
321 lines
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
from rigify import RigifyError
from rigify_utils import copy_bone_simple
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_prop_get
#METARIG_NAMES = ("cpy",)
RIG_TYPE = "shape_key_control"
def addget_shape_key(obj, name="Key"):
""" Fetches a shape key, or creates it if it doesn't exist
# Create a shapekey set if it doesn't already exist
if is None:
shape = obj.add_shape_key(name="Basis", from_mix=False)
obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
# Get the shapekey, or create it if it doesn't already exist
if name in
shape_key =[name]
shape_key = obj.add_shape_key(name=name, from_mix=False)
return shape_key
def addget_shape_key_driver(obj, name="Key"):
""" Fetches the driver for the shape key, or creates it if it doesn't
already exist.
driver_path = 'keys["' + name + '"].value'
fcurve = None
driver = None
new = False
if is not None:
for driver_s in
if driver_s.data_path == driver_path:
fcurve = driver_s
if fcurve == None:
fcurve =[name].driver_add("value", 0)
fcurve.driver.type = 'AVERAGE'
new = True
return fcurve, new
def metarig_template():
# generated by rigify.write_meta_rig
#obj = bpy.context.active_object
#arm =
#bone ='Bone')
#bone.head[:] = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000
#bone.tail[:] = 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000
#bone.roll = 0.0000
#bone.connected = False
#pbone = obj.pose.bones['Bone']
#pbone['type'] = 'copy'
def metarig_definition(obj, orig_bone_name):
bone =[orig_bone_name]
return []
def main(obj, definitions, base_names, options):
""" A rig that drives shape keys with the local transforms and/or custom
properties of a single bone.
A different shape can be driven by the negative value of a transform as
well by giving a comma-separated list of two shapes.
Required options:
mesh: name of mesh object(s) to add/get shapekeys to/from
(if multiple objects, make a comma-separated list)
Optional options:
loc_<x/y/z>: name of the shape key to tie to translation of the bone
loc_<x/y/z>_fac: default multiplier of the bone influence on the shape key
rot_<x/y/z>: name of the shape key to tie to rotation of the bone
rot_<x/y/z>_fac: default multiplier of the bone influence on the shape key
scale_<x/y/z>: name of the shape key to tie to scale of the bone
scale_<x/y/z>_fac: default multiplier of the bone influence on the shape key
shape_key_sliders: comma-separated list of custom properties to create sliders out of for driving shape keys
<custom_prop>: for each property listed in shape_key_sliders, specify a shape key for it to drive
eb =
pb = obj.pose.bones
org_bone = definitions[0]
# Options
req_options = ["mesh"]
for option in req_options:
if option not in options:
raise RigifyError("'%s' rig type requires a '%s' option (bone: %s)" % (RIG_TYPE, option, base_names[definitions[0]]))
meshes = options["mesh"].replace(" ", "").split(",")
bone = copy_bone_simple(, org_bone, base_names[org_bone], parent=True).name
# Set rotation mode and axis locks
pb[bone].rotation_mode = pb[org_bone].rotation_mode
pb[bone].lock_location = tuple(pb[org_bone].lock_location)
pb[bone].lock_rotation = tuple(pb[org_bone].lock_rotation)
pb[bone].lock_rotation_w = pb[org_bone].lock_rotation_w
pb[bone].lock_rotations_4d = pb[org_bone].lock_rotations_4d
pb[bone].lock_scale = tuple(pb[org_bone].lock_scale)
# List of rig options for specifying shape keys
# Append '_fac' to the end for the name of the corresponding 'factor
# default' option for that shape
shape_key_options = ["loc_x",
driver_paths = {"loc_x":".location[0]",
# Create the shape keys and drivers for transforms
shape_info = []
for option in shape_key_options:
if option in options:
shape_names = options[option].replace(" ", "").split(",")
var_name = bone.replace(".","").replace("-","_") + "_" + option
# Different RNA paths for euler vs quat
if option in (shape_key_options[3:6]+shape_key_options[12:15]) \
and pb[bone].rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
var_path = driver_paths['q' + option]
var_path = driver_paths[option]
if (option+"_fac") in options:
fac = options[option+"_fac"]
fac = 1.0
# Positive
if shape_names[0] != "":
# Different expressions for loc/rot/scale and positive/negative
if option in shape_key_options[:3]:
# Location
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac)
elif option in shape_key_options[3:6]:
# Rotation
# Different expressions for euler vs quats
if pb[bone].rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
expression = "2 * asin(" + var_name + ") * " + str(fac)
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac)
elif option in shape_key_options[6:9]:
# Scale
expression = "(1.0 - " + var_name + ") * " + str(fac) + " * -2"
shape_name = shape_names[0]
create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression)
# Negative
if shape_names[0] != "" and len(shape_names) > 1:
# Different expressions for loc/rot/scale and positive/negative
if option in shape_key_options[:3]:
# Location
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac) + " * -1"
elif option in shape_key_options[3:6]:
# Rotation
# Different expressions for euler vs quats
if pb[bone].rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
expression = "-2 * asin(" + var_name + ") * " + str(fac)
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac) + " * -1"
elif option in shape_key_options[6:9]:
# Scale
expression = "(1.0 - " + var_name + ") * " + str(fac) + " * 2"
shape_name = shape_names[1]
create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression)
# Create the shape keys and drivers for custom-property sliders
if "shape_key_sliders" in options:
# Get the slider names
slider_names = options["shape_key_sliders"].replace(" ", "").split(",")
if slider_names[0] != "":
# Loop through the slider names and check if they have
# shape keys specified for them, and if so, set them up.
for slider_name in slider_names:
if slider_name in options:
shape_names = options[slider_name].replace(" ", "").split(",")
# Set up the custom property on the bone
prop = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(pb[bone], slider_name, create=True)
pb[bone][slider_name] = 0.0
prop["min"] = 0.0
prop["max"] = 1.0
prop["soft_min"] = 0.0
prop["soft_max"] = 1.0
if len(shape_names) > 1:
prop["min"] = -1.0
prop["soft_min"] = -1.0
# Add the shape drivers
# Positive
if shape_names[0] != "":
# Set up the variables for creating the shape key driver
shape_name = shape_names[0]
var_name = slider_name.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
var_path = '["' + slider_name + '"]'
if slider_name + "_fac" in options:
fac = options[slider_name + "_fac"]
fac = 1.0
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac)
# Create the shape key driver
create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression)
# Negative
if shape_names[0] != "" and len(shape_names) > 1:
# Set up the variables for creating the shape key driver
shape_name = shape_names[1]
var_name = slider_name.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
var_path = '["' + slider_name + '"]'
if slider_name + "_fac" in options:
fac = options[slider_name + "_fac"]
fac = 1.0
expression = var_name + " * " + str(fac) + " * -1"
# Create the shape key driver
create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression)
# Org bone copy transforms of control bone
con = pb[org_bone]'COPY_TRANSFORMS') = obj
con.subtarget = bone
return (None,)
def create_shape_and_driver(obj, bone, meshes, shape_name, var_name, var_path, expression):
""" Creates/gets a shape key and sets up a driver for it.
obj = armature object
bone = driving bone name
meshes = list of meshes to create the shapekey/driver on
shape_name = name of the shape key
var_name = name of the driving variable
var_path = path to the property on the bone to drive with
expression = python expression for the driver
pb = obj.pose.bones
for mesh_name in meshes:
mesh_obj =[mesh_name]
# Add/get the shape key
shape = addget_shape_key(mesh_obj, name=shape_name)
# Add/get the shape key driver
fcurve, a = addget_shape_key_driver(mesh_obj, name=shape_name)
# Set up the driver
driver = fcurve.driver
driver.type = 'SCRIPTED'
driver.expression = expression
# Get the variable, or create it if it doesn't already exist
if var_name in driver.variables:
var = driver.variables[var_name]
var = = var_name
# Set up the variable
var.type = "SINGLE_PROP"
var.targets[0].id_type = 'OBJECT'
var.targets[0].id = obj
var.targets[0].data_path = 'pose.bones["' + bone + '"]' + var_path