Vagrantfile doesn't rm git/vpp and vagrant reload --provision

result is not expected. ie don't get updates

- only applied ubuntu changes in this patch.

Change-Id: I194f5120734d63f1b815f86bb510f0c0981dd89b
Signed-off-by: Keith Burns (alagalah) <>
This commit is contained in:
Keith Burns (alagalah)
2016-01-31 20:53:46 +01:00
committed by Gerrit Code Review
parent 004da76d2b
commit f5a857d52c

@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ start hugepages
# Setup the vpp code
cd ~vagrant/
sudo -u vagrant mkdir git
cd git/
# You will need to alter this line to reflect reality.
# Check if git exists and remove it before attempting clone, else clone ineffective when "reload --provision"
[ -d vpp ] && rm -rf vpp
sudo -H -u vagrant git clone /vpp
cd vpp/