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# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
"""VPP util library"""
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import requests
from collections import Counter
import distro
ubuntu_pkgs = {
"release": [
"master": [
centos_pkgs = {
"release": [
"master": [
class VPPUtil(object):
"""General class for any VPP related methods/functions."""
def exec_command(cmd, timeout=None):
"""Execute a command on the local node.
:param cmd: Command to run locally.
:param timeout: Timeout value
:type cmd: str
:type timeout: int
:return return_code, stdout, stderr
:rtype: tuple(int, str, str)
logging.info(" Local Command: {}".format(cmd))
out = ""
err = ""
prc = subprocess.Popen(
with prc.stdout:
lines = prc.stdout.readlines()
for line in lines:
if type(line) != str:
line = line.decode()
logging.info(" {}".format(line.strip("\n")))
out += line
with prc.stderr:
lines = prc.stderr.readlines()
for line in lines:
if type(line) != str:
line = line.decode()
logging.warning(" {}".format(line.strip("\n")))
err += line
ret = prc.wait()
return ret, out, err
def _autoconfig_backup_file(self, filename):
Create a backup file.
:param filename: The file to backup
:type filename: str
# Does a copy of the file exist, if not create one
ofile = filename + ".orig"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command("ls {}".format(ofile))
if ret != 0:
if stdout.strip("\n") != ofile:
cmd = "sudo cp {} {}".format(filename, ofile)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
def _install_vpp_ubuntu(self, node, branch, ubuntu_version="xenial"):
Install the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:param branch: VPP branch
:param ubuntu_version: Ubuntu Version
:type node: dict
:type branch: string
:type ubuntu_version: string
# Modify the sources list
sfile = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list"
# Backup the sources list
reps = "deb [trusted=yes] https://packagecloud.io/fdio/"
reps += "{}/ubuntu {} main\n".format(branch, ubuntu_version)
with open(sfile, "w") as sfd:
# Add the key
key = requests.get("https://packagecloud.io/fdio/{}/gpgkey".format(branch))
cmd = 'echo "{}" | apt-key add -'.format(key.content.decode(key.encoding))
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr)
# Install the package
cmd = "apt-get -y update"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} apt-get update failed on node {} {}".format(
cmd, node["host"], stderr
# Get the package list
pkgstr = ""
for ps in ubuntu_pkgs[branch]:
pkgstr += ps + " "
cmd = "apt-get -y install {}".format(pkgstr)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def _install_vpp_centos(self, node, branch):
Install the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:param branch: The branch name release or master
:type node: dict
:type branch: string
# Be sure the correct system packages are installed
cmd = "yum -y update"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
logging.debug("{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr))
cmd = "yum -y install pygpgme yum-utils"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
logging.debug("{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr))
# Modify the sources list
sfile = "/etc/yum.repos.d/fdio-release.repo"
# Backup the sources list
# Remove the current file
cmd = "rm {}".format(sfile)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
logging.debug("{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr))
# Get the file contents
reps = "\n".join(
"sslverify =1",
with open(sfile, "w") as sfd:
# Update the fdio repo
cmd = "yum clean all"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
logging.debug("{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr))
cmd = "yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' " "--enablerepo='fdio_{}'".format(
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
logging.debug("{} failed on node {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stderr))
# Get the package list
pkgstr = ""
for ps in centos_pkgs[branch]:
pkgstr += ps + " "
cmd = "yum -y install {}".format(pkgstr)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def install_vpp(self, node, branch):
Install the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:param branch: The branch name
:type node: dict
:type branch: string
distro = self.get_linux_distro()
logging.info(" {}".format(distro[0]))
if distro[0] == "Ubuntu":
logging.info("Install Ubuntu")
self._install_vpp_ubuntu(node, branch, ubuntu_version=distro[2])
elif distro[0] == "CentOS Linux":
logging.info("Install CentOS")
self._install_vpp_centos(node, branch)
logging.info("Install CentOS (default)")
self._install_vpp_centos(node, branch)
def _uninstall_vpp_ubuntu(self, node):
Uninstall the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:type node: dict
# get the package list
pkgstr = ""
pkgs = self.get_installed_vpp_pkgs()
for pkg in pkgs:
pkgname = pkg["name"]
pkgstr += pkgname + " "
cmd = "dpkg --purge {}".format(pkgstr)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def _uninstall_vpp_centos(self, node):
Uninstall the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:type node: dict
pkgstr = ""
pkgs = self.get_installed_vpp_pkgs()
for pkg in pkgs:
pkgname = pkg["name"]
pkgstr += pkgname + " "
logging.info("Uninstalling {}".format(pkgstr))
cmd = "yum -y remove {}".format(pkgstr)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def uninstall_vpp(self, node):
Uninstall the VPP packages
:param node: Node dictionary with cpuinfo.
:type node: dict
# First stop VPP
distro = self.get_linux_distro()
if distro[0] == "Ubuntu":
logging.info("Uninstall Ubuntu")
elif distro[0] == "CentOS Linux":
logging.info("Uninstall CentOS")
logging.info("Uninstall CentOS (Default)")
def show_vpp_settings(self, *additional_cmds):
Print default VPP settings. In case others are needed, can be
accepted as next parameters (each setting one parameter), preferably
in form of a string.
:param additional_cmds: Additional commands that the vpp should print
settings for.
:type additional_cmds: tuple
def_setting_tb_displayed = {
"IPv6 FIB": "ip6 fib",
"IPv4 FIB": "ip fib",
"Interface IP": "int addr",
"Interfaces": "int",
"ARP": "ip arp",
"Errors": "err",
if additional_cmds:
for cmd in additional_cmds:
def_setting_tb_displayed["Custom Setting: {}".format(cmd)] = cmd
for _, value in def_setting_tb_displayed.items():
self.exec_command("vppctl sh {}".format(value))
def get_vms(node):
Get a list of VMs that are connected to VPP interfaces
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
:returns: Dictionary containing a list of VMs and the interfaces
that are connected to VPP
:rtype: dictionary
vmdict = {}
print("Need to implement get vms")
return vmdict
def get_int_ip(node):
Get the VPP interfaces and IP addresses
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
:returns: Dictionary containing VPP interfaces and IP addresses
:rtype: dictionary
interfaces = {}
cmd = "vppctl show int addr"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
return interfaces
lines = stdout.split("\n")
if len(lines[0]) != 0:
if lines[0].split(" ")[0] == "FileNotFoundError":
return interfaces
name = ""
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 0:
# If the first character is not whitespace
# create a new interface
if len(re.findall(r"\s", line[0])) == 0:
spl = line.split()
name = spl[0]
if name == "local0":
interfaces[name] = {}
interfaces[name]["state"] = spl[1].lstrip("(").rstrip("):\r")
interfaces[name]["address"] = line.lstrip(" ").rstrip("\r")
return interfaces
def get_hardware(node):
Get the VPP hardware information and return it in a
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
:returns: Dictionary containing VPP hardware information
:rtype: dictionary
interfaces = {}
cmd = "vppctl show hard"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
return interfaces
lines = stdout.split("\n")
if len(lines[0]) != 0:
if lines[0].split(" ")[0] == "FileNotFoundError":
return interfaces
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 0:
# If the first character is not whitespace
# create a new interface
if len(re.findall(r"\s", line[0])) == 0:
spl = line.split()
name = spl[0]
interfaces[name] = {}
interfaces[name]["index"] = spl[1]
interfaces[name]["state"] = spl[2]
# Ethernet address
rfall = re.findall(r"Ethernet address", line)
if rfall:
spl = line.split()
interfaces[name]["mac"] = spl[2]
# Carrier
rfall = re.findall(r"carrier", line)
if rfall:
spl = line.split("carrier ")
interfaces[name]["carrier"] = spl[1]
# Socket
spl = ""
rfall = re.findall(r"numa \d+", line)
if rfall:
spl = rfall[0].split()
interfaces[name]["numa"] = rfall[0].split()[1]
# Queues and Descriptors
rfall = re.findall(r"rx\: queues \d+", line)
if rfall:
interfaces[name]["rx queues"] = rfall[0].split()[2]
rdesc = re.findall(r"desc \d+", line)
if rdesc:
interfaces[name]["rx descs"] = rdesc[0].split()[1]
rfall = re.findall(r"tx\: queues \d+", line)
if rfall:
interfaces[name]["tx queues"] = rfall[0].split()[2]
rdesc = re.findall(r"desc \d+", line)
if rdesc:
interfaces[name]["tx descs"] = rdesc[0].split()[1]
return interfaces
def _get_installed_vpp_pkgs_ubuntu(self):
Get the VPP hardware information and return it in a
:returns: List of the packages installed
:rtype: list
pkgs = []
cmd = "dpkg -l | grep vpp"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
return pkgs
lines = stdout.split("\n")
for line in lines:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 2:
pkg = {"name": items[1], "version": items[2]}
return pkgs
def _get_installed_vpp_pkgs_centos(self):
Get the VPP hardware information and return it in a
:returns: List of the packages installed
:rtype: list
pkgs = []
cmd = "rpm -qa | grep vpp"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = self.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
return pkgs
lines = stdout.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 0:
items = line.split()
if len(items) < 2:
pkg = {"name": items[0]}
pkg = {"name": items[1], "version": items[2]}
return pkgs
def get_installed_vpp_pkgs(self):
Get the VPP hardware information and return it in a
:returns: List of the packages installed
:rtype: list
distro = self.get_linux_distro()
if distro[0] == "Ubuntu":
pkgs = self._get_installed_vpp_pkgs_ubuntu()
elif distro[0] == "CentOS Linux":
pkgs = self._get_installed_vpp_pkgs_centos()
pkgs = self._get_installed_vpp_pkgs_centos()
return []
return pkgs
def get_interfaces_numa_node(node, *iface_keys):
"""Get numa node on which are located most of the interfaces.
Return numa node with highest count of interfaces provided as
Return 0 if the interface does not have numa_node information
If all interfaces have unknown location (-1), then return 0.
If most of interfaces have unknown location (-1), but there are
some interfaces with known location, then return the second most
location of the provided interfaces.
:param node: Node from DICT__nodes.
:param iface_keys: Interface keys for lookup.
:type node: dict
:type iface_keys: strings
numa_list = []
for if_key in iface_keys:
except KeyError:
numa_cnt_mc = Counter(numa_list).most_common()
numa_cnt_mc_len = len(numa_cnt_mc)
if numa_cnt_mc_len > 0 and numa_cnt_mc[0][0] != -1:
return numa_cnt_mc[0][0]
elif numa_cnt_mc_len > 1 and numa_cnt_mc[0][0] == -1:
return numa_cnt_mc[1][0]
return 0
def restart(node):
Starts vpp for a given node
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
cmd = "service vpp restart"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def start(node):
Starts vpp for a given node
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
cmd = "service vpp start"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
def stop(node):
Stops vpp for a given node
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
cmd = "service vpp stop"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
# noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape
def status(node):
Gets VPP status
:param: node
:type node: dict
:returns: status, errors
:rtype: tuple(str, list)
errors = []
vutil = VPPUtil()
pkgs = vutil.get_installed_vpp_pkgs()
if len(pkgs) == 0:
return "Not Installed", errors
cmd = "service vpp status"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
# Get the active status
state = re.findall(r"Active:[\w (\)]+", stdout)[0].split(" ")
if len(state) > 2:
statestr = "{} {}".format(state[1], state[2])
statestr = "Invalid"
# For now we won't look for DPDK errors
# lines = stdout.split('\n')
# for line in lines:
# if 'EAL' in line or \
# 'FAILURE' in line or \
# 'failed' in line or \
# 'Failed' in line:
# errors.append(line.lstrip(' '))
return statestr, errors
def get_linux_distro():
Get the linux distribution and check if it is supported
:returns: linux distro, None if the distro is not supported
:rtype: list
dist = distro.linux_distribution()
if dist[0] == "Ubuntu" or dist[0] == "CentOS Linux" or dist[:7] == "Red Hat":
return dist
raise RuntimeError("Linux Distribution {} is not supported".format(dist[0]))
def version():
Gets VPP Version information
:returns: version
:rtype: dict
version = {}
cmd = "vppctl show version verbose"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
return version
lines = stdout.split("\n")
if len(lines[0]) != 0:
if lines[0].split(" ")[0] == "FileNotFoundError":
return version
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 0:
dct = line.split(":")
version[dct[0]] = dct[1].lstrip(" ")
return version
def show_bridge(node):
Shows the current bridge configuration
:param node: VPP node.
:type node: dict
:returns: A list of interfaces
ifaces = []
cmd = "vppctl show bridge"
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr)
lines = stdout.split("\r\n")
bridges = []
for line in lines:
if line == "no bridge-domains in use":
return ifaces
if len(line) == 0:
lspl = line.lstrip(" ").split()
if lspl[0] != "BD-ID":
for bridge in bridges:
cmd = "vppctl show bridge {} detail".format(bridge)
(ret, stdout, stderr) = VPPUtil.exec_command(cmd)
if ret != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"{} failed on node {} {} {}".format(
cmd, node["host"], stdout, stderr
lines = stdout.split("\r\n")
for line in lines:
iface = re.findall(r"[a-zA-z]+\d+/\d+/\d+", line)
if len(iface):
ifcidx = {"name": iface[0], "index": line.split()[1]}
return ifaces