- Package update performed by
1. updating pip, pip-tools, setuptools
2. 'make test-refresh-deps' on ubuntu 22.04
3. fixing 'make test' and 'make docs' issues
on ubuntu 22.04
4. 'make test-refresh-deps' on ubuntu 20.04
- Add dependency for 'make test-refresh-deps'
to insure python venv is set up.
- Update of python formatter, black,
caused reformating of 41 python code
Type: make
Change-Id: I7cafdf4b5189065ac57cb6b254937f6e0897a924
Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <dwallacelf@gmail.com>
Add a new tool packetforge to extras. This tool is to support generic flow.
Packetforge is a library to translate naming or json profile format flow
pattern to the required input of generic flow, i.e. spec and mask. Using
python script flow_create.py, it can add and enable a new flow rule for
an interface via flow VAPI, and can delete an existed flow rule as well.
Command examples are shown below. Json profile examples can be found in
Naming format input:
python flow_create.py --add -p "mac()/ipv4(src=,dst="
-a "redirect-to-queue 3" -i 1
python flow_create.py --del -i 1 -I 0
Json profile format input:
python flow_create.py -f "./flow_rule_examples/mac_ipv4.json" -i 1
With this command, flow rule can be added or deleted, and the flow
entry can be listed with "show flow entry" command in VPP CLI.
Packetforge is based on a parsegraph. The parsegraph can be built by
users. A Spec can be found in ./parsegraph as guidance. More details
about packetforge are in README file.
Type: feature
Signed-off-by: Ting Xu <ting.xu@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ia9f539741c5dca27ff236f2bcc493c5dd48c0df1