These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release.
ActionGroup.selected -> select: boolean Action Group is selected
BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point: boolean Control point selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status
Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected
Bone.selected -> select: boolean
CurveMapPoint.selected -> select: boolean Selection state of the curve point
EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Bone is able to be selected
EditBone.selected -> select: boolean
EditBone.selected_head -> select_head: boolean
EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail: boolean
EditBone.locked -> lock: boolean Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode
EditBone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode
NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled: boolean F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating
FCurve.locked -> lock: boolean F-Curve's settings cannot be edited
FCurve.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve is not evaluated
FCurve.selected -> select: boolean F-Curve is selected for editing
NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide: boolean F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs
FCurveSample.selected -> select: boolean Selection status
GPencilFrame.selected -> select: boolean Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
GPencilLayer.locked -> lock: boolean Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes
GPencilLayer.selected -> select: boolean Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
Keyframe.selected -> select: boolean Control point selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle: boolean Handle 1 selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle: boolean Handle 2 selection status
MeshEdge.selected -> select: boolean
MeshEdge.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshFace.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshFace.selected -> select: boolean
MeshVertex.hidden -> hide: boolean
MeshVertex.selected -> select: boolean
MotionPathVert.selected -> select: boolean Path point is selected for editing
NlaStrip.selected -> select: boolean NLA Strip is selected
NlaTrack.locked -> lock: boolean NLA Track is locked
NlaTrack.muted -> mute: boolean NLA Track is not evaluated
NlaTrack.selected -> select: boolean NLA Track is selected
Object.restrict_render -> hide_render: boolean Restrict renderability
Object.restrict_select -> hide_select: boolean Restrict selection in the viewport
Object.restrict_view -> hide: boolean Restrict visibility in the viewport
Object.selected -> select: boolean Object selection state
ObjectBase.selected -> select: boolean Object base selection state
PoseBone.selected -> select: boolean
Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle: boolean
Sequence.selected -> select: boolean
SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point: boolean Selection status
TimelineMarker.selected -> select: boolean Marker selection state
Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle: boolean
ActionGroup.locked -> lock: boolean Action Group is locked
Bone.hidden -> hide: boolean Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes)
SplinePoint.hidden -> hide: boolean Visibility status
FModifier.muted -> mute: boolean F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated
note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
- added new mathutils.Color() type, use with rna so we can do for eg:
material.diffuse_color.r = 1.0
# also has hsv access
material.diffuse_color.s = 0.6
- made Mathutils and Geometry module names lowercase.
By default the generated rig object is named "rig". But you can add a custom "rig_object_name" property to the metarig to specify the name of the object to generate into.
- Added two driven-shape-key rig types that create and drive shape keys on a mesh/meshes based on the distance or rotation difference between two bones.
- Fixed bug in finger curl rig type where secondary finger controls were not created. Finger type can also now (optionally) have a hinge switch (useful when using it for wings).
- Changed the blending system in rigify_utils to use copy_transforms constraints instead of copy_loc+copy_rot.
- Finished the quadruped leg type. Now has both ik and fk control and ik/fk switching. Also uses a rotating bone to control the knee direction instead of a pole target (seems to work more consistently for quadruped setups). There's still one annoying bug regarding foot roll, but it's not blocking. I'll track it down later.
- Mouth rig now creates corrective shape keys on the face mesh for dealing with mouth corners when they spread open.
- Biped arm and leg types now cause mesh to scale when you scale the fk controls.
- Misc improvements to the rig types.