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[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
__author__= "Campbell Barton", "Jiri Hnidek", "Paolo Ciccone"
__url__= ['', '', '']
__version__= "2.11"
__bpydoc__= """\
This script imports a Wavefront OBJ files to Blender.
Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file.
Note, This loads mesh objects and materials only, nurbs and curves are not supported.
# Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton 2007
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import time
import bpy
import Mathutils
import Geometry
# from Blender import Mesh, Draw, Window, Texture, Material, sys
# # import BPyMesh
# import BPyImage
# import BPyMessages
# try: import os
# except: os= False
# Generic path functions
def stripFile(path):
'''Return directory, where the file is'''
lastSlash= max(path.rfind('\\'), path.rfind('/'))
if lastSlash != -1:
path= path[:lastSlash]
return '%s%s' % (path, os.sep)
# return '%s%s' % (path, sys.sep)
def stripPath(path):
'''Strips the slashes from the back of a string'''
return path.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
def stripExt(name): # name is a string
'''Strips the prefix off the name before writing'''
index= name.rfind('.')
if index != -1:
return name[ : index ]
return name
# end path funcs
def unpack_list(list_of_tuples):
l = []
for t in list_of_tuples:
return l
# same as above except that it adds 0 for triangle faces
def unpack_face_list(list_of_tuples):
l = []
for t in list_of_tuples:
face = [i for i in t]
if len(face) != 3 and len(face) != 4:
raise RuntimeError("{0} vertices in face.".format(len(face)))
# rotate indices if the 4th is 0
if len(face) == 4 and face[3] == 0:
face = [face[3], face[0], face[1], face[2]]
if len(face) == 3:
return l
def BPyMesh_ngon(from_data, indices, PREF_FIX_LOOPS= True):
Takes a polyline of indices (fgon)
and returns a list of face indicie lists.
Designed to be used for importers that need indices for an fgon to create from existing verts.
from_data: either a mesh, or a list/tuple of vectors.
indices: a list of indicies to use this list is the ordered closed polyline to fill, and can be a subset of the data given.
PREF_FIX_LOOPS: If this is enabled polylines that use loops to make multiple polylines are delt with correctly.
if not set: # Need sets for this, otherwise do a normal fill.
Vector= Mathutils.Vector
if not indices:
return []
# return []
def rvec(co): return round(co.x, 6), round(co.y, 6), round(co.z, 6)
def mlen(co): return abs(co[0])+abs(co[1])+abs(co[2]) # manhatten length of a vector, faster then length
def vert_treplet(v, i):
return v, rvec(v), i, mlen(v)
def ed_key_mlen(v1, v2):
if v1[3] > v2[3]:
return v2[1], v1[1]
return v1[1], v2[1]
Normal single concave loop filling
if type(from_data) in (tuple, list):
verts= [Vector(from_data[i]) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
verts= [from_data.verts[i].co for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
for i in range(len(verts)-1, 0, -1): # same as reversed(xrange(1, len(verts))):
if verts[i][1]==verts[i-1][0]:
fill= Geometry.PolyFill([verts])
Seperate this loop into multiple loops be finding edges that are used twice
This is used by lightwave LWO files a lot
if type(from_data) in (tuple, list):
verts= [vert_treplet(Vector(from_data[i]), ii) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
verts= [vert_treplet(from_data.verts[i].co, ii) for ii, i in enumerate(indices)]
edges= [(i, i-1) for i in range(len(verts))]
if edges:
edges[0]= (0,len(verts)-1)
if not verts:
return []
edges_used= set()
edges_doubles= set()
# We need to check if any edges are used twice location based.
for ed in edges:
edkey= ed_key_mlen(verts[ed[0]], verts[ed[1]])
if edkey in edges_used:
# Store a list of unconnected loop segments split by double edges.
# will join later
loop_segments= []
v_prev= verts[0]
context_loop= [v_prev]
loop_segments= [context_loop]
for v in verts:
if v!=v_prev:
# Are we crossing an edge we removed?
if ed_key_mlen(v, v_prev) in edges_doubles:
context_loop= [v]
if context_loop and context_loop[-1][1]==v[1]:
#raise "as"
v_prev= v
# Now join loop segments
def join_seg(s1,s2):
if s2[-1][1]==s1[0][1]: #
s1,s2= s2,s1
elif s1[-1][1]==s2[0][1]:
return False
# If were stuill here s1 and s2 are 2 segments in the same polyline
s1.pop() # remove the last vert from s1
s1.extend(s2) # add segment 2 to segment 1
if s1[0][1]==s1[-1][1]: # remove endpoints double
s2[:]= [] # Empty this segment s2 so we dont use it again.
return True
joining_segments= True
while joining_segments:
joining_segments= False
segcount= len(loop_segments)
for j in range(segcount-1, -1, -1): #reversed(range(segcount)):
seg_j= loop_segments[j]
if seg_j:
for k in range(j-1, -1, -1): # reversed(range(j)):
if not seg_j:
seg_k= loop_segments[k]
if seg_k and join_seg(seg_j, seg_k):
joining_segments= True
loop_list= loop_segments
for verts in loop_list:
while verts and verts[0][1]==verts[-1][1]:
loop_list= [verts for verts in loop_list if len(verts)>2]
# vert mapping
vert_map= [None]*len(indices)
for verts in loop_list:
if len(verts)>2:
for i, vert in enumerate(verts):
vert_map[i+ii]= vert[2]
fill= Geometry.PolyFill([ [v[0] for v in loop] for loop in loop_list ])
#raise 'done loop'
# map to original indicies
fill= [[vert_map[i] for i in reversed(f)] for f in fill]
if not fill:
print('Warning Cannot scanfill, fallback on a triangle fan.')
fill= [ [0, i-1, i] for i in range(2, len(indices)) ]
# Use real scanfill.
# See if its flipped the wrong way.
flip= None
for fi in fill:
if flip != None:
for i, vi in enumerate(fi):
if vi==0 and fi[i-1]==1:
flip= False
elif vi==1 and fi[i-1]==0:
flip= True
if not flip:
for i, fi in enumerate(fill):
fill[i]= tuple([ii for ii in reversed(fi)])
return fill
def line_value(line_split):
Returns 1 string represneting the value for this line
None will be returned if theres only 1 word
length= len(line_split)
if length == 1:
return None
elif length == 2:
return line_split[1]
elif length > 2:
return ' '.join( line_split[1:] )
# limited replacement for BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad
def load_image(imagepath, dirname):
if os.path.exists(imagepath):
variants = [os.path.join(dirname, imagepath), os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(imagepath))]
for path in variants:
if os.path.exists(path):
print(path, "doesn't exist")
# TODO comprehensiveImageLoad also searched in bpy.config.textureDir
return None
def obj_image_load(imagepath, DIR, IMAGE_SEARCH):
if '_' in imagepath:
image= load_image(imagepath.replace('_', ' '), DIR)
if image: return image
return load_image(imagepath, DIR)
# def obj_image_load(imagepath, DIR, IMAGE_SEARCH):
# '''
# Mainly uses comprehensiveImageLoad
# but tries to replace '_' with ' ' for Max's exporter replaces spaces with underscores.
# '''
# if '_' in imagepath:
# image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath, DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= False, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH)
# if image: return image
# # Did the exporter rename the image?
# image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath.replace('_', ' '), DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= False, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH)
# if image: return image
# # Return an image, placeholder if it dosnt exist
# image= BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad(imagepath, DIR, PLACE_HOLDER= True, RECURSIVE= IMAGE_SEARCH)
# return image
def create_materials(filepath, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, IMAGE_SEARCH):
Create all the used materials in this obj,
assign colors and images to the materials from all referenced material libs
DIR= stripFile(filepath)
# This function sets textures defined in .mtl file #
def load_material_image(blender_material, context_material_name, imagepath, type):
texture.type= 'IMAGE'
# texture=
# texture.setType('Image')
# Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here
image= obj_image_load(imagepath, DIR, IMAGE_SEARCH)
has_data = image.has_data if image else False
if image:
texture.image = image
# Adds textures for materials (rendering)
if type == 'Kd':
if has_data and image.depth == 32:
# Image has alpha
# XXX bitmask won't work?
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", ("COLOR", "ALPHA"))
texture.mipmap = True
texture.interpolation = True
texture.use_alpha = True
blender_material.z_transparency = True
blender_material.alpha = 0.0
# blender_material.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL | Texture.MapTo.ALPHA)
# texture.setImageFlags('MipMap', 'InterPol', 'UseAlpha')
# blender_material.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP
# blender_material.alpha = 0.0
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "COLOR")
# blender_material.setTexture(0, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.COL)
# adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode)
# Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func.
unique_material_images[context_material_name]= image, has_data # set the texface image
elif type == 'Ka':
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "AMBIENT")
# blender_material.setTexture(1, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.CMIR) # TODO- Add AMB to BPY API
elif type == 'Ks':
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "SPECULARITY")
# blender_material.setTexture(2, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.SPEC)
elif type == 'Bump':
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "NORMAL")
# blender_material.setTexture(3, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.NOR)
elif type == 'D':
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "ALPHA")
blender_material.z_transparency = True
blender_material.alpha = 0.0
# blender_material.setTexture(4, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.ALPHA)
# blender_material.mode |= Material.Modes.ZTRANSP
# blender_material.alpha = 0.0
# Todo, unset deffuse material alpha if it has an alpha channel
elif type == 'refl':
blender_material.add_texture(texture, "UV", "REFLECTION")
# blender_material.setTexture(5, texture, Texture.TexCo.UV, Texture.MapTo.REF)
# Add an MTL with the same name as the obj if no MTLs are spesified.
temp_mtl= stripExt(stripPath(filepath))+ '.mtl'
if os.path.exists(DIR + temp_mtl) and temp_mtl not in material_libs:
# if sys.exists(DIR + temp_mtl) and temp_mtl not in material_libs:
material_libs.append( temp_mtl )
del temp_mtl
#Create new materials
for name in unique_materials: # .keys()
if name != None:
# unique_materials[name]=
unique_material_images[name]= None, False # assign None to all material images to start with, add to later.
unique_materials[None]= None
unique_material_images[None]= None, False
for libname in material_libs:
mtlpath= DIR + libname
if not os.path.exists(mtlpath):
# if not sys.exists(mtlpath):
#print '\tError Missing MTL: "%s"' % mtlpath
#print '\t\tloading mtl: "%s"' % mtlpath
context_material= None
mtl= open(mtlpath, 'rU')
for line in mtl: #.xreadlines():
if line.startswith('newmtl'):
context_material_name= line_value(line.split())
if context_material_name in unique_materials:
context_material = unique_materials[ context_material_name ]
context_material = None
elif context_material:
# we need to make a material to assign properties to it.
line_split= line.split()
line_lower= line.lower().lstrip()
if line_lower.startswith('ka'):
context_material.mirror_color = (float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))
# context_material.setMirCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])))
elif line_lower.startswith('kd'):
context_material.diffuse_color = (float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))
# context_material.setRGBCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])))
elif line_lower.startswith('ks'):
context_material.specular_color = (float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3]))
# context_material.setSpecCol((float(line_split[1]), float(line_split[2]), float(line_split[3])))
elif line_lower.startswith('ns'):
context_material.specular_hardness = int((float(line_split[1])*0.51))
# context_material.setHardness( int((float(line_split[1])*0.51)) )
elif line_lower.startswith('ni'): # Refraction index
context_material.ior = max(1, min(float(line_split[1]), 3))
# context_material.setIOR( max(1, min(float(line_split[1]), 3))) # Between 1 and 3
elif line_lower.startswith('d') or line_lower.startswith('tr'):
context_material.alpha = float(line_split[1])
# context_material.setAlpha(float(line_split[1]))
elif line_lower.startswith('map_ka'):
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Ka')
elif line_lower.startswith('map_ks'):
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Ks')
elif line_lower.startswith('map_kd'):
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Kd')
elif line_lower.startswith('map_bump'):
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'Bump')
elif line_lower.startswith('map_d') or line_lower.startswith('map_tr'): # Alpha map - Dissolve
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'D')
elif line_lower.startswith('refl'): # Reflectionmap
img_filepath= line_value(line.split())
if img_filepath:
load_material_image(context_material, context_material_name, img_filepath, 'refl')
def split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP, SPLIT_MATERIALS):
Takes vert_loc and faces, and seperates into multiple sets of
(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, dataname)
This is done so objects do not overload the 16 material limit.
filename = stripExt(stripPath(filepath))
# use the filename for the object name since we arnt chopping up the mesh.
return [(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filename)]
def key_to_name(key):
# if the key is a tuple, join it to make a string
if type(key) == tuple:
return '%s_%s' % key
elif not key:
return filename # assume its a string. make sure this is true if the splitting code is changed
return key
# Return a key that makes the faces unique.
def face_key(face):
return face[4] # object
def face_key(face):
return face[2] # material
else: # Both
def face_key(face):
return face[4], face[2] # object,material
face_split_dict= {}
oldkey= -1 # initialize to a value that will never match the key
for face in faces:
key= face_key(face)
if oldkey != key:
# Check the key has changed.
verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap= face_split_dict[key]
except KeyError:
faces_split= []
verts_split= []
unique_materials_split= {}
vert_remap= [-1]*len(verts_loc)
face_split_dict[key]= (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap)
oldkey= key
face_vert_loc_indicies= face[0]
# Remap verts to new vert list and add where needed
for enum, i in enumerate(face_vert_loc_indicies):
if vert_remap[i] == -1:
new_index= len(verts_split)
vert_remap[i]= new_index # set the new remapped index so we only add once and can reference next time.
face_vert_loc_indicies[enum] = new_index # remap to the local index
verts_split.append( verts_loc[i] ) # add the vert to the local verts
face_vert_loc_indicies[enum] = vert_remap[i] # remap to the local index
matname= face[2]
if matname and matname not in unique_materials_split:
unique_materials_split[matname] = unique_materials[matname]
# remove one of the itemas and reorder
return [(value[0], value[1], value[2], key_to_name(key)) for key, value in list(face_split_dict.items())]
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def create_mesh(scn, new_objects, has_ngons, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, verts_loc, verts_tex, faces, unique_materials, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname):
Takes all the data gathered and generates a mesh, adding the new object to new_objects
deals with fgons, sharp edges and assigning materials
if not has_ngons:
if unique_smooth_groups:
sharp_edges= {}
smooth_group_users= dict([ (context_smooth_group, {}) for context_smooth_group in list(unique_smooth_groups.keys()) ])
context_smooth_group_old= -1
# Split fgons into tri's
fgon_edges= {} # Used for storing fgon keys
edges= []
context_object= None
# reverse loop through face indicies
for f_idx in range(len(faces)-1, -1, -1):
context_object= faces[f_idx]
len_face_vert_loc_indicies = len(face_vert_loc_indicies)
if len_face_vert_loc_indicies==1:
faces.pop(f_idx)# cant add single vert faces
elif not face_vert_tex_indicies or len_face_vert_loc_indicies == 2: # faces that have no texture coords are lines
# generators are better in python 2.4+ but can't be used in 2.3
# edges.extend( (face_vert_loc_indicies[i], face_vert_loc_indicies[i+1]) for i in xrange(len_face_vert_loc_indicies-1) )
edges.extend( [(face_vert_loc_indicies[i], face_vert_loc_indicies[i+1]) for i in range(len_face_vert_loc_indicies-1)] )
# Smooth Group
if unique_smooth_groups and context_smooth_group:
# Is a part of of a smooth group and is a face
if context_smooth_group_old is not context_smooth_group:
edge_dict= smooth_group_users[context_smooth_group]
context_smooth_group_old= context_smooth_group
for i in range(len_face_vert_loc_indicies):
i1= face_vert_loc_indicies[i]
i2= face_vert_loc_indicies[i-1]
if i1>i2: i1,i2= i2,i1
edge_dict[i1,i2]+= 1
except KeyError:
edge_dict[i1,i2]= 1
# FGons into triangles
if has_ngons and len_face_vert_loc_indicies > 4:
ngon_face_indices= BPyMesh_ngon(verts_loc, face_vert_loc_indicies)
[face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[0]], face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[1]], face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[2]] ],\
[face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[0]], face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[1]], face_vert_tex_indicies[ngon[2]] ],\
for ngon in ngon_face_indices]\
# edges to make fgons
edge_users= {}
for ngon in ngon_face_indices:
for i in (0,1,2):
i1= face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[i ]]
i2= face_vert_loc_indicies[ngon[i-1]]
if i1>i2: i1,i2= i2,i1
except KeyError:
edge_users[i1,i2]= 1
for key, users in edge_users.items():
if users>1:
fgon_edges[key]= None
# remove all after 3, means we dont have to pop this one.
# Build sharp edges
if unique_smooth_groups:
for edge_dict in list(smooth_group_users.values()):
for key, users in list(edge_dict.items()):
if users==1: # This edge is on the boundry of a group
sharp_edges[key]= None
# map the material names to an index
material_mapping= dict([(name, i) for i, name in enumerate(unique_materials)]) # enumerate over unique_materials keys()
materials= [None] * len(unique_materials)
for name, index in list(material_mapping.items()):
materials[index]= unique_materials[name]
# me=
# make sure the list isnt too big
for material in materials[0:16]:
# me.materials= materials[0:16] # make sure the list isnt too big.
#me.verts.extend([(0,0,0)]) # dummy vert
me.add_geometry(len(verts_loc), 0, len(faces))
# verts_loc is a list of (x, y, z) tuples
me.verts.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(verts_loc))
# me.verts.extend(verts_loc)
# faces is a list of (vert_indices, texco_indices, ...) tuples
# XXX faces should contain either 3 or 4 verts
# XXX no check for valid face indices
me.faces.foreach_set("verts_raw", unpack_face_list([f[0] for f in faces]))
# face_mapping= me.faces.extend([f[0] for f in faces], indexList=True)
if verts_tex and me.faces:
# me.faceUV= 1
# TEXMODE= Mesh.FaceModes['TEX']
context_material_old= -1 # avoid a dict lookup
mat= 0 # rare case it may be un-initialized.
me_faces= me.faces
# ALPHA= Mesh.FaceTranspModes.ALPHA
for i, face in enumerate(faces):
if len(face[0]) < 2:
pass #raise "bad face"
elif len(face[0])==2:
# face_index_map= face_mapping[i]
# since we use foreach_set to add faces, all of them are added
if 1:
# if face_index_map!=None: # None means the face wasnt added
blender_face = me.faces[i]
# blender_face= me_faces[face_index_map]
context_object= face
if context_smooth_group:
blender_face.smooth= True
if context_material:
if context_material_old is not context_material:
mat= material_mapping[context_material]
if mat>15:
mat= 15
context_material_old= context_material
blender_face.material_index= mat
# blender_face.mat= mat
if verts_tex:
blender_tface= me.uv_textures[0].data[i]
if context_material:
image, has_data= unique_material_images[context_material]
if image: # Can be none if the material dosnt have an image.
blender_tface.image= image
# blender_face.image= image
if has_data:
# if has_data and image.depth == 32:
blender_tface.transp = 'ALPHA'
# blender_face.transp |= ALPHA
# BUG - Evil eekadoodle problem where faces that have vert index 0 location at 3 or 4 are shuffled.
if len(face_vert_loc_indicies)==4:
if face_vert_loc_indicies[2]==0 or face_vert_loc_indicies[3]==0:
face_vert_tex_indicies= face_vert_tex_indicies[2], face_vert_tex_indicies[3], face_vert_tex_indicies[0], face_vert_tex_indicies[1]
else: # length of 3
if face_vert_loc_indicies[2]==0:
face_vert_tex_indicies= face_vert_tex_indicies[1], face_vert_tex_indicies[2], face_vert_tex_indicies[0]
# assign material, uv's and image
blender_tface.uv1= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[0]]
blender_tface.uv2= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[1]]
blender_tface.uv3= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[2]]
if blender_face.verts[3] != 0:
blender_tface.uv4= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[3]]
# for ii, uv in enumerate(blender_face.uv):
# uv.x, uv.y= verts_tex[face_vert_tex_indicies[ii]]
del me_faces
# del ALPHA
me.add_geometry(0, len(edges), 0)
# edges should be a list of (a, b) tuples
me.edges.foreach_set("verts", unpack_list(edges))
# me_edges.extend( edges )
# del me_edges
# Add edge faces.
# me_edges= me.edges
def edges_match(e1, e2):
return (e1[0] == e2[0] and e1[1] == e2[1]) or (e1[0] == e2[1] and e1[1] == e2[0])
# XXX slow
# if CREATE_FGONS and fgon_edges:
# for fgon_edge in fgon_edges.keys():
# for ed in me.edges:
# if edges_match(fgon_edge, ed.verts):
# ed.fgon = True
# if CREATE_FGONS and fgon_edges:
# FGON= Mesh.EdgeFlags.FGON
# for ed in me.findEdges( fgon_edges.keys() ):
# if ed!=None:
# me_edges[ed].flag |= FGON
# del FGON
# XXX slow
# if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges:
# for sharp_edge in sharp_edges.keys():
# for ed in me.edges:
# if edges_match(sharp_edge, ed.verts):
# = True
# if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges:
# SHARP= Mesh.EdgeFlags.SHARP
# for ed in me.findEdges( sharp_edges.keys() ):
# if ed!=None:
# me_edges[ed].flag |= SHARP
# del SHARP
# me.calcNormals()
ob="MESH", "Mesh") me
# ob=
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Create the vertex groups. No need to have the flag passed here since we test for the
# content of the vertex_groups. If the user selects to NOT have vertex groups saved then
# the following test will never run
for group_name, group_indicies in vertex_groups.items():
group= ob.add_vertex_group(group_name)
# me.addVertGroup(group_name)
for vertex_index in group_indicies:
ob.add_vertex_to_group(vertex_index, group, 1.0, 'REPLACE')
# me.assignVertsToGroup(group_name, group_indicies, 1.00, Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def create_nurbs(scn, context_nurbs, vert_loc, new_objects):
Add nurbs object to blender, only support one type at the moment
deg = context_nurbs.get('deg', (3,))
curv_range = context_nurbs.get('curv_range', None)
curv_idx = context_nurbs.get('curv_idx', [])
parm_u = context_nurbs.get('parm_u', [])
parm_v = context_nurbs.get('parm_v', [])
name = context_nurbs.get('name', 'ObjNurb')
cstype = context_nurbs.get('cstype', None)
if cstype == None:
print('\tWarning, cstype not found')
if cstype != 'bspline':
print('\tWarning, cstype is not supported (only bspline)')
if not curv_idx:
print('\tWarning, curv argument empty or not set')
if len(deg) > 1 or parm_v:
print('\tWarning, surfaces not supported')
cu =, 'Curve')
cu.flag |= 1 # 3D curve
nu = None
for pt in curv_idx:
pt = vert_loc[pt]
pt = (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], 1.0)
if nu == None:
nu = cu.appendNurb(pt)
nu.orderU = deg[0]+1
# get for endpoint flag from the weighting
if curv_range and len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1:
do_endpoints = True
for i in range(deg[0]+1):
if abs(parm_u[i]-curv_range[0]) > 0.0001:
do_endpoints = False
if abs(parm_u[-(i+1)]-curv_range[1]) > 0.0001:
do_endpoints = False
do_endpoints = False
if do_endpoints:
nu.flagU |= 2
# close
do_closed = False
if len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1:
for i in xrange(deg[0]+1):
#print curv_idx[i], curv_idx[-(i+1)]
if curv_idx[i]==curv_idx[-(i+1)]:
do_closed = True
if do_closed:
nu.flagU |= 1
ob =
def strip_slash(line_split):
if line_split[-1][-1]== '\\':
if len(line_split[-1])==1:
line_split.pop() # remove the \ item
line_split[-1]= line_split[-1][:-1] # remove the \ from the end last number
return True
return False
def get_float_func(filepath):
find the float function for this obj file
- weather to replace commas or not
2007-08-01 18:04:44 +00:00
file= open(filepath, 'rU')
for line in file: #.xreadlines():
line = line.lstrip()
if line.startswith('v'): # vn vt v
if ',' in line:
return lambda f: float(f.replace(',', '.'))
elif '.' in line:
return float
# incase all vert values were ints
return float
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def load_obj(filepath,
ROTATE_X90= True,
Called by the user interface or another script.
load_obj(path) - should give acceptable results.
This function passes the file and sends the data off
to be split into objects and then converted into mesh objects
print('\nimporting obj "%s"' % filepath)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
time_main= time.time()
# time_main= sys.time()
verts_loc= []
verts_tex= []
faces= [] # tuples of the faces
material_libs= [] # filanems to material libs this uses
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
vertex_groups = {} # when POLYGROUPS is true
# Get the string to float conversion func for this file- is 'float' for almost all files.
float_func= get_float_func(filepath)
# Context variables
context_material= None
context_smooth_group= None
context_object= None
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
context_vgroup = None
# Nurbs
context_nurbs = {}
nurbs = []
context_parm = '' # used by nurbs too but could be used elsewhere
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
has_ngons= False
# has_smoothgroups= False - is explicit with len(unique_smooth_groups) being > 0
# Until we can use sets
unique_materials= {}
unique_material_images= {}
unique_smooth_groups= {}
# unique_obects= {} - no use for this variable since the objects are stored in the face.
# when there are faces that end with \
# it means they are multiline-
# since we use xreadline we cant skip to the next line
# so we need to know weather
context_multi_line= ''
print('\tparsing obj file "%s"...' % filepath)
time_sub= time.time()
# time_sub= sys.time()
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
file= open(filepath, 'rU')
for line in file: #.xreadlines():
line = line.lstrip() # rare cases there is white space at the start of the line
if line.startswith('v '):
line_split= line.split()
# rotate X90: (x,-z,y)
verts_loc.append( (float_func(line_split[1]), -float_func(line_split[3]), float_func(line_split[2])) )
elif line.startswith('vn '):
elif line.startswith('vt '):
line_split= line.split()
verts_tex.append( (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2])) )
# Handel faces lines (as faces) and the second+ lines of fa multiline face here
# use 'f' not 'f ' because some objs (very rare have 'fo ' for faces)
elif line.startswith('f') or context_multi_line == 'f':
if context_multi_line:
# use face_vert_loc_indicies and face_vert_tex_indicies previously defined and used the obj_face
line_split= line.split()
line_split= line[2:].split()
face_vert_loc_indicies= []
face_vert_tex_indicies= []
# Instance a face
if strip_slash(line_split):
context_multi_line = 'f'
context_multi_line = ''
for v in line_split:
obj_vert= v.split('/')
vert_loc_index= int(obj_vert[0])-1
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Add the vertex to the current group
# *warning*, this wont work for files that have groups defined around verts
if POLYGROUPS and context_vgroup:
# Make relative negative vert indicies absolute
if vert_loc_index < 0:
vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1
if len(obj_vert)>1 and obj_vert[1]:
# formatting for faces with normals and textures us
# loc_index/tex_index/nor_index
vert_tex_index= int(obj_vert[1])-1
# Make relative negative vert indicies absolute
if vert_tex_index < 0:
vert_tex_index= len(verts_tex) + vert_tex_index + 1
# dummy
if len(face_vert_loc_indicies) > 4:
has_ngons= True
elif CREATE_EDGES and (line.startswith('l ') or context_multi_line == 'l'):
# very similar to the face load function above with some parts removed
if context_multi_line:
# use face_vert_loc_indicies and face_vert_tex_indicies previously defined and used the obj_face
line_split= line.split()
line_split= line[2:].split()
face_vert_loc_indicies= []
face_vert_tex_indicies= []
# Instance a face
if strip_slash(line_split):
context_multi_line = 'l'
context_multi_line = ''
isline= line.startswith('l')
for v in line_split:
vert_loc_index= int(v)-1
# Make relative negative vert indicies absolute
if vert_loc_index < 0:
vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1
elif line.startswith('s'):
context_smooth_group= line_value(line.split())
if context_smooth_group=='off':
context_smooth_group= None
elif context_smooth_group: # is not None
unique_smooth_groups[context_smooth_group]= None
elif line.startswith('o'):
context_object= line_value(line.split())
# unique_obects[context_object]= None
elif line.startswith('g'):
context_object= line_value(line.split())
# print 'context_object', context_object
# unique_obects[context_object]= None
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
context_vgroup = line_value(line.split())
if context_vgroup and context_vgroup != '(null)':
vertex_groups.setdefault(context_vgroup, [])
context_vgroup = None # dont assign a vgroup
elif line.startswith('usemtl'):
context_material= line_value(line.split())
unique_materials[context_material]= None
elif line.startswith('mtllib'): # usemap or usemat
material_libs.extend( line.split()[1:] ) # can have multiple mtllib filenames per line
# Nurbs support
elif line.startswith('cstype '):
context_nurbs['cstype']= line_value(line.split()) # 'rat bspline' / 'bspline'
elif line.startswith('curv ') or context_multi_line == 'curv':
line_split= line.split()
curv_idx = context_nurbs['curv_idx'] = context_nurbs.get('curv_idx', []) # incase were multiline
if not context_multi_line:
context_nurbs['curv_range'] = float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2])
line_split[0:3] = [] # remove first 3 items
if strip_slash(line_split):
context_multi_line = 'curv'
context_multi_line = ''
for i in line_split:
vert_loc_index = int(i)-1
if vert_loc_index < 0:
vert_loc_index= len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1
elif line.startswith('parm') or context_multi_line == 'parm':
line_split= line.split()
if context_multi_line:
context_multi_line = ''
context_parm = line_split[1]
line_split[0:2] = [] # remove first 2
if strip_slash(line_split):
context_multi_line = 'parm'
context_multi_line = ''
if context_parm.lower() == 'u':
context_nurbs.setdefault('parm_u', []).extend( [float_func(f) for f in line_split] )
elif context_parm.lower() == 'v': # surfaces not suported yet
context_nurbs.setdefault('parm_v', []).extend( [float_func(f) for f in line_split] )
# else: # may want to support other parm's ?
elif line.startswith('deg '):
context_nurbs['deg']= [int(i) for i in line.split()[1:]]
elif line.startswith('end'):
# Add the nurbs curve
if context_object:
context_nurbs['name'] = context_object
context_nurbs = {}
context_parm = ''
''' # How to use usemap? depricated?
elif line.startswith('usema'): # usemap or usemat
context_image= line_value(line.split())
time_new= time.time()
# time_new= sys.time()
print('%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub))
time_sub= time_new
print('\tloading materials and images...')
create_materials(filepath, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, IMAGE_SEARCH)
time_new= time.time()
# time_new= sys.time()
print('%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub))
time_sub= time_new
if not ROTATE_X90:
2009-06-13 04:31:30 +00:00
verts_loc[:] = [(v[0], v[2], -v[1]) for v in verts_loc]
# deselect all
# if context.selected_objects:
# bpy.ops.OBJECT_OT_select_all_toggle()
scene = context.scene
# scn =
# scn.objects.selected = []
new_objects= [] # put new objects here
print('\tbuilding geometry...\n\tverts:%i faces:%i materials: %i smoothgroups:%i ...' % ( len(verts_loc), len(faces), len(unique_materials), len(unique_smooth_groups) ))
# Split the mesh by objects/materials, may
else: SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = False
for verts_loc_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, dataname in split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP, SPLIT_MATERIALS):
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
# Create meshes from the data, warning 'vertex_groups' wont support splitting
create_mesh(scene, new_objects, has_ngons, CREATE_FGONS, CREATE_EDGES, verts_loc_split, verts_tex, faces_split, unique_materials_split, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname)
# nurbs support
# for context_nurbs in nurbs:
# create_nurbs(scn, context_nurbs, verts_loc, new_objects)
axis_min= [ 1000000000]*3
axis_max= [-1000000000]*3
# # Get all object bounds
# for ob in new_objects:
# for v in ob.getBoundBox():
# for axis, value in enumerate(v):
# if axis_min[axis] > value: axis_min[axis]= value
# if axis_max[axis] < value: axis_max[axis]= value
# # Scale objects
# max_axis= max(axis_max[0]-axis_min[0], axis_max[1]-axis_min[1], axis_max[2]-axis_min[2])
# scale= 1.0
# while CLAMP_SIZE < max_axis * scale:
# scale= scale/10.0
# for ob in new_objects:
# ob.setSize(scale, scale, scale)
# Better rotate the vert locations
#if not ROTATE_X90:
# for ob in new_objects:
# ob.RotX = -1.570796326794896558
time_new= time.time()
# time_new= sys.time()
print('%.4f sec' % (time_new-time_sub))
print('finished importing: "%s" in %.4f sec.' % (filepath, (time_new-time_main)))
def load_obj_ui(filepath, BATCH_LOAD= False):
if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(filepath):
CREATE_FGONS= Draw.Create(1)
CREATE_EDGES= Draw.Create(1)
SPLIT_OBJECTS= Draw.Create(0)
SPLIT_GROUPS= Draw.Create(0)
CLAMP_SIZE= Draw.Create(10.0)
IMAGE_SEARCH= Draw.Create(1)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
POLYGROUPS= Draw.Create(0)
KEEP_VERT_ORDER= Draw.Create(1)
ROTATE_X90= Draw.Create(1)
# Get USER Options
# Note, Works but not pretty, instead use a more complicated GUI
pup_block= [\
('Smooth Groups', CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS, 'Surround smooth groups by sharp edges'),\
('Create FGons', CREATE_FGONS, 'Import faces with more then 4 verts as fgons.'),\
('Lines', CREATE_EDGES, 'Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edges'),\
'Separate objects from obj...',\
('Object', SPLIT_OBJECTS, 'Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects'),\
('Group', SPLIT_GROUPS, 'Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects'),\
('Material', SPLIT_MATERIALS, 'Import each material into a seperate mesh (Avoids > 16 per mesh error)'),\
('Keep Vert Order', KEEP_VERT_ORDER, 'Keep vert and face order, disables some other options.'),\
('Clamp Scale:', CLAMP_SIZE, 0.0, 1000.0, 'Clamp the size to this maximum (Zero to Disable)'),\
('Image Search', IMAGE_SEARCH, 'Search subdirs for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)'),\
if not Draw.PupBlock('Import OBJ...', pup_block):
SPLIT_GROUPS.val = False
# BEGIN ALTERNATIVE UI *******************
if True:
#GLOBALS['MOUSE'] = Window.GetMouseCoords()
GLOBALS['MOUSE'] = [i/2 for i in Window.GetScreenSize()]
def obj_ui_set_event(e,v):
def do_split(e,v):
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def do_vertorder(e,v):
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def do_polygroups(e,v):
def do_help(e,v):
url = __url__[0]
print('Trying to open web browser with documentation at this address...')
print('\t' + url)
import webbrowser
print('...could not open a browser window.')
def obj_ui():
ui_x, ui_y = GLOBALS['MOUSE']
# Center based on overall pup size
ui_x -= 165
ui_y -= 90
Draw.Label('Import...', ui_x+9, ui_y+159, 220, 21)
CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Smooth Groups', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+9, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS.val, 'Surround smooth groups by sharp edges')
CREATE_FGONS = Draw.Toggle('NGons as FGons', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+119, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_FGONS.val, 'Import faces with more then 4 verts as fgons')
CREATE_EDGES = Draw.Toggle('Lines as Edges', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+229, ui_y+139, 110, 20, CREATE_EDGES.val, 'Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edges')
Draw.Label('Separate objects by OBJ...', ui_x+9, ui_y+110, 220, 20)
SPLIT_OBJECTS = Draw.Toggle('Object', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+9, ui_y+89, 55, 21, SPLIT_OBJECTS.val, 'Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects', do_split)
SPLIT_GROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Group', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+64, ui_y+89, 55, 21, SPLIT_GROUPS.val, 'Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects', do_split)
SPLIT_MATERIALS = Draw.Toggle('Material', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+119, ui_y+89, 60, 21, SPLIT_MATERIALS.val, 'Import each material into a seperate mesh (Avoids > 16 per mesh error)', do_split)
# Only used for user feedback
KEEP_VERT_ORDER = Draw.Toggle('Keep Vert Order', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+184, ui_y+89, 113, 21, KEEP_VERT_ORDER.val, 'Keep vert and face order, disables split options, enable for morph targets', do_vertorder)
ROTATE_X90 = Draw.Toggle('-X90', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+302, ui_y+89, 38, 21, ROTATE_X90.val, 'Rotate X 90.')
Draw.Label('Options...', ui_x+9, ui_y+60, 211, 20)
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
CLAMP_SIZE = Draw.Number('Clamp Scale: ', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+9, ui_y+39, 130, 21, CLAMP_SIZE.val, 0.0, 1000.0, 'Clamp the size to this maximum (Zero to Disable)')
POLYGROUPS = Draw.Toggle('Poly Groups', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+144, ui_y+39, 90, 21, POLYGROUPS.val, 'Import OBJ groups as vertex groups.', do_polygroups)
IMAGE_SEARCH = Draw.Toggle('Image Search', EVENT_NONE, ui_x+239, ui_y+39, 100, 21, IMAGE_SEARCH.val, 'Search subdirs for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)')
Draw.PushButton('Online Help', EVENT_REDRAW, ui_x+9, ui_y+9, 110, 21, 'Load the wiki page for this script', do_help)
Draw.PushButton('Cancel', EVENT_EXIT, ui_x+119, ui_y+9, 110, 21, '', obj_ui_set_event)
Draw.PushButton('Import', EVENT_IMPORT, ui_x+229, ui_y+9, 110, 21, 'Import with these settings', obj_ui_set_event)
# hack so the toggle buttons redraw. this is not nice at all
Draw.UIBlock(obj_ui, 0)
# END ALTERNATIVE UI *********************
if BATCH_LOAD: # load the dir
files= [ f for f in os.listdir(filepath) if f.lower().endswith('.obj') ]
Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|Could not open path ' + filepath)
if not files:
Draw.PupMenu('Error%t|No files at path ' + filepath)
for f in files:
scn= stripExt(f) )
load_obj(sys.join(filepath, f),\
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
else: # Normal load
[#18694] Added support for Wavefront OBJ groups for both the import and export scripts from Paolo Ciccone (pciccone) Im not that keen on this functionality since vertex groups in blender are for weight painting and OBJ's groups are more like sub-objects, The conversion between these is a poor approximation (one vertex group per face). But this is still useful for using blender with poser so accepting these 2 patches. Made some changes from the patch *Export* - vgroup off by default, since this is mainly useful for corner cases - findVertexGroupName() - changed how exporting selects a vertex group for a face, use the highest combind weight for each group instead of the number of checking how many times the verts are in a group because they could have a zero weight. - findVertexGroupName() - would fail if a faces verts were not in any groups, now return a (null) group - Allow modifiers to export with vgroups *Import* - disable by default - ignore (null) groups - fixed a problem where the patch broke SPLIT_GROUPS - move the group definition out of global namespace, breaks importing as a module. --- Patch submission info The import/export scripts included with Blender 2.48 don't save/preserve groups defined in OBJ file. This presents a couple of issues: users loading an obj file with groups are not able to use a rather important set of data. When the file is then saved the groups are lost bringing up both the issue of data loss and loss of functionality as groups are used for rigging and morph target creation for Poser/DAZ Studio and all compatible applications. Of course other animation/modeling packages that use OBJ files might be affected. The solution that I present here simply patches the excellent python scripts written by Campbell Barton and Jiri Hnidek. The new code implements the preservation of groups by creating Blender vertex groups during import and by re-writing those groups in the OBJ file during export. Of course group ownership is idetermined at the face/polygon level and not at the vertex level. This rather simple solution makes Blender instantly one of the better tools to create Poser Morph targets (Full Body Morphs) and conforming figures and clothing. Of course it's also adding a more complete support for the whole OBJ spec. The patches are fitting well inside the established logic, have a minimal impact and are totally transparent to the user. See the attached video (about 7 minutes long) for more details. I noticed that the original scripts are formatted with tabs. I think it would be a good idea to follow the standard Python recommendation and convert the scripts to use spaces. I didn't want to do it on my side as it would generate a patch that replaces the whole file, not something that I wanted to do with my first submission :) But it would help if people with access to SVN could do it. Here is a short video that demonstrates the updates: Cheers! ----
2009-05-13 00:20:14 +00:00
def load_obj_ui_batch(file):
load_obj_ui(file, True)
DEBUG= False
# if __name__=='__main__' and not DEBUG:
# if os and Window.GetKeyQualifiers() & Window.Qual.SHIFT:
# Window.FileSelector(load_obj_ui_batch, 'Import OBJ Dir', '')
# else:
# Window.FileSelector(load_obj_ui, 'Import a Wavefront OBJ', '*.obj')
# For testing compatibility
TIME= sys.time()
DIR = '/fe/obj'
import os
print 'Searching for files'
def fileList(path):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
files = [f for f in fileList(DIR) if f.lower().endswith('.obj')]
for i, obj_file in enumerate(files):
if 0 < i < 20:
print 'Importing', obj_file, '\nNUMBER', i, 'of', len(files)
load_obj(obj_file, False, IMAGE_SEARCH=0)
print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (sys.time() - TIME)
class IMPORT_OT_obj(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Load a Wavefront OBJ File.'''
__idname__ = "import.obj"
__label__ = "Import OBJ"
# List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned
# to the class instance from the operator settings before calling.
__props__ = [
bpy.props.StringProperty(attr="path", name="File Path", description="File path used for importing the OBJ file", maxlen= 1024, default= ""),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="CREATE_SMOOTH_GROUPS", name="Smooth Groups", description="Surround smooth groups by sharp edges", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="CREATE_FGONS", name="NGons as FGons", description="Import faces with more then 4 verts as fgons", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="CREATE_EDGES", name="Lines as Edges", description="Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edge", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="SPLIT_OBJECTS", name="Object", description="Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="SPLIT_GROUPS", name="Group", description="Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="SPLIT_MATERIALS", name="Material", description="Import each material into a seperate mesh (Avoids > 16 per mesh error)", default= True),
# old comment: only used for user feedback
# disabled this option because in old code a handler for it disabled SPLIT* params, it's not passed to load_obj
# bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="KEEP_VERT_ORDER", name="Keep Vert Order", description="Keep vert and face order, disables split options, enable for morph targets", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="ROTATE_X90", name="-X90", description="Rotate X 90.", default= True),
bpy.props.FloatProperty(attr="CLAMP_SIZE", name="Clamp Scale", description="Clamp the size to this maximum (Zero to Disable)", min=0.01, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1000.0, default=0.0),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="POLYGROUPS", name="Poly Groups", description="Import OBJ groups as vertex groups.", default= True),
bpy.props.BoolProperty(attr="IMAGE_SEARCH", name="Image Search", description="Search subdirs for any assosiated images (Warning, may be slow)", default= True),
def execute(self, context):
# print("Selected: " +
return ('FINISHED',)
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.manager
return ('RUNNING_MODAL',)
import dynamic_menu
menu_func = lambda self, context: self.layout.itemO("import.obj", text="Wavefront (.obj)...")
menu_item = dynamic_menu.add(bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import, menu_func)
# NOTES (all line numbers refer to 2.4x, not this file)
# check later: line 489
# can convert now: edge flags, edges: lines 508-528
# ngon (uses python module BPyMesh): 384-414
# nurbs: 947-
# NEXT clamp size: get bound box with RNA
# get back to l 140 (here)
# search image in bpy.config.textureDir - load_image
# replaced BPyImage.comprehensiveImageLoad with a simplified version that only checks additional directory specified, but doesn't search dirs recursively (obj_image_load)
# bitmask won't work? - 132
# uses operator bpy.ops.OBJECT_OT_select_all_toggle() to deselect all (not necessary?)
# uses bpy.sys.time()