Dave Wallace bc35f469c8 build: remove opensuse build infra
- VPP on opensuse has not been supported
  for several releases.

Type: fix

Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <dwallacelf@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I2b5316ad5c20a843b8936f4ceb473f932a5338d9
2020-09-21 06:59:48 +00:00
2020-09-21 06:59:48 +00:00
2020-09-21 06:59:48 +00:00
2020-09-21 06:59:48 +00:00


This is a vagrant environment for VPP.

VPP currently works under Linux and has support for:

- Ubuntu 16.04 and Centos7.2

The VM builds VPP from source which can be located at /vpp

This vagrant environment creates a VM based on environment variables found in ./env.sh
To customize the vm for your use case, edit env.sh then
  source ./env.sh
  vagrant up

By default, the VM created is/has:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- 2 vCPUs
- 4G of RAM
- 3 NICs (1 x NAT - host access, 2 x VPP DPDK enabled)


Supported vagrant providers are:

- Virtualbox, VMware Fusion/Workstation, Libvirt


The following Vagrantfiles provide alternate configurations for specific testing purposes.  To use them,

1. Copy the desired configuration to Vagrantfile
2. Run "vagrant up"
3. vagrant ssh <vm name>

When testing is complete
4. Run "vagrant destroy" to stop the VM's and delete files.
5. Run "git checkout -- Vagrantfile" to restore the default configuration

Available Vagrantfiles:

Vagrantfile.vcl_test  - Create two vm's for multi-host VppCommLib testing