Pierre Pfister 889178c02a VPP-152: mheap_alloc returns 0 when the requested heap size is too small
mheap_alloc allocates memory_size bytes of memory and returns
a page-aligned memory space prefixed with a word-aligned
header of type mheap_t.

This header includes the actual usable space size, but
when the requested size is too small, the computed size
was incorrect (infinite).

mheap_alloc now returns 0 in such cases.

With help from Yoann Desmouceaux.

Change-Id: I00af63d573d6939aca53dbe7ff612b726bd8f0df
Signed-off-by: Pierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com>
2016-06-19 13:31:59 +00:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00
2015-12-08 15:47:27 -07:00

Welcome to vppinfra a programming library of basic data structures.

vec.c		dynamic vectors
bitmap.h	dynamic bitmaps
heap.c		allocation heap of objects (sub-objects have variable size)
pool.h		allocation pool (like heap with size always 1)
hash.c		dynamic hash tables
mheap.c		memory allocator (a la dlmalloc)

format.c	extendable printf-like thing built on top of vectors
std-formats.c	formats for unix data structures, networking stuff, ...
timer.c		arrange for functions to be called at given times.

Build, Test, Install, Use...
    If this package came from the distribution tar ball, skip to the
    Build Section.  If this was a gentoo ebuild, after emerge/ebuild,
    skip to the Use Section; otherwise, start with Pre-Build.

    1) svn checkout svn://teaktechnologies.com/fn/trunk/clib clib
    2) autoreconf [-v][-f][-i]	# regenerate configuration files

    1) cd BUILD			#  which may be different than this SRC dir
    2) ${SRC}/configure [--host=CHOST]
    3) make

    If not cross-compiling (i.e. CBUILD == CHOST), use "make check" to
    run the validation programs.

    With the root effective user ID (i.e. su or sudo), run "make install".

    We need to reference man pages and theory of operation.