Marek Gradzki 74e2efad55 Remove unused jvpp dependency on plugins' control_ping
Change-Id: I6ebb69443e79e60c7ce6afded6a2d3af85048e6e
Signed-off-by: Marek Gradzki <mgradzki@cisco.com>
2016-11-03 16:42:03 +00:00

146 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# l
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import importlib
import sys
import os
from jvppgen import types_gen
from jvppgen import callback_gen
from jvppgen import notification_gen
from jvppgen import dto_gen
from jvppgen import jvpp_callback_facade_gen
from jvppgen import jvpp_future_facade_gen
from jvppgen import jvpp_impl_gen
from jvppgen import jvpp_c_gen
from jvppgen import util
# Invocation:
# ~/Projects/vpp/vpp-api/jvpp/gen$ mkdir -p java/io/fd/vpp/jvpp && cd java/io/fd/vpp/jvpp
# ~/Projects/vpp/vpp-api/jvpp/gen/java/io/fd/vpp/jvpp$ ../../../../jvpp_gen.py -idefs_api_vpp_papi.py
# Compilation:
# ~/Projects/vpp/vpp-api/jvpp/gen/java/io/fd/vpp/jvpp$ javac *.java dto/*.java callback/*.java
# where
# defs_api_vpp_papi.py - vpe.api in python format (generated by vppapigen)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VPP Java API generator')
parser.add_argument('-i', action="store", dest="inputfile")
parser.add_argument('--plugin_name', action="store", dest="plugin_name")
args = parser.parse_args()
print "Generating Java API for %s" % args.inputfile
importdir = os.path.dirname(args.inputfile)
print "importdir %s" % importdir
inputfile = os.path.basename(args.inputfile)
inputfile = inputfile.replace('.py', '')
print "inputfile %s" % inputfile
plugin_name = args.plugin_name
print "plugin_name %s" % plugin_name
cfg = importlib.import_module(inputfile, package=None)
def is_request_field(field_name):
return field_name not in {'_vl_msg_id', 'client_index', 'context'}
def is_response_field(field_name):
return field_name not in {'_vl_msg_id'}
def get_args(t, filter):
arg_list = []
for i in t:
if not filter(i[1]):
return arg_list
def get_types(t, filter):
types_list = []
lengths_list = []
for i in t:
if not filter(i[1]):
if len(i) is 3: # array type
types_list.append(i[0] + '[]')
lengths_list.append((i[2], False))
elif len(i) is 4: # variable length array type
types_list.append(i[0] + '[]')
lengths_list.append((i[3], True))
else: # primitive type
lengths_list.append((0, False))
return types_list, lengths_list
def get_definitions(defs):
# Pass 1
func_list = []
func_name = {}
for a in defs:
java_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(a[0])
# For replies include all the arguments except message_id
if util.is_reply(java_name):
types, lengths = get_types(a[1:], is_response_field)
func_name[a[0]] = dict(
[('name', a[0]), ('java_name', java_name),
('args', get_args(a[1:], is_response_field)), ('full_args', get_args(a[1:], lambda x: True)),
('types', types), ('lengths', lengths)])
# For requests skip message_id, client_id and context
types, lengths = get_types(a[1:], is_request_field)
func_name[a[0]] = dict(
[('name', a[0]), ('java_name', java_name),
('args', get_args(a[1:], is_request_field)), ('full_args', get_args(a[1:], lambda x: True)),
('types', types), ('lengths', lengths)])
# Indexed by name
return func_list, func_name
base_package = 'io.fd.vpp.jvpp'
plugin_package = base_package + '.' + plugin_name
types_package = 'types'
dto_package = 'dto'
callback_package = 'callback'
notification_package = 'notification'
future_package = 'future'
# TODO find better package name
callback_facade_package = 'callfacade'
types_list, types_name = get_definitions(cfg.types)
types_gen.generate_types(types_list, plugin_package, types_package, inputfile)
func_list, func_name = get_definitions(cfg.messages)
dto_gen.generate_dtos(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name.title(), dto_package, args.inputfile)
jvpp_impl_gen.generate_jvpp(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name, dto_package, args.inputfile)
callback_gen.generate_callbacks(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name.title(), callback_package, dto_package, args.inputfile)
notification_gen.generate_notification_registry(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name.title(), notification_package, callback_package, dto_package, args.inputfile)
jvpp_c_gen.generate_jvpp(func_list, plugin_name, args.inputfile)
jvpp_future_facade_gen.generate_jvpp(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name.title(), dto_package, callback_package, notification_package, future_package, args.inputfile)
jvpp_callback_facade_gen.generate_jvpp(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name.title(), dto_package, callback_package, notification_package, callback_facade_package, args.inputfile)
print "Java API for %s generated successfully" % args.inputfile