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""" test framework utilities """
import ipaddress
import logging
import socket
from socket import AF_INET6
import os.path
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import UserDict
import scapy.compat
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.layers.inet import IP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, IPv6ExtHdrFragment, IPv6ExtHdrRouting,\
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.utils import hexdump
from scapy.utils6 import in6_mactoifaceid
from io import BytesIO
from vpp_papi import mac_pton
# Set up an empty logger for the testcase that can be overridden as necessary
null_logger = logging.getLogger('VppTestCase.util')
def pr(packet):
return packet.__repr__()
def ppp(headline, packet):
""" Return string containing headline and output of scapy packet.show() """
return '%s\n%s\n\n%s\n' % (headline,
hexdump(packet, dump=True),
def ppc(headline, capture, limit=10):
""" Return string containing ppp() printout for a capture.
:param headline: printed as first line of output
:param capture: packets to print
:param limit: limit the print to # of packets
if not capture:
return headline
tail = ""
if limit < len(capture):
tail = "\nPrint limit reached, %s out of %s packets printed" % (
limit, len(capture))
body = "".join([ppp("Packet #%s:" % count, p)
for count, p in zip(range(0, limit), capture)])
return "%s\n%s%s" % (headline, body, tail)
def ip4_range(ip4, s, e):
tmp = ip4.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
return ("%s.%d" % (tmp, i) for i in range(s, e))
def mcast_ip_to_mac(ip):
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
if not ip.is_multicast:
raise ValueError("Must be multicast address.")
ip_as_int = int(ip)
if ip.version == 4:
mcast_mac = "01:00:5e:%02x:%02x:%02x" % ((ip_as_int >> 16) & 0x7f,
(ip_as_int >> 8) & 0xff,
ip_as_int & 0xff)
mcast_mac = "33:33:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % ((ip_as_int >> 24) & 0xff,
(ip_as_int >> 16) & 0xff,
(ip_as_int >> 8) & 0xff,
ip_as_int & 0xff)
return mcast_mac
# wrapper around scapy library function.
def mk_ll_addr(mac):
euid = in6_mactoifaceid(str(mac))
addr = "fe80::" + euid
return addr
def ip6_normalize(ip6):
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6,
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip6))
def get_core_path(tempdir):
return "%s/%s" % (tempdir, get_core_pattern())
def is_core_present(tempdir):
return os.path.isfile(get_core_path(tempdir))
def get_core_pattern():
with open("/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern", "r") as f:
corefmt = f.read().strip()
return corefmt
def check_core_path(logger, core_path):
corefmt = get_core_pattern()
if corefmt.startswith("|"):
"WARNING: redirecting the core dump through a"
" filter may result in truncated dumps.")
" You may want to check the filter settings"
" or uninstall it and edit the"
" /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern accordingly.")
" current core pattern is: %s" % corefmt)
class NumericConstant:
desc_dict = {}
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def __int__(self):
return self._value
def __long__(self):
return self._value
def __str__(self):
if self._value in self.desc_dict:
return self.desc_dict[self._value]
return ""
class Host:
""" Generic test host "connected" to VPPs interface. """
def mac(self):
""" MAC address """
return self._mac
def bin_mac(self):
""" MAC address """
return mac_pton(self._mac)
def ip4(self):
""" IPv4 address - string """
return self._ip4
def ip4n(self):
""" IPv4 address of remote host - raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, self._ip4)
def ip6(self):
""" IPv6 address - string """
return self._ip6
def ip6n(self):
""" IPv6 address of remote host - raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self._ip6)
def ip6_ll(self):
""" IPv6 link-local address - string """
return self._ip6_ll
def ip6n_ll(self):
""" IPv6 link-local address of remote host -
raw, suitable as API parameter."""
return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self._ip6_ll)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Host):
return (self.mac == other.mac and
self.ip4 == other.ip4 and
self.ip6 == other.ip6 and
self.ip6_ll == other.ip6_ll)
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
return "Host { mac:%s ip4:%s ip6:%s ip6_ll:%s }" % (self.mac,
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__repr__())
def __init__(self, mac=None, ip4=None, ip6=None, ip6_ll=None):
self._mac = mac
self._ip4 = ip4
self._ip6 = ip6
self._ip6_ll = ip6_ll
class L4_Conn():
""" L4 'connection' tied to two VPP interfaces """
def __init__(self, testcase, if1, if2, af, l4proto, port1, port2):
self.testcase = testcase
self.ifs = [None, None]
self.ifs[0] = if1
self.ifs[1] = if2
self.address_family = af
self.l4proto = l4proto
self.ports = [None, None]
self.ports[0] = port1
self.ports[1] = port2
def pkt(self, side, l4args={}, payload="x"):
is_ip6 = 1 if self.address_family == AF_INET6 else 0
s0 = side
s1 = 1 - side
src_if = self.ifs[s0]
dst_if = self.ifs[s1]
layer_3 = [IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_if.remote_ip4),
IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_if.remote_ip6)]
merged_l4args = {'sport': self.ports[s0], 'dport': self.ports[s1]}
p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) /
layer_3[is_ip6] /
self.l4proto(**merged_l4args) /
return p
def send(self, side, flags=None, payload=""):
l4args = {}
if flags is not None:
l4args['flags'] = flags
l4args=l4args, payload=payload))
self.ifs[1 - side].enable_capture()
def recv(self, side):
p = self.ifs[side].wait_for_packet(1)
return p
def send_through(self, side, flags=None, payload=""):
self.send(side, flags, payload)
p = self.recv(1 - side)
return p
def send_pingpong(self, side, flags1=None, flags2=None):
p1 = self.send_through(side, flags1)
p2 = self.send_through(1 - side, flags2)
return [p1, p2]
class L4_CONN_SIDE:
def fragment_rfc791(packet, fragsize, logger=null_logger):
Fragment an IPv4 packet per RFC 791
:param packet: packet to fragment
:param fragsize: size at which to fragment
:note: IP options are not supported
:returns: list of fragments
logger.debug(ppp("Fragmenting packet:", packet))
packet = packet.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(packet)) # recalc. all values
if len(packet[IP].options) > 0:
raise Exception("Not implemented")
if len(packet) <= fragsize:
return [packet]
pre_ip_len = len(packet) - len(packet[IP])
ip_header_len = packet[IP].ihl * 4
hex_packet = scapy.compat.raw(packet)
hex_headers = hex_packet[:(pre_ip_len + ip_header_len)]
hex_payload = hex_packet[(pre_ip_len + ip_header_len):]
pkts = []
ihl = packet[IP].ihl
otl = len(packet[IP])
nfb = int((fragsize - pre_ip_len - ihl * 4) / 8)
fo = packet[IP].frag
p = packet.__class__(hex_headers + hex_payload[:nfb * 8])
p[IP].flags = "MF"
p[IP].frag = fo
p[IP].len = ihl * 4 + nfb * 8
del p[IP].chksum
p = packet.__class__(hex_headers + hex_payload[nfb * 8:])
p[IP].len = otl - nfb * 8
p[IP].frag = fo + nfb
del p[IP].chksum
more_fragments = fragment_rfc791(p, fragsize, logger)
return pkts
def fragment_rfc8200(packet, identification, fragsize, logger=null_logger):
Fragment an IPv6 packet per RFC 8200
:param packet: packet to fragment
:param fragsize: size at which to fragment
:note: IP options are not supported
:returns: list of fragments
packet = packet.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(packet)) # recalc. all values
if len(packet) <= fragsize:
return [packet]
logger.debug(ppp("Fragmenting packet:", packet))
pkts = []
counter = 0
routing_hdr = None
hop_by_hop_hdr = None
upper_layer = None
seen_ipv6 = False
ipv6_nr = -1
l = packet.getlayer(counter)
while l is not None:
if l.__class__ is IPv6:
if seen_ipv6:
# ignore 2nd IPv6 header and everything below..
ipv6_nr = counter
seen_ipv6 = True
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrFragment:
raise Exception("Already fragmented")
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrRouting:
routing_hdr = counter
elif l.__class__ is IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop:
hop_by_hop_hdr = counter
elif seen_ipv6 and not upper_layer and \
not l.__class__.__name__.startswith('IPv6ExtHdr'):
upper_layer = counter
counter = counter + 1
l = packet.getlayer(counter)
"Layers seen: IPv6(#%s), Routing(#%s), HopByHop(#%s), upper(#%s)" %
(ipv6_nr, routing_hdr, hop_by_hop_hdr, upper_layer))
if upper_layer is None:
raise Exception("Upper layer header not found in IPv6 packet")
last_per_fragment_hdr = ipv6_nr
if routing_hdr is None:
if hop_by_hop_hdr is not None:
last_per_fragment_hdr = hop_by_hop_hdr
last_per_fragment_hdr = routing_hdr
logger.debug("Last per-fragment hdr is #%s" % (last_per_fragment_hdr))
per_fragment_headers = packet.copy()
logger.debug(ppp("Per-fragment headers:", per_fragment_headers))
ext_and_upper_layer = packet.getlayer(last_per_fragment_hdr)[1]
hex_payload = scapy.compat.raw(ext_and_upper_layer)
logger.debug("Payload length is %s" % len(hex_payload))
logger.debug(ppp("Ext and upper layer:", ext_and_upper_layer))
fragment_ext_hdr = IPv6ExtHdrFragment()
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment header:", fragment_ext_hdr))
len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload = len(ext_and_upper_layer.payload)
if not len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload and \
hasattr(ext_and_upper_layer, "data"):
len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload = len(ext_and_upper_layer.data)
if len(per_fragment_headers) + len(fragment_ext_hdr) +\
len(ext_and_upper_layer) - len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload\
> fragsize:
raise Exception("Cannot fragment this packet - MTU too small "
"(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
len(per_fragment_headers), len(fragment_ext_hdr),
len_ext_and_upper_layer_payload, fragsize))
orig_nh = packet[IPv6].nh
p = per_fragment_headers
del p[IPv6].plen
del p[IPv6].nh
p = p / fragment_ext_hdr
del p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
first_payload_len_nfb = int((fragsize - len(p)) / 8)
p = p / Raw(hex_payload[:first_payload_len_nfb * 8])
del p[IPv6].plen
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh = orig_nh
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id = identification
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset = 0
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 1
p = p.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(p))
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment %s:" % len(pkts), p))
offset = first_payload_len_nfb * 8
logger.debug("Offset after first fragment: %s" % offset)
while len(hex_payload) > offset:
p = per_fragment_headers
del p[IPv6].plen
del p[IPv6].nh
p = p / fragment_ext_hdr
del p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
l_nfb = int((fragsize - len(p)) / 8)
p = p / Raw(hex_payload[offset:offset + l_nfb * 8])
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh = orig_nh
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id = identification
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset = int(offset / 8)
p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 1
p = p.__class__(scapy.compat.raw(p))
logger.debug(ppp("Fragment %s:" % len(pkts), p))
offset = offset + l_nfb * 8
pkts[-1][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].m = 0 # reset more-flags in last fragment
return pkts
def reassemble4_core(listoffragments, return_ip):
buffer = BytesIO()
first = listoffragments[0]
for pkt in listoffragments:
first.len = len(buffer.getvalue()) + 20
first.flags = 0
if return_ip:
header = bytes(first[IP])[:20]
return first[IP].__class__(header + buffer.getvalue())
header = bytes(first[Ether])[:34]
return first[Ether].__class__(header + buffer.getvalue())
def reassemble4_ether(listoffragments):
return reassemble4_core(listoffragments, False)
def reassemble4(listoffragments):
return reassemble4_core(listoffragments, True)
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
class UnexpectedPacketError(Exception):
def __init__(self, packet, msg=""):
self.packet = packet
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return f"\nUnexpected packet:\n{pr(self.packet)}{self.msg}"
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def recursive_dict_merge(dict_base, dict_update):
"""Recursively merge base dict with update dict, return merged dict"""
for key in dict_update:
if key in dict_base:
if type(dict_update[key]) is dict:
dict_base[key] = recursive_dict_merge(dict_base[key],
dict_base[key] = dict_update[key]
dict_base[key] = dict_update[key]
return dict_base
class StatsDiff(UserDict):
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats:
diff_dictionary =
"err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, },
sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5,
'/stat/segment/counter2' : 6,
sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7,
It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment
path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index.
Special case string "err" is used for error counters, which are not per
__slots__ = () # prevent setting properties to act like a dictionary
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def __init__(self, data):
tests: add enhanced packet counter verification Add support for inline packet counter verification to send_and_* functions. Diff dictionary is a dictionary of dictionaries of interesting stats: diff_dictionary = { "err" : { '/error/counter1' : 4, }, sw_if_index1 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 5, '/stat/segment/counter2' : 6, }, sw_if_index2 : { '/stat/segment/counter1' : 7, }, } It describes a per sw-if-index diffset, where each key is stat segment path and value is the expected change for that counter for sw-if-index. Special case string "err" is used for error counters. This then allows more precise packet counter verification by first defining a "zero" dictionary, e.g. for ED NAT: cls.no_diff = StatsDiff({ pg.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/fastpath/drops': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/tcp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/udp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/icmp': 0, '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': 0, } for pg in cls.pg_interfaces }) and then to specify only changed counters directly when calling one of send_and_* functions: self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, pkts, msg="i2o pkts", stats_diff=self.no_diff | { "err": { '/err/nat44-ed-in2out-slowpath/out of ports': len(pkts), }, self.pg0.sw_if_index: { '/nat44-ed/in2out/slowpath/drops': len(pkts), }, } ) operator | is overloaded by StatsDiff class to perform a deep merge operation, so in above case, dictionaries for "err" and self.pg0.sw_if_index do not overwrite whole sub-dictionaries, rather the contents are merged, assuring that all the remaining counters are verified to be zero. Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Klement Sekera <klement.sekera@gmail.com> Change-Id: I2b87f7bd58a7d4b34ee72344e2f871b2f372e2d9
2022-02-18 10:34:35 +00:00
def __or__(self, other):
return recursive_dict_merge(deepcopy(self.data), other)