends() involving method calls.
Fixed bug 1339470 - PMD no longer fails to parse certain non-static initializers.
Fixed bug 1425772 - PMD no longer fails with errors in ASTFieldDeclaration when parsing some JDK 1.5 code.
Fixed bugs 1448123 and 1449175 - AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName, SingularField, TooManyFields, and AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName no longer error out on enumerations.
Fixed bug 1444654 - migrating_to_14 and migrating_to_15 no longer refer to rule tests.
Fixed bug 1445231 - TestClassWithoutTestCases: no longer flags abstract classes.
Fixed bug 1445765 - PMD no longer uses huge amounts of memory.  However, you need to use RuleViolation.getBeginLine(); RuleViolation.getNode() is no more.
Fixed bug 1447295 - UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify no longer flags notify() methods that have a parameter.
Fixed bug 1455965 - MethodReturnsInternalArray no longer flags variations on 'return new Object[] {}'.
Implemented RFE 1415487 - Added a rulesets/releases/35.xml ruleset (and similar rulesets for previous releases) contains rules new to PMD v3.5
Wouter Zelle fixed a false positive in NonThreadSafeSingleton.
Wouter Zelle fixed a false positive in InefficientStringBuffering.
The CPD Ant task now supports an optional 'language' attribute.
Removed some ill-advised casts from the parsers.
Fixed bug in CallSuperInConstructor; it no longer flag classes without extends clauses.
Fixed release packaging; now entire xslt/ directory contents are included.
Added more XSLT from Dave Corley - you can use them to filter PMD reports by priority level.
You can now access the name of a MemberValuePair node using getImage().
PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons was rewritten in XPath.
Added a getVersionString method to the TargetJDKVersion interface.
Added an option '--targetjdk' argument to the Benchmark utility.
Applied a patch from Wouter Zelle to clean up the Ant Formatter class, fix a TextRenderer bug, and make toConsole cleaner.
Rewrote AvoidCallingFinalize in Java; fixed bug and runs much faster, too.
Uploaded ruleset schema to
UseIndexOfChar now catches cases involving lastIndexOf.
Rules are now run in the order in which they're listed in a ruleset file.  Internally, they're now stored in a List vs a Set, and RuleSet.getRules() now returns a Collection.
Upgraded to JUnit version 3.8.2.

Jan 25, 2006 - 3.5:

New rules:
 Basic ruleset: UselessOperationOnImmutable, MisplacedNullCheck, UnusedNullCheckInEquals
 Migration ruleset: IntegerInstantiation
 JUnit ruleset: UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertTrue
 Strings ruleset: AppendCharacterWithChar, ConsecutiveLiteralAppends, UseIndexOfChar
 Design ruleset: AvoidConstantsInterface
 Optimizations ruleset: UseArraysAsList, AvoidArrayLoops
 Controversial ruleset: BooleanInversion
Fixed bug 1371980 - InefficientStringBuffering no longer flags StringBuffer methods other than append().
Fixed bug 1277373 - InefficientStringBuffering now catches more cases.
Fixed bug 1376760 - InefficientStringBuffering no longer throws a NullPointerException when processing certain expressions.
Fixed bug 1371757 - Misleading example in AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel
Fixed bug 1373510 - UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue no longer has a typo in its message, and its message is more clear.
Fixed bug 1375290 - @SuppressWarnings annotations are now implemented correctly; they accept one blank argument to suppress all warnings.
Fixed bug 1376756 - UselessOverridingMethod no longer throws an exception on overloaded methods.
Fixed bug 1378358 - StringInstantiation no longer throws ClassCastExceptions on certain allocation patterns.
Fixed bug 1371741 - UncommentedEmptyConstructor no longer flags constructors that consist of a this() or a super() invocation.
Fixed bug 1277373 - InefficientStringBuffering no longer flags concatenations that involve a static final String.
Fixed bug 1379701 - CompareObjectsWithEquals no longer flags comparisons of array elements.
Fixed bug 1380969 - UnusedPrivateMethod no longer flags private static methods that are only invoked in a static context from a field declaration.
Fixed bug 1384594 - Added a 'prefix' property for BeanMembersShouldSerializeRule
Fixed bug 1394808 - Fewer missed hits for AppendCharacterWithChar and InefficientStringBuffering, thanks to Allan Caplan for catching these
Fixed bug 1400754 - A NPE is no longer thrown on certain JDK 1.5 enum usages.
Partially fixed bug 1371753 - UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn message now reflects the fact that that rule flags all types
Fixed a bug in UseStringBufferLength; it no longers fails with an exception on expressions like StringBuffer.toString.equals(x)
Fixed a bug in CPD's C/C++ parser so that it no longer fails on multi-line literals; thx to Tom Judge for the nice patch.
CPD now recognizes '--language c' and '--language cpp' as both mapping to the C/C++ parser.
Modified renderers to support disabling printing of suppressed warnings.  Introduced a new AbstractRenderer class that all Renderers can extends to get the current behavior - that is, suppressed violations are printed.
Implemented RFE 1375435 - you can now embed regular expressions inside XPath rules, i.e., //ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration[matches(@Image, 'F?o')].
Added current CLASSPATH to pmd.bat.
UnusedFormalParameter now catches unused constructor parameters, and its warning message now reflects whether it caught a method or a constructor param.
Rebuilt JavaCC parser with JavaCC 4.0.
Added jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar as a new dependency to support regular expression in XPath rules.
Ant task now supports a 'minimumPriority' attribute; only rules with this priority or higher will be run.
Renamed Ant task 'printToConsole' attribute to 'toConsole' and it can only be used inside a formatter element.
Added David Corley's Javascript report, more details are here:

November 30, 2005 - 3.4:

New rules:
 Basic ruleset: ClassCastExceptionWithToArray, AvoidDecimalLiteralsInBigDecimalConstructor
 Design ruleset: NonThreadSafeSingleton, UncommentedEmptyMethod, UncommentedEmptyConstructor
 Controversial ruleset: DefaultPackage
 Naming ruleset: MisleadingVariableName
 Migration ruleset: ReplaceVectorWithList, ReplaceHashtableWithMap, ReplaceEnumerationWithIterator, AvoidEnumAsIdentifier, AvoidAssertAsIdentifier
 Strings ruleset: UseStringBufferLength
Fixed bug 1292745 - Removed unused source file
Fixed bug 1292609 - The JDK 1.3 parser now correctly handles certain 'assert' usages.  Also added a 'JDK 1.3' menu item to the Designer.
Fixed bug 1292689 - Corrected description for UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn
Fixed bug 1293157 - UnusedPrivateMethod no longer reports false positives for private methods which are only invoked from static initializers.
Fixed bug 1293277 - Messages that used 'pluginname' had duplicated messages.
Fixed bug 1291353 - ASTMethodDeclaration isPublic/isAbstract methods always return true.  The syntactical modifier - i.e., whether or not 'public' was used in the source code in the method declaration - is available via 'isSyntacticallyPublic' and 'isSyntacticallyAbstract'
Fixed bug 1296544 - TooManyFields no longer checks the wrong property value.
Fixed bug 1304739 - StringInstantiation no longer crashes on certain String constructor usages.
Fixed bug 1306180 - AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer no longer reports false positives on certain StringBuffer usages.
Fixed bug 1309235 - TooManyFields no longer includes static finals towards its count.
Fixed bug 1312720 - DefaultPackage no longer flags interface fields.
Fixed bug 1312754 - pmd.bat now handles command line arguments better in WinXP.
Fixed bug 1312723 - Added isSyntacticallyPublic() behavior to ASTFieldDeclaration nodes.
Fixed bug 1313216 - Designer was not displaying 'final' attribute for ASTLocalVariableDeclaration nodes.
Fixed bug 1314086 - Added logging-jakarta-commons as a short name for rulesets/logging-jakarta-commons.xml to SimpleRuleSetNameMapper.
Fixed bug 1351498 - Improved UnnecessaryCaseChange warning message.
Fixed bug 1351706 - CompareObjectsWithEquals now catches more cases.
Fixed bug 1277373 (and 1347286) - InefficientStringBuffering now flags fewer false positives.
Fixed bug 1363447 - MissingBreakInSwitch no longer reports false positives for switch statements where each switch label has a return statement.
Fixed bug 1363458 - MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass no longer reports cases where there are public static fields.
Fixed bug 1364816 - ImmutableField no longer reports false positives for fields assigned in an anonymous inner class in a constructor.
Implemented RFE 1311309 (and 1119854) - Suppressed RuleViolation counts are now included in the reports.
Implemented RFE 1220371 - Rule violation suppression via annotations.  Per the JLS, @SuppressWarnings can be placed before the following nodes: TYPE, FIELD, METHOD, PARAMETER, CONSTRUCTOR, LOCAL_VARIABLE.
Implemented RFE 1275547 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode now skips Comparator implementations.
Applied patch 1306999 - Renamed CloseConnection to CloseResource and added support for checking Statement and ResultSet objects.
Applied patch 1344754 - EmptyCatchBlock now skips catch blocks that contain comments.  This is also requested in RFE 1347884.
Renamed AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer to InefficientStringBuffering; new name is a bit more concise.
Modified LongVariable; now it has a property which can be used to override the minimum reporting value.
Improved CPD XML report.
CPD no longer skips header files when checking C/C++ code.
Reworked CPD command line arguments; old-style arguments will still work for one more version, though.
Lots of documentation improvements.

September 15, 2005 - 3.3:

New rules:
    Design: PositionLiteralsFirstInComparisons,  UnnecessaryLocalBeforeReturn
    Logging-jakarta-commons: ProperLogger
    Basic: UselessOverridingMethod
    Naming: PackageCase, NoPackage
    Strings: UnnecessaryCaseChange
Implemented RFE 1220171 - rule definitions can now contain a link to an external URL for more information on that rule - for example, a link to the rule's web page.  Thanks to Wouter Zelle for designing and implementing this!
Implemented RFE 1230685 - The text report now includes parsing errors even if no rule violations are reported
Implemented RFE 787860 - UseSingleton now accounts for JUnit test suite declarations.
Implemented RFE 1097090 - The Report object now contains the elapsed time for running PMD.  This shows up in the XML report as an elapsedTime attribute in the pmd element in the format '2m 5s' or '1h 5h 35s' or '25s' .
Implemented RFE 1246338 - CPD now handles SCCS directories and NTFS junction points.
Fixed bug 1226858 - JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage now checks calls to assertFalse.
Fixed bug 1227001 - AvoidCallingFinalize no longer flags calls to finalize() within finalizers.
Fixed bug 1229755 - Fixed typo in ArrayIsStoredDirectly description.
Fixed bug 1229749 - Improved error message when an external rule is not found.
Fixed bug 1224849 - JUnitTestsShouldContainAsserts no longer skips method declarations which include explicit throws clauses.
Fixed bug 1225492 - ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod now reports the correct method name.  dvholten's examples in RFE 1235562 also helped with this a great deal.
Fixed bug 1228589 - DoubleCheckedLocking and ExceptionSignatureDeclaration no longer throw ClassCastExceptions on method declarations that declare generic return types.
Fixed bug 1235299 - NullAssignment no longer flags null equality comparisons in ternary expressions.
Fixed bug 1235300 - NullAssignment no longer flags assignments to final fields.
Fixed bug 1240201 - The UnnecessaryParentheses message is no longer restricted to return statements.
Fixed bug 1242290 - The JDK 1.5 parser no longer chokes on nested enumerations with a constructor.
Fixed bug 1242544 - SimplifyConditional no longer flags null checks that precede an instanceof involving an array dereference.
Fixed bug 1242946 - ArrayIsStoredDirectly no longer reports false positives for equality expression comparisons.  As a bonus, its message now includes the variable name :-)
Fixed bug 1232648 - MethodReturnsInternalArray no longer reports false positives on return statement expressions that involve method invocations on an internal array.
Fixed bug 1244428 - MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass no longer reports warnings for nested classes.  Some inner class cases will be missed, but false positives will be eliminated as well.
Fixed bug 1244443 - EqualsNull now catches more cases.
Fixed bug 1250949 - The JDK 1.5 parser no longer chokes on annotated parameters and annotated local variables.
Fixed bug 1245139 - TooManyFields no longer throws a ClassCastException when processing anonymous classes.
Fixed bug 1251256 - ImmutableField no longer skips assignments in try blocks on methods (which led to false positives).
Fixed bug 1250949 - The JDK 1.5 parser no longer chokes on AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration with a default value.
Fixed bug 1245367 - ImmutableField no longer triggers on assignments in loops in constructors.
Fixed bug 1251269 - AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer no longer triggers on StringBuffer constructors like 'new StringBuffer(1 + getFoo());'
Fixed bug 1244570 - AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer no longer triggers on certain AST patterns involving local variable declarations inside Statement nodes.
Fixed bug 695344 - StringInstantiation no longer triggers on the String(byte[]) constructor.
Fixed bug 1114754 - UnusedPrivateMethod reports fewer false positives.
Fixed bug 1290718 - Command line parameter documentation is now correct for targetjdk options.
Applied patch 1228834 - XPath rules can now use properties to customize rules.  Thanks to Wouter Zelle for another great piece of work!
Fixed a bug in RuleSetFactory that missed some override cases; thx to Wouter Zelle for the report and a fix.
Fixed a bug in the grammar that didn't allow constructors to have type parameters, which couldn't parse some JDK 1.5 constructs.
Fixed a bug in ImportFromSamePackage; now it catches the case where a class has an on-demand import for the same package it is in.
Fixed a bug in CompareObjectsWithEquals; now it catches some local variable cases.
Fixed a bug in CouplingBetweenObjects; it no longer triggers an exception (which is a bug in the symbol table layer) by calling getEnclosingClassScope() when the node in question isn't enclosed by one.
Moved AvoidCallingFinalize from the design ruleset to the finalize ruleset and then deleted redundant ExplicitCallToFinalize rule from the finalize ruleset.
Deleted redundant ExceptionTypeChecking rule from the strictexception ruleset; use AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause in the design ruleset instead.
Added some new XSLT scripts that create nifty HTML output; thanks to Wouter Zelle for the code.
Improved UseCorrectExceptionLogging; thx to Wouter Zelle for the new XPath.
Improved warning message from UnusedPrivateMethod.
Improved EmptyIfStmt; now it catches the case where an IfStatement is followed by an EmptyStatement node.
The Ant task now accepts the short names of rulesets (e.g., unusedcode for rulesets/unusedcode.xml).
Removed unnecessary '.html' suffix from displayed filenames when the linkPrefix attribute is used with the HTML renderer.
Added an optional 'description' attribute to the 'property' element in the ruleset XML files.
Added a simplified SimpleNode.addViolation() method to reduce duplicated rule violation creation code.
Moved from jaxen-1.0-fcs.jar/saxpath-1.0-fcs.jar to jaxen-1.1-beta-7.jar.  This yielded a 20% speed increase in the basic ruleset!

June 21, 2005 - 3.2:

New rules: UseCorrectExceptionLogging (logging-jakarta-commons ruleset), AvoidPrintStackTrace (logging-java ruleset), CompareObjectsWithEquals (design ruleset)
Fixed bug 1201577 - PMD now correctly parses method declarations that return generic types.
Fixed bug 1205709 - PMD no longer takes a long time to report certain parsing errors.
Fixed bug 1052356 - ImmutableField no longer triggers on fields which are assigned to in a constructor's try statement.
Fixed bug 1215854 - Package/class/method names are now filled in whenever possible, and the XML report includes all three.
Fixed bug 1209719 - MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal no longer triggers on arguments which are modified using postfix or prefix expressions.  A bug in AvoidReassigningParameters was also fixed under the same bug id.
Fixed bug 1188386 - MethodReturnsInternalArray no longer flags returning a local array declaration.
Fixed bug 1172137 - PMD no longer locks up when generating a control flow graph for if statements with labelled breaks.
Fixed bug 1221094 - JUnitTestsShouldContainAsserts no longer flags static methods.
Fixed bug 1217028 - pmd.bat now correctly passes parameters to PMD.
Implemented RFE 1188604 - AvoidThrowingCertainExceptionTypes has been split into AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes and AvoidThrowingNullPointerException.
Implemented RFE 1188369 - UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion now checks for things like 'assertTrue(!foo)'.  These should be changed to 'assertFalse(foo)' for clarity.
Implemented RFE 1199622 - UnusedFormalParameter now defaults to only checking private methods unless a 'checkall' property is set.
Implemented RFE 1220314 - the symbol table now includes some rudimentary type information.
Break and continue statement labels (if present) are placed in the image field.
Fixed bug which caused MissingSerialVersionUID to trigger on all interfaces that implemented other interfaces.
Modified NullAssignmentRule to catch null assignments in ternary expressions.
Added two new node types - ASTCatchStatement and ASTFinallyStatement.
Modified rule XML definition; it no longer includes a symboltable attribute since the symbol table layer is now run for all files analyzed.
Harden equality of AbstractRule and RuleSet objects (needed for the Eclipse plugin features)
Change RuleSet.getRuleByName. Now return null instead of throwing a RuntimeException when the rule is not found
Add .project and .classpath to the module so that it can be checkout as an Eclipse project

May 10, 2005 - 3.1:

New rules: SimplifyStartsWith, UnnecessaryParentheses, CollapsibleIfStatements, UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue,  UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue, UseStringBufferForStringAppends, SimplifyConditional, SingularField
Fixed bug 1170535 - LongVariable now report variables longer than 17 characters, not 12.
Fixed bug 1182755 - SystemPrintln no longer overreports problems.
Fixed bug 1188372 - AtLeastOneConstructor no longer fires on interfaces.
Fixed bug 1190508 - UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion no longer fires on nested boolean literals.
Fixed bug 1190461 - UnusedLocal no longer misses usages which are on the RHS of a right bit shift operator.
Fixed bug 1188371 - AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops no longer fires on instantiations in loops when the 'new' keyword is preceded by a 'return' or a 'throw'.
Fixed bug 1190526 - TooManyFields now accepts a property setting correctly, and default lower bound is 15 vs 10.
Fixed bug 1196238 - UnusedImports no longer reports false positives for various JDK 1.5 java.lang subpackages.
Fixed bug 1169731 - UnusedImports no longer reports false positives on types used inside generics.  This bug also resulted in a bug in ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop being fixed, thanks Wim!
Fixed bug 1187325 - UnusedImports no longer reports a false positive on imports which are used inside an Annotation.
Fixed bug 1189720 - PMD no longer fails to parse generics that use 'member selectors'.
Fixed bug 1170109 - The Ant task now supports an optional 'targetjdk' attribute that accepts values of '1.3', '1.4', or '1.5'.
Fixed bug 1183032 - The XMLRenderer no longer throws a SimpleDateFormat exception when run with JDK 1.3.
Fixed bug 1097256 - The XMLRenderer now supports optional encoding of UTF8 characters using the 'net.sourceforge.pmd.supportUTF8' environment variable.
Fixed bug 1198832 - AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod no longer flags classes which implement interfaces since these can partially implement the interface and thus don't need to explicitly declare abstract methods.
Implemented RFE 1193979 - BooleanInstantiation now catches cases like Boolean.valueOf(true)
Implemented RFE 1171095 - LabeledStatement nodes now contain the image of the label.
Implemented RFE 1176401 - UnusedFormalParameter now flags public methods.
Implemented RFE 994338 - The msg produced by ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod now includes the offending method name.
Modified command line parameters; removed -jdk15 and -jdk13 parameters and added a -'targetjdk [1.3|1.4|1.5]' parameter.
Modified CSVRenderer to include more columns.
Optimized rules: FinalFieldCouldBeStatic (115 seconds to 7 seconds), SuspiciousConstantFieldName (48 seconds to 14 seconds), UnusedModifer (49 seconds to 4 seconds)

March 23, 2005 - 3.0:

New rules: MissingSerialVersionUID, UnnecessaryFinalModifier, AbstractClassDoesNotContainAbstractMethod, MissingStaticMethodInNonInstantiatableClass, AvoidSynchronizedAtMethodLevel, AvoidCallingFinalize, UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify, MissingBreakInSwitch, AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause, AvoidFieldNameMatchingTypeName, AvoidFieldNameMatchingMethodName, AvoidNonConstructorMethodsWithClassName, TestClassWithoutTestCases, TooManyFields, CallSuperInConstructor, UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion, UseArrayListInsteadOfVector
Implemented RFE 1058039 - PMD's command line interface now accepts abbreviated names for the standard rulesets; for example 'java net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD /my/source/code/ text basic,unusedcode' would run the rulesets/basic.xml and the rulesets/unusedcode.xml rulesets on the source in /my/source/code and produce a text report.
Implemented RFE 1119851 - PMD's Ant task now supports an 'excludeMarker' attribute.
Fixed bug 994400 - False +: ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule, thanks to ereissner for reporting it
Fixed bug 1146116 - JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert no longer crashes on inner Interface
Fixed bug 1114625 - UnusedPrivateField no longer throws an NPE on standalone postfix expressions which are prefixed with 'this'.
Fixed bug 1114020 - The Ant task now reports a complete stack trace when run with the -verbose flag.
Fixed bug 1117983 - MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal no longer reports false positives on try..catch blocks.
Fixed bug 797742 - PMD now parses JDK 1.5 source code.  Note that it's not perfect yet; more testing/bug reports are welcome!
Fixed a bug - the StatisticalRule no longer 'merges' data points when using the 'topscore' property.
Fixed a bug - the PMD Ant task's failOnRuleViolation attribute no longer causes a BuildException in the case when no rule violations occur.
Modified the XSLT to add a summary section.
Added Ruby support to CPD.
Optimized various rules and wrote a benchmarking application; results are here -

February 1, 2005 - 2.3:

Fixed bug 1113927 - ExceptionAsFlowControl no longer throws NPEs on code where a throw statement exists without a try statement wrapping it.
Fixed bug 1113981 - AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer no longer throws NPEs on code where an append appears as a child of an ExplicitConstructorInvocation node.
Fixed bug 1114039 - AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops's message no longer contains a spelling error.
Fixed bug 1114029 - The 'optimization' rules no longer throw NPEs at various points.
Fixed bug 1114251 - The 'sunsecure' rules no longer throw NPEs at various points.

January 31, 2005 - 2.2:

New rules: LocalVariableCouldBeFinal, MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal, AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops, ArrayIsStoredDirectly, MethodReturnsInternalArray, AssignmentToNonFinalStatic, AvoidConcatenatingNonLiteralsInStringBuffer
Fixed bug 1088459 - JUnitTestsShouldContainAsserts no longer throws ClassCastException on interface, native, and abstract method declarations.
Fixed bug 1100059 - The Ant task now generates a small empty-ish report if there are no violations.
Implemented RFE 1086168 - PMD XML reports now contain a version and timestamp attribute in the <pmd> element.
Implemented RFE 1031950 - The PMD Ant task now supports nested ruleset tags
Fixed a bug in the rule override logic; it no longer requires the "class" attribute of a rule be listed in the overrides section.
Added 'ignoreLiterals' and 'ignoreIdentifiers' boolean options to the CPD task.
Cleaned up a good bit of the symbol table code; thanks much to Harald Gurres for the patch.
CPD now contains a generic copy/paste checker for programs in any language

December 15, 2004 - 2.1:

New rules: AvoidProtectedFieldInFinalClass, SystemPrintln
Fixed bug 1050173 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positives for static fields.
Fixed bug 1050286 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positives for classes which have multiple constructors only a subset of which set certain fields.
Fixed bug 1055346 - ImmutableFieldRule no longer reports false positive on preinc/predecrement/postfix expressions.
Fixed bug 1041739 - EmptyStatementNotInLoop no longer reports false positives for nested class declarations in methods.
Fixed bug 1039963 - CPD no longer fails to parse C++ files with multi-line macros.
Fixed bug 1053663 - SuspiciousConstantFieldName no longer reports false positives for interface members.
Fixed bug 1055930 - CouplingBetweenObjectsRule no longer throws a NPE on interfaces
Fixed a possible NPE in
Implemented RFE 1058033 - Renamed run.[sh|bat] to pmd.[sh|bat].
Implemented RFE 1058042 - XML output is more readable now.
Applied patch 1051956 - Rulesets that reference rules using "ref" can now override various properties.
Applied patch 1070733 - CPD's Java checker now has an option to ignore both literals and identifiers - this can help find large duplicate code blocks, but can also result in false positives.
YAHTMLRenderer no longer has dependence on Ant packages.
Modified the AST to correctly include PostfixExpression nodes.  Previously a statement like "x++;" was embedded in the parent StatementExpression node.
Moved BooleanInstantiation from the design ruleset to the basic ruleset.
Updated Xerces libraries to v2.6.2.
Many rule names had the word "Rule" tacked on to the end.  Various folks thought this was a bad idea, so here are the new names of those rules which were renamed:
- basic.xml: UnnecessaryConversionTemporary, OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode, DoubleCheckedLocking
- braces.xml: WhileLoopsMustUseBraces, IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces, ForLoopsMustUseBraces
- clone.xml: ProperCloneImplementation
- codesize.xml: CyclomaticComplexity, ExcessivePublicCount
- controversial.xml: UnnecessaryConstructor, AssignmentInOperand, DontImportSun, SuspiciousOctalEscape
- coupling.xml: CouplingBetweenObjects, ExcessiveImports, LooseCoupling
- design.xml: UseSingleton, SimplifyBooleanReturns, AvoidReassigningParameters, ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod, AccessorClassGeneration, CloseConnection, OptimizableToArrayCall, IdempotentOperations. ImmutableField
- junit.xml: JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage, JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert
- logging-java.xml: MoreThanOneLogger, LoggerIsNotStaticFinal
- naming.xml: ShortMethodName, VariableNamingConventions, ClassNamingConventions, AbstractNaming
- strictexception.xml: ExceptionAsFlowControl, AvoidCatchingNPE, AvoidThrowingCertainExceptionTypes
Continued working on JDK 1.5 compatibility - added support for static import statements, varargs, and the new for loop syntax
- still TODO: generics and annotations (note that autoboxing shouldn't require a grammar change)
- Good article on features:

October 19, 2004 - 2.0:

New rules: InstantiationToGetClass, IdempotentOperationsRule, SuspiciousEqualsMethodName, SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale, JUnitTestsShouldContainAssertsRule, SuspiciousConstantFieldName, ImmutableFieldRule, MoreThanOneLoggerRule, LoggerIsNotStaticFinalRule, UseLocaleWithCaseConversions
Applied patch in RFE 992576 - Enhancements to VariableNamingConventionsRule
Implemented RFE 995910 - The HTML report can now include links to HTMLlized source code - for example, the HTML generated by JXR.
Implemented RFE 665824 - PMD now ignores rule violations in lines containing the string 'NOPMD'.
Fixed bug in SimplifyBooleanExpressions - now it catches more cases.
Fixed bugs in AvoidDuplicateLiterals - now it ignores small duplicate literals, its message is more helpful, and it catches more cases.
Fixed bug 997893 - UnusedPrivateField now detects assignments to members of private fields as a usage.
Fixed bug 1020199 - UnusedLocalVariable no longer flags arrays as unused if an assignment is made to an array slot.
Fixed bug 1027133 - Now ExceptionSignatureDeclaration skips certain JUnit framework methods.
Fixed bug 1008548 - The 'favorites' ruleset no longer contains a broken reference.
Fixed bug 1045583 - UnusedModifier now correctly handles anonymous inner classes within interface field declarations.
Partially fixed bug 998122 - CloseConnectionRule now checks for imports of java.sql before reporting a rule violation.
Applied patch 1001694 - Now PMD can process zip/jar files of source code.
Applied patch 1032927 - The XML report now includes the rule priority.
Added data flow analysis facade from Raik Schroeder.
Added two new optional attributes to rule definitions - symboltable and dfa.  These allow the symbol table and DFA facades to be configured on a rule-by-rule basis.  Note that if your rule needs the symbol table; you'll need to add symboltable="true" to your rule definition.  FWIW, this also results in about a 5% speedup for rules that don't need either layer.
Added a "logging" ruleset - thanks to Miguel Griffa for the code!
Enhanced the ASTViewer - and renamed it 'Designer' - to display data flows.
Moved development environment to Maven 1.0.
Moved development environment to Ant 1.6.2.  This is nice because using the new JUnit task attribute "forkmode='perBatch'" cuts test runtime from 90 seconds to 7 seconds.  Sweet.
MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass now reports a more helpful line number.

July 14, 2004 - 1.9:

New rules: CloneMethodMustImplementCloneable, CloneThrowsCloneNotSupportedException, EqualsNull, ConfusingTernary
Created new "clone" ruleset and moved ProperCloneImplementationRule over from the design ruleset.
Moved LooseCoupling from design.xml to coupling.xml.
Some minor performance optimizations - removed some unnecessary casts from the grammar, simplified some XPath rules.
Postfix expressions (i.e., x++) are now available in the grammar.  To access them, search for StatementExpressions with an image of "++" or "--" - i.e., in XPath, //StatementExpression[@Image="++"].  This is an odd hack and hopefully will get cleared up later.
Ant task and CLI now used BufferedInputStreams.
Converted AtLeastOneConstructor rule from Java code to XPath.
Implemented RFE 743460: The XML report now contains the ruleset name.
Implemented RFE 958714: Private field and local variables that are assigned but not used are now flagged as unused.
Fixed bug 962782 - BeanMembersShouldSerializeRule no longer reports set/is as being a violation.
Fixed bug 977022 - UnusedModifier no longer reports false positives for modifiers of nested classes in interfaces
Fixed bug 976643 - IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule no longer reports false positives for certain if..else constructs.
Fixed bug 985961 - UseSingletonRule now fires on classes which contain static fields
Fixed bug 977031 - FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize no longer reports a false positive when a finalizer contains a call to super.finalize in a try {} finally {} block.

May 19, 2004 - 1.8:

New rules: ExceptionAsFlowControlRule, BadComparisonRule, AvoidThrowingCertainExceptionTypesRule, AvoidCatchingNPERule, OptimizableToArrayCallRule
Major grammar changes - lots of new node types added, many superfluous nodes removed from the runtime AST.  Bug 786611 - - explains it a bit more.
Fixed bug 786611 - Expressions are no longer over-expanded in the AST
Fixed bug 874284 - The AST now contains tokens for bitwise or expressions - i.e., "|"

April 22, 2004 - 1.7:

Moved development environment to Maven 1.0-RC2.
Fixed bug 925840 - Messages were no longer getting variable names plugged in correctly
Fixed bug 919308 - XMLRenderer was still messed up; 'twas missing a quotation mark.
Fixed bug 923410 - PMD now uses the default platform character set encoding; optionally, you can pass in a character encoding to use.
Implemented RFE 925839 - Added some more detail to the UseSingletonRule.
Added an optional 'failuresPropertyName' attribute to the Ant task.
Refactored away duplicate copies of XPath rule definitions in regress/, yay!
Removed manifest from jar file; it was only there for the Main-class attribute, and it's not very useful now since PMD has several dependencies.
Began working on JDK 1.5 compatibility - added support for EnumDeclaration nodes.

March 15, 2004 - 1.6:

Fixed bug 895661 - XML reports containing error elements no longer have malformed XML.
Fixed a bug in UnconditionalIfStatement - it no longer flags things like "if (x==true)".
Applied Steve Hawkins' improvements to CPD:
- Various optimizations; now it runs about 4 times faster!
- fixed "single match per file" bug
- tweaked source code slicing
- CSV renderer
Added two new renderers - SummaryHTMLRenderer and PapariTextRenderer.
Moved development environment to Ant 1.6 and JavaCC 3.2.

February 2, 2004 - 1.5:

New rules: DontImportSunRule, EmptyFinalizer, EmptyStaticInitializer, AvoidDollarSigns, FinalizeOnlyCallsSuperFinalize, FinalizeOverloaded, FinalizeDoesNotCallSuperFinalize, MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass, ExplicitCallToFinalize, NonStaticInitializer, DefaultLabelNotLastInSwitchStmt, NonCaseLabelInSwitchStatement, SuspiciousHashcodeMethodName, EmptyStatementNotInLoop, SuspiciousOctalEscapeRule
FinalizeShouldBeProtected moved from design.xml to finalizers.xml.
Added isTrue() to ASTBooleanLiteral.
Added UnaryExpression to the AST.
Added isPackagePrivate() to AccessNode.

January 7, 2004 - 1.4:

New rules: AbstractNamingRule, ProperCloneImplementationRule
Fixed bug 840926 - AvoidReassigningParametersRule no longer reports a false positive when assigning a value to an array slot when the array is passed as a parameter to a method
Fixed bug 760520 - RuleSetFactory is less strict about whitespace in ruleset.xml files.
Fixed bug 826805 - JumbledIncrementorRule no longer reports a false positive when a outer loop incrementor is used as an array index
Fixed bug 845343 - AvoidDuplicateLiterals now picks up cases when a duplicate literal appears in field declarations.
Fixed bug 853409 - VariableNamingConventionsRule no longer requires that non-static final fields be capitalized
Fixed a bug in OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule; it no longer reports a false positive when equals() is passed the fully qualified name of Object.
Implemented RFE 845348 - UnnecessaryReturn yields more useful line numbers now
Added a ruleset DTD and a ruleset XML Schema.
Added 'ExplicitExtends' and 'ExplicitImplements' attributes to UnmodifiedClassDeclaration nodes.

October 23, 2003 - 1.3:

Relicensed under a BSD-style license.
Fixed bug 822245 - VariableNamingConventionsRule now handles interface fields correctly.
Added new rules: EmptySynchronizedBlock, UnnecessaryReturn
ASTType now has an getDimensions() method.

October 06, 2003 - 1.2.2:

Added new rule: CloseConnectionRule
Fixed bug 782246 - FinalFieldCouldBeStatic no longer flags fields in interfaces.
Fixed bug 782235 - "ant -version" now prints more details when a file errors out.
Fixed bug 779874 - LooseCouplingRule no longer triggers on ArrayList
Fixed bug 781393 - VariableNameDeclaration no longer throws ClassCastExpression since ASTLocalVariableDeclaration now subclasses AccessNode
Fixed bug 797243 - CPD XML report can no longer contain ]]> (CDEnd)
Fixed bug 690196 - PMD now handles both JDK 1.3 and 1.4 code - i.e., usage of "assert" as an identifier.
Fixed bug 805092 - VariableNamingConventionsRule no longer flags serialVersionUID as a violation
Fixed bug - Specifying a non-existing rule format on the command line no longer results in a ClassNotFoundException.
XPath rules may now include pluggable parameters.  This feature is very limited.  For now.
Tweaked CPD time display field
Made CPD text fields uneditable
Added more error checking to CPD GUI input
Added "dialog cancelled" check to CPD "Save" function
Added Boris Gruschko's AST viewer.
Added Jeff Epstein's TextPad integration.
ASTType now has an isArray() method.

August 1, 2003 - 1.2.1:

Fixed bug 781077 - line number "-1" no longer appears for nodes with siblings.

July 30, 2003 - 1.2:

Added new rules: VariableNamingConventionsRule, MethodNamingConventionsRule, ClassNamingConventionsRule, AvoidCatchingThrowable, ExceptionSignatureDeclaration, ExceptionTypeChecking, BooleanInstantiation
Fixed bug 583047 - ASTName column numbers are now correct
Fixed bug 761048 - Symbol table now creates a scope level for anonymous inner classes
Fixed bug 763529 - AccessorClassGenerationRule no longer crashes when given a final inner class
Fixed bug 771943 - AtLeastOneConstructorRule and UnnecessaryConstructorRule no longer reports false positives on inner classes.
Applied patch from Chris Webster to fix another UnnecessaryConstructorRule problem.
Added ability to accept a comma-delimited string of files and directories on the command line.
Added a CSVRenderer.
Added a "-shortfilenames" argument to the PMD command line interface.
Modified grammer to provide information on whether an initializer block is static.
ASTViewer now shows node images and modifiers
ASTViewer now saves last edited text to ~/.pmd_astviewer
Moved the PMD Swing UI into a separate module - pmd-swingui.
Updated license.txt to point to new location.

June 19, 2003 - 1.1:

Added new rules: FinalizeShouldBeProtected, FinalFieldCouldBeStatic, BeanMembersShouldSerializeRule
Removed "verbose" attribute from PMD and CPD Ant tasks; now they use built in logging so you can do a "ant -verbose cpd" or "ant -verbose pmd".  Thanks to Philippe T'Seyen for the code.
Added "excludes" feature to rulesets; thanks to Gael Marziou for the suggestion.
Removed "LinkedList" from LooseCouplingRule checks; thx to Randall Schulz for the suggestion.
CPD now processes PHP code.
Added VBHTMLRenderer; thanks to Vladimir Bossicard for the code.
Added "Save" item to CPD GUI; thanks to mcclain looney for the patch.
Fixed bug 732592 - Ant task now accepts a nested classpath element.
Fixed bug 744915 - UseSingletonRule no longer fires on abstract classes, thanks to Pablo Casado for the bug report.
Fixed bugs 735396 and 735399 - false positives from ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule
Fixed bug 752809 - UnusedPrivateMethodRule now catches unused private static methods, thanks to Conrad Roche for the bug report.

April 17, 2003 - 1.05:

Added new rules: ReturnFromFinallyBlock, SimplifyBooleanExpressions
Added a new Ant task for CPD; thanks to Andy Glover for the code.
Added ability to specify a class name as a renderer on the command line or in the formatter "type" attribute of the Ant task.
Brian Ewins completely rewrote CPD using a portion of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform - it's much, much, much faster now.
Rebuilt parser with JavaCC 3.0; made several parser optimizations.
The Ant task now accepts a <classpath> element to aid in loading custom rulesets.  Thanks to Luke Francl for the suggestion.
Fixed several bugs in UnnecessaryConstructorRule; thanks to Adam Nemeth for the reports and fixes.
All test-data classes have been inlined into their respective JUnit tests.

March 21, 2003 - 1.04

Added new rules: ConstructorCallsOverridableMethodRule, AtLeastOneConstructorRule, JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessageRule, DoubleCheckedLockingRule, ExcessivePublicCountRule, AccessorClassGenerationRule
The Ant task has been updated; if you set "verbose=true" full stacktraces are printed.  Thx to Paul Roebuck for the suggestion.
Moved JUnit rules into their own package - "net.sourceforge.pmd.rules.junit".
Incorporated new ResourceLoader; thanks to Dave Fuller
Incorporated new XPath-based rule definitions; thanks to Dan Sheppard for the excellent work.
Fixed bug 697187 - Problem with nested ifs
Fixed bug 699287 - Grammar bug; good catch by David Whitmore

February 11, 2003 - 1.03

Added new rules: CyclomaticComplexityRule, AssignmentInOperandRule
Added numbering to the HTMLRenderer; thx to Luke Francl for the code.
Added an optional Ant task attribute 'failOnRuleViolation'.  This stops the build if any rule violations are found.
Added an XSLT script for processing the PMD XML report; thx to Mats for the code.
The Ant task now determines whether the formatter toFile attribute is absolute or relative and routes the report appropriately.
Moved several rules into a new "controversial" ruleset.
Fixed bug 672742 - grammar typo was hosing up ASTConstructorDeclaration which was hosing up UseSingletonRule
Fixed bug 674393 - OnlyOneReturn rule no longer counts returns that are inside anonymous inner classes as being inside the containing method.  Thx to C. Lamont Gilbert for the bug report.
Fixed bug 674420 - AvoidReassigningParametersRule no longer counts parameter field reassignment as a violation.  Thx to C. Lamont Gilbert for the bug report.
Fixed bug 673662 - The Ant task's "failOnError" attribute works again.  Changed the semantics of this attribute, though, so it fails the build if errors occurred.  A new attribute 'failOnRuleViolation' serves the purpose of stopping the build if rule violations are found.
Fixed bug 676340 - Symbol table now creates new scope level when it encounters a switch statement.  See the bug for code details; generally, this bug would have triggered runtime exceptions on certain blocks of code.
Fixed bug 683465 - JavaCC parser no longer has ability to throw java.lang.Error; now it only throws java.lang.RuntimeExceptions.  Thx to Gunnlaugur Thor Briem for a good discussion on this topic.
Fixed bug in OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule - it no longer bails out with a NullPtrException on interfaces that declare a method signature "equals(Object)".  Thx to Don Leckie for catching that.

January 22, 2003 - 1.02:

Added new rules: ImportFromSamePackageRule, SwitchDensityRule, NullAssignmentRule, UnusedModifierRule, ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoopRule
Updated LooseCouplingRule to check for usage of Vector; thx to Vladimir for the good catch.
Updated AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule to report the line number of the first occurrence of the duplicate String.
Modified Ant task to use a formatter element; this lets you render a report in several formats without having to rerun PMD.
Added a new Ant task attribute - shortFilenames.
Modified Ant task to ignore whitespace in the ruleset attribute
Added rule priority settings.
Added alternate row colorization to HTML renderer.
Fixed bug 650623 - the Ant task now uses relative directories for the report file
Fixed bug 656944 - PMD no longer prints errors to System.out, instead it just rethrows any exceptions
Fixed bug 660069 - this was a symbol table bug; thanks to mcclain looney for the report.
Fixed bug 668119 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule now checks the signature on equals(); thanks to mcclain looney for the report.

November 07 2002 - 1.01:

Fixed bug 633879: EmptyFinallyBlockRule now handles multiple catch blocks followed by a finally block.
Fixed bug 633892: StringToStringRule false positive exposed problem in symbol table usage to declaration code.
Fixed bug 617971: Statistical rules no longer produce tons of false positives due to accumulated results.
Fixed bug 633209: OnlyOneReturn rule no longer requires the return stmt to be the last statement.
Enhanced EmptyCatchBlockRule to flag multiple consecutive empty catch blocks.
Renamed AvoidStringLiteralsRule to AvoidDuplicateLiteralsRule.
Modified Ant task to truncate file paths to make the HTML output neater.

November 04 2002 - 1.0:

Added new rules: StringToStringRule, AvoidReassigningParametersRule, UnnecessaryConstructorRule, AvoidStringLiteralsRule
Fixed bug 631010: AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule works correctly with if..else stmts now
Fixed bug 631605: OnlyOneReturn handles line spillover now.
Moved AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts from the braces ruleset to the design ruleset.
Moved several rules from the design ruleset to the codesize ruleset.
Added a new "favorites" ruleset.

October 04 2002 - 1.0rc3:

Added new rules: OnlyOneReturnRule, JumbledIncrementerRule, AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmtsRule
PMD is now built and tested with JUnit 3.8.1 and Ant 1.5.
Added support for IntelliJ's IDEAJ.
Fixed bug 610018 - StringInstantiationRule now allows for String(byte[], int, int) usage.
Fixed bug 610693 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles parameter shadowing better.
Fixed bug 616535 - Command line interface input checking is better now.
Fixed bug 616615 - Command line interface allows the text renderer to be used now
Fixed a bug - the statistics rules now handle interfaces better.

September 12 2002 - 1.0rc2:

Added new rules: JUnitSpellingRule, JUnitStaticSuiteRule, StringInstantiationRule
Added new rulesets - junit, strings.
Added a printToConsole attribute to the Ant task so that you can see the report right there in the Ant output.
Fixed bug in PMD GUI - rules are now saved correctly.
Fixed bug 597916 - CPD line counts are accurate now.

September 09 2002 - 1.0rc1:

Added new rules: UnusedImportsRule, EmptySwitchStmtRule, SwitchStmtsShouldHaveDefaultRule, IfStmtsMustUseBracesRule
Fixed bug 597813 - Rule properties are now parsed correctly
Fixed bug 597905 - UseSingletonRule now resets its state correctly
Moved several rules into a new ruleset - braces.
Improved CPD by removing import statements and package statements from the token set.
Added Metrics API to the Report.
Updated PMD GUI.

August 16 2002 - 0.9:

Added new rules: LongParameterListRule, SimplifyBooleanReturnsRule
Enhanced statistics rules to support various ways of triggering rule violations
Added rule customization via XML parameters
Enhanced CopyAndPasteDetector; added a GUI
Fixed bug 592060 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles explicitly referenced statics correctly
Fixed bug 593849 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable handles nested classes better

July 30 2002 - 0.8:

Added new rule: UnusedFormalParameterRule
Fixed bug 588083 - ForLoopsNeedBraces rule correctly handles a variety of for statement formats
Added prototype of the copy and paste detector

July 25 2002 - 0.7:

Added new rules: UnusedPrivateMethodRule, WhileLoopsMustUseBracesRule, ForLoopsMustUseBracesRule, LooseCouplingRule
Fixed bug 583482 - EmptyCatchBlock and EmptyFinallyBlock no longer report an incorrect line number.

July 18 2002 - 0.6:

Added new rules: ExcessiveClassLength, ExcessiveMethodLength
DuplicateImportsRule now reports the correct line number.
Fixed bug 582639 - Rule violations are now reported on the proper line
Fixed bug 582509 - Removed unneeded throws clause
Fixed bug 583009 - Now is in the jar file

July 15 2002 - 0.5:

Added new rules: DontImportJavaLangRule, DuplicateImportsRule
Added new ruleset: rulesets/imports.xml
Changed sorting of RuleViolations to group Files together.
Changed XML Renderer to improved format.
Created DVSL Stylesheet for the new format.
Moved the Cougaar rules out of the PMD core.
Fixed bug 580093 - OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule reports a more correct line number.
Fixed bug 581853 - UnusedLocalVariableRule now handles anonymous inner classes correctly.
Fixed bug 580278 - this was a side effect of bug 581853.
Fixed bug 580123 - UnusedPrivateInstanceVariable now checks for instance variable usage in inner classes.

July 10 2002 - 0.4:

Added new rules: OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcodeRule, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock
Reports are now sorted by line number
RuleSets can now reference rules in other RuleSets
Fixed bug 579718 - made 'ruleset not found' error message clearer.

July 03 2002 - 0.3:

Added new rules: UseSingletonRule, ShortVariableRule, LongVariableRule, ShortMethodNameRule
Moved rules into RuleSets which are defined in XML files in the ruleset directory
Ant task:
-Added a 'failonerror' attribute
-Changed 'rulesettype' to 'rulesetfiles'
-Removed 'text' report format; only 'html' and 'xml' are available now

June 27 2002 - 0.2:

Added new rules: IfElseStmtsMustUseBracesRule, EmptyWhileStmtRule
Modified command line interface to accept a rule set
Fixed bug in EmptyCatchBlockRule
Fixed typo in UnnecessaryConversionTemporaryRule
Moved Ant task to the net.sourceforge.pmd.ant package
Added new HTML report format

June 25 2002 - 0.1:

Initial release

The PMD book - $20 -