
1167 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
import string
import os
import time
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
import sys
from distutils import sysconfig
import SCons.Script
from import *
bs_globals.arguments = ARGUMENTS
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
appname = ''
playername = ''
config_guess = ''
if sys.platform != 'win32':
#~ sys.stdout = os.popen("tee build.log", "w")
#~ sys.stderr = sys.stdout
# guess at the platform, used to maintain the tarball naming scheme
config_guess = os.popen("SRCHOME=source/ source/tools/guess/guessconfig").read()[:-1]
config_guess = "windows"
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
appname = 'blender'
playername = 'blenderplayer'
appname = 'blender$PROGSUFFIX'
playername = 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX'
# Build directory.
# root_build_dir = '..' + os.sep + 'build' + os.sep + sys.platform + os.sep
# Create the build directory. SCons does this automatically, but since we
# don't want to put scons-generated .sconsign files in the source tree, but in
# the root_build_dir, we have to create that dir ourselves before SCons tries
# to access/create the file containing .sconsign data.
if os.path.isdir (bs_globals.root_build_dir) == 0:
os.makedirs (bs_globals.root_build_dir)
# Blender version.
shortversion = '234' # for wininst target -> nsis installer creation
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
sdl_env = Environment ()
freetype_env = Environment ()
env = Environment ()
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
if sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux-i386':
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'true'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'true'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'true'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['m', 'util', 'stdc++']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = ['-pthread']
extra_includes = []
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
z_include = ['/usr/include']
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
png_include = ['/usr/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
jpeg_include = ['/usr/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = ['/usr/lib/libGL.a', '/usr/lib/libGLU.a']
opengl_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib']
opengl_include = ['/usr/include']
# SDL library information
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['ode']
ode_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/lib']
ode_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/include']
# Python library information
python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
python_linkflags = Split (sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED'))
# International support information
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include']
freetype_env.ParseConfig ('pkg-config --cflags --libs freetype2 2>/dev/null || freetype-config --cflags --libs 2>/dev/null')
freetype_lib = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
freetype_libpath = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
freetype_include = freetype_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['openal']
openal_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
openal_include = ['/usr/include']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'true'
use_openal = 'true'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_precomp = 'true'
use_sumo = 'true'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'true'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
# TODO: replace darwin-6.1-powerpc with the actual directiory on the
# build machine
# darwin-6.1 is the name of cvs precomp folder
# a symbolic link named darwin-X.Y-powerpc must be manually done
#for now. X-Y is darwin kernel rev number
darwin_precomp = '#../lib/darwin-6.1-powerpc/'
fink_path = '/sw/'
# TODO : try -mpowerpc -mpowerpc-gopt -mpowerpc-gfxopt optims
# doing actual profiling
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char', '-ffast-math', '-mpowerpc']
# , '-malign-natural'] malign is causing problems with jpeg lib but worth a 1-2% speedup
#'-force_cpusubtype_ALL', '-mpowerpc-gpopt',
cxxflags = []
defines = ['_THREAD_SAFE' ]
if use_quicktime == 'true':
defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME']
warn_flags = ['-Wall'] # , '-W'
release_flags = ['-O3']
debug_flags = ['-g']
window_system = 'CARBON'
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = []
z_include = []
# TODO : add a flag to allow each lib to be build from fink or precomp
# without having to have to specify the path manually in config.opts.
# png library information
png_lib = ['libpng']
png_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'png/lib']
png_include = [darwin_precomp + 'png/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['libjpeg']
jpeg_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/lib']
jpeg_include = [darwin_precomp + 'jpeg/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = []
opengl_include = []
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
# Want to use precompiled libraries?
if use_precomp == 'true':
sdl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/include']
sdl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'sdl/lib']
sdl_lib = ['libSDL.a']
platform_libs = ['stdc++']
extra_includes = ['/sw/include']
platform_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries']
platform_linkflags = []
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = []
solid_libpath = []
solid_include = ['#/extern/solid']
qhull_lib = []
qhull_libpath = []
qhull_include = ['#/extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['libode']
ode_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/lib']
ode_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ode/include/ode']
# Python variables.
# TODO : fill vars differently if we are on 10.2 or 10.3
# python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
# python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
# python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
# python_linkflags = Split (sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED'))
python_lib = []
python_libpath = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/config']
python_include = ['/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/include/python2.3']
python_linkflags = ['-u', '__dummy', '-u', '_PyMac_Error',
'-framework', 'System',
'-framework', 'Python',
'-framework', 'CoreServices',
'-framework', 'Foundation',
'-framework', 'OpenGL']
# International stuff
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = [darwin_precomp + 'ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['libfreetype']
freetype_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/lib']
freetype_include = [darwin_precomp + 'freetype/include']
gettext_lib = ['libintl']
gettext_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/lib']
gettext_include = [darwin_precomp + 'gettext/include']
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['libopenal']
openal_libpath = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/lib']
openal_include = [darwin_precomp + 'openal/include']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'false'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'false'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-mno-cygwin', '-mwindows', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = ['FREE_WINDOWS']
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-Wno-char-subscripts']
platform_libs = ['png', 'jpeg', 'netapi32',
'opengl32', 'glu32', 'winmm',
platform_libpath = ['/usr/lib/w32api', '/lib/w32api']
platform_linkflags = ['-mwindows', '-mno-cygwin', '-mconsole']
window_system = 'WIN32'
extra_includes = []
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/lib']
z_include = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/include']
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/png/lib']
png_include = ['#../lib/windows/png/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/lib']
jpeg_include = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['opengl32', 'glu32']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = []
opengl_include = []
# SDL specific stuff.
sdl_include = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/include']
sdl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/lib']
sdl_lib = ['SDL']
sdl_cflags = []
#sdl_cflags = '-DWIN32'
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['ode']
ode_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ode/lib']
ode_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ode/include']
# Python library information
python_include = ['#../lib/windows/python/include/python2.2']
python_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/python/lib']
python_lib = ['python22']
python_linkflags = []
# International stuff
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['freetype']
freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/freetype/lib']
freetype_include = ['#../lib/windows/gcc/freetype/include']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = []
openal_libpath = []
openal_include = []
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'true'
use_openal = 'true'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'true'
use_sumo = 'true'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'true'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['/Og', '/Ot', '/Ob1', '/Op', '/G6']
debug_flags = ['/Zi', '/Fr${TARGET.base}.sbr']
extra_flags = ['/EHsc', '/J', '/W3', '/Gd', '/MT']
cxxflags = []
defines = ['WIN32', '_CONSOLE']
defines += ['WITH_QUICKTIME']
defines += ['_LIB', 'USE_OPENAL']
defines += ['FTGL_LIBRARY_STATIC']
warn_flags = []
platform_libs = [ 'qtmlClient', 'soundsystem',
'ws2_32', 'dxguid', 'vfw32', 'winmm',
'iconv', 'kernel32', 'user32', 'gdi32',
'winspool', 'comdlg32', 'advapi32', 'shell32',
'ole32', 'oleaut32', 'uuid', 'odbc32', 'odbccp32',
'libcmt', 'libc']
platform_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/iconv/lib',
platform_linkflags = [
window_system = 'WIN32'
extra_includes = []
if use_quicktime == 'true':
extra_includes += ['#../lib/windows/QTDevWin/CIncludes']
# z library information
z_lib = ['libz_st']
z_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/lib']
z_include = ['#../lib/windows/zlib/include']
# png library information
png_lib = ['libpng_st']
png_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/png/lib']
png_include = ['#../lib/windows/png/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['libjpeg']
jpeg_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/lib']
jpeg_include = ['#../lib/windows/jpeg/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['opengl32', 'glu32']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = []
opengl_include = ['/usr/include']
# SDL library information
sdl_include = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/include']
sdl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/sdl/lib']
sdl_lib = ['SDL']
sdl_cflags = []
window_system = 'WIN32'
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = ['extern/solid']
solid_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/solid/lib']
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = ['qhull']
qhull_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/qhull/lib']
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = [] # TODO
ode_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/ode/lib']
ode_include = ['#../lib/windows/ode/include']
# Python lib name
python_include = ['#../lib/windows/python/include/python2.3']
python_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/python/lib']
python_lib = ['python23']
python_linkflags = []
# International stuff
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl_static_ST']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/windows/ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['freetype2ST']
freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/freetype/lib']
freetype_include = ['#../lib/windows/freetype/include']
gettext_lib = ['gnu_gettext']
gettext_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/gettext/lib']
gettext_include = ['#../lib/windows/gettext/include']
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['openal_static']
openal_libpath = ['#../lib/windows/openal/lib']
openal_include = ['#../lib/windows/openal/include']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'sunos') != -1:
use_international = 'true'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'false'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'false'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char', '-DSUN_OGL_NO_VERTEX_MACROS']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall', '-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['stdc++', 'dl', 'm']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = []
extra_includes = []
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = []
z_include = []
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = []
png_include = []
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = []
jpeg_include = []
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU', 'X11']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = ['/usr/openwin/include']
opengl_include = ['/usr/openwin/lib']
# SDL library information
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = [] # TODO
ode_libpath = [] # TODO
ode_include = ['#extern/ode/dist/include/ode']
# Python variables.
python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
python_linkflags = []
# International support information
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['freetype']
freetype_libpath = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/freetype/lib']
freetype_include = ['#../lib/solaris-2.8-sparc/freetype/include']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = []
openal_libpath = []
openal_include = []
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'irix') != -1:
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'false'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'false'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
irix_precomp = '#../lib/irix-6.5-mips'
extra_flags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm']
cxxflags = ['-n32', '-mips3', '-Xcpluscomm', '-LANG:std']
cxxflags += ['-LANG:libc_in_namespace_std=off']
window_system = 'X11'
release_flags = ['-O2', '-OPT:Olimit=0']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-fullwarn', '-woff', '1001,1110,1201,1209,1355,1424,1681,3201']
platform_libs = ['movieGL', 'Xmu', 'Xext', 'X11',
'c', 'm', 'dmedia', 'cl', 'audio',
'Cio', 'pthread']
platform_libpath = ['/usr/lib32/mips3',
platform_linkflags = ['-mips3', '-n32']
extra_includes = ['/usr/freeware/include',
# z library information
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = []
z_include = []
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/png/lib']
png_include = [irix_precomp + '/png/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/jpeg/lib']
jpeg_include = [irix_precomp + '/jpeg/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = []
opengl_libpath = []
opengl_include = []
# SDL library information
sdl_cflags = []
sdl_include = [irix_precomp + '/sdl/include/SDL']
sdl_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/sdl/lib']
sdl_lib = ['SDL', 'libSDL.a']
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = [irix_precomp + '/solid/include']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = [] # TODO
ode_libpath = [] # TODO
ode_include = [irix_precomp + '/ode/include']
# Python library information
python_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/python/lib/python2.2/config']
python_include = [irix_precomp + '/python/include/python2.2']
python_lib = ['python2.2']
python_linkflags = []
# International support information
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = [irix_precomp + '/ftgl/include']
freetype_lib = ['freetype']
freetype_libpath = [irix_precomp + '/freetype/lib']
freetype_include = [irix_precomp + '/freetype/include']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = []
openal_libpath = []
openal_include = []
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif string.find (sys.platform, 'hp-ux') != -1:
window_system = 'X11'
defines = []
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
elif sys.platform=='openbsd3':
print "Building for OpenBSD 3.x"
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'false'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall','-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['m', 'stdc++', 'pthread', 'util']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = []
extra_includes = []
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
z_include = ['/usr/include']
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib']
png_include = ['/usr/local/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib']
jpeg_include = ['/usr/local/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = ['/usr/lib/libGL.a', '/usr/lib/libGLU.a']
opengl_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib']
opengl_include = ['/usr/X11R6/include/']
# SDL library information
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
sdl_libpath = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['ode']
ode_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/lib']
ode_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/include']
# Python library information
python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
python_linkflags = []
# International support information
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include']
freetype_env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs freetype2')
freetype_lib = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
freetype_libpath = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
freetype_include = freetype_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['openal']
openal_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
openal_include = ['/usr/include']
elif sys.platform=='freebsd4' or sys.platform=='freebsd5':
print "Building for FreeBSD"
use_international = 'false'
use_gameengine = 'false'
use_openal = 'false'
use_fmod = 'false'
use_quicktime = 'false'
use_sumo = 'false'
use_ode = 'false'
use_buildinfo = 'true'
build_blender_dynamic = 'true'
build_blender_static = 'false'
build_blender_player = 'false'
build_blender_plugin = 'false'
release_flags = ['-O2']
debug_flags = ['-O2', '-g']
extra_flags = ['-pipe', '-fPIC', '-funsigned-char']
cxxflags = []
defines = []
warn_flags = ['-Wall','-W']
window_system = 'X11'
platform_libs = ['m', 'stdc++', 'util']
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = ['-pthread']
extra_includes = []
z_lib = ['z']
z_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
z_include = ['/usr/include']
# png library information
png_lib = ['png']
png_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib']
png_include = ['/usr/local/include']
# jpeg library information
jpeg_lib = ['jpeg']
jpeg_libpath = ['/usr/local/lib']
jpeg_include = ['/usr/local/include']
# OpenGL library information
opengl_lib = ['GL', 'GLU']
opengl_static = ['/usr/lib/libGL.a', '/usr/lib/libGLU.a']
opengl_libpath = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib']
opengl_include = ['/usr/X11R6/include/']
# SDL library information
sdl_env.ParseConfig ('sdl11-config --cflags --libs')
sdl_cflags = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CCFLAGS']
sdl_include = sdl_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
sdl_libpath = ['/usr/local/include/SDL11']
sdl_lib = sdl_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
# SOLID library information
solid_lib = [] # TODO
solid_libpath = [] # TODO
solid_include = ['#extern/solid']
qhull_lib = [] # TODO
qhull_libpath = [] # TODO
qhull_include = ['#extern/qhull/include']
# ODE library information
ode_lib = ['ode']
ode_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/lib']
ode_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ode/include']
# Python library information
python_lib = ['python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[0:2]]
python_libpath = [sysconfig.get_python_lib (0, 1) + '/config']
python_include = [sysconfig.get_python_inc ()]
python_linkflags = []
# International support information
ftgl_lib = ['ftgl']
ftgl_libpath = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/lib']
ftgl_include = ['#../lib/linux-glibc2.2.5-i386/ftgl/include']
freetype_env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs freetype2')
freetype_lib = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBS']
freetype_libpath = freetype_env.Dictionary()['LIBPATH']
freetype_include = freetype_env.Dictionary()['CPPPATH']
gettext_lib = []
gettext_libpath = []
gettext_include = []
# OpenAL library information
openal_lib = ['openal']
openal_libpath = ['/usr/lib']
openal_include = ['/usr/include']
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
print "Unknown platform %s"%sys.platform
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
# End of platform specific section
# User configurable options to be saved in a config file.
# Checking for an existing config file - use that one if it exists,
# otherwise create one.
my_defines = []
my_ccflags = []
my_cxxflags = []
my_ldflags = []
if os.path.exists (bs_globals.config_file):
print "Using config file: " + bs_globals.config_file
print "Creating new config file: " + bs_globals.config_file
env_dict = env.Dictionary()
config=open (bs_globals.config_file, 'w')
config.write ("# Configuration file containing user definable options.\n")
config.write ("VERSION = %r\n"%(version))
config.write ("BUILD_BINARY = 'release'\n")
config.write ("USE_BUILDINFO = %r\n"%(use_buildinfo))
config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_DYNAMIC = %r\n"%(build_blender_dynamic))
config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_STATIC = %r\n"%(build_blender_static))
config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER = %r\n"%(build_blender_player))
config.write ("BUILD_BLENDER_PLUGIN = %r\n"%(build_blender_plugin))
config.write ("BUILD_DIR = %r\n"%(bs_globals.root_build_dir))
config.write ("\n# Extra compiler flags can be defined here.\n")
config.write ("DEFINES = %s\n"%(my_defines))
config.write ("CCFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_ccflags))
config.write ("CXXFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_cxxflags))
config.write ("LDFLAGS = %s\n"%(my_ldflags))
config.write ("USE_INTERNATIONAL = %r\n"%(use_international))
config.write ("BUILD_GAMEENGINE = %r\n"%(use_gameengine))
if use_ode == 'true':
config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'ode'\n")
config.write ("USE_PHYSICS = 'solid'\n")
config.write ("USE_OPENAL = %r\n"%(use_openal))
config.write ("USE_FMOD = %r\n"%(use_fmod))
config.write ("USE_QUICKTIME = %r\n"%(use_quicktime))
config.write ("\n# Compiler information.\n")
config.write ("HOST_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC']))
config.write ("HOST_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX']))
config.write ("TARGET_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC']))
config.write ("TARGET_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX']))
config.write ("TARGET_AR = %r\n"%(env_dict['AR']))
config.write ("PATH = %r\n"%(os.environ['PATH']))
config.write ("\n# External library information.\n")
config.write ("PLATFORM_LIBS = %r\n"%(platform_libs))
config.write ("PLATFORM_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(platform_libpath))
config.write ("PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS = %r\n"%(platform_linkflags))
config.write ("PYTHON_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(python_include))
config.write ("PYTHON_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(python_libpath))
config.write ("PYTHON_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(python_lib))
config.write ("PYTHON_LINKFLAGS = %r\n"%(python_linkflags))
config.write ("SDL_CFLAGS = %r\n"%(sdl_cflags))
config.write ("SDL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(sdl_include))
config.write ("SDL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(sdl_libpath))
config.write ("SDL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(sdl_lib))
config.write ("Z_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(z_include))
config.write ("Z_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(z_libpath))
config.write ("Z_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(z_lib))
config.write ("PNG_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(png_include))
config.write ("PNG_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(png_libpath))
config.write ("PNG_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(png_lib))
config.write ("JPEG_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(jpeg_include))
config.write ("JPEG_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(jpeg_libpath))
config.write ("JPEG_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(jpeg_lib))
config.write ("OPENGL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(opengl_include))
config.write ("OPENGL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(opengl_libpath))
config.write ("OPENGL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(opengl_lib))
config.write ("OPENGL_STATIC = %r\n"%(opengl_static))
config.write ("\n# The following information is only necessary when you've enabled support for\n")
config.write ("# the game engine.\n")
config.write ("SOLID_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(solid_include))
config.write ("SOLID_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(solid_libpath))
config.write ("SOLID_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(solid_lib))
config.write ("QHULL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(qhull_include))
config.write ("QHULL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(qhull_libpath))
config.write ("QHULL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(qhull_lib))
config.write ("ODE_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(ode_include))
config.write ("ODE_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(ode_libpath))
config.write ("ODE_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(ode_lib))
config.write ("OPENAL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(openal_include))
config.write ("OPENAL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(openal_libpath))
config.write ("OPENAL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(openal_lib))
config.write ("\n# The following information is only necessary when building with\n")
config.write ("# internationalization support.\n");
config.write ("FTGL_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(ftgl_include))
config.write ("FTGL_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(ftgl_libpath))
config.write ("FTGL_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(ftgl_lib))
config.write ("FREETYPE_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(freetype_include))
config.write ("FREETYPE_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(freetype_libpath))
config.write ("FREETYPE_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(freetype_lib))
config.write ("GETTEXT_INCLUDE = %r\n"%(gettext_include))
config.write ("GETTEXT_LIBPATH = %r\n"%(gettext_libpath))
config.write ("GETTEXT_LIBRARY = %r\n"%(gettext_lib))
config.close ()
# Read the options from the config file and update the various necessary flags
list_opts = []
user_options = Options (bs_globals.config_file)
user_options_env = Environment (options = user_options)
user_options.AddOptions (
('VERSION', 'Blender version', version),
(EnumOption ('BUILD_BINARY', 'release',
'Select a release or debug binary.',
allowed_values = ('release', 'debug'))),
(BoolOption ('USE_BUILDINFO',
'Set to 1 if you want to add build information.',
'Set to 1 if you want to build blender with hardware accellerated OpenGL support.',
'Set to 1 if you want to build blender with software OpenGL support.',
'Set to 1 if you want to build the blender player.',
'Set to 1 if you want to build the blender plugin.',
('BUILD_DIR', 'Target directory for intermediate files.',
'Set to 1 to have international support.',
(EnumOption ('USE_PHYSICS', 'solid',
'Select which physics engine to use.',
allowed_values = ('ode', 'solid'))),
'Set to 1 to build blender with game engine support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_OPENAL',
'Set to 1 to build the game engine with OpenAL support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_FMOD',
'Set to 1 to build the game engine with FMod support.',
(BoolOption ('USE_QUICKTIME',
'Set to 1 to add support for QuickTime.',
('HOST_CC', 'C compiler for the host platfor. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'),
('HOST_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the host platform. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'),
('TARGET_CC', 'C compiler for the target platform.'),
('TARGET_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the target platform.'),
('TARGET_AR', 'Linker command for linking libraries.'),
('PATH', 'Standard search path'),
('PLATFORM_LIBS', 'Platform specific libraries.'),
('PLATFORM_LIBPATH', 'Platform specific library link path.'),
('PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS', 'Platform specific linkflags'),
('PYTHON_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for Python header files.'),
('PYTHON_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the Python lib is located.'),
('PYTHON_LIBRARY', 'Python library name.'),
('PYTHON_LINKFLAGS', 'Python specific linkflags.'),
('SDL_CFLAGS', 'Necessary CFLAGS when using sdl functionality.'),
('SDL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for SDL header files.'),
('SDL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the SDL library is located.'),
('SDL_LIBRARY', 'SDL library name.'),
('Z_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for zlib header files.'),
('Z_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the zlib library is located.'),
('Z_LIBRARY', 'Z library name.'),
('PNG_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for png header files.'),
('PNG_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the png library is located.'),
('PNG_LIBRARY', 'png library name.'),
('JPEG_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for jpeg header files.'),
('JPEG_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the jpeg library is located.'),
('JPEG_LIBRARY', 'jpeg library name.'),
('OPENGL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for OpenGL header files.'),
('OPENGL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the OpenGL libraries are located.'),
('OPENGL_LIBRARY', 'OpenGL library names.'),
('OPENGL_STATIC', 'Linker flags for static linking of Open GL.'),
('SOLID_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for SOLID header files.'),
('SOLID_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the SOLID library is located.'),
('SOLID_LIBRARY', 'SOLID library name.'),
('QHULL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for QHULL header files.'),
('QHULL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the QHULL library is located.'),
('QHULL_LIBRARY', 'QHULL library name.'),
('ODE_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for ODE header files.'),
('ODE_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the ODE library is located.'),
('ODE_LIBRARY', 'ODE library name.'),
('OPENAL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for OpenAL header files.'),
('OPENAL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the OpenAL library is located.'),
('OPENAL_LIBRARY', 'OpenAL library name.'),
('FTGL_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for ftgl header files.'),
('FTGL_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the ftgl library is located.'),
('FTGL_LIBRARY', 'ftgl library name.'),
('FREETYPE_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for freetype2 header files.'),
('FREETYPE_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the freetype2 library is located.'),
('FREETYPE_LIBRARY', 'Freetype2 library name.'),
('GETTEXT_INCLUDE', 'Include directory for gettext header files.'),
('GETTEXT_LIBPATH', 'Library path where the gettext library is located.'),
('GETTEXT_LIBRARY', 'gettext library name.'),
('DEFINES', 'Extra Preprocessor defines.'),
('CCFLAGS', 'Extra C Compiler flags.'),
('CXXFLAGS','Extra C++ Compiler flags.'),
('LDFLAGS', 'Extra Linker flags.')
user_options.Update (user_options_env)
user_options_dict = user_options_env.Dictionary()
bs_globals.root_build_dir = user_options_dict['BUILD_DIR']
init_env = Environment()
bs_globals.user_options_dict = user_options_dict
bs_globals.init_env = init_env
bs_globals.version = version
bs_globals.shortversion = shortversion
bs_globals.appname = appname
bs_globals.playername = playername
bs_globals.config_guess = config_guess
if user_options_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE'] == 1:
defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=1']
if user_options_dict['USE_PHYSICS'] == 'ode':
defines += ['USE_ODE']
defines += ['USE_SUMO_SOLID']
defines += ['GAMEBLENDER=0']
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release':
cflags = extra_flags + release_flags + warn_flags
defines += ['NDEBUG']
cflags = extra_flags + debug_flags + warn_flags
if sys.platform == 'win32':
platform_linkflags = ['/DEBUG','/PDB:blender.pdb'] + platform_linkflags
defines += user_options_dict['DEFINES']
cflags += user_options_dict['CCFLAGS']
cxxflags += user_options_dict['CXXFLAGS']
platform_linkflags += user_options_dict['LDFLAGS']
user_options_dict['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS'] = platform_linkflags
# Generic library generation environment. This one is the basis for each
# library.
library_env = env.Copy ()
library_env.Replace (CC = user_options_dict['TARGET_CC'])
library_env.Replace (CXX = user_options_dict['TARGET_CXX'])
library_env.Replace (PATH = user_options_dict['PATH'])
library_env.Replace (AR = user_options_dict['TARGET_AR'])
library_env.Append (CCFLAGS = cflags)
library_env.Append (CXXFLAGS = cxxflags)
library_env.Append (CPPDEFINES = defines)
library_env.SConsignFile (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'scons-signatures')
# Settings to be exported to other SConscript files
2004-01-04 21:11:59 +00:00
if bs_globals.enable_clean==0: # only read SConscripts when not cleaning, this to cut overhead
Export ('cflags')
Export ('defines')
Export ('window_system')
Export ('extra_includes')
Export ('user_options_dict')
Export ('library_env')
BuildDir (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'/extern', 'extern', duplicate=0)
SConscript (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'extern/SConscript')
BuildDir (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'/intern', 'intern', duplicate=0)
SConscript (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'intern/SConscript')
BuildDir (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'/source', 'source', duplicate=0)
SConscript (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'source/SConscript')
libpath = (['#'+bs_globals.root_build_dir+'/lib'])
link_env = library_env.Copy ()
link_env.Append (LIBPATH=libpath)
def buildinfo(env, build_type):
Generate a buildinfo object
build_date = time.strftime ("%Y-%m-%d")
build_time = time.strftime ("%H:%M:%S")
obj = []
if user_options_dict['USE_BUILDINFO'] == 1:
if sys.platform=='win32':
build_info_file = open("source/creator/winbuildinfo.h", 'w')
build_info_file.write("char *build_date=\"%s\";\n"%build_date)
build_info_file.write("char *build_time=\"%s\";\n"%build_time)
build_info_file.write("char *build_platform=\"win32\";\n")
build_info_file.write("char *build_type=\"%s\";\n"%build_type)
env.Append (CPPDEFINES = ['BUILD_TIME=\'"%s"\''%(build_time),
obj = [env.Object (bs_globals.root_build_dir+'source/creator/%s_buildinfo'%build_type,
return obj
if bs_globals.enable_clean == 0:
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_DYNAMIC'] == 1:
dy_blender = link_env.Copy ()
if sys.platform=='win32':
dy_blender.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBRARY'])
dy_blender.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBPATH'])
dy_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE'])
d_obj = buildinfo(dy_blender, "dynamic")
if sys.platform == 'win32':
dy_blender.Program (target='blender',
source=d_obj + ['source/icons/winblender.res'])
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
dy_blender.Replace (CC='g++')
dy_blender.Program (target='blender', source=d_obj)
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_STATIC'] == 1:
st_blender = link_env.Copy ()
if sys.platform=='win32':
# The next line is to make sure that the LINKFLAGS are appended at the end
# of the link command. This 'trick' is needed because the GL and GLU static
# libraries need to be at the end of the command.
s_obj = buildinfo(st_blender, "static")
st_blender.Append (LINKFLAGS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_STATIC'])
st_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE'])
st_blender.Prepend (LIBPATH=['/usr/lib/opengl/xfree/lib'])
st_blender.Program (target='blenderstatic', source=s_obj)
if sys.platform=='win32':
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY']=='debug':
browser = Environment()
browser_tmp = bs_globals.root_build_dir+'bscmake.tmp'
browser.Command ('blender.bsc', 'blender$PROGSUFFIX',
['dir /b/s '+bs_globals.root_build_dir+'*.sbr >'+browser_tmp,
'bscmake /nologo /n /oblender.bsc @'+browser_tmp,
'del '+browser_tmp])
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1 and user_options_dict['BUILD_GAMEENGINE'] == 1:
player_blender = link_env.Copy()
player_blender.Append (LIBS=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBRARY'])
player_blender.Append (LIBPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_LIBPATH'])
player_blender.Append (CPPPATH=user_options_dict['OPENGL_INCLUDE'])
d_obj = buildinfo(player_blender, "player")
if sys.platform == 'win32':
player_blender.Program (target='blenderplayer',
source=d_obj + ['source/icons/winblender.res'])
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
player_blender.Replace (CC='g++')
player_blender.Program (target='blenderplayer', source=d_obj)
if sys.platform=='win32':
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY']=='debug':
browser = Environment()
browser_tmp = bs_globals.root_build_dir+'bscmake.tmp'
browser.Command ('blenderplayer.bsc', 'blenderplayer$PROGSUFFIX',
['dir /b/s '+bs_globals.root_build_dir+'*.sbr >'+browser_tmp,
'bscmake /nologo /n /oblenderplayer.bsc @'+browser_tmp,
'del '+browser_tmp])
release_target = env.Alias("release", bs_arc.BlenderRelease(appname))
default_target = env.Alias("default", bs_default.BlenderDefault(appname))
wininst_target = env.Alias("winist", bs_nsis.BlenderNSIS(appname))
if bs_globals.docopy == 1:
bincopy_target = env.Alias("bincopy", bs_bincopy.BlenderCopy(appname))
else: # only clean target to prevent any building
clean_target = env.Alias("clean", bs_clean.DoClean(bs_globals.root_build_dir))
if bs_globals.enable_clean == 0: # only set up dependencies when not cleaning
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1:
env.Depends(wininst_target, playername)
env.Depends(wininst_target, appname)
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BLENDER_PLAYER'] == 1:
env.Depends(release_target, playername)
env.Depends(default_target, playername)
if bs_globals.docopy == 1:
env.Depends(bincopy_target, playername)
env.Depends(release_target, appname)
env.Depends(default_target, appname)
if bs_globals.docopy == 1:
env.Depends(bincopy_target, appname)