Benoit Bolsee 3ea1c1b4b6 BGE: new sensor object to generalize Near and Radar sensor, static-static collision capbility.
A new type of "Sensor" physics object is available in the GE for advanced
collision management. It's called Sensor for its similarities with the
physics objects that underlie the Near and Radar sensors.
Like the Near and Radar object it is:
- static and ghost
- invisible by default
- always active to ensure correct collision detection
- capable of detecting both static and dynamic objects
- ignoring collision with their parent
- capable of broadphase filtering based on:
  * Actor option: the collisioning object must have the Actor flag set to be detected
  * property/material: as specified in the collision sensors attached to it
  Broadphase filtering is important for performance reason: the collision points
  will be computed only for the objects that pass the broahphase filter.
- automatically removed from the simulation when no collision sensor is active on it

Unlike the Near and Radar object it can:
- take any shape, including triangle mesh
- be made visible for debugging (just use the Visible actuator)
- have multiple collision sensors using it

Other than that, the sensor objects are ordinary objects. You can move them
freely or parent them. When parented to a dynamic object, they can provide
advanced collision control to this object.

The type of collision capability depends on the shape:
- box, sphere, cylinder, cone, convex hull provide volume detection.
- triangle mesh provides surface detection but you can give some volume
  to the suface by increasing the margin in the Advanced Settings panel.
  The margin applies on both sides of the surface.

Performance tip:
- Sensor objects perform better than Near and Radar: they do less synchronizations
  because of the Scenegraph optimizations and they can have multiple collision sensors
  on them (with different property filtering for example).
- Always prefer simple shape (box, sphere) to complex shape whenever possible.
- Always use broadphase filtering (avoid collision sensor with empty propery/material)
- Use collision sensor only when you need them. When no collision sensor is active
  on the sensor object, it is removed from the simulation and consume no CPU.

Known limitations:
- When running Blender in debug mode, you will see one warning line of the console:
  "warning btCollisionDispatcher::needsCollision: static-static collision!"
  In release mode this message is not printed.
- Collision margin has no effect on sphere, cone and cylinder shape.

Other performance improvements:
- Remove unnecessary interpolation for Near and Radar objects and by extension
  sensor objects.
- Use direct matrix copy instead of quaternion to synchronize orientation.

Other bug fix:
- Fix Near/Radar position error on newly activated objects. This was causing
  several detection problems in YoFrankie
- Fix margin not passed correctly to gImpact shape.
- Disable force/velocity actions on static objects
2009-05-17 12:51:51 +00:00

193 lines
5.7 KiB

* @file $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#include "PHY_IPhysicsController.h"
#include "SM_Scene.h"
#include "SM_Callback.h"
* Sumo Physics Controller, a special kind of a PhysicsController.
* A Physics Controller is a special kind of Scene Graph Transformation Controller.
* Each time the scene graph get's updated, the controller get's a chance
* in the 'Update' method to reflect changes.
* Sumo uses the SOLID library for collision detection.
class SumoPhysicsController : public PHY_IPhysicsController , public SM_Callback
class SM_Scene* sumoScene,
class SM_Object* sumoObj,
class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate,
bool dyna);
virtual ~SumoPhysicsController();
* @name Kinematic Methods.
virtual void RelativeTranslate(float dlocX,float dlocY,float dlocZ,bool local);
* @param drot a 3x4 matrix. This will treated as a 3x3 rotation matrix.
* @warning RelativeRotate expects a 3x4 matrix. The fourth column is padding.
virtual void RelativeRotate(const float drot[12],bool local);
virtual void getOrientation(float &quatImag0,float &quatImag1,float &quatImag2,float &quatReal);
virtual void setOrientation(float quatImag0,float quatImag1,float quatImag2,float quatReal);
virtual void setPosition(float posX,float posY,float posZ);
virtual void getPosition(PHY__Vector3& pos) const;
virtual void setScaling(float scaleX,float scaleY,float scaleZ);
* @name Physics Methods
virtual void ApplyTorque(float torqueX,float torqueY,float torqueZ,bool local);
virtual void ApplyForce(float forceX,float forceY,float forceZ,bool local);
virtual void SetAngularVelocity(float ang_velX,float ang_velY,float ang_velZ,bool local);
virtual void SetLinearVelocity(float lin_velX,float lin_velY,float lin_velZ,bool local);
virtual void resolveCombinedVelocities(float linvelX,float linvelY,float linvelZ,float angVelX,float angVelY,float angVelZ);
virtual void applyImpulse(float attachX,float attachY,float attachZ, float impulseX,float impulseY,float impulseZ);
virtual void SetActive(bool active){};
virtual void SuspendDynamics();
virtual void RestoreDynamics();
* reading out information from physics
virtual void GetLinearVelocity(float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ);
* GetVelocity parameters are in geometric coordinates (Origin is not center of mass!).
virtual void GetVelocity(const float posX,const float posY,const float posZ,float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ);
virtual float getMass();
virtual void getReactionForce(float& forceX,float& forceY,float& forceZ);
virtual void setRigidBody(bool rigid);
virtual void PostProcessReplica(class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate,class PHY_IPhysicsController* parentctrl);
// TODO: remove next line !
virtual void SetSimulatedTime(float time);
virtual void WriteDynamicsToMotionState() {};
virtual void WriteMotionStateToDynamics(bool nondynaonly);
virtual class PHY_IMotionState* GetMotionState();
* call from Scene Graph Node to 'update'.
virtual bool SynchronizeMotionStates(float time);
virtual void calcXform();
virtual void SetMargin(float margin) ;
virtual float GetMargin() const;
virtual float GetRadius() const ;
virtual void SetRadius(float margin) { SetMargin(margin); }
// clientinfo for raycasts for example
virtual void* getNewClientInfo();
virtual void setNewClientInfo(void* clientinfo);
float getFriction() { return m_friction;}
float getRestitution() { return m_restitution;}
* Sumo callback
virtual void do_me();
class SM_Object* GetSumoObject ()
return m_sumoObj;
void GetWorldOrientation(class MT_Matrix3x3& mat);
void GetWorldPosition(MT_Point3& pos);
void GetWorldScaling(MT_Vector3& scale);
float GetLinVelocityMin() const { return 0.f; }
void SetLinVelocityMin(float val) { }
float GetLinVelocityMax() const { return 0.f; }
void SetLinVelocityMax(float val) { }
// void SetSumoObject(class SM_Object* sumoObj) {
// m_sumoObj = sumoObj;
// }
// void SetSumoScene(class SM_Scene* sumoScene) {
// m_sumoScene = sumoScene;
// }
void setSumoTransform(bool nondynaonly);
class SM_Object* m_sumoObj;
class SM_Scene* m_sumoScene; // needed for replication
bool m_bFirstTime;
bool m_bDyna;
float m_friction;
float m_restitution;
bool m_suspendDynamics;
bool m_firstTime;
bool m_bFullRigidBody;
bool m_bPhantom; // special flag for objects that are not affected by physics 'resolver'
// data to calculate fake velocities for kinematic objects (non-dynas)
bool m_bKinematic;
bool m_bPrevKinematic;
float m_lastTime;
class PHY_IMotionState* m_MotionState;