Steffen Prohaska 9686d3333a
docs/custom-transfers: Fix typo
Signed-off-by: Steffen Prohaska <>
2017-04-23 10:39:43 +02:00

11 KiB

Adding Custom Transfer Agents to LFS


Git LFS supports multiple ways to transfer (upload and download) files. In the core client, the basic way to do this is via a one-off HTTP request via the URL returned from the LFS API for a given object. The core client also supports extensions to allow resuming of downloads (via Range headers) and uploads (via the protocol).

In the LFS API request the client includes a list of transfer types it can support. When replying, the API server will pick the best one of these it supports, and make any necessary adjustments to the returned object actions so they will work with that transfer type.

Custom Transfer Types

Some people might want to be able to transfer content in other ways, however. To enable this, git-lfs has an option to configure Custom Transfers, which are simply processes which must adhere to the protocol defined later in this document. git-lfs will invoke the process at the start of all transfers, and will communicate with the process via stdin/stdout for each transfer.


A custom transfer process is defined under a settings group called lfs.customtransfer.<name>, where <name> is an identifier (see Naming below).

  • lfs.customtransfer.<name>.path

    path should point to the process you wish to invoke. This will be invoked at the start of all transfers (possibly many times, see the concurrent option below) and the protocol over stdin/stdout is defined below in the Protocol section.

  • lfs.customtransfer.<name>.args

    If the custom transfer process requires any arguments, these can be provided here. Typically you would only need this if your process was multi-purpose or particularly flexible, most of the time you won't need it.

  • lfs.customtransfer.<name>.concurrent

    If true (the default), git-lfs will invoke the custom transfer process multiple times in parallel, according to lfs.concurrenttransfers, splitting the transfer workload between the processes.

    If you would prefer that only one instance of the transfer process is invoked, maybe because you want to do your own parallelism internally (e.g. slicing files into parts), set this to false.

  • lfs.customtransfer.<name>.direction

    Specifies which direction the custom transfer process supports, either download, upload, or both. The default if unspecified is both.


Each custom transfer must have a name which is unique to the underlying mechanism, and the client and the server must agree on that name. The client will advertise this name to the server as a supported transfer approach, and if the server supports it, it will return relevant object action links. Because these may be very different from standard HTTP URLs it's important that the client and server agree on the name.

For example, let's say I've implemented a custom transfer process which uses NFS. I could call this transfer type nfs - although it's not specific to my configuration exactly, it is specific to the way NFS works, and the server will need to give me different URLs. Assuming I define my transfer like this, and the server supports it, I might start getting object action links back like nfs://<host>/path/to/object


The git-lfs client communicates with the custom transfer process via the stdin and stdout streams. No file content is communicated on these streams, only request / response metadata. The metadata exchanged is always in JSON format. External files will be referenced when actual content is exchanged.

Line Delimited JSON

Because multiple JSON messages will be exchanged on the same stream it's useful to delimit them explicitly rather than have the parser find the closing } in an arbitrary stream, therefore each JSON structure will be sent and received on a single line as per Line Delimited JSON.

In other words when git-lfs sends a JSON message to the custom transfer it will be on a single line, with a line feed at the end. The transfer process must respond the same way by writing a JSON structure back to stdout with a single line feed at the end (and flush the output).

Protocol Stages

The protocol consists of 3 stages:

Stage 1: Intiation

Immediately after invoking a custom transfer process, git-lfs sends initiation data to the process over stdin. This tells the process useful information about the configuration.

The message will look like this:

{ "event": "init", "operation": "download", "concurrent": true, "concurrenttransfers": 3 }
  • event: Always init to identify this message
  • operation: will be upload or download depending on transfer direction
  • concurrent: reflects the value of lfs.customtransfer.<name>.concurrent, in case the process needs to know
  • concurrenttransfers: reflects the value of lfs.concurrenttransfers, for if the transfer process wants to implement its own concurrency and wants to respect this setting.

The transfer process should use the information it needs from the intiation structure, and also perform any one-off setup tasks it needs to do. It should then respond on stdout with a simple empty confirmation structure, as follows:

{ }

Or if there was an error:

{ "error": { "code": 32, "message": "Some init failure message" } }

Stage 2: 0..N Transfers

After the initiation exchange, git-lfs will send any number of transfer requests to the stdin of the transfer process, in a serial sequence. Once a transfer request is sent to the process, it awaits a completion response before sending the next request.


For uploads the request sent from git-lfs to the transfer process will look like this:

{ "event": "upload", "oid": "bf3e3e2af9366a3b704ae0c31de5afa64193ebabffde2091936ad2e7510bc03a", "size": 346232, "path": "/path/to/file.png", "action": { "href": "nfs://server/path", "header": { "key": "value" } } }
  • event: Always upload to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • size: the size of the LFS object
  • path: the file which the transfer process should read the upload data from
  • action: the upload action copied from the response from the batch API. This contains href and header contents, which are named per HTTP conventions, but can be interpreted however the custom transfer agent wishes (this is an NFS example, but it doesn't even have to be an URL). Generally, href will give the primary connection details, with header containing any miscellaneous information needed.

The transfer process should post one or more progress messages and then a final completion message as follows:

{ "event": "complete", "oid": "bf3e3e2af9366a3b704ae0c31de5afa64193ebabffde2091936ad2e7510bc03a" }
  • event: Always complete to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object

Or if there was an error in the transfer:

{ "event": "complete", "oid": "bf3e3e2af9366a3b704ae0c31de5afa64193ebabffde2091936ad2e7510bc03a", "error": { "code": 2, "message": "Explain what happened to this transfer" } }
  • event: Always complete to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • error: Should contain a code and message explaining the error

For downloads the request sent from git-lfs to the transfer process will look like this:

{ "event": "download", "oid": "22ab5f63670800cc7be06dbed816012b0dc411e774754c7579467d2536a9cf3e", "size": 21245, "action": { "href": "nfs://server/path", "header": { "key": "value" } } }
  • event: Always download to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • size: the size of the LFS object
  • action: the download action copied from the response from the batch API. This contains href and header contents, which are named per HTTP conventions, but can be interpreted however the custom transfer agent wishes (this is an NFS example, but it doesn't even have to be an URL). Generally, href will give the primary connection details, with header containing any miscellaneous information needed.

Note there is no file path included in the download request; the transfer process should create a file itself and return the path in the final response after completion (see below).

The transfer process should post one or more progress messages and then a final completion message as follows:

{ "event": "complete", "oid": "22ab5f63670800cc7be06dbed816012b0dc411e774754c7579467d2536a9cf3e", "path": "/path/to/file.png" }
  • event: Always complete to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • path: the path to a file containing the downloaded data, which the transfer process relinquishes control of to git-lfs. git-lfs will move the file into LFS storage.

Or, if there was a failure transferring this item:

{ "event": "complete", "oid": "22ab5f63670800cc7be06dbed816012b0dc411e774754c7579467d2536a9cf3e", "error": { "code": 2, "message": "Explain what happened to this transfer" } }
  • event: Always complete to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • error: Should contain a code and message explaining the error

Errors for a single transfer request should not terminate the process. The error should be returned in the response structure instead.

The custom transfer adapter does not need to check the SHA of the file content it has downloaded, git-lfs will do that before moving the final content into the LFS store.


In order to support progress reporting while data is uploading / downloading, the transfer process should post messages to stdout as follows before sending the final completion message:

{ "event": "progress", "oid": "22ab5f63670800cc7be06dbed816012b0dc411e774754c7579467d2536a9cf3e", "bytesSoFar": 1234, "bytesSinceLast": 64 }
  • event: Always progress to identify this message
  • oid: the identifier of the LFS object
  • bytesSoFar: the total number of bytes transferred so far
  • bytesSinceLast: the number of bytes transferred since the last progress message

The transfer process should post these messages such that the last one sent has bytesSoFar equal to the file size on success.

Stage 3: Finish & Cleanup

When all transfers have been processed, git-lfs will send the following message to the stdin of the transfer process:

{ "event": "terminate" }

On receiving this message the transfer process should clean up and terminate. No response is expected.

Error handling

Any unexpected fatal errors in the transfer process (not errors specific to a transfer request) should set the exit code to non-zero and print information to stderr. Otherwise the exit code should be 0 even if some transfers failed.

A Note On Verify Actions

You may have noticed that that only the upload and download actions are passed to the custom transfer agent for processing, what about the verify action, if the API returns one?

Custom transfer agents do not handle the verification process, only the upload and download of content. The verify link is typically used to notify a system other than the actual content store after an upload was completed, therefore it makes more sense for that to be handled via the normal API process.