> Last argument specifies interrupt function to use. This function only responds to ARP requests. This is important because, packet generation and transmitting is handled by a separate thread. Calling memif_tx_burst from multiple threads writing on same queue could transmit uninitialized buffers.
Once connection is established, you can send ping from VPP to icmpr-epoll app to learn its mac address.
DBGvpp# ping
> There should be no ICMP response. Only ARP response.
Now send ICMP requests from icmpr-epoll:
send <index><num-of-packets><ip_daddr><hw_daddr>
send 0 5 02:fe:ff:ff:ff:ff
this command will create new thread which will generate icmp packets and transmit them over memif connection with specified index. Once the sequence is finished status will be printed.
This test case will not drop packets if memif ring is full. Instead it will loop until all required packets have been sent.
Start two instances of icmpr-epoll example app.
instance 1:
conn 0 1 0
instance 2:
conn 0 0 1
send 0 5 aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa
> icmpr-epoll example app doesn't check ip or mac address so as long as the format is correct you can type anything as ip_daddr and hw_daddr arguments.