Change-Id: Icf0e01d1dec69d48664ed633205248359b653f4d Signed-off-by: jdenisco <jdenisco@cisco.com>
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.. _ubuntu:
.. toctree::
Ubuntu 18.04 - Setup the FD.io Repository
Choose one of the following releases to install.
Update the OS
It is a good idea to first update and upgrade the OS before starting; run the
following command to update the OS:
.. code-block:: console
apt-get update
Point to the Repository
Create a file **/etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list** with contents that point to
the version needed. The contents needed are shown below.
.. _install_vpp:
VPP latest Release
Create the file **/etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list** that contain the following contents:
.. code-block:: console
deb [trusted=yes] https://packagecloud.io/fdio/release/ubuntu bionic main
Get the key:
.. code-block:: console
curl -L https://packagecloud.io/fdio/release/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
VPP master Branch
Create the file **/etc/apt/sources.list.d/99fd.io.list** that contain the following contents:
.. code-block:: console
deb [trusted=yes] https://packagecloud.io/fdio/master/ubuntu bionic main
Get the key:
.. code-block:: console
curl -L https://packagecloud.io/fdio/master/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
Install the Mandatory Packages
Install the mandatory packages by running the following commands:
.. code-block:: console
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vpp vpp-plugin-core vpp-plugin-dpdk
Install the Optional Packages
Install the optional packages by running the following command:
.. code-block:: console
sudo apt-get install vpp-api-python python3-vpp-api vpp-dbg vpp-dev
Uninstall the Packages
Uninstall the packages by running the following command:
.. code-block:: console
sudo apt-get remove --purge vpp*