- Generalize encap for overlay transport (vxlan-gpe support)
- Improve data plane speed
- NSH added to encap/decap path
- Renamed LISP GPE API to GPE
- Performance improvements (quad loop)
- Command line interface
- Echo function
- Remote demand mode
- SHA1 authentication
* IPsec
- IKEv2 initiator features
- unify IP4/IP6 control plane handling
API changes
* Python API: To avoid conflicts between VPP API messages names and the Python API binding function names, the VPP API methods are put into a separate proxy object https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/5570/
The api methods are now referenced as: vpp_handle = VPP(jsonfiles) vpp_handle.connect(...) vpp = vpp_handle.api vpp.show_version() vpp_handle.disconnect()
For backwards compatibility VPP API methods are left in the main name space (VPP), but will be removed from 17.07.
- Python API: Change from cPython to CFFI.
* create_loopback message to be replaced with create_loopback_instance create_loopback will be removed from 17.07. `<https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/5572/>`_
Known issues
For the full list of issues please refer to fd.io `JIRA <https://jira.fd.io/>`_.
Issues fixed
For the full list of fixed issues please refer to: