This patch refactors the VPP sphinx docs in order to make it easier to consume for external readers as well as VPP developers. It also makes sphinx the single source of documentation, which simplifies maintenance and operation. Most important updates are: - reformat the existing documentation as rst - split RELEASE.md and move it into separate rst files - remove section 'events' - remove section 'archive' - remove section 'related projects' - remove section 'feature by release' - remove section 'Various links' - make (Configuration reference, CLI docs, developer docs) top level items in the list - move 'Use Cases' as part of 'About VPP' - move 'Troubleshooting' as part of 'Getting Started' - move test framework docs into 'Developer Documentation' - add a 'Contributing' section for gerrit, docs and other contributer related infos - deprecate doxygen and test-docs targets - redirect the "make doxygen" target to "make docs" Type: refactor Change-Id: I552a5645d5b7964d547f99b1336e2ac24e7c209f Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <ayourtch@gmail.com>
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.. _vhost05:
There are some limitations when using the qemu vhost driver. Some are described in this section.
VPP performance with vHost is limited by the Qemu vHost driver. FD.io VPP 18.04 CSIT vHost testing
shows with 2 threads, 2 cores and a Queue size of 1024 the maximum NDR throughput was about 7.5 Mpps.
This is about the limit at this time.
For all the details on the CSIT VM vhost connection refer to the
`CSIT VM vHost performance tests <https://docs.fd.io/csit/rls1804/report/vpp_performance_tests/packet_throughput_graphs/vm_vhost.html>`_.
These are the features not supported with FD.io VPP vHost.
* VPP implements vHost in device mode only. VPP is intended to work with Qemu which implements vHost in driver mode, it does not implement vHost driver mode.
* VPP vHost implementation does not support checksum or transmit segmentation offload.
* VPP vHost implementation does not support packet receive filtering feature for controlling receive traffic.