Add a bihash-based ACL lookup mechanism and make it a new default. This changes the time required to lookup a 5-tuple match from O(total_N_entries) to O(total_N_mask_types), where "mask type" is an overall mask on the 5-tuple required to represent an ACE. For testing/comparison there is a temporary debug CLI "set acl-plugin use-hash-acl-matching {0|1}", which, when set to 0, makes the plugin use the "old" linear lookup, and when set to 1, makes it use the hash-based lookup. Based on the discussions on vpp-dev mailing list, prevent assigning the ACL index to an interface, when the ACL with that index is not defined, also prevent deleting an ACL if that ACL is applied. Also, for the easier debugging of the state, there are new debug CLI commands to see the ACL plugin state at several layers: "show acl-plugin acl [index N]" - show a high-level ACL representation, used for the linear lookup and as a base for building the hashtable-based lookup. Also shows if a given ACL is applied somewhere. "show acl-plugin interface [sw_if_index N]" - show which interfaces have which ACL(s) applied. "show acl-plugin tables" - a lower-level debug command used to see the state of all of the related data structures at once. There are specifiers possible, which make for a more focused and maybe augmented output: "show acl-plugin tables acl [index N]" show the "bitmask-ready" representations of the ACLs, we well as the mask types and their associated indices. "show acl-plutin tables mask" show the derived mask types and their indices only. "show acl-plugin tables applied [sw_if_index N]" show the table of all of the ACEs applied for a given sw_if_index or all interfaces. "show acl-plugin tables hash [verbose N]" show the 48x8 bihash used for the ACL lookup. Change-Id: I89fff051424cb44bcb189e3cee04c1b8f76efc28 Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <ayourtch@gmail.com>
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" ACL plugin extended stateful tests """
import unittest
from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
from scapy.packet import Packet
from socket import inet_pton, AF_INET, AF_INET6
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6Unknown, ICMPv6EchoRequest
from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6EchoReply, IPv6ExtHdrRouting
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6ExtHdrFragment
from pprint import pprint
from random import randint
def to_acl_rule(self, is_permit, wildcard_sport=False):
p = self
rule_family = AF_INET6 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else AF_INET
rule_prefix_len = 128 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else 32
rule_l3_layer = IPv6 if p.haslayer(IPv6) else IP
rule_l4_sport = p.sport
rule_l4_dport = p.dport
if p.haslayer(IPv6):
rule_l4_proto = p[IPv6].nh
rule_l4_proto = p[IP].proto
if wildcard_sport:
rule_l4_sport_first = 0
rule_l4_sport_last = 65535
rule_l4_sport_first = rule_l4_sport
rule_l4_sport_last = rule_l4_sport
new_rule = {
'is_permit': is_permit,
'is_ipv6': p.haslayer(IPv6),
'src_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
'src_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
'dst_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
'dst_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
'srcport_or_icmptype_first': rule_l4_sport_first,
'srcport_or_icmptype_last': rule_l4_sport_last,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_first': rule_l4_dport,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_last': rule_l4_dport,
'proto': rule_l4_proto,
return new_rule
Packet.to_acl_rule = to_acl_rule
class IterateWithSleep():
def __init__(self, testcase, n_iters, description, sleep_sec):
self.curr = 0
self.testcase = testcase
self.n_iters = n_iters
self.sleep_sec = sleep_sec
self.description = description
def __iter__(self):
for x in range(0, self.n_iters):
yield x
class Conn():
def __init__(self, testcase, if1, if2, af, l4proto, port1, port2):
self.testcase = testcase
self.ifs = [None, None]
self.ifs[0] = if1
self.ifs[1] = if2
self.address_family = af
self.l4proto = l4proto
self.ports = [None, None]
self.ports[0] = port1
self.ports[1] = port2
def pkt(self, side):
is_ip6 = 1 if self.address_family == AF_INET6 else 0
s0 = side
s1 = 1-side
src_if = self.ifs[s0]
dst_if = self.ifs[s1]
layer_3 = [IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_if.remote_ip4),
IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_if.remote_ip6)]
payload = "x"
p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) /
layer_3[is_ip6] /
self.l4proto(sport=self.ports[s0], dport=self.ports[s1]) /
return p
def apply_acls(self, reflect_side, acl_side):
pkts = []
pkt = pkts[reflect_side]
r = []
r.append(pkt.to_acl_rule(2, wildcard_sport=True))
res = self.testcase.api_acl_add_replace(0xffffffff, r)
self.testcase.assert_equal(res.retval, 0, "error adding ACL")
reflect_acl_index = res.acl_index
r = []
res = self.testcase.api_acl_add_replace(0xffffffff, r)
self.testcase.assert_equal(res.retval, 0, "error adding deny ACL")
deny_acl_index = res.acl_index
if reflect_side == acl_side:
self.ifs[acl_side].sw_if_index, 2, 1,
self.ifs[1-acl_side].sw_if_index, 0, 0, [])
self.ifs[acl_side].sw_if_index, 2, 1,
self.ifs[1-acl_side].sw_if_index, 0, 0, [])
def wildcard_rule(self, is_permit):
any_addr = ["", "::"]
rule_family = self.address_family
is_ip6 = 1 if rule_family == AF_INET6 else 0
new_rule = {
'is_permit': is_permit,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6,
'src_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family, any_addr[is_ip6]),
'src_ip_prefix_len': 0,
'dst_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family, any_addr[is_ip6]),
'dst_ip_prefix_len': 0,
'srcport_or_icmptype_first': 0,
'srcport_or_icmptype_last': 65535,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_first': 0,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_last': 65535,
'proto': 0,
return new_rule
def send(self, side):
def recv(self, side):
p = self.ifs[side].wait_for_packet(1)
return p
def send_through(self, side):
p = self.recv(1-side)
return p
def send_pingpong(self, side):
p1 = self.send_through(side)
p2 = self.send_through(1-side)
return [p1, p2]
@unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests(), "part of extended tests")
class ACLPluginConnTestCase(VppTestCase):
""" ACL plugin connection-oriented extended testcases """
def setUpClass(self):
super(ACLPluginConnTestCase, self).setUpClass()
# create pg0 and pg1
for i in self.pg_interfaces:
def tearDown(self):
"""Run standard test teardown and log various show commands
super(ACLPluginConnTestCase, self).tearDown()
if not self.vpp_dead:
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show ip arp"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show ip6 neighbors"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show acl-plugin sessions"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show acl-plugin acl"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show acl-plugin interface"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show acl-plugin tables"))
def api_acl_add_replace(self, acl_index, r, count=-1, tag="",
"""Add/replace an ACL
:param int acl_index: ACL index to replace, 4294967295 to create new.
:param acl_rule r: ACL rules array.
:param str tag: symbolic tag (description) for this ACL.
:param int count: number of rules.
if (count < 0):
count = len(r)
return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_add_replace,
{'acl_index': acl_index,
'r': r,
'count': count,
'tag': tag
}, expected_retval=expected_retval)
def api_acl_interface_set_acl_list(self, sw_if_index, count, n_input, acls,
return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_interface_set_acl_list,
{'sw_if_index': sw_if_index,
'count': count,
'n_input': n_input,
'acls': acls
}, expected_retval=expected_retval)
def api_acl_dump(self, acl_index, expected_retval=0):
return self.vapi.api(self.vapi.papi.acl_dump,
{'acl_index': acl_index},
def run_basic_conn_test(self, af, acl_side):
""" Basic conn timeout test """
conn1 = Conn(self, self.pg0, self.pg1, af, UDP, 42001, 4242)
conn1.apply_acls(0, acl_side)
# the return packets should pass
# send some packets on conn1, ensure it doesn't go away
for i in IterateWithSleep(self, 20, "Keep conn active", 0.3):
# allow the conn to time out
for i in IterateWithSleep(self, 30, "Wait for timeout", 0.1):
# now try to send a packet on the reflected side
p2 = conn1.send_through(1).command()
# If we asserted while waiting, it's good.
# the conn should have timed out.
p2 = None
self.assert_equal(p2, None, "packet on long-idle conn")
def run_active_conn_test(self, af, acl_side):
""" Idle connection behind active connection test """
base = 10000 + 1000*acl_side
conn1 = Conn(self, self.pg0, self.pg1, af, UDP, base + 1, 2323)
conn2 = Conn(self, self.pg0, self.pg1, af, UDP, base + 2, 2323)
conn3 = Conn(self, self.pg0, self.pg1, af, UDP, base + 3, 2323)
conn1.apply_acls(0, acl_side)
# create and check that the conn2/3 work
# send some packets on conn1, keep conn2/3 idle
for i in IterateWithSleep(self, 20, "Keep conn active", 0.2):
p2 = conn2.send_through(1).command()
# If we asserted while waiting, it's good.
# the conn should have timed out.
p2 = None
# We should have not received the packet on a long-idle
# connection, because it should have timed out
# If it didn't - it is a problem
self.assert_equal(p2, None, "packet on long-idle conn")
def test_0000_conn_prepare_test(self):
""" Prepare the settings """
self.vapi.ppcli("set acl-plugin session timeout udp idle 1")
def test_0001_basic_conn_test(self):
""" IPv4: Basic conn timeout test reflect on ingress """
self.run_basic_conn_test(AF_INET, 0)
def test_0002_basic_conn_test(self):
""" IPv4: Basic conn timeout test reflect on egress """
self.run_basic_conn_test(AF_INET, 1)
def test_0011_active_conn_test(self):
""" IPv4: Idle conn behind active conn, reflect on ingress """
self.run_active_conn_test(AF_INET, 0)
def test_0012_active_conn_test(self):
""" IPv4: Idle conn behind active conn, reflect on egress """
self.run_active_conn_test(AF_INET, 1)
def test_1001_basic_conn_test(self):
""" IPv6: Basic conn timeout test reflect on ingress """
self.run_basic_conn_test(AF_INET6, 0)
def test_1002_basic_conn_test(self):
""" IPv6: Basic conn timeout test reflect on egress """
self.run_basic_conn_test(AF_INET6, 1)
def test_1011_active_conn_test(self):
""" IPv6: Idle conn behind active conn, reflect on ingress """
self.run_active_conn_test(AF_INET6, 0)
def test_1012_active_conn_test(self):
""" IPv6: Idle conn behind active conn, reflect on egress """
self.run_active_conn_test(AF_INET6, 1)