IOAM code. Support dynamically adding options. By default only process HBH if explicitly configured to. Otherwise we'll just set ourselves up to be a victim of DOS. Change-Id: I41cdfdc00aeaa0cf568e4463440b89be761b6b7d Signed-off-by: Ole Troan <ot@cisco.com>
85 lines
1.3 KiB
85 lines
1.3 KiB
tap connect tap0
set int state tap-0 up
set int ip address tap-0 1::1/64
packet-generator new {
name hbh1
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 48-48
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
hex 0x3B00010403040506
incrementing 100
packet-generator new {
name hbh2
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 48-48
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
hex 0x3B00C10403040506
incrementing 100
packet-generator new {
name hbh3
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 48-48
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
hex 0x3BffC10403040506
incrementing 100
packet-generator new {
name hbh4
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 64-64
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
hex 0x3BffC10403040506
incrementing 100
packet-generator new {
name hbh5
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 56-56
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
length 16
hex 0x3B010104030405060106030405060708
incrementing 100
packet-generator new {
name hbh6
limit 1
node ip6-input
size 56-56
data {
IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS: 1::2 -> 1::2
length 16
hex 0x3a00050200000100
ICMP echo_request
incrementing 100
tr add pg-input 100