- themecolor for the 'bars' in NLA used signed char
- global undo, restore pointers for UI accidentally added user values for
oops and outliner, causing unused blocks to show used
- moved popup menus one pix up or down, it was overlapping the button
causing accidental selection of menus
Deformed meshes (by armature for example) didn't get drawn correctly
for vertex paint, weightpaint, UV faceselect. Was OK in 2.34 :)
Additional to that I found out vertex paint doesn't correctly use the
'Area' option, when a mesh was deformed. That was an oldie.
Plus; made tooltips for 'Area' and 'Normals' in Paint Panel clear.
- Added proper edgeflag test for knife
- Fixed error in 'make face' for cases I again didn't foresee (ordering
of vertices can be any, need to try 3 cases before rejecting)
borkened this... )
- Improved rule for adding face (FKEY); it now checks first for existance
of 4 connected edges, if that exists a face is created anyway, otherwise
it does the convex test. Alexander correctly noted that for subsurfs
non-convex quads should be allowed anyway. Hope this rule satisfies it.
- The function "convex()" in editmesh_lib() actually did not deliver
a proper test for convex at all. It was checking only if a quad could
be subdivided into 2 trias. Code for adding face (FKEY) used this
call in total confusing manner. That code was there in 1.40 already,
cannot find any clue what it was supposed todo... :)
Recoded convex() to deliver a proper test. FKEY will give warning on
attempt to make convex faces now.
- Added undo-free for editmode undo on file load
-- applied patch by Michael Reimpell that lets scripts registration info be either commented out or not (commented, it doesn't interfere with Python documentation tools. The patch also fixes potential overflows, thanks (and sorry for the confusion) again, Michael.
-- fixed NMesh_hasFaceUV, it was returning true for false and vice-versa. Reported by Jonas Petersen with patch, thanks.
-- added 'homedir' and 'uscriptsdir' to Blender.Get() to get Blender's home dir and the user defined scripts dir.
-- related to the above doc updates.
(prevents crash reported by sgefant!)
- Selection outline for Curve objects didnt draw right after leave
- outliner now default when first viewing Oops window (dangerous?)
- Zoom with ctrl+middlemouse works in Oops again
trias to test in quad
- Add undo-push after 'assign material' in curve editmode, plus redraw
to reflect material change
- Added tooltips for opengl light buttons in user presets
- Added correct buttons window redraw for armature selecting in
In DisplayButtons, Panel "Output", a new slider "Dither" allows to add
random noise dither to rendered output. It works on sky as well as solid
and transparent. Note however that in OSA render, the Unified Render gives
much better results, since that render nicely delivers full scanlines of
high definition color. The old render mode isn't well suited for this
A dither value of '1.0' will exactly add maximum of 1.0/256.0 to the
Potential improvements for next releases;
- regular patterns
- dither per color channel
- not only add, but also subtract dither
Also note that this gives best results for print work or stills. Animating it
gives slight visible noise. Also runlength compression wont really work, and
Jpeg needs to be given higher quality too.
Reported was that padplus/padminus doesn't do a zoom in the NLA or Action
windows. Was missing since very beginning! :)
Found conflict with the new NLA strip move up/down, but using the pad
keys for that is a bit too inconsistant. I've now made it using the
PageUp/PageDown and normal plus/minus keys... Hos could check on this
a nice separate function, reducing code size to half and keeping it
readable code :)
Functionality; while holding ALT on a mouse-select, a menu will pop up
displaying all Objects that can be potentially selected. Maximum 22
objects will be displayed. When only one object is found it selects it
automatically, otherwise it allows the user to select/activate by the
- Curve Join now moves all curves to 2D (if its 2D)
- FGon extrude keeps FGon flags correctly
- After Append undo-push added
- In almost all Ipo editing commands; undo-push added
- Icons in outliner now all consistant grey
- Zoffs button had to 20 high (hmetal :)
Old & annoying; error() menu doesnt work while rendering, and is still
called for many occsasions. Error also caused Blender window to screw up.
Now error() just prints during render.
- removed obsolete ">>" from several menu buttons
- removed convert to cardinal/bspline buttons, dont work you know :)
- made sure a HOME event on ActionWindow works on epty window too
-- fixed bug #1689:
Reported by Tom Musgrove (thanks), the problem was that Window.QHandle was not passing events to windows that had id's below the current active window. It was a stupid mistake (mine), the code was iterating from curarea instead of from the first area in the areabase list.
-- fixed bug #1568:
Stephen investigated the problem, reported by Gabriel Beloin, and left hints in the bug report, thanks :). I also implemented what he suggested, now Effect.Get('objname') returns a list with all objname's effects and as before, Get('objname, position') returns the effect at position 'position'. Ref doc already updated.
-- Allowed menu registration lines to appear commented out -- Python comments: '#', of course -- (suggested by Michael Reimpell) in scripts:
Some Python doc tools need the doc strings between triple double-quotes, so to avoid conflicts scripts writers can now comment out the registration code, it should work anyway. Michael also provided a patch for this a few days ago, too (thanks), but to keep changes at a minimum because of proximity to a release I didn't use it.
(well, not on OSX to be noticed :). Discovered thanks to adding filling
of curves in Solid display, and bugreport of intrr that ESC in grabbing
curve gives weird corruption.
from menu code, it left the main window active (for global draw), this
sometimes could screw up drawing calls after... as happens when a command
is executed that draws immediate.
Now the previous window is restored before a menu command is executed
hopefully prevents weird results in grabber... error was that the
editNurb was not used for triangulating.
Also; added drawing the wire as extra in solid display editing curves...
that for unfilled curves as well.
Colorband sliders now activate automatic on a click closer than 12 pixels
away from it. No more clumsy 'act' button stuff.
BTW: Error in utildefines.h, ABS() was defined incorrect.
Deleting only-faces from fgon still draws wires hidden in editmode.
Added extra: when mesh has no faces, it draws wire in solid view, also
doesn't draw the 'fat' outline for selection.
1) Sound window displays 'frs/sec' value correct now (found a 25 hardcoded)
2) LeftMouse click in sliders of IpoWind, NLA, Action allows to make
sliders smaller/larger, for quick zoom. Used to work but disappeared in
early this decade or so :)
- in Solid draw mode, curves without faces draw as wireframe now
- in Solid draw mode, curves without faces don't get fat outline on select
- in Solid draw mode, editing curves shows filled now!
- Undo in texteditor didnt work, event (ALT+U) was swallowed by new undo
menu (ALT+U too)
- global undo doesnt restore UI's as we know... so undo-ing with a text
editor active cannot always restore correct text block you were editing.
As extra service I added that when no restore is possible, it links to
the first block available.
- 1702; edge selection should be evaluated properly before adding face
- 1704; crash in separate, two causes here:
- separate didnt make selection flags consistant (needed badly
there because of evil code)
- after adding quad (Fkey) the face was not selected, but its
vertices were... that can give bad bad crashes
Holding shift, while in extrude transform mode ('n', along normal) popped
the extrusion back to beginning, this due to storage of printing value
in dvec[3]. Simple fix :)