* Starting point for blue pill based practice60 * Changes * add * try raw bin no botloader * swap back to bootloader version * edit * Remove debug LED flash * Disable JTAG to open up B3 and B4 * Add led backlight support (no breathing yet) * Update matrix for correctness * RGB Underglow working in a very simple state * not as bright * Move to handwired * revert ChibiOS_Test changes * Changes based on PR comments * Address PR comments v2 * Move files
157 lines
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157 lines
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#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "hsv2rgb.h"
#include "underglow.h"
#define NB_COLORS 3
#define RESET_SIZE 200
// Define the spi your LEDs are plugged to here
#define LEDS_SPI SPID2
// Define the number of LEDs you wish to control in your LED strip
#define NB_LEDS 8
#define LED_SPIRAL 1
static uint8_t txbuf[PREAMBLE_SIZE + DATA_SIZE + RESET_SIZE];
static uint8_t get_protocol_eq(uint8_t data, int pos);
* This lib is meant to be used asynchronously, thus the colors contained in
* the txbuf will be sent in loop, so that the colors are always the ones you
* put in the table (the user thus have less to worry about)
* Since the data are sent via DMA, and the call to spiSend is a blocking one,
* the processor ressources are not used to much, if you see your program being
* too slow, simply add a:
* chThdSleepMilliseconds(x);
* after the spiSend, where you increment x untill you are satisfied with your
* program speed, another trick may be to lower this thread priority : your call
static THD_FUNCTION(ledsThread, arg) {
(void) arg;
* 'Led spiral' is a simple demo in which we put all the leds to the same
* color, where this color does all the hsv circle in loop.
* If you want to launch the thread that will chage the led colors to the
* appropriate value, simply set LED_SPIRAL to 1.
static THD_FUNCTION(hsv_transThread, arg){
(void) arg;
hsv_color color = {0, 255, 127};
color.h += 1;
color.h %= 256;
static const SPIConfig spicfg = {
SPI_CR1_BR_1|SPI_CR1_BR_0 // baudrate : fpclk / 8 => 1tick is 0.32us
* Function used to initialize the driver.
* Starts by shutting off all the LEDs.
* Then gets access on the LED_SPI driver.
* May eventually launch an animation on the LEDs (e.g. a thread setting the
* txbuff values)
void leds_init(void){
for(int i = 0; i < RESET_SIZE; i++)
txbuf[DATA_SIZE+i] = 0x00;
for (int i=0; i<PREAMBLE_SIZE; i++)
txbuf[i] = 0x00;
spiAcquireBus(&LEDS_SPI); /* Acquire ownership of the bus. */
spiStart(&LEDS_SPI, &spicfg); /* Setup transfer parameters. */
spiSelect(&LEDS_SPI); /* Slave Select assertion. */
chThdCreateStatic(LEDS_THREAD_WA, sizeof(LEDS_THREAD_WA),NORMALPRIO, ledsThread, NULL);
chThdCreateStatic(HSVTRANS_WA, sizeof(HSVTRANS_WA),
NORMALPRIO, hsv_transThread, NULL);
* As the trick here is to use the SPI to send a huge pattern of 0 and 1 to
* the ws2812b protocol, we use this helper function to translate bytes into
* 0s and 1s for the LED (with the appropriate timing).
static uint8_t get_protocol_eq(uint8_t data, int pos){
uint8_t eq = 0;
if (data & (1 << (2*(3-pos))))
eq = 0b1110;
eq = 0b1000;
if (data & (2 << (2*(3-pos))))
eq += 0b11100000;
eq += 0b10000000;
return eq;
* If you want to set a LED's color in the HSV color space, simply call this
* function with a hsv_color containing the desired color and the index of the
* led on the LED strip (starting from 0, the first one being the closest the
* first plugged to the board)
* Only set the color of the LEDs through the functions given by this API
* (unless you really know what you are doing)
void set_led_color_hsv(hsv_color color, int pos){
set_led_color_rgb(hsv2rgb(color), pos);
* If you want to set a LED's color in the RGB color space, simply call this
* function with a hsv_color containing the desired color and the index of the
* led on the LED strip (starting from 0, the first one being the closest the
* first plugged to the board)
* Only set the color of the LEDs through the functions given by this API
* (unless you really know what you are doing)
void set_led_color_rgb(rgb_color color, int pos){
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
txbuf[PREAMBLE_SIZE + BYTES_FOR_LED*pos + j] = get_protocol_eq(color.g, j);
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
txbuf[PREAMBLE_SIZE + BYTES_FOR_LED*pos + BYTES_FOR_LED_BYTE+j] = get_protocol_eq(color.r, j);
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
txbuf[PREAMBLE_SIZE + BYTES_FOR_LED*pos + BYTES_FOR_LED_BYTE*2+j] = get_protocol_eq(color.b, j);
* Same as the two above, but sets all the LEDs in the LED strip (HSV)
void set_leds_color_hsv(hsv_color color){
for(int i = 0; i < NB_LEDS; i++)
set_led_color_hsv(color, i);
* Same as the two above, but sets all the LEDs in the LED strip (RGB)
void set_leds_color_rgb(rgb_color color){
for(int i = 0; i < NB_LEDS; i++)
set_led_color_rgb(color, i);
} |