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2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* $Id$
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* KX_MouseFocusSensor determines mouse in/out/over events.
#ifdef WIN32
// This warning tells us about truncation of __long__ stl-generated names.
// It can occasionally cause DevStudio to have internal compiler warnings.
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 )
#include "MT_Point3.h"
#include "RAS_FramingManager.h"
#include "RAS_ICanvas.h"
#include "RAS_IRasterizer.h"
#include "SCA_IScene.h"
#include "KX_Scene.h"
#include "KX_Camera.h"
#include "KX_MouseFocusSensor.h"
#include "KX_RayCast.h"
#include "KX_IPhysicsController.h"
#include "PHY_IPhysicsController.h"
#include "PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment.h"
#include "KX_ClientObjectInfo.h"
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Native functions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
KX_MouseFocusSensor::KX_MouseFocusSensor(SCA_MouseManager* eventmgr,
int startx,
int starty,
short int mousemode,
int focusmode,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
RAS_ICanvas* canvas,
KX_Scene* kxscene,
KX_KetsjiEngine *kxengine,
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
SCA_IObject* gameobj,
PyTypeObject* T)
: SCA_MouseSensor(eventmgr, startx, starty, mousemode, gameobj, T),
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
BGE patch: add state engine support in the logic bricks. This patch introduces a simple state engine system with the logic bricks. This system features full backward compatibility, multiple active states, multiple state transitions, automatic disabling of sensor and actuators, full GUI support and selective display of sensors and actuators. Note: Python API is available but not documented yet. It will be added asap. State internals =============== The state system is object based. The current state mask is stored in the object as a 32 bit value; each bit set in the mask is an active state. The controllers have a state mask too but only one bit can be set: a controller belongs to a single state. The game engine will only execute controllers that belong to active states. Sensors and actuators don't have a state mask but are effectively attached to states via their links to the controllers. Sensors and actuators can be connected to more than one state. When a controller becomes inactive because of a state change, its links to sensors and actuators are temporarily broken (until the state becomes active again). If an actuator gets isolated, i.e all the links to controllers are broken, it is automatically disabled. If a sensor gets isolated, the game engine will stop calling it to save CPU. It will also reset the sensor internal state so that it can react as if the game just started when it gets reconnected to an active controller. For example, an Always sensor in no pulse mode that is connected to a single state (i.e connected to one or more controllers of a single state) will generate a pulse each time the state becomes active. This feature is not available on all sensors, see the notes below. GUI === This system system is fully configurable through the GUI: the object state mask is visible under the object bar in the controller's colum as an array of buttons just like the 3D view layer mask. Click on a state bit to only display the controllers of that state. You can select more than one state with SHIFT-click. The All button sets all the bits so that you can see all the controllers of the object. The Ini button sets the state mask back to the object default state. You can change the default state of object by first selecting the desired state mask and storing using the menu under the State button. If you define a default state mask, it will be loaded into the object state make when you load the blend file or when you run the game under the blenderplayer. However, when you run the game under Blender, the current selected state mask will be used as the startup state for the object. This allows you to test specific state during the game design. The controller display the state they belong to with a new button in the controller header. When you add a new controller, it is added by default in the lowest enabled state. You can change the controller state by clicking on the button and selecting another state. If more than one state is enabled in the object state mask, controllers are grouped by state for more readibility. The new Sta button in the sensor and actuator column header allows you to display only the sensors and actuators that are linked to visible controllers. A new state actuator is available to modify the state during the game. It defines a bit mask and the operation to apply on the current object state mask: Cpy: the bit mask is copied to the object state mask. Add: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned on in the object state mask. Sub: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned off in the object state mask. Inv: the bits that set in the bit mask will be inverted in the objecyy state mask. Notes ===== - Although states have no name, a simply convention consists in using the name of the first controller of the state as the state name. The GUI will support that convention by displaying as a hint the name of the first controller of the state when you move the mouse over a state bit of the object state mask or of the state actuator bit mask. - Each object has a state mask and each object can have a state engine but if several objects are part of a logical group, it is recommended to put the state engine only in the main object and to link the controllers of that object to the sensors and actuators of the different objects. - When loading an old blend file, the state mask of all objects and controllers are initialized to 1 so that all the controllers belong to this single state. This ensures backward compatibility with existing game. - When the state actuator is activated at the same time as other actuators, these actuators are guaranteed to execute before being eventually disabled due to the state change. This is useful for example to send a message or update a property at the time of changing the state. - Sensors that depend on underlying resource won't reset fully when they are isolated. By the time they are acticated again, they will behave as follow: * keyboard sensor: keys already pressed won't be detected. The keyboard sensor is only sensitive to new key press. * collision sensor: objects already colliding won't be detected. Only new collisions are detected. * near and radar sensor: same as collision sensor.
2008-06-22 14:23:57 +00:00
BGE patch: add state engine support in the logic bricks. This patch introduces a simple state engine system with the logic bricks. This system features full backward compatibility, multiple active states, multiple state transitions, automatic disabling of sensor and actuators, full GUI support and selective display of sensors and actuators. Note: Python API is available but not documented yet. It will be added asap. State internals =============== The state system is object based. The current state mask is stored in the object as a 32 bit value; each bit set in the mask is an active state. The controllers have a state mask too but only one bit can be set: a controller belongs to a single state. The game engine will only execute controllers that belong to active states. Sensors and actuators don't have a state mask but are effectively attached to states via their links to the controllers. Sensors and actuators can be connected to more than one state. When a controller becomes inactive because of a state change, its links to sensors and actuators are temporarily broken (until the state becomes active again). If an actuator gets isolated, i.e all the links to controllers are broken, it is automatically disabled. If a sensor gets isolated, the game engine will stop calling it to save CPU. It will also reset the sensor internal state so that it can react as if the game just started when it gets reconnected to an active controller. For example, an Always sensor in no pulse mode that is connected to a single state (i.e connected to one or more controllers of a single state) will generate a pulse each time the state becomes active. This feature is not available on all sensors, see the notes below. GUI === This system system is fully configurable through the GUI: the object state mask is visible under the object bar in the controller's colum as an array of buttons just like the 3D view layer mask. Click on a state bit to only display the controllers of that state. You can select more than one state with SHIFT-click. The All button sets all the bits so that you can see all the controllers of the object. The Ini button sets the state mask back to the object default state. You can change the default state of object by first selecting the desired state mask and storing using the menu under the State button. If you define a default state mask, it will be loaded into the object state make when you load the blend file or when you run the game under the blenderplayer. However, when you run the game under Blender, the current selected state mask will be used as the startup state for the object. This allows you to test specific state during the game design. The controller display the state they belong to with a new button in the controller header. When you add a new controller, it is added by default in the lowest enabled state. You can change the controller state by clicking on the button and selecting another state. If more than one state is enabled in the object state mask, controllers are grouped by state for more readibility. The new Sta button in the sensor and actuator column header allows you to display only the sensors and actuators that are linked to visible controllers. A new state actuator is available to modify the state during the game. It defines a bit mask and the operation to apply on the current object state mask: Cpy: the bit mask is copied to the object state mask. Add: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned on in the object state mask. Sub: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned off in the object state mask. Inv: the bits that set in the bit mask will be inverted in the objecyy state mask. Notes ===== - Although states have no name, a simply convention consists in using the name of the first controller of the state as the state name. The GUI will support that convention by displaying as a hint the name of the first controller of the state when you move the mouse over a state bit of the object state mask or of the state actuator bit mask. - Each object has a state mask and each object can have a state engine but if several objects are part of a logical group, it is recommended to put the state engine only in the main object and to link the controllers of that object to the sensors and actuators of the different objects. - When loading an old blend file, the state mask of all objects and controllers are initialized to 1 so that all the controllers belong to this single state. This ensures backward compatibility with existing game. - When the state actuator is activated at the same time as other actuators, these actuators are guaranteed to execute before being eventually disabled due to the state change. This is useful for example to send a message or update a property at the time of changing the state. - Sensors that depend on underlying resource won't reset fully when they are isolated. By the time they are acticated again, they will behave as follow: * keyboard sensor: keys already pressed won't be detected. The keyboard sensor is only sensitive to new key press. * collision sensor: objects already colliding won't be detected. Only new collisions are detected. * near and radar sensor: same as collision sensor.
2008-06-22 14:23:57 +00:00
void KX_MouseFocusSensor::Init()
m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame = (m_invert)?true:false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
m_positive_event = false;
m_hitObject = 0;
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
m_reset = true;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::Evaluate(CValue* event)
bool result = false;
bool obHasFocus = false;
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
bool reset = m_reset && m_level;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
// cout << "evaluate focus mouse sensor "<<endl;
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
m_reset = false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
if (m_focusmode) {
/* Focus behaviour required. Test mouse-on. The rest is
* equivalent to handling a key. */
obHasFocus = ParentObjectHasFocus();
if (!obHasFocus) {
m_positive_event = false;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
if (m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame) {
result = true;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
} else {
m_positive_event = true;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
if (!m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame) {
result = true;
BGE logic update: new servo control motion actuator, new distance constraint actuator, new orientation constraint actuator, new actuator sensor. General ======= - Removal of Damp option in motion actuator (replaced by Servo control motion). - No PyDoc at present, will be added soon. Generalization of the Lvl option ================================ A sensor with the Lvl option selected will always produce an event at the start of the game or when entering a state or at object creation. The event will be positive or negative depending of the sensor condition. A negative pulse makes sense when used with a NAND controller: it will be converted into an actuator activation. Servo control motion ==================== A new variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control if of type "PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the parameters of the servo controller are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anysotropic friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc... This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it produces more fluid movements and avoids the collision problem with Dloc. LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit the accelaration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to 0 unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. Notes: - This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by applying force as needed. - This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. - (0,0,0) is a valid target speed. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Distance constraint actuator ============================ A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation parallel to the surface. Damp: Time constant (in nb of frames) of distance and orientation control. Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance of surface along the ray direction. Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. Range: length of ray. Objecgt within this distance will be detected. N : Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. M/P : Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. Property/Material: name of property/material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, property/ material filter is disabled and any collisioning object within range will be detected. PER : Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does not reach a valid target. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. rotDamp: Time constant (in nb of frame) of orientation control. 0 : use Damp parameter. >0: use a different time constant for orientation. Notes: - If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the object; it works as a ray sensor. - The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. - This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in one way or another. the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed along the ray axis to 0 and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) - All parameters are accessible through Python. Orientation constraint ====================== A new variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. Damp : Time constant (in nb of frames) of orientation control. X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. time : Maximum activation time of actuator. 0 : unlimited. >0: number of frames before automatic deactivation. Notes: - (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction - This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. - All parameters are accessible through Python. Actuator sensor =============== This sensor detects the activation and deactivation of actuators of the same object. The sensor generates a positive pulse when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative pulse when it is deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). This is mostly useful to chain actions and to detect the loss of contact of the distance motion actuator. Notes: - Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND controller. - Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this situation as an On-Off transition. - The actuator name can be set through Python.
2008-07-04 08:14:50 +00:00
if (reset) {
// force an event
result = true;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
} else {
/* No focus behaviour required: revert to the basic mode. This
* mode is never used, because the converter never makes this
* sensor for a mouse-key event. It is here for
* completeness. */
result = SCA_MouseSensor::Evaluate(event);
m_positive_event = (m_val!=0);
m_mouse_over_in_previous_frame = obHasFocus;
return result;
BGE patch: KX_GameObject::rayCast() improvements to have X-Ray option, return true face normal and hit polygon information. rayCast(to,from,dist,prop,face,xray,poly): The face paremeter determines the orientation of the normal: 0 or omitted => hit normal is always oriented towards the ray origin (as if you casted the ray from outside) 1 => hit normal is the real face normal (only for mesh object, otherwise face has no effect) The ray has X-Ray capability if xray parameter is 1, otherwise the first object hit (other than self object) stops the ray. The prop and xray parameters interact as follow: prop off, xray off: return closest hit or no hit if there is no object on the full extend of the ray. prop off, xray on : idem. prop on, xray off: return closest hit if it matches prop, no hit otherwise. prop on, xray on : return closest hit matching prop or no hit if there is no object matching prop on the full extend of the ray. if poly is 0 or omitted, returns a 3-tuple with object reference, hit point and hit normal or (None,None,None) if no hit. if poly is 1, returns a 4-tuple with in addition a KX_PolyProxy as 4th element. The KX_PolyProxy object holds information on the polygon hit by the ray: the index of the vertex forming the poylgon, material, etc. Attributes (read-only): matname: The name of polygon material, empty if no material. material: The material of the polygon texture: The texture name of the polygon. matid: The material index of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v1: vertex index of the first vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v2: vertex index of the second vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v3: vertex index of the third vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v4: vertex index of the fourth vertex of the polygon, 0 if polygon has only 3 vertex use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy visible: visible state of the polygon: 1=visible, 0=invisible collide: collide state of the polygon: 1=receives collision, 0=collision free. Methods: getMaterialName(): Returns the polygon material name with MA prefix getMaterial(): Returns the polygon material getTextureName(): Returns the polygon texture name getMaterialIndex(): Returns the material bucket index of the polygon. getNumVertex(): Returns the number of vertex of the polygon. isVisible(): Returns whether the polygon is visible or not isCollider(): Returns whether the polygon is receives collision or not getVertexIndex(vertex): Returns the mesh vertex index of a polygon vertex getMesh(): Returns a mesh proxy New methods of KX_MeshProxy have been implemented to retrieve KX_PolyProxy objects: getNumPolygons(): Returns the number of polygon in the mesh. getPolygon(index): Gets the specified polygon from the mesh. More details in PyDoc.
2008-08-27 19:34:19 +00:00
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::RayHit(KX_ClientObjectInfo* client_info, KX_RayCast* result, void * const data)
KX_GameObject* hitKXObj = client_info->m_gameobject;
/* Is this me? In the ray test, there are a lot of extra checks
* for aliasing artefacts from self-hits. That doesn't happen
* here, so a simple test suffices. Or does the camera also get
* self-hits? (No, and the raysensor shouldn't do it either, since
* self-hits are excluded by setting the correct ignore-object.)
* Hitspots now become valid. */
KX_GameObject* thisObj = (KX_GameObject*) GetParent();
if ((m_focusmode == 2) || hitKXObj == thisObj)
m_hitObject = hitKXObj;
BGE patch: KX_GameObject::rayCast() improvements to have X-Ray option, return true face normal and hit polygon information. rayCast(to,from,dist,prop,face,xray,poly): The face paremeter determines the orientation of the normal: 0 or omitted => hit normal is always oriented towards the ray origin (as if you casted the ray from outside) 1 => hit normal is the real face normal (only for mesh object, otherwise face has no effect) The ray has X-Ray capability if xray parameter is 1, otherwise the first object hit (other than self object) stops the ray. The prop and xray parameters interact as follow: prop off, xray off: return closest hit or no hit if there is no object on the full extend of the ray. prop off, xray on : idem. prop on, xray off: return closest hit if it matches prop, no hit otherwise. prop on, xray on : return closest hit matching prop or no hit if there is no object matching prop on the full extend of the ray. if poly is 0 or omitted, returns a 3-tuple with object reference, hit point and hit normal or (None,None,None) if no hit. if poly is 1, returns a 4-tuple with in addition a KX_PolyProxy as 4th element. The KX_PolyProxy object holds information on the polygon hit by the ray: the index of the vertex forming the poylgon, material, etc. Attributes (read-only): matname: The name of polygon material, empty if no material. material: The material of the polygon texture: The texture name of the polygon. matid: The material index of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v1: vertex index of the first vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v2: vertex index of the second vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v3: vertex index of the third vertex of the polygon, use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy v4: vertex index of the fourth vertex of the polygon, 0 if polygon has only 3 vertex use this to retrieve vertex proxy from mesh proxy visible: visible state of the polygon: 1=visible, 0=invisible collide: collide state of the polygon: 1=receives collision, 0=collision free. Methods: getMaterialName(): Returns the polygon material name with MA prefix getMaterial(): Returns the polygon material getTextureName(): Returns the polygon texture name getMaterialIndex(): Returns the material bucket index of the polygon. getNumVertex(): Returns the number of vertex of the polygon. isVisible(): Returns whether the polygon is visible or not isCollider(): Returns whether the polygon is receives collision or not getVertexIndex(vertex): Returns the mesh vertex index of a polygon vertex getMesh(): Returns a mesh proxy New methods of KX_MeshProxy have been implemented to retrieve KX_PolyProxy objects: getNumPolygons(): Returns the number of polygon in the mesh. getPolygon(index): Gets the specified polygon from the mesh. More details in PyDoc.
2008-08-27 19:34:19 +00:00
m_hitPosition = result->m_hitPoint;
m_hitNormal = result->m_hitNormal;
return true;
return true; // object must be visible to trigger
//return false; // occluded objects can trigger
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
bool KX_MouseFocusSensor::ParentObjectHasFocus(void)
m_hitObject = 0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
m_hitPosition = MT_Vector3(0,0,0);
m_hitNormal = MT_Vector3(1,0,0);
/* All screen handling in the gameengine is done by GL,
* specifically the model/view and projection parts. The viewport
* part is in the creator.
* The theory is this:
* WCS - world coordinates
* -> wcs_camcs_trafo ->
* camCS - camera coordinates
* -> camcs_clip_trafo ->
* clipCS - normalized device coordinates?
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* -> normview_win_trafo
* winCS - window coordinates
* The first two transforms are respectively the model/view and
* the projection matrix. These are passed to the rasterizer, and
* we store them in the camera for easy access.
* For normalized device coords (xn = x/w, yn = y/w/zw) the
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* windows coords become (lb = left bottom)
* xwin = [(xn + 1.0) * width]/2 + x_lb
* ywin = [(yn + 1.0) * height]/2 + y_lb
* Inverting (blender y is flipped!):
* xn = 2(xwin - x_lb)/width - 1.0
* yn = 2(ywin - y_lb)/height - 1.0
* = 2(height - y_blender - y_lb)/height - 1.0
* = 1.0 - 2(y_blender - y_lb)/height
* */
/* Because we don't want to worry about resize events, camera
* changes and all that crap, we just determine this over and
* over. Stop whining. We have lots of other calculations to do
* here as well. These reads are not the main cost. If there is no
* canvas, the test is irrelevant. The 1.0 makes sure the
* calculations don't bomb. Maybe we should explicitly guard for
* division by 0.0...*/
KX_Camera* cam = m_kxscene->GetActiveCamera();
/* get the scenes current viewport. we recompute it because there
* may be multiple cameras and m_kxscene->GetSceneViewport() only
* has the one that was last drawn */
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
RAS_Rect area, viewport;
m_kxengine->GetSceneViewport(m_kxscene, cam, area, viewport);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
float height = float(viewport.m_y2 - viewport.m_y1 + 1);
float width = float(viewport.m_x2 - viewport.m_x1 + 1);
float x_lb = float(viewport.m_x1);
float y_lb = float(viewport.m_y1);
/* There's some strangeness I don't fully get here... These values
* _should_ be wrong! */
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* old: */
float nearclip = 0.0;
float farclip = 1.0;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* build the from and to point in normalized device coordinates
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
* Looks like normailized device coordinates are [-1,1] in x [-1,1] in y
* [0,-1] in z
* The actual z coordinates used don't have to be exact just infront and
* behind of the near and far clip planes.
MT_Vector4 frompoint = MT_Vector4(
(2 * (m_x-x_lb) / width) - 1.0,
1.0 - (2 * (m_y - y_lb) / height),
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
MT_Vector4 topoint = MT_Vector4(
(2 * (m_x-x_lb) / width) - 1.0,
1.0 - (2 * (m_y-y_lb) / height),
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* camera to world */
MT_Transform wcs_camcs_tranform = cam->GetWorldToCamera();
if (!cam->GetCameraData()->m_perspective)
wcs_camcs_tranform.getOrigin()[2] *= 100.0;
MT_Transform cams_wcs_transform;
MT_Matrix4x4 camcs_wcs_matrix = MT_Matrix4x4(cams_wcs_transform);
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* badly defined, the first time round.... I wonder why... I might
* want to guard against floating point errors here.*/
MT_Matrix4x4 clip_camcs_matrix = MT_Matrix4x4(cam->GetProjectionMatrix());
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* shoot-points: clip to cam to wcs . win to clip was already done.*/
frompoint = clip_camcs_matrix * frompoint;
topoint = clip_camcs_matrix * topoint;
frompoint = camcs_wcs_matrix * frompoint;
topoint = camcs_wcs_matrix * topoint;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* from hom wcs to 3d wcs: */
MT_Point3 frompoint3 = MT_Point3(frompoint[0]/frompoint[3],
MT_Point3 topoint3 = MT_Point3(topoint[0]/topoint[3],
m_prevTargetPoint = topoint3;
m_prevSourcePoint = frompoint3;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* 2. Get the object from PhysicsEnvironment */
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* Shoot! Beware that the first argument here is an
* ignore-object. We don't ignore anything... */
KX_IPhysicsController* physics_controller = cam->GetPhysicsController();
PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physics_environment = m_kxscene->GetPhysicsEnvironment();
bool result = false;
KX_RayCast::Callback<KX_MouseFocusSensor> callback(this,physics_controller);
KX_RayCast::RayTest(physics_environment, frompoint3, topoint3, callback);
result = (m_hitObject!=0);
return result;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Python functions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Integration hooks ------------------------------------------------------- */
PyTypeObject KX_MouseFocusSensor::Type = {
0, //&MyPyCompare,
0, //&cvalue_as_number,
PyParentObject KX_MouseFocusSensor::Parents[] = {
PyMethodDef KX_MouseFocusSensor::Methods[] = {
{"getRayTarget", (PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRayTarget,
METH_VARARGS, GetRayTarget_doc},
{"getRaySource", (PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRaySource,
METH_VARARGS, GetRaySource_doc},
{"getHitObject",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitObject,METH_VARARGS, GetHitObject_doc},
{"getHitPosition",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitPosition,METH_VARARGS, GetHitPosition_doc},
{"getHitNormal",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetHitNormal,METH_VARARGS, GetHitNormal_doc},
{"getRayDirection",(PyCFunction) KX_MouseFocusSensor::sPyGetRayDirection,METH_VARARGS, GetRayDirection_doc},
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
{NULL,NULL} //Sentinel
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::_getattr(const STR_String& attr) {
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitObject_doc[] =
"\tReturns the name of the object that was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitObject(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds)
if (m_hitObject)
return m_hitObject->AddRef();
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitPosition_doc[] =
"\tReturns the position (in worldcoordinates) where the object was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitPosition(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds)
MT_Point3 pos = m_hitPosition;
PyObject* resultlist = PyList_New(3);
int index;
for (index=0;index<3;index++)
return resultlist;
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRayDirection_doc[] =
"\tReturns the direction from the ray (in worldcoordinates) .\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRayDirection(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds)
MT_Vector3 dir = m_prevTargetPoint - m_prevSourcePoint;
PyObject* resultlist = PyList_New(3);
int index;
for (index=0;index<3;index++)
return resultlist;
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetHitNormal_doc[] =
"\tReturns the normal (in worldcoordinates) of the object at the location where the object was hit by this ray.\n";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetHitNormal(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds)
MT_Vector3 pos = m_hitNormal;
PyObject* resultlist = PyList_New(3);
int index;
for (index=0;index<3;index++)
return resultlist;
2002-10-12 11:37:38 +00:00
/* getRayTarget */
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRayTarget_doc[] =
"\tReturns the target of the ray that seeks the focus object,\n"
"\tin worldcoordinates.";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRayTarget(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds) {
PyObject *retVal = PyList_New(3);
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevTargetPoint[0]));
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevTargetPoint[1]));
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 2, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevTargetPoint[2]));
return retVal;
/* getRayTarget */
char KX_MouseFocusSensor::GetRaySource_doc[] =
"\tReturns the source of the ray that seeks the focus object,\n"
"\tin worldcoordinates.";
PyObject* KX_MouseFocusSensor::PyGetRaySource(PyObject* self,
PyObject* args,
PyObject* kwds) {
PyObject *retVal = PyList_New(3);
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 0, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevSourcePoint[0]));
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 1, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevSourcePoint[1]));
PyList_SetItem(retVal, 2, PyFloat_FromDouble(m_prevSourcePoint[2]));
return retVal;
/* eof */