Damjan Marion 79dcbc74cd Always use 'lib' instead of 'lib64'
It is packaging responsibility to put libs in the right place.
Use of lib64 resulted in huge amount of files with hardcoded lib64.
This patch simplifies things...

Change-Id: Iab0dea0583e480907732c5d2379eb951a00fa9e6
Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>
2018-09-12 16:38:59 +00:00
2018-09-12 16:38:59 +00:00
2018-09-12 16:38:59 +00:00

vcl-ldpreload: a LD_PRELOAD library that uses the VPP Communications Library (VCL).

User can LD_PRELOAD any application that uses POSIX socket API.

NOTE: The sources have been moved to .../vpp/src/vcl and libvcl_ldpreload.so libvcl-ldpreload.so is built with VPP and can be found in .../vpp/build-root/install-vpp[_debug]-native/vpp/lib


1. Running the demo

Run test script without parameters to see help menu:

export WS_ROOT= (e.g. /scratch/my_name/vpp) $WS_ROOT/test/scripts/socket_test.sh

2. Docker iPerf examples.

These launch xterms. To quit, close xterms and run following docker kill cmd (WARNING: This will kill all docker containers!) 'docker kill $(docker ps -q)'

Docker iPerf using default Linux Bridge

$WS_ROOT/test/scripts/socket_test.sh -bi docker-kernel

Docker iPerf using VPP

$WS_ROOT/test/scripts/socket_test.sh -bi docker-preload