This has two benefits: fix an issue where small packets can be
padded to 64 bytes by the ethernet layer, and we included these bytes
in the tcp stream; and also if we receive a small packet, it signals
that this tcp stream is likely more latency-sensitive than throughput-
sensitive, and skipping gro buffering should be beneficial.
Type: fix
Change-Id: I165b97673d8cdce95ebf0a66c362ae9f9e6f3f34
Signed-off-by: Aloys Augustin <>
- Generate copyright year and version
instead of using hard-coded data
Type: refactor
Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <>
Change-Id: I6058f5025323b3aa483f5df4a2c4371e27b5914e
- Refactor make test code to be co-located with
the vpp feature source code
Type: test
Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <>
Change-Id: Id9c5bf2cd01b6c1fd1750b4978d01597ee3bbf53