Bonus corner-case bugfix in bitmap.h, found during the exercise. Issue dates from 2001 or thereabouts. Please review this specific change carefully. lcov_post: filter system include directories and generated files in build-root Type: improvement Signed-off-by: Dave Barach <dave@barachs.net> Change-Id: Iaa0b63e9dc571dfe3d992197ac49ba4d93403c61
13 lines
268 B
Executable File
13 lines
268 B
Executable File
set -e
cd build-root
rm -rf html
mkdir html
lcov --no-checksum --directory . --capture --output-file out.info
lcov --remove out.info \
"/usr/include/*" "*/build-root/*" "/opt/*" "/usr/lib/*" \
-o filtered.info
genhtml filtered.info -o html