This patch refactors the VPP sphinx docs in order to make it easier to consume for external readers as well as VPP developers. It also makes sphinx the single source of documentation, which simplifies maintenance and operation. Most important updates are: - reformat the existing documentation as rst - split RELEASE.md and move it into separate rst files - remove section 'events' - remove section 'archive' - remove section 'related projects' - remove section 'feature by release' - remove section 'Various links' - make (Configuration reference, CLI docs, developer docs) top level items in the list - move 'Use Cases' as part of 'About VPP' - move 'Troubleshooting' as part of 'Getting Started' - move test framework docs into 'Developer Documentation' - add a 'Contributing' section for gerrit, docs and other contributer related infos - deprecate doxygen and test-docs targets - redirect the "make doxygen" target to "make docs" Type: refactor Change-Id: I552a5645d5b7964d547f99b1336e2ac24e7c209f Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <ayourtch@gmail.com>
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.. _interface:
.. toctree::
Create Interfaces Commands
This section contains those interface commands that are associated to creating an interface:
* `Create Host-Interface`_
* `Create Interface Memif`_
* `Create Loopback Interface`_
* `Create Sub-Interfaces`_
.. note:: For a complete list of CLI Debug commands refer to the Debug CLI section of the `Source Code Documents <https://docs.fd.io/vpp/18.07/clicmd.html>`_ .
Create Host-Interface
.. code-block:: console
create host-interface name <*ifname*> [*hw-addr <*mac-addr*>]
Create a host interface that will attach to a linux AF_PACKET interface, one side of a veth pair.
The veth pair must already exist. Once created, a new host interface will exist in VPP with the name
'host-<*ifname*>', where '<*ifname*>' is the name of the specified veth pair.
Use the `show interface` command to display host interface details.
This command has the following optional parameters:
hw-addr <*mac-addr*> - Optional ethernet address, can be in either X:X:X:X:X:X unix or X.X.X cisco format
Example Usage
Example of how to create a host interface tied to one side of an existing linux veth pair named vpp1:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create host-interface name vpp1
Once the host interface is created, enable the interface using:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# set interface state host-vpp1 up
Declaration and Implementation
**Declaration:** af_packet_create_command (src/vnet/devices/af_packet/cli.c line 133)
**Implementation:** af_packet_create_command_fn
Create Interface Memif
.. code-block:: console
create interface memif [id <*id*>] [socket-id <*socket-id*>] [ring-size <*size*>] [buffer-size <*size*>] [hw-addr <*mac-address*>] <master|slave> [rx-queues <*number*>] [tx-queues <*number*>] [mode ip] [secret <*string*>]
Declaration and Implementation
**Declaration:** memif_create_command (src/plugins/memif/cli.c line 258)
**Implementation:** memif_create_command_fn
Create Loopback Interface
Create a loopback interface. Optionally, a MAC Address can be provided. If not provided, de:ad:00:00:00:<*loopId*> will be used.
.. code-block:: console
create loopback interface [mac <*mac-addr*>] [instance <*instance*>]
Example Usage
The following two command syntaxes are equivalent:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# loopback create-interface [mac <*mac-addr*>] [instance <*instance*>]
vpp# create loopback interface [mac <*mac-addr*>] [instance <*instance*>]
Example of how to create a loopback interface:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create loopback interface
Declaration and Implementation
**Declaration:** create_loopback_interface_command (src/vnet/ethernet/interface.c line 879)
**Implementation:** create_simulated_ethernet_interfaces
Create Sub-Interfaces
This command is used to add VLAN IDs to interfaces, also known as
subinterfaces. The primary input to this command is the *interface*
and *subId* (subinterface Id) parameters. If no additional VLAN ID is
provide, the VLAN ID is assumed to be the *subId*. The VLAN ID and
*subId* can be different, but this is not recommended.
This command has several variations:
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*> - Create a subinterface
to process packets with a given 802.1q VLAN ID (same value as the
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*> default - Adding the
*default* parameter indicates that packets with VLAN IDs that do
not match any other subinterfaces should be sent to this
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*> untagged - Adding the
*untagged* parameter indicates that packets no VLAN IDs should be
sent to this subinterface.
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*>-<*subId*> - Create a
range of subinterfaces to handle a range of VLAN IDs.
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*> dot1q|dot1ad <*vlanId*>|any
[exact-match] - Use this command to explicitly specify the outer VLAN ID,
or to make the VLAN ID different from the *subId*.
- **create sub-interfaces** <*interface*> <*subId*> dot1q|dot1ad <*vlanId*>|any
inner-dot1q <*vlanId*>|any [exact-match] - Use this command to
specify the outer VLAN ID and the inner VLAN ID.
When *dot1q* or *dot1ad* is explicitly entered, subinterfaces can be
configured as either *exact-match* or *non-exact match*. *Non-exact match* is
the CLI default. If *exact-match* is specified, packets must have the
same number of VLAN tags as the configuration. For *non-exact-match*,
packets must at least that number of tags. L3 (routed) interfaces must
be configured as exact-match. L2 interfaces are typically configured as
non-exact-match. If *dot1q* or *dot1ad* is NOT entered, then the
default behavior is *exact-match*.
Use the **show interface** command to display all subinterfaces.
.. code-block:: shell
create sub-interfaces <interface> {<subId> [default|untagged]} | {<subId>-<subId>} | {<subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any [inner-dot1q <vlanId>|any] [exact-match]}
Example Usage
Example of how to create a VLAN subinterface 11 to process packets on 802.1q VLAN ID 11:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11
The previous example is shorthand and is equivalent to:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 11 exact-match
Example of how to create a subinterface number that is different from the VLAN ID:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100
Examples of how to create q-in-q and q-in-any subinterfaces:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q 200
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q any
Examples of how to create dot1ad interfaces:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1ad 11
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1ad 100 inner-dot1q 200
Examples of *exact-match* versus non-exact match. A packet with outer VLAN 100 and inner VLAN 200 would match this interface, because the default is non-exact match:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100
However, the same packet would NOT match this interface because *exact-match* is specified and only one VLAN is configured, but packet contains two VLANs:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100 exact-match
Example of how to created a subinterface to process untagged packets:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 untagged
Example of how to created a subinterface to process any packet with a VLAN ID that does not match any other subinterface:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 7 default
When subinterfaces are created, they are in the down state. Example of how to enable a newly created subinterface:
.. code-block:: console
vpp# set interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.7 up