This patch refactors the VPP sphinx docs in order to make it easier to consume for external readers as well as VPP developers. It also makes sphinx the single source of documentation, which simplifies maintenance and operation. Most important updates are: - reformat the existing documentation as rst - split RELEASE.md and move it into separate rst files - remove section 'events' - remove section 'archive' - remove section 'related projects' - remove section 'feature by release' - remove section 'Various links' - make (Configuration reference, CLI docs, developer docs) top level items in the list - move 'Use Cases' as part of 'About VPP' - move 'Troubleshooting' as part of 'Getting Started' - move test framework docs into 'Developer Documentation' - add a 'Contributing' section for gerrit, docs and other contributer related infos - deprecate doxygen and test-docs targets - redirect the "make doxygen" target to "make docs" Type: refactor Change-Id: I552a5645d5b7964d547f99b1336e2ac24e7c209f Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <ayourtch@gmail.com>
111 lines
3.7 KiB
111 lines
3.7 KiB
.. _vhost02:
Creating the Virtual Machine
We will now create the virtual machine. We use the "virsh create command".
It is important to note that in the XML file we specify the socket path that is used to connect to
FD.io VPP.
This is done with a section that looks like this
.. code-block:: console
<interface type='vhostuser'>
<mac address='52:54:00:4c:47:f2'/>
<source type='unix' path='/tmp//vm00.sock' mode='server'/>
<driver rx_queue_size='1024' tx_queue_size='1024'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<alias name='net1'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
Notice the **interface type** and the **path** to the socket.
Now we create the VM. The virsh list command shows the VMs that have been created. We start with no VMs.
.. code-block:: console
$ virsh list
Id Name State
Create the VM with the virsh create command specifying our xml file.
.. code-block:: console
$ virsh create ./iperf3-vm.xml
Domain iperf-server3 created from ./iperf3-vm.xml
$ virsh list
Id Name State
65 iperf-server3 running
The VM is now created.
.. note::
After a VM is created an xml file can created with "virsh dumpxml".
.. code-block:: console
$ virsh dumpxml iperf-server3
<domain type='kvm' id='65'>
<memory unit='KiB'>262144</memory>
Once the virtual machine is created notice the socket filename shows **Success** and
there are **Memory Regions**. At this point the VM and FD.io VPP are connected. Also
notice **qsz 1024**. A queue size of 256 will affect vhost throughput. The qsz should
be 1024. In QEMU 2.10.0 and libvirt 3.7.0 and later versions this is specified in the
xml file with the line **<driver rx_queue_size='1024' tx_queue_size='1024'/>** shown above
and in the example.
.. code-block:: console
vpp# show vhost
Virtio vhost-user interfaces
coalesce frames 32 time 1e-3
number of rx virtqueues in interrupt mode: 0
Interface: VirtualEthernet0/0/0 (ifindex 3)
virtio_net_hdr_sz 12
features mask (0xffffffffffffffff):
features (0x58208000):
protocol features (0x3)
socket filename /tmp/vm00.sock type client errno "Success"
rx placement:
thread 1 on vring 1, polling
tx placement: spin-lock
thread 0 on vring 0
thread 1 on vring 0
Memory regions (total 2)
region fd guest_phys_addr memory_size userspace_addr mmap_offset mmap_addr
====== ===== ================== ================== ================== ================== =============== ===
0 31 0x0000000000000000 0x00000000000a0000 0x00007f1db9c00000 0x0000000000000000 0x00007f7db0400 000
1 32 0x00000000000c0000 0x000000000ff40000 0x00007f1db9cc0000 0x00000000000c0000 0x00007f7d94ec0 000
Virtqueue 0 (TX)
qsz 1024 last_avail_idx 0 last_used_idx 0
avail.flags 0 avail.idx 256 used.flags 1 used.idx 0
kickfd 33 callfd 34 errfd -1
Virtqueue 1 (RX)
qsz 1024 last_avail_idx 8 last_used_idx 8
avail.flags 0 avail.idx 8 used.flags 1 used.idx 8
kickfd 29 callfd 35 errfd -1