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a-zen 6896c7caae added hostPort support for ssh ()
This fixes my feature request () to support hostPort to expose the ssh port.

Co-authored-by: alex <alex@zengers.de>
Reviewed-on: https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/pulls/276
Reviewed-by: luhahn <luhahn@noreply.gitea.io>
Reviewed-by: justusbunsi <justusbunsi@noreply.gitea.io>
Co-authored-by: a-zen <a-zen@noreply.gitea.io>
Co-committed-by: a-zen <a-zen@noreply.gitea.io>
2022-02-25 17:18:57 +08:00
2022-01-20 16:22:36 +08:00

Gitea Helm Chart

Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It is published under the MIT license.


This helm chart has taken some inspiration from jfelten's helm chart. But takes a completely different approach in providing a database and cache with dependencies. Additionally, this chart provides LDAP and admin user configuration with values, as well as being deployed as a statefulset to retain stored repositories.


Gitea can be run with an external database and cache. This chart provides those dependencies, which can be enabled, or disabled via configuration.


  • PostgreSQL
  • Memcached
  • MySQL


helm repo add gitea-charts https://dl.gitea.io/charts/
helm repo update
helm install gitea gitea-charts/gitea


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.0+
  • PV provisioner for persistent data support

Chart upgrade to 5.0.0

⚠️ The most recent 5.0.0 update brings some major and breaking changes. Please note the following changes in the Chart to upgrade successfully. ⚠️

Enable Dependencies

⚠️ The values to enable the dependencies, such as PostgreSQL, Memcached, MySQL and MariaDB have been moved from gitea.database.builtIn. to the dependency values. ⚠️

You can now enable the dependencies as followed:

  enabled: true

  enabled: true

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

App.ini generation

The app.ini generation has changed and now utilizes the environment-to-ini script provided by newer Gitea versions.

💥 The Helm Chart now requires Gitea versions of at least 1.11.0.

This change ensures, that the app.ini is now persistent.

Secret Key generation

Gitea secret keys (SECRET_KEY, INTERNAL_TOKEN, JWT_SECRET) are now generated automatically in certain situations:

  • New install: By default the secrets are created automatically. If you provide secrets via gitea.config they will be used instead of automatic generation.
  • Existing installs: The secrets won't be deployed, neither via configuration nor via auto generation. We explicitly prevent to set new secrets.

🚨 It would be possible to set new secret keys manually by entering the running container and rewriting the app.ini by hand. However, this it is not advisable to do so for existing installations. Certain settings like LDAP would not be readable anymore.


💥 gitea.customLivenessProbe, gitea.customReadinessProbe and gitea.customStartupProbe have been removed.

They are replaced by the settings gitea.livenessProbe, gitea.readinessProbe and gitea.startupProbe which are now fully configurable and used as-is for a Chart deployment. If you have customized their values instead of using the custom prefixed settings, please ensure that you remove the enabled property from each of them.

In case you want to disable one of these probes, let's say the livenessProbe, add the following to your values. The podAnnotation is just there to have a bit more context.

+ livenessProbe:
  podAnnotations: {}

Multiple OAuth and LDAP authentication sources

With 5.0.0 of this Chart it is now possible to configure Gitea with multiple OAuth and LDAP sources. As a result, you need to update an existing OAuth/LDAP configuration in your customized values.yaml by replacing the object with settings to a list of settings objects. See OAuth2 Settings and LDAP Settings section for details.

Chart upgrade from 3.x.x to 4.0.0

⚠️ The most recent 4.0.0 update brings some breaking changes. Please note the following changes in the Chart to upgrade successfully. ⚠️

Ingress changes

To provide a more flexible Ingress configuration we now support not only host settings but also provide configuration for the path and pathType. So this change changes the hosts from a simple string list, to a list containing a more complex object for more configuration.

  enabled: false
  annotations: {}
    # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
-  hosts:
-    - git.example.com
+  hosts:
+    - host: git.example.com
+      paths:
+        - path: /
+          pathType: Prefix
  tls: []
  #  - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #    hosts:
  #      - git.example.com

If you want everything as it was before, you can simply add the following code to all your host entries.

  - path: /
    pathType: Prefix

Dropped kebab-case support

In 3.x.x it was possible to provide an ldap configuration via kebab-case, this support has now been dropped and only camel case is supported. See LDAP section for more information.

Dependency update

The chart comes with multiple databases and Memcached as dependency, the latest release updated the dependencies.

  • Memcached: 4.2.20 -> 5.9.0
  • PostgreSQL: 9.7.2 -> 10.3.17
  • MariaDB: 8.0.0 -> 9.3.6

If you're using the builtin databases you will most likely redeploy the chart in order to update the database correctly.

Execution of initPreScript

Generally spoken, this might not be a breaking change, but it is worth to be mentioned.

Prior to 4.0.0 only one init container was used to both setup directories and configure Gitea. As of now the actual Gitea configuration is separated from the other pre-execution. This also includes the execution of initPreScript. If you have such script, please be aware of this. Dynamically prepare the Gitea setup during execution by e.g. adding environment variables to the execution context won't work anymore.

Gitea Version 1.14.X repository ROOT

Previously the ROOT folder for the Gitea repositories was located at /data/git/gitea-repositories. In version 1.14 has the path been changed to /data/gitea-repositories.

This chart will set the gitea.config.repository.ROOT value default to /data/git/gitea-repositories.

Configure Commit Signing

When using the rootless image the gpg key folder was is not persistent by default. If you consider using signed commits for internal Gitea activities (e.g. initial commit), you'd need to provide a signing key. Prior to PR186, imported keys had to be re-imported once the container got replaced by another.

The mentioned PR introduced a new configuration object signing allowing you to configure prerequisites for commit signing. By default this section is disabled to maintain backwards compatibility.

  enabled: false
  gpgHome: /data/git/.gnupg


Gitea Configuration

Gitea offers lots of configuration options. This is fully described in the Gitea Cheat Sheet.

    APP_NAME: "Gitea: With a cup of tea."
      ROOT: "~/gitea-repositories"

Default Configuration

This chart will set a few defaults in the Gitea configuration based on the service and ingress settings. All defaults can be overwritten in gitea.config.

INSTALL_LOCK is always set to true, since we want to configure Gitea with this helm chart and everything is taken care of.

All default settings are made directly in the generated app.ini, not in the Values.

Database defaults

If a builtIn database is enabled the database configuration is set automatically. For example, PostgreSQL builtIn will appear in the app.ini as:

DB_TYPE = postgres
HOST = RELEASE-NAME-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local:5432
NAME = gitea
PASSWD = gitea
USER = gitea

Memcached defaults

Memcached is handled the exact same way as database builtIn. Once Memcached builtIn is enabled, this chart will generate the following part in the app.ini:

ADAPTER = memcache
ENABLED = true
HOST = RELEASE-NAME-memcached.default.svc.cluster.local:11211

Server defaults

The server defaults are a bit more complex. If ingress is enabled, the ROOT_URL, DOMAIN and SSH_DOMAIN will be set accordingly. HTTP_PORT always defaults to 3000 as well as SSH_PORT to 22.

DOMAIN = git.example.com
HTTP_PORT = 3000
ROOT_URL = http://git.example.com
SSH_DOMAIN = git.example.com

Metrics defaults

The Prometheus /metrics endpoint is disabled by default.

ENABLED = false

Additional app.ini settings

The generic section cannot be defined that way.

Some settings inside app.ini (like passwords or whole authentication configurations) must be considered sensitive and therefore should not be passed via plain text inside the values.yaml file. In times of GitOps the values.yaml could be stored in a Git repository where sensitive data should never be accessible.

The Helm Chart supports this approach and let the user define custom sources like Kubernetes Secrets to be loaded as environment variables during app.ini creation or update.

    - secret:
        secretName: gitea-app-ini-oauth
    - configMap:
        name: gitea-app-ini-plaintext

This would mount the two additional volumes (oauth and some-additionals) from different sources to the init containerwhere the app.ini gets updated. All files mounted that way will be read and converted to environment variables and then added to the app.ini using environment-to-ini.

The key of such additional source represents the section inside the app.ini. The value for each key can be multiline ini-like definitions.

In example, the referenced gitea-app-ini-plaintext could look like this.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: gitea-app-ini-plaintext
  session: |
  cron.archive_cleanup: |

Or when using a Kubernetes secret, having the same data structure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitea-security-related-configuration
type: Opaque
  security: |
  session: |

External Database

An external Database can be used instead of builtIn PostgreSQL or MySQL.

      DB_TYPE: mysql
      NAME: gitea
      USER: root
      PASSWD: gitea
      SCHEMA: gitea

  enabled: false

Ports and external url

By default port 3000 is used for web traffic and 22 for ssh. Those can be changed:

    port: 3000
    port: 22

This helm chart automatically configures the clone urls to use the correct ports. You can change these ports by hand using the gitea.config dict. However you should know what you're doing.


By default the clusterIP will be set to None, which is the default for headless services. However if you want to omit the clusterIP field in the service, use the following values:

    type: ClusterIP
    port: 3000
    type: ClusterIP
    port: 22

SSH and Ingress

If you're using ingress and won't to use SSH, keep in mind, that ingress is not able to forward SSH Ports. You will need a LoadBalancer like metallb and a setting in your ssh service annotations.

      metallb.universe.tf/allow-shared-ip: test

SSH on crio based kubernetes cluster

If you use crio as container runtime it is not possible to read from a remote repository. You should get an error message like this:

$ git clone git@k8s-demo.internal:admin/test.git
Cloning into 'test'...
Connection reset by port 22
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

To solve this problem add the capability SYS_CHROOT to the securityContext. More about this issue here.


This helm chart can use a built in cache. The default is Memcached from bitnami.

  enabled: true

If the built in cache should not be used simply configure the cache in gitea.config.

      ENABLED: true
      ADAPTER: memory
      INTERVAL: 60


Gitea will be deployed as a statefulset. By simply enabling the persistence and setting the storage class according to your cluster everything else will be taken care of. The following example will create a PVC as a part of the statefulset. This PVC will not be deleted even if you uninstall the chart.

Please note, that an empty storageClass in the persistence will result in kubernetes using your default storage class.

If you want to use your own storageClass define it as followed:

  enabled: true
  storageClass: myOwnStorageClass

When using PostgreSQL as dependency, this will also be deployed as a statefulset by default.

If you want to manage your own PVC you can simply pass the PVC name to the chart.

    enabled: true
    existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaClaim

In case that peristence has been disabled it will simply use an empty dir volume.

PostgreSQL handles the persistence in the exact same way. You can interact with the postgres settings as displayed in the following example:

      enabled: true
      existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaPostgresClaim

MySQL also handles persistence the same, even though it is not deployed as a statefulset. You can interact with the postgres settings as displayed in the following example:

      enabled: true
      existingClaim: MyAwesomeGiteaMysqlClaim

Admin User

This chart enables you to create a default admin user. It is also possible to update the password for this user by upgrading or redeloying the chart. It is not possible to delete an admin user after it has been created. This has to be done in the ui. You cannot use admin as username.

      username: "MyAwesomeGiteaAdmin"
      password: "AReallyAwesomeGiteaPassword"
      email: "gi@tea.com"

You can also use an existing Secret to configure the admin user:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitea-admin-secret
type: Opaque
  username: MyAwesomeGiteaAdmin
  password: AReallyAwesomeGiteaPassword
      existingSecret: gitea-admin-secret

LDAP Settings

Like the admin user the LDAP settings can be updated. All LDAP values from https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/command-line/#admin are available.

Multiple LDAP sources can be configured with additional LDAP list items.

      - name: MyAwesomeGiteaLdap
        securityProtocol: unencrypted
        host: ""
        port: "389"
        userSearchBase: ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
        userFilter: sAMAccountName=%s
        adminFilter: CN=Admin,CN=Group,DC=example,DC=com
        emailAttribute: mail
        bindDn: CN=ldap read,OU=Spezial,DC=example,DC=com
        bindPassword: JustAnotherBindPw
        usernameAttribute: CN
        publicSSHKeyAttribute: publicSSHKey

You can also use an existing secret to set the bindDn and bindPassword:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitea-ldap-secret
type: Opaque
  bindDn: CN=ldap read,OU=Spezial,DC=example,DC=com
  bindPassword: JustAnotherBindPw
      - existingSecret: gitea-ldap-secret

⚠️ Some options are just flags and therefore don't any values. If they are defined in gitea.ldap configuration, they will be passed to the Gitea cli without any value. Affected options:

  • notActive
  • skipTlsVerify
  • allowDeactivateAll
  • synchronizeUsers
  • attributesInBind

OAuth2 Settings

Like the admin user, OAuth2 settings can be updated and disabled but not deleted. Deleting OAuth2 settings has to be done in the ui. All OAuth2 values, which are documented here, are available.

Multiple OAuth2 sources can be configured with additional OAuth list items.

    - name: 'MyAwesomeGiteaOAuth'
      provider: 'openidConnect'
      key: 'hello'
      secret: 'world'
      autoDiscoverUrl: 'https://gitea.example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration'

You can also use an existing secret to set the key and secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: gitea-oauth-secret
type: Opaque
  key: hello
  secret: world
    - name: 'MyAwesomeGiteaOAuth'
      existingSecret: gitea-oauth-secret

Metrics and profiling

A Prometheus /metrics endpoint on the HTTP_PORT and pprof profiling endpoints on port 6060 can be enabled under gitea. Beware that the metrics endpoint is exposed via the ingress, manage access using ingress annotations for example.

To deploy the ServiceMonitor, you first need to ensure that you have deployed prometheus-operator and its CRDs.

    enabled: true
      enabled: true

      ENABLE_PPROF: true

Pod Annotations

Annotations can be added to the Gitea pod.

  podAnnotations: {}



Parameter Description Default
statefulset.terminationGracePeriodSeconds How long to wait until forcefully kill the pod 60
statefulset.env Additional environment variables to pass to containers []
extraVolumes Additional volumes to mount to the Gitea statefulset {}
extraVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts for the Gitea containers {}
initPreScript Bash script copied verbatim to start of init container
podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set the shared file system group for all containers 1000
containerSecurityContext Run init and Gitea containers as a specific securityContext {}
schedulerName Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork"


Parameter Description Default
image.repository Image to start for this pod gitea/gitea
image.tag Image tag 1.15.10
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
image.rootless Wether or not to pull the rootless version of Gitea, only works on Gitea 1.14.x or higher false


Parameter Description Default
persistence.enabled Enable persistence for Gitea true
persistence.existingClaim Use an existing claim to store repository information
persistence.size Size for persistence to store repo information 10Gi
persistence.accessModes AccessMode for persistence
persistence.storageClass Storage class for repository persistence
persistence.subPath Subdirectory of the volume to mount at
persistence.labels Labels for the persistence volume claim to be created {}
persistence.annotations Annotations for the persistence volume claim to be created {}


Parameter Description Default
ingress.enabled enable ingress false
ingress.annotations add ingress annotations
ingress.hosts[0].host add hosts for ingress git.example.com
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path add path for each ingress host /
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType add ingress path type Prefix
ingress.tls add ingress tls settings []
ingress.className add ingress class name. Only used in k8s 1.19+
ingress.apiVersion specify APIVersion of ingress object. Mostly would only be used for argocd. version indicated by helm's Capabilities object.



Parameter Description Default
service.http.type Kubernetes service type for web traffic ClusterIP
service.http.port Port for web traffic 3000
service.http.clusterIP ClusterIP setting for http autosetup for statefulset is None None
service.http.loadBalancerIP LoadBalancer Ip setting
service.http.nodePort NodePort for http service
service.http.externalTrafficPolicy If service.http.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation
service.http.externalIPs http service external IP addresses
service.http.loadBalancerSourceRanges Source range filter for http loadbalancer []
service.http.annotations http service annotations


Parameter Description Default
service.ssh.type Kubernetes service type for ssh traffic ClusterIP
service.ssh.port Port for ssh traffic 22
service.ssh.loadBalancerIP LoadBalancer Ip setting
service.ssh.nodePort NodePort for ssh service
service.ssh.hostPort HostPort for ssh service
service.ssh.externalTrafficPolicy If service.ssh.type is NodePort or LoadBalancer, set this to Local to enable source IP preservation
service.ssh.externalIPs ssh service external IP addresses
service.ssh.loadBalancerSourceRanges Source range filter for ssh loadbalancer []
service.ssh.annotations ssh service annotations

Gitea Configuration

Parameter Description Default
gitea.config Everything in app.ini can be configured with this dict. See Examples for more details {}

Gitea Probes

Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes.

Liveness probe

  • Default status: Enabled
  • Default action: tcp socket connect
Parameter Description Default
gitea.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before probe start 200
gitea.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds probe timeout 1
gitea.livenessProbe.periodSeconds period between probes 10
gitea.livenessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive success probes 1
gitea.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive error probes 10

Readiness probe

  • Default status: Enabled
  • Default action: tcp socket connect
Parameter Description Default
gitea.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before probe start 5
gitea.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds probe timeout 1
gitea.readinessProbe.periodSeconds period between probes 10
gitea.readinessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive success probes 1
gitea.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive error probes 3

Startup probe

  • Default status: Disabled
  • Default action: tcp socket connect
Parameter Description Default
gitea.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before probe start 60
gitea.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds probe timeout 1
gitea.startupProbe.periodSeconds period between probes 10
gitea.startupProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive success probes 1
gitea.startupProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive error probes 10

Memcached BuiltIn

Memcached is loaded as a dependency from Bitnami if enabled in the values. Complete Configuration can be taken from their website.

The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart

Parameter Description Default
memcached.service.port Memcached Port 11211
memcached.enabled Enable Memcached dependency true

MySQL BuiltIn

MySQL is loaded as a dependency from stable. Configuration can be found on this website.

The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart

Parameter Description Default
mysql.root.password Password for the root user. Ignored if existing secret is provided gitea
mysql.db.user Username of new user to create. gitea
mysql.db.password Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided gitea
mysql.db.name Name for new database to create. gitea
mysql.service.port Port to connect to MySQL service 3306
mysql.persistence.size Persistence size for MySQL 10Gi
mysql.enabled Enable MySQL dependency false

PostgreSQL BuiltIn

PostgreSQL is loaded as a dependency from Bitnami. The chart configuration can be found in this Bitnami repository.

The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart

Parameter Description Default
postgresql.global.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase PostgreSQL database (overrides postgresqlDatabase) gitea
postgresql.global.postgresql.postgresqlUsername PostgreSQL username (overrides postgresqlUsername) gitea
postgresql.global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword PostgreSQL admin password (overrides postgresqlPassword) gitea
postgresql.global.postgresql.servicePort PostgreSQL port (overrides service.port) 5432
postgresql.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume 10Gi
postgresql.enabled Enable PostgreSQL dependency true

MariaDB BuiltIn

MariaDB is loaded as a dependency from bitnami. Configuration can be found in this Bitnami repository.

The following parameters are the defaults set by this chart

Parameter Description Default
mariadb.auth.username Username of new user to create. gitea
mariadb.auth.password Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided gitea
mariadb.auth.database Name for new database to create. gitea
mariadb.auth.rootPassword Password for the root user. gitea
mariadb.primary.service.port Port to connect to MariaDB service 3306
mariadb.primary.persistence.size Persistence size for MariaDB 10Gi
mariadb.enabled Enable MariaDB dependency false

Local development & testing

For local development and testing of pull requests, the following workflow can be used:

  1. Install minikube and helm.
  2. Start a minikube cluster via minikube start.
  3. From the gitea/helm-chart directory execute the following command. This will install the dependencies listed in Chart.yml and deploy the current state of the helm chart found locally. If you want to test a branch, make sure to switch to the respective branch first. helm install --dependency-update gitea . -f values.yaml.
  4. Gitea is now deployed in minikube. To access it, it's port needs to be forwarded first from minikube to localhost first via kubectl --namespace default port-forward svc/gitea-http 3000:3000. Now Gitea is accessible at http://localhost:3000.
Helm chart for gitea
Readme MIT 1.8 MiB
v10.6.0 Latest
2024-11-10 14:04:55 +00:00
Smarty 93.7%
Shell 4.4%
Makefile 1.9%