* Remove all Makefiles from the keyboards directory. * update keymaps added in the last 8 days * Ignore keyboard/keymap makefiles * update hand_wire to reflect our new Makefile-less reality * Update the make guide to reflect the new reality * move planck keymap options to rules.mk * update planck keymaps 4real * trigger travis * add back build_keyboard.mk * restore changes to build_keyboard
How to add your own keymap
Folders can be named however you'd like (will be approved upon merging), or should follow the format with a preceding _
_[ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code*]_[layout variant]_[layout name/author]
* See full list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1#Officially_assigned_code_elements
and contain the following files:
optional, found automatically when compilingMakefile
optional, found automatically when compling
When adding your keymap to this list, keep it organised alphabetically (select list, edit->sort lines), and use this format:
* **folder_name** description