* compiler -march= parameter is changed from native to corei7 so code is always genereted with instructions which are available on the Nehalem microarchitecture (up to SSE4.2) * compiler -mtune= parameter is added so code is optimized for corei7-avx which equals to Sandy Bridge microarchitecture * set of macros is added which allows run-time detection of available cpu instructions (e.g. clib_cpu_supports_avx()) * set of macros is added which allows us to clone graph node funcitons where cloned function is optmized for different microarchitecture Those macros are using following attributes: __attribute__((flatten)) __attribute__((target("arch=core-avx2))) I.e. If applied to foo_node_fn() macro will generate cloned functions foo_node_fn_avx2() and foo_node_fn_avx512() (future) It will also generate function void * foo_node_fn_multiarch_select() which detects available instruction set and returns pointer to the best matching function clone. Change-Id: I2dce0ac92a5ede95fcb56f47f3d1f3c4c040bac0 Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# vector packet processor
vpp_arch = native
vpp_march = corei7 # Nehalem Instruction set
vpp_mtune = corei7-avx # Optimize for Sandy Bridge
vpp_dpdk_arch = corei7
vpp_native_tools = vppapigen
vpp_uses_dpdk = yes
# Uncoment to enable building unit tests
# vpp_enable_tests = yes
vpp_root_packages = vpp vlib vlib-api vnet svm vpp-api-test \
vpp-api gmod
vpp_configure_args_vpp = --with-dpdk
vnet_configure_args_vpp = --with-dpdk
# Set these parameters carefully. The vlib_buffer_t is 128 bytes, i.e.
vlib_configure_args_vpp = --with-pre-data=128
# DPDK configuration parameters
# vpp_uses_external_dpdk = yes
# vpp_dpdk_inc_dir = /usr/include/dpdk
# vpp_dpdk_lib_dir = /usr/lib
# vpp_dpdk_shared_lib = yes
vpp_debug_TAG_CFLAGS = -g -O0 -DCLIB_DEBUG -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=$(MARCH) \
-fstack-protector-all -fPIC -Werror
vpp_debug_TAG_LDFLAGS = -g -O0 -DCLIB_DEBUG -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=$(MARCH) \
-fstack-protector-all -fPIC -Werror
vpp_TAG_CFLAGS = -g -O2 -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=$(MARCH) -mtune=$(MTUNE) \
-fstack-protector -fPIC -Werror
vpp_TAG_LDFLAGS = -g -O2 -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=$(MARCH) -mtune=$(MTUNE) \
-fstack-protector -fPIC -Werror
vpp_gcov_TAG_CFLAGS = -g -O0 -DCLIB_DEBUG -march=$(MARCH) \
-fPIC -Werror -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
vpp_gcov_TAG_LDFLAGS = -g -O0 -DCLIB_DEBUG -march=$(MARCH) \
-fPIC -Werror -coverage