forked from bartvdbraak/blender
1) Remove WITH_FREETYPE2 from code, so now blender always need freetype2 2) Remove the old bmfont 3) Remove ftfont and bFTGL library 4) Implement a new BLF_draw_default function for place that still need/use the old BMF api. I try to update both, scons and cmake, but I only can test with make, so hope all work fine. MSVC is broken, but I don't have Windows, things to search and fix are any reference to WITH_FREETYPE2, FTGL and BMFONT (take in care that blenkernel also have a BKE_bmfont.h, this don't have anything to do with bmfont). Always have to link/include the freetype2 library Remove any reference to libbmfont Remove any reference to libftfont Remove any reference to libbftgl (or libbFTGL)
32 lines
1.6 KiB
32 lines
1.6 KiB
Import ('env')
sources = env.Glob('*.cpp')
defs = []
incs = '. #source/kernel/gen_system #intern/string #intern/guardedalloc'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Rasterizer/RAS_OpenGLRasterizer'
incs += ' #intern/SoundSystem #intern/SoundSystem/include #intern/SoundSystem/openal'
incs += ' #intern/SoundSystem/dummy #intern/SoundSystem/intern #source/gameengine/Converter'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/BlenderRoutines #source/blender/imbuf'
incs += ' #intern/moto/include #source/gameengine/Ketsji #source/gameengine/Ketsji/KXNetwork'
incs += ' #source/blender/blenlib #source/blender/blenkernel #source/blender'
incs += ' #source/blender/editors/include #source/blender/makesdna #source/gameengine/Rasterizer'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Rasterizer/RAS_OpenGLRasterizer #source/gameengine/GameLogic'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Expressions #source/gameengine/Network #source/gameengine/SceneGraph'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Physics/common #source/gameengine/Physics/Bullet #source/gameengine/Physics/BlOde'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Physics/Dummy'
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Network/LoopBackNetwork'
incs += ' #source/blender/misc #source/blender/blenloader #source/blender/gpu'
incs += ' #source/blender/windowmanager'
if env['WITH_BF_SOLID']:
incs += ' #source/gameengine/Physics/Sumo #source/gameengine/Physics/Sumo/Fuzzics/include'
incs += ' ' + env['BF_SOLID_INC']
incs += ' ' + env['BF_PYTHON_INC']
incs += ' ' + env['BF_BULLET_INC']
env.BlenderLib ( 'bf_converter', sources, Split(incs), defs, libtype=['core','player'], priority=[305,50] )